1 Summer 509 Syliras was an interesting place, far different from Riverfall where Rykanis had lived most of his life. Like Riverfall it was on the edge of the Suvan, the salty middle sea that split the middle of the continent. However Rykanis was no longer in his home, no longer in Riverfall, instead he was in a strange new land. The first thing he needed to do was familiarize himself with the locale, with its oddities and attractions and locations. One such location Rykanis had heard of was the Sacred Arch Hotspring, a spot favored by the locals of Syliras. Hearing of it in passing, he had decided to check it out. For the moment he had it to himself, no one else was about, no one else was partaking of its warm waters. This was likely a good thing, since it was uncertain how locals would react to a seven foot tall purple man stripping down to his underthings and going for a dip. Set aside his equipment and his over clothes, Rykanis hesitated for a moment, and then finally decided to just jump in, making a decent splash. Luckily where he jumped in was not to deep, or else he might have been in trouble, seeing as Rykanis was not the best swimmer. Once in the water he spent a moment luxuriating in its warmth, before his Akalak training kicked in. As a whole his race was not one of leisure, not one to rest and enjoy themselves. Instead they lived a life of constant training, honing their body and increasing their stamina and skill with all manner of activities. While Rykanis was new to swimming, it seemed a simple enough exercise regimen to try out. The simplest thing to do seemed to be laps, swimming back and forth across the hotspring. As Rykanis began he attempted a simple stroke, laying on his belly and kicking with his legs, while pulling at the water with alternating arm strokes. It was simple, and it was rather undignified as he fought to keep his face above water. He reached the far end and took a deep breath, and then tried to turn about in a graceful motion, wherein he spin about and would kick off and begin going the other way. However he did not quite manage this, and instead ended up twisting about upside down at the far end of the spring, his legs slapping into the wall and his arms down deep in the water. Holding his breath Rykanis squirmed about for a moment, and then let his body go limp. Slowly his body fell in the water, till finally his legs were parallel with his body. Then he pushed down his legs, feeling for the bottom of the spring, and pushed back up wit both legs. With a gasp of air he broke the surface, clutching the edge like a small child as he took in a series of breaths. Talking more to his other side than to anyone, since after all he was alone, Rykanis cursed and spoke in Tukant. "Jakri! What are we children, we can't even swim? Get it together now!" |