[SO-Zeltiva] By Accident or Design

A Kelvic child finds herself alone at sea.

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The vast, beautiful oceans encircling Mizahar. The Eastern Ocean to the east and the Western Ocean to the west.

[SO-Zeltiva] By Accident or Design

Postby Kalina on March 21st, 2014, 4:22 am

9th Day of Spring, 514AV
The Sebakem Ocean - travelling from Zeltiva to Sahova

The ship had not been at sea for as long as the first journey took to get from Nyka to the harbour city, but it was certainly taking longer than the journey to and from the lake-city of Ravok. Her first ever time on a vessel of any size, when leaving the shores of the island holding the Kelvic Research Centre, had sparked an instant fear and hatred of water. Since then, that hatred had dissipated, since braving her fears in a small pond during her travels in the Wlidlands of Sylira. The young Kelvic, with an avid love of fish, had come to the conclusion that anything containing such tasty treats could not mean her harm; she one day intended to attempt to catch a fish, and braving the cool depths of water was the first step.

Despite this, her fear if larger bodies of water had not eased. She had boarded all boats, ships and ravosalas through persuasion, coercion or even, on a few occasions, threats from her Master, and during the journey, Kalina would sit or curl up in silence, tight against her Master as he spoke soft, soothing words to her, or ran his hands through her fur. This time, however, Marcus had not forced her to board the ship - she had climbed onto the docked vessel in the small hours of the morning mere days ago, with the pure intention of moving away from the docks a little to see whether or not any fish were present deeper in the harbour. As always, curiosity had gotten the better of her and her innocent reasons turned into a self-appointed mission of exploration.

The young Kelvic had not been oblivious to the fact that the ship was off-limits to her, however, and panic had struck her when she had heard heavy footfalls and voices echoing from the deck above her. She had hidden. A series of crates littered the back of the ship's lower deck, and there she had remained for three days, a stowaway hidden on a ship headed away from Zeltiva, and away from her Master, en route to a city far distant from the ones she had previously travelled from.

The first and second days had been spent curled up in a human foetal position, as Kalina tried, in vain, to rid herself of the nausea that threatened to clear our her stomach every time the waves caused the ship to lurch. Moreso, she had been fully aware of her situation at sea, and the frightened creature had most likely allowed her terror to push her physical symptoms further than they would mortally have gone. Those two days were foul, but they were by no means the worst,

Along with her nausea, which refused to subside, it occurred to Kalina that she had left someone behind. There was no Master to soothe her physical ailments, nor calm the psychological. No soft words or gentle touch for the child Kelvic to lull her into a sense of security. Marcus was by no means the kindest Master, but he was the only one Kalina had ever had and she thought the world of him. Without him, she was lost, and lonely. This realisation came on the third day, when she reached for the filthy green rag that she called a blanket, which she kept for comfort, and it wasn't there. She wasn't with Marcus and she couldn't just curl up with the rag, as she wanted to. Only then did it occur to her that the ship, having just left Zeltiva, was not heading back there. She couldn't return to what she wanted and needed. And it was this thought which upset her the most.

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[SO-Zeltiva] By Accident or Design

Postby Kalina on June 20th, 2014, 8:29 pm


A few more bells passed and the pain in Kalina's stomach worsened with each tick and chime. This was nausea mixed with something else, a tight pain which she couldn't place. Having spent her younger childhood in the Kelvic Research Institute, and then having been sold immediately into Marcus' service, the young ocelot had never gone hungry - there was always something available to her and she was always looked after, such was the case that she had never really experienced the full pangs of hunger that were familiar to most who walked this land. It took the ignorant girl some time, but it finally occurred to her that hunger might be the cause of what she was feeling.

Her theory was only supported by the time she began retching, and nothing actually came up. Through the gaps in the wood, she could tell that the light had dimmed, and the sun must have set, leaving the boat in darkness. Movement from above had ceased not long ago, and Kalina could no longer make out the harsh, crude utterances of the sailors on the ship.the assumption that they had all probably retired for the night have the Kelvic child the courage to move from her hiding place behind the large crates and venture on deck in search of something that might fill her stomach. Remembering how she had seen and heard rats on the boat from Nyka to Zeltiva, Kalina suspected that the same might be here... but she didn't think she had the concentration to even attempt to hunt for the rodents on the boat, such was the level of her discomfort.

She stood slowly, and rested her hand on the side of the crate for a moment as she steadied herself against the natural sway of the boat. Once ready, she sidled around the crate and padded through the room of the lower deck towards the stairs. As she climbed, the distinct smell of food wafted towards her and she allowed instinct to take over and follow that smell. A level up, she was still below deck, but she still moved silently, until she entered what appeared to be the kitchen, where her eye caught the leftovers of whatever meal the sailors had been eating earlier.

Lots of... vegetables, as she remembered they were called. Green things that tasted disgusting. Apparently the sailors weren't all that struck on them either, as she saw that many of them had been left, or were unused. But her nose had sniffed out meet, and she wasn't disappointed. There wasn't much there, but there was enough for her to eat something, and she snatched up a bone and began to pick the cold meat off of the bone. Af few bites, the pain in her stomach had lessened, and a few more bites later, the pain had disappeared. "
Must be pain from feeling hungry," she was finally able to conclude at that point, and she was pleased with the lesson that she had just learnt, and she picked up another bone.

What's do we have here, then?" Bone still in her mouth, the prepubescent girl spun around to face the origin of the voice. Two large men stood in the door, blocking her exit. Instantly, she dropped the bone and backed away, banging her back against the table. The girl winced as a sharp pain shot through her ribs, where the wound from the deer antler was still healing.

She quickly slid around the table so that it could act as a barrier between her and the men, at which point the one who was leaning against the door frame uncrossed his arms and held them up. "
Hey, hey, there's no need to be frightened," the other man scoffed at this and the first gave him a hard look. Slowly, arms still raised, he approached Kalina, "look at her eyes, she's a Kelvic... can't be much more than a year old, I'd guess, looking at her." The man sighed and stared at her, and Kalina stared right back. "Come with us."

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[SO-Zeltiva] By Accident or Design

Postby Kalina on June 22nd, 2014, 6:22 pm


The trio walked up the stairs to the main deck, Kalina in the middle with one sailor in front, the other behind her. Once up the stairs, the man who had spoken to her in the kitchen of the boat slowed and walked beside her, "
What's your name, sweetheart?" he asked kindly, and Kalina glanced up and answered the question truthfully. "Kalina. That's a pretty name. Pretty name for a pretty little lady." Despite her situation, a grin formed on the girl's face, already warming to the sailor.

He asked her about how she got on the boat, but this time the Kelvic child hesitated before answering, not fully understanding the question - it was obvious, wasn't it? She walked on. But then she realised that that the man was really asking was why she was on the boat when she clearly wasn't supposed to be. "
I... I was looking around. My Master was busy, so I got bored and wanted to explore something new, where I hadn't been before, like this boat. I don't like boats and I wanted to see if it would be okay this time but then people got on the boat and I could hear their voices and I knowed I wasn't supposed to be here and I got scared so I hid." Her lower lip trembled, "then the boat started moving." The man murmured in sympathy as he knocked on the door at the end of the deck and opened it without waiting for an answer.

The other sailor, the one who hadn't spoken, ushered her into the room as the nice one spoke to the man inside the room, "
Capt'n, we found this little stowaway in the kitchen. I think she's a Kelvic, not very old. Kalina, tell the Captain what you told me." The child glanced up and the sailor gave her a nod of encouragement, at which point she shared her tale again, getting more and more emotional with each word, until the final, where tears were pricking at her eyes.

The Captain and sailors watched this and, beneath their harsh exteriors, their heart strings were pulled. Stowaways were never appreciated, but it was velar from her eyes that she was not human, and her small form suggested that she had to be young. The sailor remembered when his own children were as young as this girl appeared - he couldn't imagine them lost at sea without a familiar face. And worse, the Kelvic was much younger. The Captain, however, was being far more practical; they would not be returning to Zeltiva for a number of Seasons, and their final destination was Sunberth, somewhere highly unsuitable for a young child, Kelvic or otherwise. He knew nothing of the magics of Sahova, and deemed it the safer of the options available to him. "
When we arrive in Sahova, we will leave her there."

The sailor blanched, as he had a little more knowledge about the undead island, though it was still sparse. He knew how dangerous it could be for what they called 'pulsers' there. "
Capt'n, I don't think-"

It's the best out of a bunch of bad options, sailor. Did you not listen to what the girl said? Something about a 'Master'? Last I checked, slavery was illegal in Zeltiva. Something isn't right here. She's going to Sahova." Kalina didn't understand all of what the men were talking about, but she got the general gist. She wasn't being taken back to her Master, as she had hoped. A new place... Sahova... she committed the name to memory as the men above her finished their conversation and began to nudge Kalina out of the room. Though they stopped as the Captain spoke again. "And... for the sake of the Gods, feed the girl, will you?"

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[SO-Zeltiva] By Accident or Design

Postby Mirage on July 6th, 2014, 12:26 am




Fighting Nausea
Kalina: First Hunger Pains

This was a beautifully written thread! Like you said there wasn't much there for points, but story wise it was a very fun read ^.^. It was very cute, and makes me feel sorry for poor Kalina awww! Keep up the good work, and if you have any questions send me a PM :)
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