PM to join [Bronze Woods] Messing Around

Finn heads into the Bronze Woods to practice his morphing magic and fighting skills. Summer, 28 Ill be doing this thead as though it is solo until/unless someone else joins in.

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Bronze Woods] Messing Around

Postby Finn Saetta on June 20th, 2014, 8:17 pm

Finn walked through the forest. The sun was shining, and the sky was a bright blue, seemingly devoid of clouds. He glanced around, searching for a clearing as he walked. About a quarter of a mile later, he reached a medium sized clearing, perfect for training. It was, in fact, perfect because it wasnt technically a clearing. It was more like a ring of space devoid of trees around two medium sized trees that were in the center. Finn reached behind him, and unsheathe his double sided sword. He helsd it out in front of him, each blade at a 90 degree angle from him. He twirled it in his hands, allowing it to pick up speed for the first blow. He struck out quickly at the tree on the left, leaving a mark, and used the rebound from the blade to hit the other tree rapidly. Continueing on with his training, each blow seemed to fuel the next. Sweat stood out on his brow from this physical exertion, and it wasn't the only sign of the training he was doing. Every time he swung, chips of wood flew off of the trees, until eventually, the tree on the right tumbled down, with a loud crack. Finn took it as a sign to stop traing on those trees, walked over to the now fallen tree, and sat down on it to rest.
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Finn Saetta
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[Bronze Woods] Messing Around

Postby Finn Saetta on June 21st, 2014, 7:42 pm

Finn jerked his head up about ten minutes later, having fallen asleep. It wasnt th wind whistling through the trees that had awoken him, but rather, the loud snapping of more then a few twigs. He glanced up, to find what looked like deformed humans. They were about a foot shorter than him, with abnormally large heads, and patched of rocks sticking out of the skin. They were advancing... Not steadily exactly… More like unsteadily. There walk seemed very similar to a toddlers, yet they didnt seem to fall down. Finn grabbed his double sided sword, and started backing away. There were seven of them, and none of them had any weapons. Finn had heard stories of these "Yukmen", but he'd never seen one in person. And the stories he'd heard had nothing on the real things. They were so much creepier than he had ever imagined. Feeling as though it couldnt get any worse, Finn shuddered. And right then one of them opened its mouth, and produced a high pitched "yuck-yuck" sound. Finn had a thing with the undead... And although these werent technically undead, they sure looked the part. Just looking at them was stirring a deep anger in his chest that was growing by the second. Finally he snapped, and charged the one in the center, at the same time as it leapt towrds him, swinging his sword. The yukmans head should have flown off of its shoulders with ease, but intead the blade just bit into the creatures neck a half inch. The blade had been heavily dulled from the tree attacking exercise, and Finn had forgotten to sharpen it. Finn yanked it out of the neck, and dived out of the way of another yukman that had come up behind him. Tossing the blade to the side, he ran, and as he ran, he started concentrating. The skin started turning black, and the fingernails on his hands started curving, becomeing long and black. Once the transformation was completed, he stopped running, and turned around to face the yukmen. Amazing ly enough, they were right behind him. They all attacked at once, making yuk noises. Finn narrowly dodged a tackle, and slashed out with his long sharp claws, decapitating one of them. Another one jumped on him from behind, and lifted up his leg to it mouth, almost as though it were going to eat his leg raw, before he was even dead. Finn reached up, and slashed into the face of the third one, before shaking his leg oose from the grip of the one holding it. Now the his leg was loose, he kicked the yukman into the face, and stood up just in time to see the other two coming at him. He quickly stepped back, pressing his heels into the triggers on his boots, releasing the blades. He turned around, and peirced the yukman that was on the ground through the head with his bladed boots, before unsheathingone of his assassin daggers and turning around to meet the other two. Swinging his blade in front of him, he slowly backed away, and prepared for the attack. The one on the left made a yuk-yuk noise, and swiped at Finn. Finn stepped back, dodging the swipe, and made a swipe of his own with his dagger, slicing its arm off. Finn the stepped forward and impaled the yukman with his claws, at the sametime that he kicked the other one wih his bladed boots, before following up with a stab from his dagger. He pulled the blade out, wiped it on th grass, and then sheathed it. He then returned his hands and arms to normal, and resheathed the blades in his boots. Thankfully, the yukman had made an easy trail to follow back to the clearing. They had knocked down branches, and left deep skuff marks from their strange way of walking. Finn followed the trail back to the clearing, and searched through the grass until he found his sword. He picked it up off the ground, and was glad to see that there was no damage to it from being thrown on the ground. Finn then walked over to the fallen tree and pulled out his whetstone and other tools, before getting to work on sharpening the blade. He felt that he could have easily taken the yukmen if his sword had been sharp. He knew he wouldnt make that mistake again.
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Finn Saetta
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