The Exterior
Black's image simply reflects the horse within, the dark stead the lingers under the surface. While she may appear skinny most of the time because she some times misses a few meals because she is a simple thief, she is mostly healthy looking. Although, her skin is pale, due to her nightly activities, rarely is she ever seen out and about during the day time for it makes her grumpy. Especially considering her eyesight is mostly used to the dim lighting of the night time.
The woman mostly dresses in black materials, she doesn't like wearing bright colours. Her usual garb consists of a simple black shirt, a pair of simple black pants and boats. Normally she wears her black cloak, regardless of the seasons for she knows that it helps to shadow her facial features whenever she prefers to go unnoticed. Around her waits, is a simple black belt where a sheathed dagger is kept.
The Interior
Black is always a stand alone kind of Kelvic due to not being able to trust the other street rats, always keeping to herself due to the long side looks she gets from people. Her lack of trusts stems from when her parents were murdered, the nightmares plaguing her mind and suspicion colours most of her thoughts and actions. Because of this, she isn't likely to strike up a normal conversation with someone and will attempt to remain distant from the person who does strike up conversation with her.
She is very cautious around others and welcomes the night time as her friend, for it is mostly the time where she can be alone with her thoughts. It is a time where she can simply be herself and not have to worry about the opinions of those close to her.
MeritsSupportive- The equine is very supportive of the lucky few that she does trust and will go out of her way to make them smile.
Committed- If Black that she will do something, she will follow it through, no matter the cost to herself.
FlawsDistrustful- She distrusts almost everyone and will be quick to be suspicious of someone, especially if she doesn't know them.
Unlucky- Black rarely has good luck, in fact she mostly runs into trouble by accident.
Fearful- Often Black will find herself jumping at shadows because she is always wondering if her parents killers will came back for her.
AspirationsTo make NiNi proud- Ever since her parents had died and Nickolai Marin took her in, she only wants to make her father proud, to show him that she can do it.
Life Explain how your character views this concept.
Death Explain how your character views this concept.
Family Explain how your character views this concept.
Religion Explain how your character views this concept.
Magic Explain how your character views this concept.
Law Explain how your character views this concept.
Orientation Explain how your character views this concept.