So, new here as obvious a statement as that is in this forum. I've been RPing for about ten years now, and I spent the better part of six years at the roleplaying site The Vast Empire. The people and the failing structure started to leave me with a feeling of want so I left and looked for someplace else to write. I'm a consistent and speedy writer especially if I'm given the proper motivation and communication. I need to put special emphasis on communication: If we're RPing together expect emails, PMs, IMs, etc. I like to stay in touch and keep a clear line of communication. I was drawn here simply because of the structure. Power-plays and noobish writing erk me to no end. I feel that the structure and enforcement of character sheets will really help. This makes me much happy
As for me personally I am a senior at Hargrave Military Academy. No, I am not going into the military. I am happily engaged with the girl of my dreams that I've known since I was eight. I'm going into the medical field, specifically nursing. If you haven't picked up on it so far I am indeed male. Feel free to ask any other questions.