Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Aerion on July 11th, 2014, 4:41 am

Aerion walked into the Welcome Center and saw the stack of papers that had been mentioned by a guard. He walked over, took one, and filled it out.

Name: Aerion
Race: Drykas
Age: 21
Relevant Skills: Weaponsmith, Blacksmith, Armorer.
Preferred Occupation: Any of the three Smithing occupations above would be appreciated.
Expected Stay In Syliras: After the first season of work he will move into Syliras from his wanderings in the wilds surrounding the city.

After filling it out, Aerion took it over to the Secretary. He gave a short bow and said, "I have do not have advanced skills, but I am looking to improve and one day become an experienced smith."
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Nightmare on July 13th, 2014, 10:04 am


Trega eyed the young man keenly before taking his application and reading it over. Even if he did not seem like blacksmith material at first glance, the work would make him into it. Luckily for him there was an opening at the Ironworks. "You're in luck. Ros Vizerian was looking to have a new apprentice." Trega told Aerion with a smile, "Seems he is in need of more weaponsmiths, but I am sure you will do work in all sorts of smithing disciplines."

The elderly widow pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write with her quill. As soon as she finished she blotted the ink with sand and handed the paper to Aerion. "Take this to Ros, it will explain everything and he will set you up to begin learning the craft. Even the apprentices get paid and it starts at 8 Gold rimmed Mizas a day." After they were finished she politely inclined her head and waved for the next applicant.

OOCAerion has been accepted to work at The Ironworks under Ros as a weaponsmith with a base pay of 8 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread as soon as possible.

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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Acinonyx on July 21st, 2014, 2:12 pm

Now is the perfect time to apply for a job, Aci thought to himself as he walked in the office. What should I do though?? Approaching the office, he had to ask someone official to fill out his form, since he was illiterate.

Obliging her every request, such as Name, Race, etc. he leaped out at the exciting opportunity to say, "HUNTER!"

Name: Acinonyx
Race: Kelvic
Age: 3
Relevant Skills: Hunting
Preferred Occupation: Hunter
Expected Stay In Syliras: Resident

Aci said his thanks with the help he kindly received and hoped for the best.
Last edited by Acinonyx on July 27th, 2014, 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Jubilation on July 24th, 2014, 10:06 am

Jubilation stood in front of the building. Here it is. She realized her legs were slightly shaking as she walked into the building. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous, she was just applying for a job. Jubilee took a deep breathe and took a piece of paper from the stack and went to sit down so she could fill it out.

Name: Jubilation
Race: Kelvic
Age: 8 months
Relevant skills: Weaponsmithing
Preferred Occupation: Weaponsmtih
Expected Stay In Syliras: Permanent

Looking over the paper multiple times, Jubilee filed the paper and waited for the answer.
If I want anything from this cruel world we live in, It is to see the beauty in even the ugliest things. And until that day comes. I will not die. I refuse to die. And you can count on that.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Naiomi on July 27th, 2014, 12:08 am


17th of Summer, 514 AV

Naiomi stepped into the Welcome Center somewhat humbly. She knew she needed a job, a consistent one. While Simon was doing his best to get her jobs to put her tracking skills to use, they were few and far between. The employment office was small, but even for its lack of space, it seemed roomy. Already there were several people writing on pieces of paper in several of the seats that were located against the wall.

Looking about, she saw a stack of papers on the desk. Naiomi wandered over and stared down at the pile. There were words written down one side with space to write next to them, but none of the words made any sense to her. Not much intimidated Naiomi, but things she couldn’t do, like reading and writing, did. Her fingers trembled as she picked up the top sheet of paper gingerly, as if she was afraid that her illiteracy would destroy it merely by picking it up. Beneath the one she now had in her hand was another paper with the exact same writing on it.

She took the paper back over to the seats next to the wall and found a place near one of the other applicants. Fearfully, she gazed at the incoherent scribbles on the page before she finally gave up and glanced over at what the other person was writing. It didn’t take long for her to become distracted by the beauty of the movement of the quill and the art it left behind in ink. Several seconds went by before she shook her head to force herself to concentrate. She watched the strokes of the quill several more moments before giving up.

Besides, she thought, casting a quick judgmental glance over the person, this guy probably doesn’t even know the right answers to these questions, anyhow.

Staying where she was for several more minutes, she watched the paper in her lap, willing it to give her some sort of answer or clue as to what she should do with it. It didn’t. Exasperated and depressed, she stood up and took the paper over to the secretary at the desk. Holding the paper out, she waited for the woman to take it.

The woman took a quick glance at the page and looked back to Naiomi. “It’s blank.”

Naiomi nodded. “I can’t read or write.”

The woman smiled. “Of course not. Would you like me to fill it out for you?”

Naiomi nodded and remembered her manners. “Yes, please.”

“What’s your name, dear?”

“Naiomi. N-A-I-O-M-I.” She had been taught how to tell others how to spell her name, but as the letters meant nothing to her, she said it all as a single sped through phrase. She spelled it twice for the woman just in case she had missed it the first time. “Enayahyohemai.”

The woman began to write the name down, but Naiomi reached her hand out and set it gently on the woman’s hand halfway through. “Would you mind slowing down? You write so beautifully.”

Smiling at the compliment to her penship, the lady obliged. As sweeping lines and quick dashes and marks moved across the space next to the first word, Naiomi watched in awe. She loved the way the ink seemed to chase after the quill as if the quill was some coy lover playing hard to get with her beloved. She was so entranced with this spectacle she missed the woman’s next question.

The woman looked up at Naiomi and asked again. “What race are you?”


The woman nodded. “Makes sense. What’s your Kelvic form?”

“A bloodhound.”

The words scrawled across the page, and the secretary asked another question. “Age?”

“Two years. Three come next spring.”

“Two years,” the woman said, writing the answer next to the third word. “What skills do you have relevant to any work we may find? And what sort of employment are you hoping for?”

The woman wrote as Naiomi spoke. “I’m a wonderful tracker, both in my human form and in my Kelvic form. I’ve also had a little training in martial arts. Aside from that, I’m strong and dedicated and can do physical labor fairly well. I guess what I would love to do most is serve as a tracker, in whatever field may need me.”

Naiomi watched in wonder as the woman took her time to write down what she had said in a more succinct manner. The secretary asked her final question. “How long do you expect to stay in Syliras?”

“Forever.” Naiomi beamed as she answered the question. She was happy with the city and hoped she would be able to live in Syliras her entire life.

Finishing the sheet, the woman spun it around so Naiomi could look at it. “How’s it look?”

Name: Naiomi
Race: Kelvic (Bloodhound)
Age: 2 Years
Relevant Skills: Tracking, Some Unarmed Combat
Preferred Occupation: Tracker
Expected Stay In Syliras: Resident

“It’s amazing,” Naiomi replied. The only word she recognized on the whole thing was her name, but she trusted that the woman had written everything right. She slid the page back to the woman. “Thank you.”

Now, the waiting game would begin, and she could only hope someone would find need of her skills soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Rose Heckleburg on July 27th, 2014, 12:54 am

Rose walked swiftly into the employment office. Nervous yet happy she smiled and confidently walked in. Her sea green eyes looked over the room before landing on the papers. Smiling she took one and grabbed out her lucky quill.

Name: Rose Heckleburg
Race: Konti
Age: 17
Relevant Skills: observation, unarmed combat, fortune telling, can massage.
Preferred Occupation: being in the beauty department like maybe a masseuse. But is open for any suggestions you have :)
Expected Stay In Syliras: at least to the end of the season if not more.

Smiling to herself she waited in line with the paper tightly in her clutch. When it was her turn to give the employment paper she handed it over to the nice looking lady. Now comes the waiting. She decided to take a seat in one of the nice, comfy chairs and continue to read her mothers journal.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Baelin Holt on July 31st, 2014, 5:02 pm

3, Summer of 514 AV

I should have done this years ago, Baelin thought irritably to himself. Stubborn to a fault, when Baelin had first come to Syliras he resolved that he could find employment on his own. The brawny young man managed to scrape work here and there as a striker for various blacksmiths, but eventually even he had to realize that he was getting nowhere. His frustration had been mounting with the stagnant pace of his life; it was time for a change.

Which is what brought him to stand in front of the Welcome Center. He had passed the building countless times before in his frequent trips in and out of the walls and had always scoffed at the nervous foreigners who would hesitate outside of its door. But here he was, doing that very same thing.

Stop being a fool, he visibly sneered in his agitation, it doesn’t have to be good, just better than the mess you have going. He pushed the door open, perhaps a little harsher than he should have. Realizing that coming across as an angry brute likely wouldn’t help, Baelin schooled his features into a calm...which disintegrated with a sharp stab of panic as he saw people scribbling away at papers. Forms. They were filling out forms. He would have to fill out a form. Baelin could recognize a few words after having seen them countless times, but certainly not enough to string together thoughts out on paper.

Stubborn determination taking root, he snatched a sheet and glared at it. He wedged himself into a corner; a spot as far away from the secretary as he could manage. Sucking in a large breath, he held the sheet close to his face and tried to see what he could make of it. With a ridiculous surge of pride, which he immediately batted down as foolishly misplaced, Baelin recognized a word: Syliras. He scanned the rest of the page frantically trying to see if any of the rest made sense. Activity tumbled around him, people vying for the secretary’s attention and advice. Baelin sunk deeper into his corner, doubting his place here. He shouldn’t be here...

Sod that, you’re a decent blacksmith, tell her. Rolling his shoulders back, he resolved to wait for an opening and make his stand.

And then he saw it: a lull in the madness of people around the secretary. The able-bodied man pushed out of his spot in the corner and advanced to the secretary. As if each word taxed him, he gritted out, “I can’t read this.” He was about to rush into answers for what the sheet might have asked when the woman held up a hand to still him. She said, not unkindly, “May I have your blank form then? I can fill it out for you.” Baelin sheepishly handed the sheet over, noting with a bit of added shame that he had somewhat crinkled it in his panic.

The sheet in her possession, she returned to business and said quickly, almost mechanically, “Name?”

“Baelin Holt.”

Baelin peered over as she scribbled out his name. He remembered how the words looked vaguely from his childhood, back when his uncle had still insisted he be educated, but the memory was far removed and he couldn’t say whether it was spelled correctly or not. As she finishing spelling his name, ending with a quick line through the ending slant, she spoke again without looking up from her sheet. “Race?”

“Human,” Baelin said quickly. Too quickly. The secretary peered up from her writing and gave him a quick once over. An eyebrow quirked disbelievingly and Baelin grimaced and reluctantly amended, “...maybe mixed.”

The woman scrawled away on the sheet, pausing after a long slanted slash to peer more closely at him. She caught his eyes and stared for one long, hard moment before scribbling something else after the slash. “Age?” she asked before she had quite finished.

Baelin drew through his memory, his eyes turned up sightlessly as he worked to recall it. “Twenty three,” he said after a moment.

“Relevant skills?” This time she had not looked up.

Here was his time to shine. He had experience in the field he wanted. Feeling confidence returning, he only felt slightly ashamed at the hiss he couldn’t quite cover, “Blackssmithing, armoring, weaponssmithing, and metalssmithing.”

She glanced up from her writing and asked for him to quantize those skills. He did, pointing out the stronger experience in blacksmithing. She returned to her writing. “And your preferred occupation?”

“Bla...” he stopped short, considering if he really did want to be a blacksmith. His uncle had been one, his cousin would be one, had he remained on Black Rock he undoubtedly would have been one until the day he died. But this wasn’t Black Rock. He had options. And the thrill of pride he had the one time he had tried his hand at chain mail was still fresh in his mind. Death came to us all, Baelin firmly believed that, but there was no use in rushing it. Life was a precious gift. He shifted his weight, his resolve coming firm. “Armorer. I’d like to be an apprentice armorer.”

The secretary continued without even batting an eye, either unaware or uncaring of Baelin’s sudden and revealing insight. “Expected stay in Syliras?”

“I live here,” he answered easily.

Nodding, she wrapped up what she was writing, ending on another line through a short slant. Baelin observed all of the shapes, trying to commit the shapes and order to memory. He had after all promised his uncle that he would eventually learn to read.

Name: Baelin Holt
Race: Mixed – Human/Dhani
Age: 23
Relevant Skills: Blacksmithing (20), Armorer (5), Weaponsmithing (5), Metalsmithing (5)
Preferred Occupation: Armorer
Expected Stay In Syliras: Resident
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Nightmare on August 5th, 2014, 1:55 am



Trega waved the next applicant and smiled warmly. The smile quickly turned into a puzzled frown, the features only slightly wrinkling that matronly face. It was uncommon for people to be illiterate in this day and age, especially with the knight sponsored education. In any case she quickly helped out the young man fill his form.

"Ah, well as a hunter you will be responsible for finding your own work. Generally speaking, that would involve finding your kills and bringing it to the butcher either in the city or over at the Mithryn Outpost. The knighthood will give you your wages at the end of every season."

OOCYou have been approved for the job of Hunter which is 7 GM/day due to your competent skill level. I will PM your SS link as soon as possible.


Trega assumed her normal smile and called for the next job seeker. The poor girl in front of her was shaking. Trega gave her a reassuring smile as he looked over the application. She then went to a filing cabinet and sorted through the potential employers. Another smith, another helping hand for the Ironworks. Ros was always looking for more workers to help satiate the knight's need for hard steel and iron.

"Here you are m'dear, you will be working under Ros at the Ironworks as an apprentice. Even apprentices get paid, so no need to worry about working without pay. Now take this slip to Ros and he'll know what to do." Trega then handed the Kelvic a note with instructions on it. "He'll sort you out right away, maybe even put you to work as soon as he reads that. Now off you go" She shooed Jubilation away.
OOCYou have been approved for the job of Weaponsmith which is 8 GM/day due to your Novice skill level. You will be working at the Ironworks under Ros. I will PM your SS link as soon as possible.


Trega then nodded to herself and looked up at Naiomi. "The best way to put your tracking abilities to use is to become a bounty hunter. Not a safe job, but you would be doing your part to keep Syliras safe. You would have no one to report to though, except when people post on the bulletin boards or if you find your own jobs. Either way, you are all set to go."

She smiled to herself as she waited for the next person. So many illiterates today, hopefully they would get a chance to learn to read and write. It was a severe disadvantage. She would have to rely on others to read out fliers for wanted persons or for contracts and contracted work.

OOCYou have been approved for the job of Bounty Hunter which is 7 GM/day due to your Competent Tracking and Novice Unarmed combat skill levels. I will PM you when the information is add to your SS page, which will be as soon as possible. You will need to create your own job situations by having her find her own work. Quests that involve bounty hunting will also count as job threads.

Rose Heckleburg

Trega smiled as the next applicant stepped up with her form. The older woman's eyes were tired, the office was busy and she was getting old. The words came into focus and she nodded. "Ah, Calyna was just in here. She said she was looking for more help. So you are going to apprentice under her at the Soothing Water Bath and Massage. Take this note and she will put you to work." Trega then handed her a note explaining that Rose was recommended for Calyna's new apprentice position.

OOCYou have been approved for the job of Masseuse which is 5 GM/day due to your Novice level. You will be apprenticed under Calyna Zia due to your lack of any Massage skills.Your information has already been added to your SS page, feel free to start right away.

Baelin Holt

Trega then smiled up at tall man. Ros was always looking for more workers at the Iron works. And an armorer too, the short man would be happy for that. "Alright then. Looks like everything is in order." She pulled out a blank piece of paper and began to write. As she wrote she began to speak, "You'll be working under Ros Vizerian as his apprentice. He has many apprentices so you will fit in just fine. He is an Isur, so if he is a bit quiet and reserved, don't be offended, he it is just their way. I don't think he has very many Armorers, he isn't one himself, so he might delegate some of your training to some of the other workers."

Trega finished writing and handed the paper to Baelin. "So just give this to Ros and he'll set you up as an apprentice. If they're busy you might start right away. Even apprentices get paid so don't worry about working without pay. Farewell."

Trega then waved up the next person to the counter.

OOCYou have been approved for the job of Armorer which is 8 GM/day due to your Novice level. You will be apprenticed under Ross at the Iron works. I will PM you when the information is add to your SS page, which will be as soon as possible.

If you have an concerns, questions or problems please PM me right away. I am here to assist and can usually get a reply within a day or two if not sooner.
If you haven't gotten a response from me within five days, please PM me again!
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Suresslynn on August 5th, 2014, 3:21 am

Suresslynn looked around the building as she walked in, her cold green eyes looking for anything that might catch her interest. Eventually, her eyes fell upon a stack of forms and as that was about the only thing of interest in the room other than the folks behind the counter, she picked up a form and read it. "Oh, employment...I could use the mizas, for sure, so I guess it's time to get myself settled in..." she said as she sat down and filled out the form.

Name: Suresslynn
Race: Dhani
Age: 102
Relevant Skills: Poisons
Preferred Occupation: Antidote crafting, animal poison crafting
Expected Stay In Syliras: At least until next season, possibly through next season.

Suresslynn turned in the form to the woman at the desk with an attempt at a friendly smile that likely just came off as nervous. And to be honest, she was a little nervous, since she had no idea how people in this region treated the art of making poisons and antidotes.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Jovhel on August 6th, 2014, 10:20 pm

Jovhel entered the cramped, efficient building with an excited, jittery feeling in his gut. He was very eager to begin a life in Syliras, but nervous all the same, apparent by his gritty and large smile. Looking around, he noticed the large pile of papers and immediately began to process a sheet and fill it out appropriately, with a rather specific request on where he'd like to work.

When he had finished filling in the small form, he walked up to the front desk, set his paper down to be reviewed, and recounted what had just happened in his head to make sure he didn't screw anything up.

Name: Jovhel, of the sons of Havid
Race: Benshira
Age: 16
Relevant Skills: Bartending, Herbalism, Philtering
Preferred Occupation: Bartender, preferably a position at The Bean
Expected Stay In Syliras: Indefinitely
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