[Redd's Scrapbook] My Ramblings

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The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.

Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 12th, 2014, 7:53 pm


I have always loved Within Temptation, they help get my creative juices flowing. I even got one of my old work colleges addicted to their music, who then began to tell everyone around around the office about them. xD
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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 15th, 2014, 11:33 am


I was eating M&Ms when I remembered this old commercial from when I was a kid! xD

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Black Onyx on June 15th, 2014, 1:09 pm


Box code for Black, made by me. It's not fancy but it'll do! xD

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 16th, 2014, 12:38 pm


I had to share this! NCIS Head Slaps!
Gibbs Rule #14: When a problem comes along, you must whip it.

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 19th, 2014, 1:24 am

Yay! Another thread graded!
So, here are the notes Y'all have been waiting for.

Nemesis - Extracted from the thread, 'It All Ends the Same.'


*Really enjoyed this thread... wished I could have thrown an entire bucket of Observation and Rhetoric at you guys!
*Found Caldera's conversation about the "corpse" in his arms particularly amusing. I love how you characterise NPCs.

Nemesis, I'm glad that you enjoyed the thread as much as we did!

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 21st, 2014, 3:04 am


I had just had to vent somewhere betore I literally exploded from wanting to just totally going into troll mode, because there is just some people that you just instantly dislike because their overly large ego. It's either that or they have the smallest weaner of all time, so they have to squash and punk everyone else to make them self feel better.

I mean, they come onto a well developed site with clearly defined rules and guidelines and their response?

'I want to be a god.'
'I only need to master a couple of skills.'
'The CS shyke is too hard, so I'm just gunna thread without one.'
'The starting guide is stupid and doesn't explain everything too well.'
'I am the god for all women.'
'I am better than you all.'

It just petching irks me! And it makes me want to go all wolf onto them! Ugh! It's like well who that petch do you think you are? You are a newbie and you're just punking the regulars? Grrr! It just petches me off and I can't help but sit back and chant, 'Die, Die, Die, Die!'

The video below is totally me.

Alright, I'm all good now.
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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 21st, 2014, 3:37 am


So a recent incident has made me realize that I need two more characters in order to keep myself busy and burned enough, so that I won't feel like wanting to rip out a newbie's throat whenever they go all 'I'm so much better than you all.'

I have been juggling the idea of a couple of characters, but what race I couldn't quite decide on until today. I figured that I'd like to make an Ethaefal & a Dhani just to throw a mixture of variety into my characters as I already have two kelvics and a ghost.

I'm not sure where I will place them just yet, but in between solos, threads, flashbacks and plotting. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. xD

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Redd on June 23rd, 2014, 3:35 pm


My Thoughts

There are some things that make you question what you do, what you say and how you do it. People even ask you questions about why you do things and someone asked me that question today. They asked me why I write.

My response is, as it always has been, because it's the only way I can express myself in a safe manner. Because of some events that took place, I am left with a condition that is some times debilitating and there is so much pent up energy that the only way that I feel that I can express myself, is through writing.

I also get asked about why I'm so cheery and why I always try to find a positive. It's because if I don't put a smile on my face, how ever fake it is sometimes, or if I don't try to find a positive outlook, I dive in behaviour. I can't think, I don't sleep and I am really a horrid person to be around.

So, I need an outlet. In between doctor visits and job searching, (Which is hard in a new community), I write all of my frustrations, all of my pent up anger into posts and I feel so much better. It's why I joined Mizahar.

A writer once told me, "That a good writer, puts a bit of them self into their characters." Me? I feel like I have done that, while remaining a good distance from them. (To avoid awkward situations of course) I never get involved in relationships through the online web. So that's why when I role-play, all of their actions, it doesn't really matter to me, because for me, I have fictionalized it all. While that boundary line between fiction and real life is blurred for some, it is a clear line for me, a line I never cross.

Do I ever want to become a grader or a moderator? Hell no! Why? Because I like being just a plain old player, you see sides of people that you sometimes don't get to see from other people. Plus, I prefer to just thread, I didn't join Mizahar to out-rank anyone. I joined Mizahar not only to have to out-let, but to have fun. To enjoy the writings and to be wowed along the journey.

What inspires me to write? The people of Mizahar, the ones that share the same passion to weave tales and to just simply enjoy the journey with. For those reasons is what makes me stay.

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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Shalita Farlay on June 26th, 2014, 3:50 am


Day, Season, Year AV

Post outline for Shalita Farlay.


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...Death Is An Icy Path ...
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Redd's Virtual 'Do Not Forget' Scrapbook

Postby Black Onyx on June 26th, 2014, 4:53 am

Day of Season, Year AV

A new template for Black Onyx

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