Solo Destruction is an artform (Pt. 1)

Anna gets ambitions on how big a boom she can make.

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Destruction is an artform (Pt. 1)

Postby Annalisa Marin on May 27th, 2014, 12:32 am

77th of Spring, 514 AV

The Common Labs… a place Anna had found growing increasingly inadequate to service her needs in regards to her magic due to the sheer scale of her abilities. It had gotten to the point where she needed to purposefully hold back to avoid destroying another Common Lab, her reimancy was simply too powerful. The price of excellence she supposed was that everything around one suddenly became fragile and breakable. It was times like these that had the tall sorceress wishing for a lab as large and expansive as Maelstrom’s. Maybe she could blow the old Nuit up with a few Glyphed weapons, seemed to have worked well enough for Daren.

Pleasant thoughts of the Mad Master of Reimancy’s remains being scattered around the Element Sanctum aside Anna focused instead upon the task before her. She was looking for a new scroll design, one that could cause massive area effects of destruction. Ideally she wanted to create a weapon with a yield so massive that it could level part of a large city, that was the end goal at the very least. She had created an excellent personal weapon with those thrown projectiles, but now she wanted something with much more boom to it. This scroll she was to create would hopefully be the first step towards that.

First things first, Anna pulled over her research journal and dipped her brush in ink as she prepared to write out the experiment. She had never actually been much one for note taking in the Zeltivan University or at any point before coming to Sahova, however she needed to point towards something as being evidence of the validity of her research. Within these pages would exist that evidence that she would use to claim her rightful place as a Sahovan Master someday. She had the talent and now she just had to put forth the proof.

Glyphed Reimantic Demolisher Trial #1
Date: 77th of Spring, 514 AV
Goal of Trial: Develop scroll design that can be used for more destructive means. Specifically to demolish a small building. Once this trial is successful the tests will be scaled up towards more and more destructive items.
Presiding Wizard: Annalisa Marin
Assistants: None
Subject of Interest: A scroll.

This initial write up done Anna set the journal aside as her fingers took up the large sheet of parchment she had placed off to the side. She dipped her brush in ink and immediately started to get to work on her Glyphing, her hand moving in an almost blur like amount of motion. Her strokes were those of a master most obviously, her grey eyes grew distant to the world around her until there was nothing else in the universe but her and the subject of her craft. Her brush brought to life the Glyphs upon the parchment, their creation second nature by this point in her life.

A series of large stylized inverted triangles were placed around the Parchment, her Focus Glyphs being drawn easily and confidently. They were really the most basic Glyphs in the whole affair but were also the most vital in the grander scheme of things. Without them the magic could not be stored within the scrolls, in fact there were not many sigils Anna knew of that did not utilize a Focus in its design. Though she did have theory of one simply consisting of Barriers and Paths, something for another time perhaps as at the moment this needed to take up her full attention.

Around each of the Focus’ Anna drew a ring of stylized geometric symbols, the Barriers that would contain the magic within the designated space. These Barriers were tasked with the concept of containment being the heavy focus of their existence. Barriers could contain or repulse, though Anna had never actually attempted to use them to block or contain hostile magic yet. Another test she was curious to try out. Actually she might very well be able to test it out today when she field tested this scroll.

Once the smaller Barriers around the Focus’ were completed Anna them drew a larger ring around all of the Barriers and Focus’ as a second layering of protection would not go amiss in this whole affair. The large ring of geometric symbols was also tasked to contain the magic within, the sorceress’ hands working in a flurry of motion. Grey eyes scanned over each symbol and line, a tiny smile having crossed over her lips as she worked. As she finished she connected each of the smaller Barriers to the larger outer one via a series of Pathway Glyphs, which would allow the Trigger to activate them all simultaneously.

As for the Trigger itself, Anna needed to think about that a little more than she had with the other Glyphs as it would rely upon her wording. She stuck her tongue in her cheek, pondering over it before deciding to try out a new kind of Trigger. The sorceress had never actually tried a timed Trigger; theoretically it was very much possible for a superior Glyper like her though she would need to place in a few extra conditions just to add to the safety. The tall woman was not going to risk blowing herself up with a faulty Trigger. In the corner of the parchment Anna drew out a little jumble of geometric shapes, her Trigger Glyph, before adding conditions in common.

2 chimes after the word ‘Seagull’ is spoken within a five meter distance of the scroll by Annalisa Marin, the creator of this scroll on the 77th of Spring, 514 AV, the Trigger will lower the Barriers and release the magic contained within the Focus.

This task done Anna slowly turned to her notes, brushing a bang out of her face as she added her procedure below the introduction to her trial. Her brush drew out a downsized replica of the basic shape of her sigil, a little diagram for future reference incase her description was lacking. Once she finished with that she added the specifics of the scroll itself and the logic in the Trigger itself, vaguely remembering that embarrassment in the review.

-The Scroll itself is made up of Five Focus’ which are surrounded by Five Barriers. A Larger Barrier is created around them for additional layering of protection and containment, each smaller Barrier is connected to the Larger one by a series of Paths.
-The Trigger itself possesses a timed portion to grant time for the user to put distance between them and the scroll. The distance means that it can only be activated by the word being spoken within a certain distance of it, and only by a certain person.
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Destruction is an artform (Pt. 1)

Postby Annalisa Marin on May 27th, 2014, 12:34 am

Anna stood slowly from her stool, stretching as she did though the entire thing had taken only a few chimes to complete due to her speed. The tall woman had opted to dress rather commonly for today’s experiments, her attire consisting of a brown tunic, trousers and sandals. Her hair was done up into its usual high ponytail, bangs slightly framing her face. Upon each earlobe were small golden earrings, one in the shape of a crescent moon and the other in a sun and upon her right ring finger was a silver ring that identified her as being a Wizard of Sahova.

The powerful sorceress flexed her fingers and rolled her shoulders, preparing herself for a bit of casting though it was certainly unlikely to be overly taxing to one like her. Five moderately sized lightning bolts were well within her abilities, petch, blowing up the entirety of this floor of the Gug Andjak was well within her abilities. Anna had yet to test exactly how very far her talents in regards to Reimancy’s destructive power could go, though she could only imagine they were on par with Maelstrom’s. He was her only real measure that was reliable.

The tall sorceress grasped deep within herself, plucking at the strands of Djed that made up her very being and existence. With expert ease the tall woman took control of this energy and willed it to begin to radiate outwards from her body, pushing it out through her pores as a gas. Translucent purple res radiated out from her body, swirling in the air around her like a thick cloud of smoke. The tall woman could feel a thrill of pleasure race down her spine, her pupils dilating ever so slightly as euphoria washed over her senses from the draw of her res.

The drain upon her Djed was very little in the grander scheme of things, the res seeping from her body at frightening and almost unreal speeds. She cut off the generation once she was certain she had a sizeable cloud before her and the stepped back away from the workstation, taking up her journal as well as she did. The woman controlled the res as through it were one of her own limbs and with just as much natural ease, moving the cloud of purple swirling gas over the scroll and splitting it into five distinctive separate clouds about each Focus.

From here the tall dark haired woman willed the gaseous cloud to transmute, arcing the clouds downwards as she willed them to shift into a more destructive form. The air about the clouds crackled malevolently, brilliant purple sparks dancing out around them as they were transmuted. They were fully transformed into bright arcs of purple lightning, which sped into and vanished into the Focus’ almost as quickly as they had appeared into existence. With that her prototype scroll was completed and filled, allowing Anna to approach it one more.

An idle fancy took the tall woman over, her mind growing curious over what the Aura of a scroll might very well look like especially on crafted by her own hands. The tall woman stopped before the scroll and closed her eyes, muttering a few bits if gibberish Ancient Tongue under her breath. It might be a frivolous waste of Djed, but Auristics was hardly the most draining of disciplines even with her rather new nature in the art itself. Besides it could very well help her to understand her own art better than she did already.

Again Anna took control of the strands of Djed, this time shaping and molding it into something entirely different that she had with Reimancy. This time she focused the energy within herself to remain within her and instead flow into her very senses, allowing her to gaze upon the world in an entirely new light. The gibberish she muttered under her breath were incantations used to keep her focus upon the casting at hand. Every little bit helped when one was using magic; it could very well mean the difference between success and failure.

A rush of energy flowed from her body, the stream of her Djed flowing into the casting of Auristics. Anna opened her eyes and almost immediately regretting doing so as she was assaulted by a bright ray of color coming from the aura of the scroll before her. Purple was the majority of it, an overwhelming amount of purple that took her aback as it radiated out from the parchment like her own res had. This purple was both violent and yet it looked tamed, Anna could only assume it signified the magic within the scroll but she had no idea how to identify it. There was just too much purple, and it was so very bright.

Anna narrowed her eyes as she focused as much as she could, noting something beneath the purple. It was a dingy brown color with tints of silver along the edges. Was that the color that identified it as being parchment then? It tasted so very odd, dull and tepid was what the sorceress would have used to describe the aura of the Parchment itself. The purple on the other hand was inducing too many sensations for the sorceress to effectively get a read upon either one, overwhelming her with its sheer intensity.

Finally the tall woman simply closed her eyes again and cut off the casting, severing her bond to her Auristical sight and massaging her temples. The magic tended to take a lot of energy out of her, though it was to be expected considering how very fresh she was at it. Fortunately it did not exactly create as much of a drain upon her as Reimancy did, Anna rationalized this by the fact that the magic was internal rather than forcing Djed into external energy like Res or a Void Portal. Still, it was unwise for her to draw overly deeply upon the magic in extended time periods; just that little glance had been enough to nearly overwhelm her. Carefully Anna gripped the scroll and made a path out of the Gug Andjak, her destination being the Prairie.
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Destruction is an artform (Pt. 1)

Postby Annalisa Marin on May 27th, 2014, 12:35 am

The Prairie was a wide and desolate space of land that seemed to stretch on endlessly for miles, an inhospitable place where only the wretched beasts of the Testing Grounds and the Wardens could call home. Anna figured that it was perfect for her experiments, her grey eyes scanning the nearby terrain and looking for a good spot to get started. Finding one the sorceress carefully placed the rolled up scroll down upon a rock near her and focused upon the space nearby. She swallowed slightly, the energy taken from her auristics likely going to cause her to down scale her creation.

Anna grasped once again at the strands of her Djed, plucking at them and feeling the harmony of the vital energy twisting and bending to her commands. She forced the energy outwards from her body, translucent purple liquid bubbling up from her flesh and moving quickly outwards from her body. It snaked along the ground towards the space surrounding the rock and the scroll upon it, the energy being force upwards as more and more energy was drawn to fuel the casting. Anna took a few cautious steps backwards as she felt standing near her creation would be most unwise, especially when she was no architect herself.

The purple liquid shimmered in the sunlight, twisted and brought upwards by the sorceress’ iron will around the space the scroll occupied. Cylinder like walls of liquid res sprung up around the space, shifting with Anna’s direction. The tall woman was a little too cautious after her use of Auristics to think it a good idea to make good 20x20 walls, for now this little structure would have to do. It was still going to test the explosive force after all though the energy distribution might be distorted by the walls around the scroll.

Anna felt pleasure coursing down her spine at the casting, the walls being shaped up as a liquid and the anticipation for the transmutation coming over her mind. Once she was certain the area it occupied would be good enough, 10x10 give or take a few square feet, the woman willed the transmutation to occur. Pleasure shivered its way down her spine as the res solidified and formed into smooth purple stone, obscuring her view of the scroll within it. Now was when the dangerous part came, the tall woman swallowed slightly as she realized this.

The remaining res was brought up to float before her, forming a shield of sorts before her body as she willed the outer layer to transmute to stone and kept an inner layer to keep control of the stone shield. The weaves of her Djed were pulled upon, setting her senses alight and dousing her mind in the cool pleasure of casting. It was a feeling Anna never fully got over, something one might say that she was addicted to. With her shield in place the woman then voiced the Trigger phrase of the scroll, knowing that if the time was not taken into account by the Trigger that she would likely be in a bad spot.

“Seagull.” Anna said.

Nothing happened, no loud thunderclap or anything that would denote immediate scroll activation which meant that the Trigger was valid. Smirking Anna slow started to back away from the immediate detonation area, keeping the reimantic shield up before her as she did, drawing more res as the internal res of the shield started to decay. She had two chimes to back up to a safer distance after all, best to use that time to her advantage.

After those two chimes a thunderous clap filled the air followed by the sound of an explosion of earth and lightning upon it. Far flung fragments of stone bounced off of the reimancer’s stone shield, the explosion doing no damage to Anna herself though she was curious as to what damage it had done to the crude building she had created. After a few more ticks she willed the shield to be tossed to the side, looking upon the destruction wrought by her scroll and smirking as she did.

The walls had pretty much crumbled around it, fragments flying outwards from the site itself as the lightning had generated enough explosive force to devastate the place. A rough test perhaps but it was an excellent first trial in the tall woman’s earnest opinion, a bomb that the Citadel could likely make use of. Though it did make her wonder just how big an explosion she could make. If five of these lightning bolts were enough to topple a building how much damage might ten do? Fifty? One hundred even? The thoughts were rather staggering, the destructive possibilities nearly endless.

The dark haired woman took out her journal and sat down upon the ground, beginning to write out the last portion of her notes on this particular trial run. Her writing was animated as were her eyes, glinting with that light they got whenever she felt she was on to something big. This was the direction her research should be taking, not merely small personal items but things that could cause a massive amount of devastation to an area.

-The timed portion of the scroll worked extremely well, allowing one to put safe distance between them and the scroll itself.
-Building created possessed cylinder like shape, stone walls created from reimancy. The entire construct was blasted to pieces by the lightning and thunder combination, toppling rather easily with the strength of five lightning bolts behind it.
-Further trials will need to be run, adjusting the number of scroll and size of the building the explosion takes place within. First trial shows promising results, though I wondering at the results of living targets being nearby the blast. Something for later perhaps.
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Destruction is an artform (Pt. 1)

Postby Shai on June 26th, 2014, 5:02 am

However hopeless the situation appears to be


There yet always exists the possibility of putting up a stubborn resistance

Annalisa :
Auristics 2
Drawing 1
Glyphing 1
Reimancy 2
Writing 2

Glyphing: Timed Triggers
Glyphing: Creating a Scroll
Auristics: Viewing Reimancy Can be Overwhelming
Auristics: The Aura of a Scroll

Check :
If there are any concerns with my grading please feel free to toss me a PM. I am more than happy to explain my reasons or reevaluate them if you feel I've been unfair.


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