Closed [Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

When a foul mood meets a foul temper...

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 27th, 2014, 2:19 pm

41st Summer 514 AV

Every fibre of his being tensed. One more word out of that big oaf and his cords of restraint would snap. He never asked politely. Often, he would just sort of wave his hand about and leave Tim to decipher what he actually wanted. Sometimes, Tim just brought everything with him, hammer, nails, files and wax, just to be sure. But even then, he wouldn't be spared a cold stare or dismissive gesture. He'd liked his work much more when Jed had allowed him to actually help and learn. For some reason, his Master insisted on finishing this project alone, leaving him to stand by idly and bored out of his mind. As long as Jed didn't ask him to, he refused to clean up. Wasn't Sander supposed to do the cleaning and sweeping? All he ever saw of that boy was him dipping his nose in a book or shuffling around some furniture for the umpteenth time. Not that it really mattered, Jed's practical designs would never appeal the eye. Perhaps that was why a particularly fat, puffed figure, with fingers the size of sausages, had bought the poorest chair they had on offer. After all, it was impossible for the man to see much through the pig-like slits where his eyes should've been. And because the man was greedy with his coin, wishing to save as much as possible to spend on food instead, he hadn't bothered to inspect the stool's legs which were bound to give in under the weight of a feather. Boy, he would've paid to see the surprise and horror on the fat man's face when he would sit down and chop the chair into firewood by benefit of his weight alone. But he never got any money and even if he had some, he would sooner be suspected of thievery than be helped. It wasn't being kicked out of bed early that bothered him, nor did he mind the work itself. If only he wouldn't be treated as a punching bag. Whenever something was amiss, he would be called to scene immediately and asked to explain himself. Jed didn't trust him, he figured. Occasionally he would catch those cold blue eyes lingering on him, watching his every move. But should he have lied then, when Matilla had asked him where he was from? The very mention of Sunberth had made her cringe and cast a worried look at Jed. As if being a slave wasn't enough, now he'd marked himself as a criminal and vagabond too. Some devilish child that wouldn't pass on the opportunity to slit his Master's throat when given the chance.

Besides, that old hag, Matilla, was more of a nuisance than a help. Shuffling about the shop, taking one and a half bells to fetch a loaf of bread, probably getting lost once or twice on her way back. But instead of scolding the old snail, Jed had established a habit of taking the piss on him instead. As if it was his fault that he'd bought two good-for-nothing idiots who did anything but work hard. It was unfair, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Sighing, Tim brushed some dust off his apron and coughed. The sight before him strained his muscles even further. All Jed's tools, which he'd painstakingly organised the day before, lay in complete disarray. Jed's best hammer rested in a pot of dried-up wax, his files were scattered on the ground and a trail of other tools led to the hunk of muscle at the other end of the room. Flaring his nostrils, Tim grabbed the hammer and tried to wrench it loose. But it was immovable, like a rock chained and pinned to the ground. It wouldn't budge, it wouldn't break. It would just sit there, indifferent to the red-faced puffing and fuming boy. He didn't even hear what Jed said, or if he'd said anything at all. "Shut up!" he snapped as he spun around and threw the hammer at Jed for good measure. "I am busy," he fumed, "cleaning up your bloody mess again!" He took his apron of and threw it to the floor. "I am done. You figure it out yourself!" And with that he paced towards the door, quite prepared to storm out and leave that awful, awful shop.
Last edited by Timothy Mered on July 5th, 2014, 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Jed Radacke on July 2nd, 2014, 11:11 pm

Jed hadn't been in a particularly bad mood that day. Matilla had taken her usual position in his window, wings slightly spread out to soak up the sun. Every once in a while he would hear a soft sigh from the pelican, a sign of her age. He didn't bother her, she seemed to be the only one enjoying the summer heat. Sander had taken it upon himself to organize the storage, convinced that they needed to restock on supplies. To Jed's knowledge, he figured he would be good until mid-fall, he would worry about the wood then.

Jed's eyebrows furrowed together as he placed the two pieces of wood side by side. The spongy cypress had been dried over winter and stained to the appropriate color. When it came to boxes, Jed was far better than furniture. Although his products were still nothing fit for a dynasty member. Straight-legged chairs and sturdy tables was all he sold. Occasionally there was a fluke in his design, something he didn't catch, that was put in the showroom. These events had happened far to often for his liking. The freeborns that shopped there were not particularly picky, although their critical eye was hard to ignore. No one really expected much from his work, that was something he would have to change ... quickly.

But this chest was different. He wasn't expecting a breakthrough of a sudden masterpiece. He did, however, expect a good quality chest. He had told the new boy, Timothy, that he would let him help, but he had lied. The boy had only been bought for one reason, to be an apprentice of sorts. He was a clean slave who had little skills to know of, but enough learning capacity. He had already proved himself a hard and eager worker, and there were some days when the shop was at peace. Except for today. Jed could hear the boy stomping around in the other room, but tried to ignore him. Let him have a fit. I don't care. And he didn't.

"Huh." Jed grunted, looking at the two pieces of wood. He was in the middle of smoothing out the grooves he had cut for joining the wood together, but something was off ... Did he mess up on carving out the teeth? No matter how he fitted them together, they didn't line up. He was sure he had measured, marked and triple checked everything. Jed lifted one of the slabs up, flipping it over so that the teeth still aligned, but the other side was facing up. He slid the teeth together so the triangles zippered together and then pulled one side up to a ninety degree angle. There it is. Now he needed to finish filing the teeth so they all fit together perfectly.

Jed's eyes scanned the immediate area around him. He had all the tools he needed laid out within his grasp. Picking up a file, Jed slid the flat rough end of it into one of the teeth and began rounding the teeth out to accommodate for the angle that the wood would connect. After a few seconds, his file made almost no dent. It was too soft, he needed a rougher one. Blue eyes darted around the room as he looked for where the file would be. Tim had moved all his things around yesterday and Jed had torn everything apart this morning to find one of his saws. Just before Jed could find the file, Timothy walked in.

The boy was practically fuming from the ears, he was so distraught by the mess that Jed had made. However chaotic Jed kept his things, he took good care of them. Both the boy and the man's eyes landed on the one offender at the same time. Jed immediately knew what had happened, but it seemed to bother Tim. The wax had been old and left out, and when Jed was trying to find his adze that morning, he had knocked the hammer over. Jed shrugged, all they would have to do was heat the wax and clean the hammer. Tim didn't take it so well.

"Tim!" Jed raised his voice as soon as he saw the boy go for the hammer. Can't the boy just leave my damn things alone? "Clean it up later, I already told you I don't want to deal with you. Aren't you supposed to be helping Sander with the inventory?" Jed snapped at the boy. It didn't surprise him how quickly he took a sour mood with his new slave. He wasn't sure how to deal with the little monster, so his compensation was cruelty.

"Shutup!" The boy grumbled and Jed placed the wood and the file down, ready to walk over there. Just as Jed straightened up, a very menacing hammer whizzed past his head. Ivak's rage on this boy. Jed's head was turned by the squawk that followed the cringe-worthy thunk. He know it hadn't hit Matilla, but the heat that built in Jed's fist had never been so hard. "I am done cleaning up your bloody mess! I am done. You figure it out yourself!"

As the boy turned around, Jed's feet picked up. The man's strides were far longer than the boy's and he caught him only a meter outside of the woodshop. Jed extended an arm out to hook a thumb on the boy's collar. "You little petchin' bastard. What the Hai do you think you are doing?" Jed dragged the boy back with one powerful pull of his arm. He let the palm of his other hand collide with the boy's head, not caring how hard he hurt him. He let the boy go, turning to face the store to make sure no one was actually in it. The thought hadn't occurred to him in his fit of rage, but the boy would get a sound beating, hopefully out of the eyes of the public. Thankfully Jed saw not one soul, except Sander, who was ducking into the storage room, well aware of the results of talking back and wanting nothing to do with it.

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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Timothy Mered on July 3rd, 2014, 3:42 am

41st of Summer 514AV

It wasn't just the mess that made his blood boil. Nor had Jed's lies stirred up his fury. No matter what he did, he was always doing too much or too little. Too much if he offered to help Jed by holding something and too little if he watched from the sideline. But if he cleaned and swept the floor he was doing too much again, for those were Sander's tasks, among others. So he would drop the broom and lounge about idly, at which point he was doing too little again and the theatrics would restart. For days he'd swallowed it, foolishly praying that it was just a temporary fluke in Jed's mannerisms. After all, he'd almost started to like his master after he'd bought him new clothes and the food wasn't bad either. There had been a sense of understanding between them, a sense of respect for each other's capabilities. And whenever Jed taught him something, Tim devoted all his attention to the carpenter as if he was Yahal himself.

As he paced out, he wondered vaguely if it was something he had done that had inspired Jed to no longer allow him to help out.

He was denied time to meditate on the thought. The sound of three mighty strides were his only warning before he was practically lifted off his feet with one strong pull. The blow only made his one ear burn more angrily than the other and, like a bellow to a fire, served to send a blaze of fury through his veins. Disoriented, he stumbled five feet backward, knocking over a recently finished chair in his clumsy retreat. A high-pitched ring resounded in his left ear, accompanying a menacing throb on his left cheek. But he didn't care. He didn't care about the subsiding white-hand brand on his cheek, he didn't care his hair was scattered left to right. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing but committing that powdered long-nose, cow-face as much bloody hurt as possible.

"LIAR!" he screeched at the top of his lungs. "Everything you said was a lie!" Even in his rage, part of his mind knew he could hardly dent the man's massive figure with his fists, or anything else for that matter. But he could still rip Jed's skin apart with a far more illustrious weapon.

Red-faced, Tim flared his nostrils and held nothing back. "You fat, lazy bog brat! You and your stupid old cow!" he spat. Empowered by the infernal heat that sprayed from his mouth, laced with contempt and hatred, he continued. "No one likes what you make 'cause it is bloody rubbish and everyone knows it! They hate the way you look, they hate the way you talk, they snigger behind your back 'cause you're still not married and-"

He retreated a few more paces, grabbed the knocked over chair and held it like a shield in front of him. "-and you smell!"

It wasn't all exactly true, but there was just enough truth in his words to hurt. But Tim didn't care. All he wanted was to register a pained look on Jed's face before he would beat it to pulp. He could hear the blood pound in his ears, his pulse racing as he charged, swinging the chair like a mace of Sunberthian Justice. Either Jed would manage to dodge the blow and let a good day's work splinter against the wall or he would bear the brunt of Tim's fury by catching the chair legs with his stomach. In either case, Tim wouldn't leave at that. He would drop the chair, storm forward and hammer every inch of skin with his fists as long and hard as he could.

There was no backing down, he was rampaging full steam ahead.

oocIt is quite alright. Pardon how short my reply is. It is mostly action and that always tends to be briefer. In any case, I always thought of this as a brawl, meaning I will keep hitting back until you either knock him unconscious or lock him up. You can look to the thread I did with Verena (A Radacke's handiwork) to reverse engineer some of the damage. I know I won't do much damage to Jed xD, but if I manage a bloody nose by the end of the day, I am happy. But we'll see :P
Last edited by Timothy Mered on July 23rd, 2014, 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Jed Radacke on July 5th, 2014, 5:46 pm

His heart was beginning to pick up, whether it was from rage or activity was unknown. Either way, the Radacke was not prepared for the words that pierced him. Jed had never been one to let words get to him, although the boy had a way of making it hurt. Did people really care that he wasn't married? After all that Matilla does for the boy, did Timothy actually hate her? Did Jed actually smell bad? Jed clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together in anger. "Little petching piece of shyke you are." Jed let the curses loose, unable to deliver an adequate insult in return. As Tim took a step back, Jed took another step forward, but was caught by surprise when one of his own works came flying towards him.

Arms shot out to catch the wooden chair, but Jed did not step aside in time, catching one of the legs with his stomach. He curled over, grunting as he sucked another breathe in. He heard the crack of wood as the chair hit the ground, setting a scowl on Jed's face. One hand fell to the table next to him, holding onto the wood for support. The jabbing pain was surprising, considering he never had a slave fight back before. Although he doubted there wouldn't be a bruise, maybe even bleeding from the point of the leg, the hit likely couldn't set him back too far. Adrenaline would keep the pain away until he calmed down enough to feel the full force of the boy's throw. The boy was definitely stronger than he looked. But it took only a second before a sly smirk danced on the edge of Jed's lips. "You'll be paying for that." Jed had no intention of getting measly coin off of the boy though. He preferred a more entertaining type of payment. If the boy wants a fight, then a fight he should get.

Jed stood up, long strides taking him directly in front of Timothy. A visible flash of teeth was all Timothy got as a warning. The grin of a predator lit up Jed's face as he pulled a hand back to slam it palm-first into the boy's shoulder. If the boy didn't catch himself in time or move aside, he would likely slam against the wall. Jed hope to use nothing but force on Tim, remind him who was bigger and in charge. He would simply toss the boy around until he ceased to fight back, or until Jed took it to the next level.

oocLove the insults xD I think the posts are generally short for action, so I hope you don't mind if mine are too :)

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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Timothy Mered on July 6th, 2014, 2:38 am

41st Summer 514AV

His satisfaction at registering a hit didn't last a tick. Like a retreating tide, this anger routed and was replaced by fear. Even without flashing his teeth like a predator, Jed looked quite menacing and it was quite apparent who was the taller and stronger of the two.

"Little petching piece of shyke you are."

"I DON'T CARE!" Tim yelled back. "You're nothing but a, shykebird slime-brained buffoon!" He grabbed a vase full of lavender and threw it to smithereens at Jed's feet. "You touch me again and I'll destroy everything! Down to your stupid hammer!"

But he couldn't make up to his promise as Jed aimed to hit him.

Instinctively, he shielded his face with his arms. But Jed's strike wasn't aimed so high. His back slammed into the wall. A dull ache shot through his shoulder. But with it returned his fury. Foolish though it was, he recoiled from the wall and darted away, putting a few feet between himself and Jed.

The door was open. Slipping beyond Jed was his only chance of escape. And the only way to get behind the hunk of muscle was to distract or disorient him. With no supply of chairs to throw at Jed, he had only one weapon left.

"Did I hurt you, big man?" he sneered. "Should Matilla come and give it a lil' kiss to make't alright?" Clutching one arm to his left shoulder, Tim kept his burning eyes trained on Jed. "You're pathetic," he spat.

That ought to get the brazen bastard charging at him. If not, he'd mention the Radacke's lack of manlihood and keep on sneering until he would foolishly charge. As soon as he did, Tim would make a dash forward and attempt to squeeze himself between the giant's legs, only to scramble back to his feet and bolt out of the shop in a flash.

oocI understand. It's fine :)
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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Jed Radacke on September 16th, 2014, 12:16 am

He should not have reacted to that comment like he did. A slime-brained buffoon, lazy bog brat, shykebird ... all these insults he could handle. Hai, Jed could even handle the shot at his non-existant relationship status. What the brute could not handle was an insult to Matilla.

Jed's blue eyes deepened and he lunged forward. It was one step before he had Tim by the collar of his shirt. It didn't take Jed long to figure out that if he simply lifted the shirt the boy would slip out and so his left hand slammed into the boy's upper arm, large fingers gripping the small limb until his knuckles turned white. With both hands Jed raised the boy, shoving him up against the wall so he wouldn't be bearing all of Tim's weight. When the boy's face was level with his own, he switched his right arm so that his forearm was pressed against the boy's collar bone. Jed didn't hesitate to put more force on Tim, bringing his nose close enough to Tim's so that he could feel the hot breath on his face. Jed wanted to scream. He wanted to curse insults at the little petcher until his face turned blue. Except simple swears would not faze the boy. It had already been revealed that the boy knew a fair amount. Being raised in Sunberth, it was almost expected that he wore a mouth that matched a Svefra.

"Boy." Jed addressed his slave, his voice coming out in a very low growl. He heard Sander at the front of the store, flipping the wood block from 'open' to 'closed'. Jed sucked in a deep breathe before letting the rest of his words creep across the minuscule space into Timothy's ears. "Boy." He repeated once more, allowing the word to take on a whole new meaning for the slave he held. After the events that were about to follow that simple three letter word, it was unlikely that Timothy would ever affiliate that word with child, but instead he's see the meaning behind the simple term as pain.

"Let me remind you of your place." Jed's arms were beginning to heat up. The sudden movement and strain her was putting on them made him concentrate a little more on holding the boy up against the wall. "You are not a child. You are not even a person. You. Are. My. Slave." Jed pressed into the boy with each word, compressing the boys chest with his forearm. "You have no voice. You have no freedom. You will never best me! And you will never see mercy from me! Ever!" Jed's voice began to pick up in volume, a spray of spittle flying onto Tim's face as he screamed his anger towards his slave.

"Do you understand me, boy?! Do you!" He let go of Timothy, taking a step back. He could hear Matilla's squawk accompany the thunk of the child's wight hitting the ground. The brute turned to see her crinkled face warped in pain, hand covering her mouth as she watched the boy. It had been so long since he had seen her in agony, and never has he seen her distraught over another. It should have weakened his temper. If he had even an ounce compassion at that moment, it would have, but Jed was nothing but a smoking flame. Instead he watched the tear fall down her face, grinding his jaw before he turned back to Tim.

"Jed-" She started as the Radacke put a single hand up to silence her. He would not hear her pleas, not today. He let his blue eyes bear down on the boy, watching the slave pick himself up, preparing for a well-delivered kick, should the boy even think about fighting back.

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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Timothy Mered on November 29th, 2014, 4:09 pm

41st Summer 514AV

Timothy reeled. Fingers latched onto his arm and squeezed the blood out of it. A mighty force yanked him back, sending him stumbling and tripping over his feet. Heat ravaged his veins, even as the fierce Radacke lifted him up like a feather and pinned him up against a wall.

Get your ugly mug away! A thick arm pressing into his collarbone denied him the air to shout the words at the monster. His features contorted into a grimace as Jed pushed down harder and for a terrifying tick, Timothy was sure the Radacke intended to choke him. Then the pressure stabilized, scarcely allowing for Timothy to keep on breathing and turn his head, only to meet the livid eyes bearing down on him. Like a predator about to devour its kicking prey, Master breathed down on him, tickling every soft little inch of his skin. If anything, Tim squirmed more, wrestled harder, tried to shift his weight left then right. But he was held there, stuck between a cold wall and a raging inferno. "Get. Off of me!" Tim growled, his little fingers wrapping themselves around Jed's wrists, trying to counter the Radacke's brute force.


Timothy still struggled, still tried to slither away and leave this rotten man and his rotten shop far, far behind him. He didn't care whereto he would flee, anywhere was better than here.


The air chilled, Jed's voice was like an icy tendril tying a knot around his throat, instantly curing him of the sweltering fever that had made him swear at the Radacke to begin with. His heart leapt to his throat and remained stuck there. As if by magic, his green eyes remained locked on the thundering black orbs. He wanted to turn away, to escape the pain that spread like poison through his ribcage.

"You. Are. My. Slave."

All warmth escaped him, a pallid slime rose in his throat, cluttering into a lump that was begging to be released. Fat tears started to well up in his eyes, sizzling down his cheeks. Don't cry! he desperately told himself, please stop crying... He hadn't cried when he'd trudged aboard the ship that had brought him here, he hadn't sobbed when Master Sitai had sold him to awful, awful Jed. Only one had managed to dubious honor to have lured the salty fluid from their shelter, and she had stabbed him more deeply than any force ever could. He'll think he has won. And for all intents and purposes, Jed Radacke had won, though perhaps it would elude the Ox that it was him pressing down with such brutal force that had caused his slave to cry, not a sense of remorse from his victim.

Like a sack of potatoes, Timothy crumpled to the floor, both hands shooting to his sore throat and bruised collarbone. Coughing and struggling to regain his footing, Timothy backed away from Jed as quick as his feet could carry him. A heat haze seemed to surround the blurry silhouette looming over him. "I hate you!" Every corner of his mind begged him to surrender and stop the avalanche of pain, but his tongue ran ahead of his brain. "I hate, hate, hate, HATE you!" He lunged forward, arms outstretched, fingers grasping for Jed's throat as he propelled all his weight and power at the tall Radacke, hoping to bring the giant down, and scratch at his skin, even if only for a moment.
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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Jed Radacke on December 18th, 2014, 9:00 pm

It was frightfully easy to evade the childs attack. Maybe it was the height difference or the simple fact that Jed's arms were almost twice as long as Tim's. Thus, when one palm flew out to hold Tim's shoulder, his finger could not reach Jed's throat, however teh untrimmed fingernails raked down the man's arms with ease, shooting pain up his nerves. The Radacke could only see red, and it took everything in him to not simply throw the kid on the ground and step on him. At the moment, Jed wanted nothing more than to properly beat the child, but Matilla's eyes bore through his anger. Jed leaned down, twisting his fingers in the boy's overgrown hair. Had he been clear-minded, the owner would have made a note to get Matilla to cut his hair, but Jed wanted anything but to take care of his property, he wanted to demolish it.

"You will learn, boy." A forced bolt of laughter forced its way out of the man's dry throat. It was a sharp contrast to the screaming he had just engaged in, but the Radacke could think of no other way to express himself. It was an act, showing Tim that he was not bothered by his attempts to fight back, but any slave master would be. "You will learn."

And with his last words, the Radacke yanked his shoulder downwards, watching the boy crumple to the ground. The large man huffed as he began to drag the boy. Sweat trickled into the dirty blonde hair and Jed could feel strands of hair releasing their hold on the boys skull. It was easy to say that Jed has never experienced such pain, although he was more knowledgeable on the effectiveness of it. The effort to drag the writhing boy to the storage room was far harder than Jed would have thought, but eventually it was done with both hands.

Assisted by the force of his knee, Tim was shoved into the dark room, smelling of wood and anger. Without a word, the Radacke slammed the door before the child could think to attempt escape. The ring of keys was yanked from his belt loop and in less than a second Jed had the lock closed. Now, Jed had no where to channel his anger. Hard breathes heaved form his lungs and he stood there a few ticks longer than he needed to before storming off. He grabbed his coat from his office, but Sander nor Matilla were there to hear him. "Give him a few days, I'm going home." The Radacke spoke to whichever slave heard him, opening the door to his shop with a powerful swipe and then allowing it to bang closed behind him.

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[Jed's Bed and Boxes] A different kind of heat (Jed)

Postby Matthew on February 9th, 2015, 7:48 pm


Experience Points:

  • +1 Brawling
  • +1 Endurance
  • +4 Socialization


  • Brawling: Using a Chair as a Weapon
  • Socialization: Colorful Insults

Additional Comments :
I was genuinely impressed by the range of insults Timothy is capable of. Good job.

If you have any questions or concerns relevant to your grade, don't be afraid to send me a private message so that we can work it all out! Please remember to mark your Grading Request as Graded.

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