Ser Nicholas Varner, Blue Company, 1st Regiment, Gold Quadron Despite appearances, Ser Varner is not a wizard, nor a mage, nor anything even remotely attached to the arcane. He is, however, an excellent swordsman. There are rumors about his past, all of which land on a spectrum ranging from preposterous to downright ridiculous. Perhaps the most popular is that he was once a magic wielding pirate who became so powerful, the gods struck him with memory loss and placed him into the Order themselves to keep the seas safe. While he tends to patrol about the docks more often than anywhere else, I believe it is simply a matter of preference. Ser Varner is, for the most part, in charge of much of our training as Ser Normit is often too busy to properly see to it himself. His tactics and ideologies are a bit... unorthodox, but he is far wiser than he lets on, despite his constant need to remain "mysterious".
I like Ser Varner, but I'm not sure he likes me. He's always sending me off to go somewhere else and train with other squires. I don't think it's personal though. I'm much slower than the others, and I don't think he wants me getting hurt. The first time we worked on sparring, Eddard almost broke my arm. I think he wants to avoid that. Also, Abathur doesn't believe it, but I'm pretty sure Ser Varner is a wizard.
Ser Titus Maximus, Brown Company, 2nd Regiment, Silver Quadron
The sixty-second day of Spring, 512 Ser Titus is a terrifying man. He isn't unkind or anything like that, but he is incredibly intimidating. I've recently begun trying to learn to wield a greataxe, and Ser Titus wields a greathammer. He saw me training in the Grounds today and stopped to help. From what I can tell, I believe I've found myself another combat instructor, which is probably good because I'm not sure Ser Varner approves of my weapon choice. Ser Titus talks louder than anyone I've ever met, even louder than Linnae. He said my form was all off and gave me several pointers on how I should hold my axe and what my stance should be like. If I'm going to successfully learn to use this weapon, I'm going to need Ser Titus's help to do it, I'm just not sure I'll survive it.
The fourth day of Summer, 514 Today, I managed to challenge Ser Titus to a duel. How, I have no idea, but he agreed to it! Needless to say, I lost horribly. He even knocked me straight up off the ground. My whole body hurts while I'm writing this, but the session was one of my better ones these past couple days. After thoroughly walloping me, he brought over Eddard so I would be on a bit more of an even ground. I beat him. Ser Titus even congratulated me on serving that Stanlinsa a piece of humble pie. Not only that, but I also learned a lot more about how I'm supposed to position with my axe. Also, pussyfooting is bad. I've spent so much time being scared of Ser Titus, I never really realized how helpful he actually is. I'm definitely going to be going to ask him for help again. |