87 Spring, 514
Another commission had made its way into the ledger of the Emporium. Mikayas had left him a note the night prior, it seemed, and now, Venser was to create a relief of an insignia. A strange request, to be sure, given that usually sculptures were cast with a relief around it, or at the very least, these sort of sculptures were... but the client was always right. Mikayas was present this day, working on a sculpture to go with the insignia, though much larger, on the floor above. Two commissions of similar objects...
Perhaps one is meant for an atrium of sorts? Or in the house of one of the wealthier families? And the other for a bedroom or personal area? One never knows with these things. Mikayas keeps it in his head. But... he put the insignia on paper for me to reference. Perfect.
Venser worked better with a picture, as any person would, and decided that he would begin immediately. The specifications were on the paper, as well, Venser reading out the numbers aloud as he referenced a measuring ruler to dictate an estimate of how much wood he would have to use.
"Two feet and a half feet by two. A relatively small sculpture, definitely for a personal situation."
Venser moved from his desk, setting the ruler he had grabbed and placing it inside of his desk, the Rush twin making his way to a stack of cylindrical cuts of wood. He made his way to the set of cylinders what were three by three, the Rush twin allowing himself an extent of room to work with. Venser was confident in his ability to perform finishings, but the creation of new sculptures still got to him. He did his utmost, glad that Mikayas did not yet assign him to legitimate sculptures but instead reliefs, though in this particular situation he relished neither option.
Carvings regarding the Black Sun was nothing new to Venser, most of the commissions that came through the shop were either religious or tributary to the organizations that ruled the city of Ravok. But, it was getting old. Repetitive and tedious, but he was not one to complain. The job was one he had asked for, and one that had treated him well. Mikayas had even allowed Venser a flexibility for his work schedule in order for the Rush twin to take part in classes with the Institute for Higher Learning. It also helped that Valdar's work lessened Venser's load. The two were relative equals in terms of skill in the craft of carving, but Venser had experience that could not quite be substituted. A chuckle sounded from the Rush twin's lips before he decided to get to work.
The Rush twin left his desk for a moment to retrieve the saw that was placed upon a wall approximately eight feet from his location, returning to his desk with resolve set upon his expression as he sat himself down upon the stool stationed there. He did not require his feet at the moment and so, he reached into the wellspring of djed. A deep breath escaped the Rush twin's lips as his left hand clutched at the saw's handle. The breath cleared his thoughts, djed flowing from his soul and along the depths of the pathways that allowed the 'backbone' to move through the body. The manipulated djed attracted the inlaid djed within his right foot, then Venser began to direct it.
From his right leg and upwards along his torso, the djed flowed, a second breath entering and escaping his lungs in turn, the energy weaving thorugh pathways and after a number of ticks, the Flux had taken djed from his right leg and placed it within his left arm. The leg was almost asleep for the moment, the strength siphoned from it in favour of his arm. It was then that Venser Rush moved the limb, both enhanced strength and speed, born from his djed, allowing the Rush twin to saw through the wood with ease. Rather than experiencing the harsh resistance of wood, the strength allowed him to tear through the material, the teeth of the saw easily rending wood from wood, two inches removed from wood in a perfectly straight line before the Rush twin repeated the process for each side. A total of four inches cut from each side, and four two inch thick blocks of wood made as a result later, and the square was ready to be shaped.
But first...
A third purposely done, focused breath filled Venser's lungs as he tapped into the djed he had used to saw the wood, slowly, carefully willing it to return along the pathways that the djed had transferred in, Venser's will encouraging a slow, steady re-adjustment and re-connection with his right foot. After approximately fifteen ticks, the process was done, and Venser moved his foot, pain prickling through his senses, as if his foot had fallen asleep, but there was no harm done.
Perfect... I'm getting better at this. Next...