Solo Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Making Three Inks From The Atmosphere of The Grove

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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on May 21st, 2014, 1:21 pm


37th of Spring 514 AV

Fsssh… wind whistled through the pale green leaves with a delicious high pitched shiver that left Una grinning. A tantalizing smell puffed past her nose from the Kima blossoms that danced in the trees and floated to the ground, unlatched by the delicate wind.

“It’s beautiful…” She breathed delighted to finally be stretching her legs instead of hunched over the workspace her and Val had been sharing so frequently. The long walk down had left her skin and throat parched. Grasping the large waterskin at her side she doused her chest and face with sprinkles of water swallowing several large mouthfuls to revive her energy. Though she finally got to spend every day splashing through the lake, a saving grace of the heat she was anxious as she trod further and further from a water source.

“Yes it is, it is the most beautiful place in Wind Reach. The petals here are used for one of the rarest and most valuable perfumes produced in Wind Reach. However, the smell is so infused in the leaves, bark and petals of the plant that ink made from each part will have the same properties. If we can preserve it.” He explained as he shuffled easily through the grove.

“That would certainly be a romantic ink if these couples are any indication,” Una nodded at the various couples in different states of affection, inspired by the scent and beauty of their surroundings. Reaching out she caressed a particularly low hanging branch petting the delicate petals.

“So, we are going to make pink ink?” Una inquired as she plucked a petal running it gently beneath her nose inhaling deeply. It was a pale cream pink which she doubted would show up well on any of the paper she had seen.

“We are going to make pink, black and green ink.” Val clarified, blue eyes reflecting the pale pink glow of their surroundings.

“Why all three? How are we going to get black and green ink from the…” Her voice wandered off as she took a closer look at the trees. Bright green leaves dazzled the sky contrasting the black brown bark that stretched out, knobby and spiraling from the trunk. Shallow roots ran along the lawn of grass creating black veins.

Val chortled, “I think you can answer both questions yourself,” he stated offhandedly brushing away her questions.

Thinking on that as they passed under the long limbs Una realized quite quickly why he wanted to do all three. Any art or writing that was done with the ink of the grove couldn’t truly capture its unique beauty without the three colours that created the delicate contrast.

“We’ll start with the bark.” He explained as he approached a dense clump in the southeast corner. Nodding silently, in much the same way she did as a child. What was once silence born of boredom was now born from focus and interest.

Last edited by Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 4:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 4th, 2014, 11:29 pm


“Removing the bark from a live tree damages it. Thus, we can only used felled trees for our perfume. Damaging living trees damages the ecosystem and will compromise the plants available to you in the future.” Finding a felled tree was difficult and after much searching they were unable to find one. Frequently cleaned and fallen trees removed, the grove was immaculate. However, several large branches had split and fallen from live trees. Gathering them up Una winced as the rough bark bit into her delicate skin. Dumping them in a small pile both Charodae and mentor sat cross legged in front of the large pile.

“Removing the bark requires special tools, if you use a normal knife you are more than likely to hurt yourself. Because we are only doing delicate branches we’ll only be using a spud and drawknife. If you are taking small pieces off of numerous trees, thereby not damaging them too much, you’ll also need a mallet and chisel. However, taking bark from a growing tree safely, for both you and the tree, requires more skill and patience. So we’ll start small. “ He explained as he handed her both a drawknife and a spud. “You can pay me for those later,” He added as he turned back to his work. Though her trade was valuable so was his knowledge and she could hardly expect free tools as well so she nodded graciously in response to his side comment.

The spud had a thick wooden handle that she struggled to fit into her hand with a large cup-like metal scoop. It was an unfamiliar heavy tool she handled awkwardly before glancing at the drawknife. The drawknife was faintly curved as if the match the curve of a tree. With handles on each end and a serrated blade in the middle Una moved it about carefully. She was unfamiliar with knifes having only used a simple straight knife for chopping seaweed.

“ what are these used for?” She asked holding each up before her toward the elderly man.

Though the man was kind his patience was hardly endless and he frowned at her quickly, reminding her as he often had to to remain silent while he taught. She was welcome to ask questions at the end, he had reminded her several times but moments like these were all was unfamiliar she found his slow static voice frustrating to listen to at times.

“We’ll use the drawknife to separate the bark from the rest of the tree, creating a gap. Then we will use the spud to finish separating the bark from the branch. That way we don’t cut into the branch and damage it. You’ll hold the drawknife handles, one in each hand and place the serrated edge on the thickest part of the branch. Draw it downward until you have separated the two layers.Then you will use the spud to pry out chunks by pushing down on the handle to pop it off the wood. We aren’t preserving the bark so it doesn’t matter how many chunks you break it into or how much you damage it.” He explained showing her each step as he progressed.

Purchases :
-2gm - Spud
-2sm - Drawknife

Neither of these are on the pricelist so I went with the price of the spade for the spud since they look very similar and are made from similar materials. The most expensive knife was only 3cm but that seemed cheap for so specialized a weapon so I rounded it up to 2sm. Feel free to change the prices if you don't think these are appropriate.

Last edited by Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 12:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 4th, 2014, 11:29 pm


Gripping the handles awkwardly between her fingers she placed the branch between her knees to stabilize it. About to place the edge of the knife against the wood a quick cowled hand stopped her.

“No! That’s dangerous. We are working on small pieces. It might be harder but you will want to push it away from you so if it jerks lose it doesn’t cut you too.” He explained, moving her hand and positioning the blade properly, away from Unas body. Nodding Una copied and gently pressed the edge of the blade into the wood and as she pushed to start the sawing the blade bent and skipped out from under her, almost sending her sprawling forward. Blushing she didn’t look at Val as she repositioned, angling the blade less sharply. This time she got the right angle and managed to shave some of the bark. However she only shaved off half of the layer leaving no available gap to use the Spud.

Val leaned back against the tree they were positioned under sipping at the tea he had brought with him. Una couldn’t help but feel him laughing at her and refused to look up at his amused face as she worked the knife like a twelve year old Inartan. Learning to hold and press the blade at the right angle. Maneuvering the blade once again to the same place she adjusted the angle again. Catching the harder center she managed to lift a piece of the bark from the center creating a gap. Grinning triumphantly Una picked up the spud, placing the curve against the hard center and popping off the small chunk.

Moving about the branch she managed to shave off the bottom section of one branch. Reaching several thin branches that attached through knobby joints she sat still for a moment struggling to think of how to shave off the bark from the smaller sections. Unsure how she used the drawknife to chop off the thinner pieces.

“Very good. You wont be able to get the bark from the thinner branches. It’s too young. But that will allow you to shave the rest of the bark off the home branch.” Una blushed at the compliment though she wasn’t sure he should give her so much credit. She had done it out of ignorance, not brilliance.

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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 2:24 am


~Several Bells Pass~

Una had finally skinned and collected enough bark to fill one of the three burlap sacks Val had provided. Her hands were red and worn through from the endeavour and a slight tremble echoed through her muscles.

“Very good. Have just enough for 1 oz. of ink.”

“How much is an ounce?”

“Hmm….enough to write about 200’s the size most ink sells in. Inks made from plants instead of rocks can be made in large quantities but can go bad in amounts so large so its better to make smaller amounts. With rocks you can make large amounts but it is much more difficult to make in any amount...and more expensive.”

“You can make ink with rocks?!” Una asked incredulous. The idea of turning something as strong and earthen into a liquid seemed impossible.

“Indeed…” He replied blandly sipping his tea unfazed by her excitement, “Now, onto the leaves. You can pluck the ones from the branches we already collected as well as any on trees. Just make sure you don’t pick too many from one tree.” He advised as he leaned back closing his eyes, “Then you can move onto the flowers, make sure you just pick the petals separately from the rest of the flower.”

Una stared at him for a moment, watching him slip into an elderly nap. At least foraging for leaves and flowers was much easier and less dangerous than acquiring bark. Carrying one bag she reached out plucking at leaves from various trees. Once full she moved about plucking flowers and separating the numerous petals from them and into the bags. Daydreaming as she moved about Una swallowed several bottles of water Val had kindly brought with them. The heat and sun was overwhelmingly strong making Una scratch at her drying skin. Normally she could spend days out of water but with the heat so intense, even a full day left her gasping.
~Several Bells Later~

Finally finished collecting the necessary ingredients Una gently nudged Vals shoulder to wake him. Groggily rising from his slumber Val grinned sleepily at Una rising on shaky elderly legs. Though in great condition the man still felt all the aches and pains of the elderly.

“Is it time to begin?”

“Yes. Let us return and begin.” He replied as they left the courtyard the smell billowing from the cloth bags hoisted over their shoulders.
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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 3:01 am

~Back at Vals Home~

purchases- 3 cm - Mortar and Pestle (I used the price of a cup and added a cm for the pestle. Let me know if you think a different price is more appropriate. :)

Seated beside the simpering fire Val had positioned her small iron cauldron heating a small tub of water to boiling while she sat cross legged on a pillow with a bowl between her legs. Opening the bag of leaves she reached in tearing them into small pieces at Vals behest.

“Almost our last session.” He murmured as he stoked the fire carefully.

“Yes.” Una replied just as dispassionately. Hoping he would choose to continue their meetings. However, silence followed her reply and she couldn’t stop the small tears it elicited in the corner of her eyes. He was the only friend she had come to know in Wind Reach and the only one she could speak to without suffering the long painful stares.

“Once you tear up a clump you’ll add it to a small amount of boiling water and mash it with a spoon, or any other utensil is fine.” He added flapping a hand in her direction. While he was a patient instructor he was far less passionate than when they were discussing something of interest to him.

Tearing up a clump, in the bowl she poured it in the bubbling water that sat in a deep bed of coals and continued working until the bag was empty and the pot was full. Glancing at Val she tilted her head soundlessly.

“Now we work on the flowers and bark.”

Copying the same tearing process with the flowers she left the shredded petals in a large bowl awaiting the boiling water. The bark was a more difficult process. Placed in a mortar and pestle, Val placed her hand on the teardrop shaped grinder and showed her how to mash up the fortunately soft bark.

“You’ll have to keep mashing it until it turns into a powder. Because the wood is moist you’ll most likely make a sludge instead of a powder with this. So long as you plan to turn it into ink right away this is okay but if you are planning on selling the powder for the individual to choose the strength you’ll have to dry the bark first.”

Silent as he preferred, Una wished passionately to ask questions but remained mute hoping he would expand. However, he remained silent as Una worked at the bark mashing and squishing it with pestle as hard and quickly as she could.

“Don’t wear yourself out. Just work at it slow and steady, it will take time no matter how you do it.” He scolded gently correcting her technique. “You’ll figure out what angles and pressure work best for the material you are working with as you practice.” Una nodded and slowed her process relieved to ease back as her arm already ached from being extended to pick leaves and flowers all day.
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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 3:30 am

Slowly grinding pieces of the bark done Una took breaks to stir the pot as requested, keeping the leaves from sticking to the sides and bottom. There was just enough water to cover the leaves and Val added some every once in a while to replace the evaporated water. About an hour later Una had finished the petals but barely made a dent in mashing up the bark pieces.

“Time to take the cauldron out of the fire. We’ll let it cool for a bit first.” He explained as he placed a cloth in either hand. Folded several times it provided a thick layer of protection. Drawing the cauldron from the coals he placed it to the side, thick arms bulging under drooping skin. Despite being small the cauldron was deceptively heavy to move and Una was glad he was handling it. Continuing to mush the bark Una waited for it to cool. Once it had they worked together to poor the cooler liquid through a strainer pulling out the thicker stalks and large buds.

“We’ll strain it through 4 sets of strainers. The first will have the largest pores, each subsequent strainer will have smaller pores to catch smaller and smaller pieces until the ink runs smooth and clean.” He explained as the water dribbled through the first strainer and into another pot belonging to Val.

They continued working through the strainers and the ink got paler and paler as they worked. it was a pale fragile ink and very thin. “It’s too thin to work with in this state, we’ll have to use vinegar and gum, which is departiculated tree sap. It’s difficult to make and even if you’re making ink from scratch it’s usually better to just buy the gum in the quantities you need.” He explained as he took a small spoon to measure out some vinegar and gum. Stirring slowly he thickened the ink.

“You’ll want to make sure it isn’t too thin or thick. Depending on the utensil you’ll be using to write you’ll want it a different consistency. With a brush you’ll need to use a thinner ink, with a quill you’ll need a slightly thicker ink.” He explained as he stirred the green to the appropriate viscosity.

“You can mix the other two…” he added rocking back on the stool.

Grinning Una refreshed the water in the cauldron and added the pink petals, stirring to keep it from sticking as she did the leaves. The pale green ink smelled delightful in the small abode and Una watched as he poured the small amount into a vial, painted with a black exterior to keep it from degrading in the light, he explained slowly as she stirred.

“If it is that pale wont it turn yellow or fade away easily over time.”

“It would be best to add a green stone colouring to the ink to keep it green but that is a difficult venture. While this green may not be a very valuable green if you have the three colours as a set it will likely make it more promising to potential customers.”
Last edited by Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 4:07 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Una Tanta on July 5th, 2014, 4:05 am

The process was repeated with the flowers and bark, boiling and adding vinegar and the thickening agent to the ink slowly and carefully until she had matched the viscosity of his. She had to add much more thickening agent to the pink because the petals were far less waxy and thus created a thinner ink while the bark needed very little.

The pink ink was much brighter and fuller than the green and smelled far richer but by far the most beautiful colour was the brown black of the bark ink. It was a voluptuous and full colour and though Una felt she had gotten such a small reward for such effort it was by far the most beautiful colour.

Each ounce of ink was enclosed in a black painted vial to keep it from degrading in the su. and as Una caressed the outside of them she grinned to herself. Despite the aching arms she couldn’t wait to use the beautiful smelling ink.

“Thank you so much for your help Val...I have really enjoyed our time together.”

After a moment of silence the man smiled and glanced at the Frosthawk in the corner, napping with a wing tucked under her wing, “It was well worth it. She is beautiful. Feel free to come back and exchange some tales, I must admit teaching is very taxing and I am glad to be even…” He admitted bashfully.

“Here my dear…” He added as she turned to leave caressing the vials. In his hand rested a beautiful wooden jewelry box. Reaching out and opening it Una smiled, the inside lined with a deep blue fabric creating six square sections. The vials slid into each perfectly making Una smile broadly.

“T-thank you…I don’t deser-”

“You do.”

Blushing Una left cradling the box to her chest. I’ll never forget you... She thought over her shoulder as she moved toward the lake.

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Liquid Love of The Kima Tree

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 21st, 2014, 1:35 am

XP Award!

Name: Una Tanta

XP Award:
Botany +3
Socializing +4
Observation +5

Lore Award:
The Benefits of Field Work
Wind Reach: The Kima Tree
The Kima Tree: Green, Pink, and Black Ink
Botany: Removing the Bark Damages a Tree
Inkmaking: Spud and Draw Knife
Inkmaking: The uses of a Draw Knife
Inkmaking: The Dangers of using a Draw Knife
Blushing at a Master's Compliment
Inkmaking: Uses of a Spud
Ink: How much is an Ounce?
Inkmaking: You can Make Ink from Rocks
Inkmaking: Boiling the Materials
Inkmaking: Grinding Bark into Powder
Inkmaking: You Have to Dry Bark Powder
Inkmaking: Slow and Steady is Best
Inkmaking: Adding Vinegar
Inkmaking: Using a Thickening Agent
Enjoying time with a Teacher
Departing with a Gift

- 4 sm
- 3 cm
+ Spud
+ Draw Knife
+ Mortar
+ Pestle
+ 1 Vial of Weak Green Dye
+ 1 Vial of Pink Dye
+ 1 Vial of Black Dye
+ 1 Luxury Vial Case

Grader Comments:
After consulting with Mirage, she informed me that Inkmaking should probably be awarded as a lore and not a skill. That aside this is a beautiful thread. Keep it up.
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