[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

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The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.

[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on September 24th, 2010, 3:09 pm



Okay, so I've been here for a while now, and I figure it's probably time for me to start a scrapbook. I doubt that many of you really know much about me, or that many of you actually care, but a place to post things about my life and ideas, and my works in progress sounds like a really nice idea.

Here are some basic things about me, the general "I'm a person" type thing.

Name: Jamie
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Texas, US

And here's a little more in depth stuff...
I've always been a creative person, and my interests definitely reflect that. I'm an artist, a gamer, a roleplayer, and a writer. I've mostly been known for my art, my drawings, paintings, graphical editing, but probably unknown to most people around me, I'm very muchly a writer. I've always had a love for writing, whether it be poetry, short stories, or novels, and a very profound love for roleplaying, including Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and other forms of roleplaying, such as instant rp and minor forum RPing. Mizahar is the first RPing forum I've ever really gotten into though.

Other stuff about me:
I work at a place called Chicken Express, and desperately wish I could get a better job. I plan on going to college again in the Spring for Sonography (Medical imaging via sound waves). I spent most of my time with my amazing boyfriend, who also roleplays on Mizahar, and taking care of my cat or playing random videogames. I live with three other people, so more often than not, I'm at my boyfriend's place.

Likes, dislikes, and things that make me angry:
As has been stated before, I like cats, roleplaying, books, writing, videogames, and all that fun stuff. I'm also very fond of music, dragons, things that smell good, shiny things, and collecting various things, such as foreign moneys, boxes, incense, blank books or journals, and other random things. I like to draw when I have time, and have been keeping a small book of drawings for my boyfriend. Maybe I'll post some of my work on here from time to time, but that's not very likely, though I will probably post my digital images that I've done work to up here.

I don't like fish, spiders, other bugs, large dogs, buses, bridges, or deep water. I'm sure there's quite a bit more that I haven't listed, but honestly...I don't care to list everything I don't like here.

Things that make me angry include people being too controlling, especially of something I am involved in or really like. I don't like people who are arrogant, or people who think that everything they do is the absolute best. I don't like people who don't care either, some amount of devotion is good, just not too much. People who are unnecessarily mean, harsh, rude, etc are really just...angering, and I feel that I have no use for them. People who think they have the right to be 'elitists' because of their writing style or how long they've been in a particular place annoy me as well, that's just retarded people. Despite my having described all of this, I do, however, really like people who are harsh, rude, arrogant, and think they know everything and everything they do is the best...if... they are correct about it, or have a sense of humor about it.

Anyway, here's a few rules about this scrapbook, now that you know my life's story:
1. No rude comments
2. I don't care when or what you post, I love comments and hearing what others have to say. I like random bits of writing, poetry, art as well, or whatever else you'd like to put up.
3. If you do post anything, please do it with good grammar.
4. I will post everything here, from my life to my ideas, art, and writing. I'll probably post any works in progress I have here, just as an update and a reminder to myself.
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Akiva Korvashi
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on September 24th, 2010, 5:54 pm


September 24th, 2010 12:18 PM

So today I created this scrapbook, partly out of having nothing else to do, mostly because I saw Gossamer's scrapbook, thought it was cool, and decided to try it out myself. And also because I want a place to write down all the little details of my life and ideas and such.

Anyway...thoughts time.

I have three characters running as of now, Akiva, Aram, and Kiska. Akiva is my first character and most developed, yet I find it hard to roleplay with her lately because of the fact that I did not create her up to my standards, as I was not familiar with the site then, and those that roleplay with her are getting slow and bored of it as well. I like her, but then there's my other two. Aram is a studious mage who is monstrously tall and skinny and lives in Zeltiva where he studies. I've done one thread with him, which took forever. This is because there's not much in Zeltiva, and what is there that I'm intersted in needs to be modded, so it's a bit hard to do anything. Kiska is my favorite of my characters, and she's got a good background and character. There's really nothing I can find wrong with her, except that she's very new and it can be hard to get a character into the swing of roleplaying and get more than one thread up and going. I've been thinking of doing flashbacks with her, but I'm not sure which ones would need to be moderated and which ones I could do solo or with someone else. I'd be doing flashbacks back to her childhood where she was with her family, guardians, and other people of her home, and then to a time in her past where she met a family, and a time when she was captured by slavers and kept as a slave by a family who abused her. That's where I'm unsure. Would I need someone to mod all those NPCs for me, or could I do it myself?

I'm wanting to participate in Nanowrimo this year, and currently have an idea for what I want to write about. I want to write about two characters in Mizahar, my own Kiska, and my boyfriend's Ero. Kiska comes from a harsh background, having lived in a family cold towards her since losing her little brother to the desert, then being told that someone would destroy her and she needed to travel to Mura, then being captured by slavers and abused by the family that owned her, along with other hard background type stuff. She travels to Mura where she was told she would find a thread of hope in changing her destiny, and she finds Ero.

Ero is an Akontak who seeks to unite the Konti and the Akalak as one race, and is venturing in search of information that will help her. Ero is of a race that should not exist, the Akontak, and therefore has no destiny. When Kiska meets Ero, he destiny gets changed, because Ero's lack of fate tampers with the fate of all she gets close to. It's like writing a book and leaving out one of the main characters, then inserting them into the middle of the story after the idea's been laid out. It will inevitably change the course of events that would have happened otherwise. Ero is intersted in Kiska because Kiska is an investigator by profession, and is good at finding information. Kiska finds it worth her time to work for the Akontak for both money and the protection she will receive from the warrior woman. And then the two set out to accomplish their goals and unite the Akalak and Konti and stop someone from destroying Kiska.

There are other things in there somewhere, about Kiska's journeys in Cyphrus and her meeting of a family and a boy who wanted to marry her, and probably some other romance and stuff, and stuff about her becoming bitter towards her culture (though maybe not, I haven't decided) and starting to see Ero as more than a friend or employer despite her cultures negative attitude toward same gender relations.

So basically, my characters plot. Oh, and on top of that, I'm not sure if that's allowed...for me to write something outside of Mizahar about Mizahar for something other than Mizahar.

Dream for the time being: becoming AS of Syliras.
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Akiva Korvashi
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on September 28th, 2010, 2:44 pm


The hours are coming slow at work, so I'm working harder. It's hard to say I like my boss, he just doesn't give me what I want. They used to love me where I came from, I don't know what went wrong, why they don't treat me the same wherever else I go. Sometimes it's just so hard to be the same. Sometimes it's hard to do things when I get nothing in return. Why can't I work as hard as I did when I was just 16, why can't I make people like me like I did then?

It really doesn't matter. Now I have it in my mind, set, that I need to fix this. I need to fix this problem of not caring, of nobody else caring. I'll make everyone see, even myself, that I can do it.

And the same goes for here, I'll make them see it my way.

Current threads:
Aram: none
In which there is much sand
Friendship, jobs, and a spot of tea

Upcoming threads:
Various flashbacks from the histories of my characters, especially Kiska.
Awaiting PM from someone to start a thread over something or another.
Probably either going back to Sunberth and fighting some more, or going to Mura. Progression of character plot soon to come, Kitty cat gone bad.
Shopping with the green lady - exploring the city of mura with kiska and her akontak friend, Ero
Nothing says love like a fist to the face - practicing unarmed combat at the suvai pavillion and getting the crap beat out of her by her akontak friend, Ero
Nothing like a little pain - training at the Suvai pavillion for archery
My daily studies and a lesson in writing - studying and writing at the medical library
A lesson in medicine - a class in medicine at the opal temple
A lesson in herbalism - a class in herbalism at the opal temple
The art of the bow - learning bowing/fletching, probably from someone at the suvai pavillion...like the archery master

Writing the wiki article for Investigation, awaiting approval. Awaiting approval on AS application.
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Akiva Korvashi
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on October 22nd, 2010, 2:48 pm


October 22nd, 2010 9:40 AM

Alright, seems to be time for an update.

I'm moving along at a slightly faster pace with my characters than I thought I would, except for my mage and toymaker (new character), so I shall discuss this.

Akiva Korvashi, first character. She's bouncy and hyper, loves shiny things and fish, and is okay at combat, dancing and seduction. She's a pretty general, plotless character, though recently we've decided (my boyfriend and I) to turn our couple evil, and have them attempt to have an evil army and fort, or something like that. And probably to try to take over the world or something like that. Akiva and Keorvic are currently going to join the circus with Verduth, currently in Sunberth, and travel with them for a while. Akiva is going to be a dancer/flute player in the circus, and probably the group's cook.

Aram is still currently in Zeltiva just sitting, waiting for a thread to be progressed. It's taking a rather long time, so nothing is really happening plot-wise. I don't know where he's going, I never actually came up with a story for him.

Rithe is my newest character, he's insane. He's a travelling toy saleman who also tortures and kills people at night. He calls himself the toymaker and loves to entertain children. He's probably the creepiest character I will ever make. He's currently in Ravok where his home is, I haven't made a thread with him yet, but I will whenever I see fit, probably selling his toys in Ravok or some other city.

Kiska is still with Ero in Mura training her herbalism and medicine, she'll stay there for another season. She's getting a healing mark, so she's going to be a healer and try to help people, and probably make healing potions with her philtering while she tries to get that up too. She's still going to help Ero unite the Konti and Akalak races while trying to save herself from destruction as foretold by a fortune teller long ago.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining this circus, just message Verduth.

Also, I'm still trying to get peer reviews for my investigation skill, which is up in world development currently. Check it out if you wish. Once I have edited for the current one up and gotten one more review and edit, it will be ready for founder review. After this I may have a shot at becoming AS of Syliras.
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on October 29th, 2010, 1:48 pm


October 29th, 2010 8:37 AM

It's so frustrating, waiting for everything. I'm waiting for Nim to finish his peer review of the investigation skill that I wrote so I can get the other one, then the founder review so I can continue with my AS application process...

I'm waiting for Christmas because it excites me, yet also dreading it because I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford gifts for everyone this year, especially what I want to get for my boyfriend (xbox 360 and 4 games).

I'm waiting for people to buy the stuff I have to sell, video games/systems and collectibles, so that I can afford the xbox 360...but I don't think it's going to happen. People expect everything to go for garage sale prices...which is like... $.25 each. It's not fair, why should I let go of something for so cheap when we both obviously know it's all worth about... $433. Cheap bastards.

I can't wait for thanksgiving, I told my parents I would go there, I like being there in the winter, and on thanksgiving, but I'm not sure. I mean, I love the food, but I want to stay here with my boyfriend, and also...I need to go shopping on black friday. I'm not completely sure if it would be easier to get something I want in a bigger city with more stores or a smaller city with a walmart and a few stores in a 'mall' (and much less people).

Ugh, and I'm waiting to get a call from a co-worker so that maybe I can work for him today and he'll take my shift tomorrow so I'll be off on the weekend, because..

I'm waiting for a call from my parents to see if they're coming to see me this weekend, which will mean nice food and them spending money on me. I'm sooo broke now that I live on my own and pay my own rent/gas/groceries and such. Being an adult kind of sucks.

Well that's enough complaining. In further news, everyone seems to be leaving Mizahar this is associated with me. A mod and two players that were in threads with me just left out of the blue for "drama" and "real life" problems. I don't understand really, why that sort of thing should interfere with Mizahar, which you can devote varying levels of time and committment to, such as...5 minutes to an hour a day, or all day. It's just like.. Will you never have free time...ever?

Aram, mage boy, is without a rping partner again, as he has always been. He's going to rot in his corner again. Akiva was going to join the circus until the ringleader quit Mizahar, but apparently it's been taken over and is going again, so Akiva and Keorvic are still going to try to get in. Kiska is still taking classes at Mura and working on getting her gnosis healing mark. Rithe is still untouched, and my boyfriend wishes for me to make a new character to go along with his Jamoura, so I was thinking a Zith, to finish out the character limit. She would be a rogue zith, evil I think, but used to human society, and trying to get into ebonstryfe.

Well, that's all from the ramblings of...me. I'll complain some more some other day, or post pictures of kittens or something.
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Alice on October 29th, 2010, 3:39 pm

Reading your scrapbook is very interesting!

I truly enjoy playing with Kiska and reading her threads in Mura. Just so you don't have to wait on everything, I'll try to get a post for our thread up soon. I must get to Satu's thread first, since she posted earlier, but I'm looking forward to both and thus will be fairly quick, I believe. Hopefully I can come up with an interesting plot for you!

Also, I have the investigation writeup on my list, because it looks very interesting and informative. I'd love to add some comments if I get ideas while reading it ... but don't wait for me! Reading stuff in the world development always seems to be at the bottom of the "I like"-list. ^^;

Anyway, I'd love to read more of you here in the future.
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Stitch on October 29th, 2010, 4:01 pm

It should tell you how much of a total nerd I am, when the one thing I really want to comment on is the brief mention of video games. Which video games do you have for sale? Feel free to shoot me a PM or post here. I might be willing to buy some off of you. <3
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[Akiva's Scrapbook] Forest of Dreams

Postby Akiva Korvashi on October 29th, 2010, 7:36 pm


October 29th, 2010 2:28 PM

Alice - Thanks, I look forward to it. I love roleplaying in Mura, and your writing makes me feel tingly. Take your time if you want though, I'm really in no rush...as I said above, I have many things to wait for. Just don't leave me like the others did :( Oh, and I love your new picture.

Stitch - Here's the list of games I had up and the prices I had on them. Just PM me if you're interested and we can get something worked out.

System, 2 controllers, memory card, cords - $40
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance ($5)
Guitar hero III (game only) ($5)
Devil May Cry 1 ($10)
Devil May Cry 2 ($7)
Devil May Cry 3 ($5)
Final Fantasy X ($10)
Final Fantasy X-2 ($10)
Kingdom Hearts ($15)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within ($3)
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 + 2 dance pads ($35)

Total: $145
Bought as a package I will sell all of this for $120

Super Nintendo:
System, two controllers, cord, working - $40
Super Gameboy ($5)
Zelda: A Link to the Past ($10)
Jurassic Park ($2)
Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos ($5)
We're back: A dinosaur story ($3)
Sim City ($5)
Tin Star ($5)
NBA Jam ($2)
Goof Troop ($4)
The Lion King ($5)
Super Mario All-Stars ($9)
Frogger ($3)
Barbie: Super Model ($7)
Radical Rex ($10)
The Jungle Book ($3)
Super Mario World ($8)
Donkey Kong Country 3: Donkey kong's Double Trouble ($10)

Total: $136
If bought as a package I will sell all of this for $110

Assassin’s creed ($10)
Prince of Persia ($10)
Dante’s Inferno (Divine Edition) ($15)

Total: $35
If you buy them all I’ll sell them for $25

Spyro: enter the dragonfly ($2)

If you buy anything else, you can have this for free.

This was copy/pasted from a craigslist ad I put up yesterday. Still have everything, but since I'm going to assume you probably live somewhere far away... there's probably be some shipping involved.

Anyway, thanks for the interest you two. I was almost sure that nobody ever read this. :P
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Akiva Korvashi
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