I think my opinion on the medals is obvious, so I'll wait to hear a few more comments. Even though they're not shiny, its that 'oooh, ahhhh' mentality I have when I make them haha, and despite the strange off-brand NaNo NaJu was, I don't think the event is undeserving of a little place in the medal menu to show everyone it happened. Now that we've seen what it entails I wouldn't be in support of another one either, but it was fun sort of jumpstart to Miz's summer season nevertheless.
The medals I made I put 'NaJu' on, which is admittedly silly as Goss pointed out, but it is what I've been referring to this event as the whole month, silly or not. JuNo makes far more sense, however. If we are game for medals, does that sound much nicer to folks?