Chalice and the 'Fizz'.
Made from the plant known in Kenash only by the moniker of the 'Chalice', this drug is created through the infusion of granulated sugar into the naturally occurring liquid within the Chalice. The reaction is thought to occur due to the combination of chemicals within the interior skin of the plant, known also as the 'cup', the presence of rainwater, and sugar mixing together, though due to the lack of the ability to study the phenomenon firsthand, the actual science of the matter is unknown.
Philterers in Kenash have attempted to duplicate the process with potions and mixtures, though ultimately, the exact effect is, for the moment, unable to be replicated. This realization has caused the price of the Chalice to remain high, as it is a natural producer of the drug, lasting for a total of one year before re-seeding is needed.
Yield from the plant is a total of five doses, each dose comprised of a total of one ounce of liquid, which is spread over a flat surface, usually a saucer, then set ablaze. The liquid has an extremely low boiling point and the uppermost layer is flammable. When burned, it produces an extremely thick, heavy steam that is then wafted into the lungs by hand or with the use of a fan.
The Fizz is given its name due to the release of carbonation that occurs when the mixture reaches its boiling point.
Effects: The Fizz is a very powerful hallucinogen connected with the brain's perception of light. Effects vary with the body's tolerance to the drug, which, rather than increasing with use, lowers with use, the blood's ability to break apart the chemicals within the vapour weakening with time as the chemicals slowly turn themselves into a necessary component in the blood. This forms a powerful addiction. Those addicted to the Fizz tend to live a life in the midst of their hallucinations, struck between pleasure and terror with the rising and setting of the sun.
The hallucinations, with the increase of light, become incredibly pleasant, pleasure manifesting through the senses, breathing the sensations of serenity under cloud cover, excitement in ordinary sunlight, and powerful emotions such as lust, infatuation and obsession in summer's blaze. These effects are not spawned by sunlight, but by any sort of illumination. Being close to a bonfire in the night is equivalent to ordinary sunlight.
In dim lighting, such as moonlight or lantern light, effects begin to turn malevolent. In the moon's light, feelings of dread arise, fears dancing at the edges of one's vision. In pitch black, terror is unavoidable, and most avoid such feeling, doing their utmost to illuminate their world and stay in the light, which becomes their safety net.
Addiction grips at a user after ingesting a total of four ounces in the space of one season. Withdrawal is kept at bay by using a similar amount per season. Effects of withdrawal are an eternal feeling of thirst, the inability to sleep, and fear of the dark.
Effect Duration: 18 bells.
Cost of the 'Fizz': 10 GM per dose.
Cost of the Chalice: 250GM per plant, which produces a yield of five doses three times per season. Reseeding is yearly. L2 Herbalism is required to maintain and re-seed the plant.