Previous Thread Winter 45th 364AV The night was filled with the silence of thoughts while a fire flickered away. Dion had sat in front of the fire, unsure of what to do. It had been a full day and night that he kept the fire lit and yet the people of the camp never returned. He had gone through some of the packs around him and found rags of fur but it was enough to scare away the chill. There was still one other bag that he hadn’t gone through and as his mind wandered he couldn’t help but become curious. Silvered eyes shifted across the darkness as he rummaged, paranoid that the owner of the luggage may arrive at any moment. But those more intune with magics would know the couple would not make an appearance anytime soon. His hand bumped into a few sacks, rounded objects within them, he pulled it out and opened the neck. “Hmm, some nuts, but I don’t feel hungry.” He chucked the pouch absentmindedly back into the bag, “ouch, petch a knife?” Dion pulled the contents of a small spice and cutlery pouch out next. The silvery point of a dull knife stuck from the side of the pouch and glimmered in the light of the flame. His blood stained the fabric green as his finger began to manifest an opalescent fluid. “I’ve never cut myself before,” he brought his thumb level with his eyes, “curious. I didn’t think I could bleed.” His index finger came down against the blood and smeared it across his flesh, “its thick, mmf, and it still hurts.” He pulled his finger away as he accidentally pulled his flesh open further. His finger went into his mouth as he cleaned his wound, his blood had an odd earthy flower, taste. He treated the stained pouch similarly to the nuts. His hands then dove back into the bag and pulled out clothing, “too small for me. Its like these are for a woman.” He pulled out a long dress that had holes cut in erogenous areas, “oh dear. Definitely for a woman, possibly a whore too.” He chucked the dress into the fire, “thats a better place for that who knows what disease is caked into that fabric.” His head ducked lower while his hands continued to look through the backpack. Belongings, personal and practical, were spread out and lost in the cold soil. His fingers found the lace of a necklace and pulled it into the light. “What morbid item is this? A tooth?” Dion studied it closer, “is anything in this pack not filthy?” He sighed and chucked the necklace into the flame and allowed it to consume the personal item. Dion sighed in boredom before he stood and looked around the camp, “there is nothing left for me here,” he said. The fire continued to sputter as he collected the items he found of use to him and tucked them into a backpack. Some of the blankets had long runs and slices in their surface and made them less useful to him. He seemed to enjoy fire as he disposed of the items he did not carry into the flame to be turned to ash. “Might as well walk through the forest, the moon’s light is bright and I feel adventurous.” With the backpack slung over a shoulder Dion’s tall body slid away from the glow of the fire and into the white-blue of the night. The soles of shoes crunched over frozen mud as he wandered like a spectre in the forest. A tall fuzzy spectre dressed in tattered furr that barely covered his body. His movements sounded much louder than reality, the quiet of winter surrounded him. “I am beginning to believe that I’ve been dropped in an area quite remote,” Dion thought to himself. “No that couldn’t be right, why would there be a camp or any signs of civilization if it were not close. Wait, could that be something?” Dion looked off in the distance at the side of a small cottage. The wood, grayed with age, appeared sturdy and maintained, “I wonder if anyone is home?” He began to walk toward the home, “an ocean?” Dion stepped into a frosty clearing, the forest opened up to a calm mass of water. Ice didn’t seem to manifest on the mirrored surface, the moon’s light reflected heavily on it. All around the farm appeared to be plants, brown from winter, frozen in death much like flesh in stunted decay. He looked over the home and noticed a faint, orange, glow in a window. “Someone must be home, I just hope they are friendly,” Dion sighed with a white plume. “One way to find out,” he began to take steps toward the door. He knocked, “hello and good eve. Is anyone home?” Dion waited in the cold. “Yes, state your business,” a gruff voice was muffled by the heavy door. “I’m a traveler who has lost their way sir, I was hoping to find warmth in this winter’s eve,” Dion said. “A likely story, I bet you are a bandit,” the man was quick to say. Dion chuckled, “hah, sir I do believe you are mistakened. I am no bandit or charlatan, only a cold man.” “If you were a traveler, why would you need the shelter of my adobe?” Dion rubbed his chin as he stepped away from the door some. “Poor planning sir, I did not bring enough cloth and fur. I was not familiar with the distance I’d be traveling,” his brow crooked as he heard the man laugh. “And where were you traveling to?” “The nearest city sir.” “What city is that?” The voice said. “I’m not sure, but am I close to one sir?” Dion crossed his arms and flexed his foot to keep the blood circulating. “You are, it’s not often I hear a traveler who doesn’t know where they are headed. But yes you are, there is a dock to a city close by. It’ll most likely be a sennite if you’re on foot sir.” Dion frowned, “better start walking.” Dion shifted from foot to foot as he thought of what to say next, “sir. I don’t think what I have will last that long.” “Not my problem, have a good night,” Dion’s eyes narrowed. “Fine, I will remain here on your doorstep,” Dion kept his arms crossed shoulders hunched as the wind cut through the holes in the fur. “If that is your choice I will have to remove you from my property,” Dion snickered while he shivered. “How will you do that? You would need to unlock your door and expose yourself to the potential of a bandit’s attack.” “I have a crossbow,” the voice threatened. “What if there are more than one bandit? That would be a lot of pressure for one man to handle with a crossbow,” Dion said. “Or you can trust a stranger’s words when they say they are cold and traveling alone.” “I will give you to the count of 10 before I come out and fire my bow,” Dion heard a subtle waver in the voice. “I’ll still stand where I am at if it will clear any apprehensions that I mean no harm,” Dion said. “So be it, 10,” the voice continued to count. Dion decided to set down his pack and even began to disrobe in an attempt to show he was unarmed. Soon the small click of a latch came from the door and Dion perked up some. The orange light began to flood out over the brown grass and soil. A shadow stepped into the square of light, crossbow silhouetted. It raised and the voice shouted, “shyke.” “Petch a whore with thorns!” |