Thou has written, and thou has completed, so I award thee the following....
Khiara: +5 Observation, +1 Drinking, +5 Rhetoric,
Lore: Unbearable Situations(The Possibility of losing links to the past), Questioning Your Own Life, Drowning One’s Sorrows(1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch, 1 Beer), Greeted by Someone Unexpected, Avoiding Van’s Touch, Turning His Words Back At Him(Then Back at Yourself Again), Being Convinced of Low Self-Worth, To the Emotional Breaking Point, Letting it All Out, Burying Feelings, Following Van’s Lead, Conflicting Reasons For Being With Van, Van Makes Me Swoon, Acknowledging the Need For Help, Modesty From Fear, Finding A Little Relief, Finding Wisdom in Van’s Words, Wondering How Kashik Will Take Things(Is there going to be a cat fight?), Whew No Catfight, Modest and Apologetic Approach to Van’s Wife, Kashik’s Palms: Whoa Cool Scars, The Risks of Reimancy, Giving Thanks to Vanator and Kashik
Vanator: +5 Observation, +5 Rhetoric,
Lore: Taking a Wife’s Advice, The Memory of Almost Lovers, Observing Sorrow, Attempts to Console, Khiara’s Change(Van: “Akela, Kavala, now Khiara. Yeesh! What’s With these women changing? It’s all so political!), Taking Responsibility(The Women Were Right, It’s Always the Man’s Fault), Revealing How Khiara Helped, Giving the Sis Mad Props, Making a Move(She’s Already Got Some Liquor In Her After All), De Women: Van Loves Them All, Explaining What Could Be, Classic Pick Up Lines, Empathizing With Khiara, Seeing the Good in Khiara, Being Unaware of the Future but Remaining Optimistic, Sleep Sounds Like A Good Idea, Exit Stage Left(Got to let Kash and Khi have their Girl Talk), Maybe Calling My Wife’s Reimancy “Party Tricks” Might Not Be a Good Idea in the Future, When I Suggested Putting Khiara to Bed I Wasn’t Suggesting a Threesome(Well, Maybe a Little)
Kashik: +4 Observation, +1 Drinking, +5 Rhetoric, +1 Reimancy
Lore: Being Prepared to Deter Akalak Advances(Just Have to Make Sure I Don’t Rack Up a Debt), Van’s Been Gone a While: May as Well Get Fit Shaced, Excited Greetings(I’m not talking in a slur, am I?), Reassuring Khiara, The Direct Approach With Khiara: Drink and let me look at your body(for wounds you pervs), Explaining the Risks of Reimancy, Making Khiara Feel Welcomed, Showing Khiara to Bed
Additional Notes: A nice start to a budding family I foress. Vanator gets another one to love, Kashik gets a Gal Pal, Khiara get’s the best of both worlds and learns that she can live again. Nice stuff you three, hopefully we’ll see more in the future and it can become sort of like Three’s Company.  |