Timestamp: 1st Day of Summer, 514, AV It was hot. Brutally hot. Such things were to be expected this time of year, but Lian couldn't help but look forward to the summer rains that would bring some relief. It was hard to want to do anything when it was this hot. Moving around only made it feel worse. So Lian did what any man in his position would do...use any means available to escape the heat for a while. For Lian, that meant making himself as comfortable as possible, and allowing his mind to slip into the Web. Once there, the physical sensations of the body faded away to a dull, barely noticable reminder that he was still tied to a body. There was no such thing as too hot or too cold in the Web. It was always just right. Weather didn't really exist in the Web. There was no rain, or snow. The temperature remained mostly the same regardless of what time of year it was. While one could run into a cold spot of sorts, that was one of the indications of damage to the Web, not an affect of the seasons, or an echo of the weather in the physical world. Lian didn't have a set task to perform in the Web, so he indulged in simple exploration. He flew through the glowing blue strands, and tried to recognize landmarks that he had seen in the physical world. They weren't actual landmarks so much as places he had been to. Like the stream where he had an unexpected encounter with a buck last fall. As he explored, he took note of areas that held dangerous predators. Nightlions, and glassbeaks were the most dangerous, of course, but a large pack of wild dogs, or wolves could be just as dangerous if they got too close to the city. While he found a lot of predators in his search, none were close enough to the city to be a threat...at the moment, at least. Out of curiosity, Lian sought out Seirei's presence in the Web, and examined it closely when he tired of simple exploration. She was firmly a part of the Web now, as Lian knew she would be since he himself had tied her into the Web. But examining her connection to the Web gave him an excuse to stay a bit longer. From within the Web, Seirei's presence was the same as any Drykas's would be. After a full season, there was nothing to show that she hadn't been a part of the Web since birth. Well, almost nothing. A true Drykas had little...trailers, little threads tying them to their parents and siblings. This made it possible to tell who was related to who quite easily if you knew what to look for. But it only worked if one's relatives were still alive. So even that wasn't a true indication. Lian knew that he himself didn't have any threads connecting himself to anyone else. His own family were all dead. To a Webber who didn't know any better, Seirei could be a Drykas who had lost their family as so many others had. As Lian studied Seirei's presence, he noticed something strange. She had a very faint, nearly non-existant thread tying her to him. Lian frowned as he tried to think of why such a thing might be possible. He knew that a husband and wife often formed bonds that were visible in the Web as a faint thread. But Seirei wasn't his wife. He was breeding her, but none of the emotional ties that bound a husband and wife together existed between them. Love, friendship, respect, commitment, trust...they had none of that. Surely the relationship of captor and captive wasn't strong enough to create a tie that was visible in the Web. So what had caused this one? Closer examination of Seirei's presence allowed Lian to discover a faint echo within her presence. Had that been there when he tied her into the Web? Lian didn't think it had been. He would have noticed such a strange abormality if it had been. What had caused it? Lian found himself to be intrigued by the mystery. He promised himself that he would keep close tabs on it, and examine his captive's presence every time he entered the Web until he figured out what it meant. But for now, it was time to return. Lian allowed his mind to slip back into his body. Instantly, the intense, choking heat hit him like a physical force. He tried unsuccessfully to ignore it as he stretched, and ate a quick meal to replenish the energy he had expended while in the Web. As he ate, he studied his captive intently, but there were no signs of what might have caused the abnormality he had seen in her presence. He hadn't really expected there to be any, but searching for something allowed him to put off what he needed to do for a few more minutes. Finally, there were no more excuses. No more delays. Lian had already waited longer than he should have to visit the Healing tents, and seek out the healer who had helped Seirei with her injured shoulder last spring. So with a reluctance he wished he didn't feel, Lian left to settle his debt. Lian walked slowly towards the Healing tents. The choking heat had as much to do with his slow pace as his reluctance did. Walking quickly simply took more energy than he had in this draining heat. The summer rains can't come quickly enough. he grumbled to himself. When he arrived, he looked around in search of someone who worked there. Once he found someone, he asked them where he could find Waisana. As he asked, he hoped he had remembered the name correctly. But he must have because the young man he asked seemed to know exactly who he was talking about. The young man offered to take him to the healer he was looking for rather than simply giving him directions, and Lian took him up on his offer. Lian followed the younger man through the crowd at a leisurely pace. When they reached Waisana, Lian noticed that she looked to be about Seirei's age. Perhaps a bit older. Seirei had visited this healer more than once. Was it because of injuries, or had his captive found a friend in the healer? "My name is Lian Windrunner." he said when the healer was ready to listen. "I don't need the services of a healer, but you saw a woman named Seirei a few times a while back. I'm the girl's...Seirei lives with me. I apologize for waiting so long, but I've come to come to an agreement of what I owe for your services. What would you consider a fair payment for seeing to Seirei's injuries?" Lian's words were more blunt that he'd planned. But the heat was getting to him, expected or not. And it made him feel irritable and out of sorts. Hopefully the healer would realize this, and not take offense. |