NaNoWriMo synopses

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Re: NaNoWriMo synopses

Postby Malia on November 1st, 2009, 10:03 pm

Haha, I so knew that I would completely change my story shortly before the beginning!

Actually I did it in the middle of my first few hundred words - I realized that I don't want to write a fantasy novel in English. Additionally, the story I thought up a few days ago (for practice) sounds a lot more interesting and funny than the plot I came up with for Mizahar.

So: My story starts with a girl seeing her childhood friend again after five years. She has lived in London during that time, and the heroine senses that her friend has changed a lot, and in a way she doesn't understand at all. She worries about her, and when she decides to skip the first school day after the holidays, because her friend wants to "show her something" her life changes ...

To make it short: She becomes a vampire like her friend, they join a pretty cool group that does some kind of underground thing for some reason I don't know yet. So it'll be a vampire novel - but I hope that it'll become an unique and thrilling vampire novel!

(Actually I cheated because I wrote the first few thousand words before today. But I could just stop a few days before the 30th, and everything will be okay, right ...?)
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Re: NaNoWriMo synopses

Postby Tarot on November 1st, 2009, 10:37 pm

Sounds good to me and I'd like to read it when it's done, if that's fine with you. :) I had an alternate idea for a non-Mizahar novel too, but I'm going to save it for another time. You should definitely write what feels fun and enjoyable. Just... go light on the emo/angst factor if you're going to do a vampire novel! ;)
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Re: NaNoWriMo synopses

Postby Malia on November 2nd, 2009, 6:00 pm

Tarot, I had no idea that you can read in german. That's pretty awesome!

Well, I hope I don't slip too much into emo. I guess it's one of my weaknesses, but I have some interesting ideas for the plot and the characters start to get independent too (after 7000 words or so).

Btw, I hoped to get some first few pages to read or something. I'm sooo curious about what you're all writing, I can hardly wait for the end of November. :D
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Re: NaNoWriMo synopses

Postby Tarot on November 2nd, 2009, 6:21 pm

Lol, I completely missed the German part. :p I just know a little grammar, I'm afraid.

Erm... ein, zwei... mein Name ist GP... okay, I may need some more practice. ;)
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Re: NaNoWriMo synopses

Postby Malia on November 2nd, 2009, 6:26 pm

Haha, I could translate it some day, but I'm afraid I suck at translating. The other option would be that my book gets published and famous and translated into many, many other languages. XD

But what you still know is neither wrong nor bad. Just not very much.
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