32nd Day of Fall, 513 AV Early Morning Once again Kalina had abandoned her Master's good advice of sleeping during the night in favour of heading out, away from her travelling party's encampment in favour of hunting for something more edible than the food the rest of them had eaten the previous evening. Kalina herself had merely picked at the food before wandering off to bed. Mere bells into the night, the young Kelvic had started to feel the familiar pangs of mild hunger and had crept out of the tent as quietly as possible. To her knowledge, no one woke at her departure and she was now returning before day properly broke, hopefully before the other three rose that morning. From the distance, however, her heart sinks, as she picks out a figure sitting by the quickly dying fire. A few steps closer and she recognises the figure to be Amelia, the other female in the group. The feeling of dread leaves her slightly, knowing that. Had it been her Master, she would have likely been due a stern talking to about wandering off with no one knowing. She was young, after all... had no sense of the dangers of the world... was inexperienced... couldn't look after herself. She hated it! She could turn into an animal and had sharp claws, after all! Nothing had hurt her yet! She was going to prove them wrong! Still unable to catch herself a deer, she had feasted once again on rats, and killed an extra one to return with, and offer as a gift. As Amelia was the only on that Kalina saw awake, she would offer it to her. Padding along, makes no particular effort to speed up her pace to reach the campsite, and Amelia, silently wondering whether or not she would be rebuked. Hopefully the present Kalina was carrying in her mouth would placate the older girl. Finally she reaches the dark haired woman and, mewling to announce her presence, rubs her small, spotted body along the other's side and drops the rat from her mouth, at Amelia's feet. Lowing her belly to the ground, she lies down and, with her nose, nudges the dead animal closer to her, making the gesture of the gift clear. |