[Verified by Crosspatch] Nanami

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Nanami on July 28th, 2014, 2:00 am


The Basics

Race: Kelvic Canine
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Life Expectancy: 16
Birthday: 3rd day of Spring, 510
Birthplace: Avanthal
Current City: Alvadas
Current Profession: Unknown

The Woman

Hight: 5'7
Weight: 140
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Fluent Language: Vani
Basic Language: Common

The Bitch

Breed: Zypherian Sled Dog
Hight: 36' at shoulder
Weight: 250
Colour: Blue Locus
Heat: 1st-14th of Spring/Fall

ImageNanami’s animal side of her Kelvic nature is canine; a Zyperian sled dog, hearty winter breed native to Avanthal. They come in several verities of large; from manageable to monstrous, and Nanami almost defiantly falls into the later. She averages from between 230 to 250 pounds depending on her situation, and keeps a height of 36 inches. The breed is prized for their power and intelligence, which makes them excellent sledding and protection animals. Her size and nature puts her in a subtype called a “freight” dog; meaning she is incredibly powerful, but not particularly fast. This kind is used in smaller sled teams and across father distances at slower paces, typically being able to keep pace for days. When used for protection they’re best suited with caravans or livestock herds.

Nanami’s coat is a thick, double layered thing that between the threat of overheating and the uncontrollable shedding, is very difficult to maintain. The main colour is a pure, snowy white with a light silver “sable” marking on her back stretching from her tail to head. Her tail is straight and feathered, and touches the ground when relaxed, her legs are similarly feathered and are much thicker than you’ll see on a southern dog. Her paws are wide and webbed, her black nails very long, and almost guaranteed to scratch up any hardwood floor she is set upon. Around her neck and down her chest is extra skin and fur that looks almost mane-like, this is to protect her neck in a dog fight. Her ears are upright and expressive, and her eyes are a flat, pale blue. Her gums, tongue and waterline are a spotted black.

As a dog she can carry half her weight (125 pounds) and can pull half again her weight (375 pounds). She can run up to 30mph while pulling, but travel pace is between 15-25mph, bad terrain can slow her down to 7mph.

Image The human side of Nanami’s Kelvic nature is just as physically mature as her animal side. She is built with strong shoulders and powerful legs, and generally comes across as sturdier than the average human female. Her hips have rounded over time and her waist cuts in deeply over top. Her hair is a thick, brittle mess of unaccented black at odds with her pale skin and the silvery blue eyes that carry over from her other form. The spotted tongue and black gums also carry over, but are not so noticeable. Her lips and eyelids are dark with blood that runs close to the skin, as is often the case of someone from cold climates. Her accent is very heavy with Avanthal’s Vani and can make her hard to understand.

Her physical appearance is overwhelmingly human, but it would be hard to mistake her for one just with how she acts. There will always be something ‘off’ about her no matter how hard she tries. For example, if she likes you she will never look you in the eye, as this is overwhelmingly aggressive in the language of dogs. She doesn’t begrudge humans for using this offensive social practice, put will get testy if they do so while in physical contact. Her Kelvic grace manifests itself as a loping stride, natural athletic ability and a confidence of someone who knows exactly how their body works. She also wont show her teeth as she smiles, as that is a defensive posture similar to a growl, but less aggressive. Her body language in general is more pronounced and indicative of her mood, comfort level, and where you place in her social (or pack) hierarchy. Anyone familiar with dogs would be able to pick out the social language of her body.

Nanami is a kind soul, in her own way, and comes across as capable and tough. She can quickly identify trouble and stress the way many pack animals can, and can read crowds and measure up people very easily this way. There is a very telling soft spot for children in her and a competitive streak that leaves her unable to resist any sort of challenge or game. She finds her energy in other people and can be charmed by those with childish tendencies or high energy. As a domestic creature and Kelvic she needs to be around others or will get lonely easily. That being said, her patience is quickly tested with the loud and obnoxious, and she doesn't suffer fools gladly. The innocent and naive will not find her accommodating even with her strong mothering instinct.

Perhaps it's her fathers blood in her, or the Zypherian nature, but Nanami can be counted on to be agressivly protective of anything or anyone she considers 'hers". But recently, with the death of her son, there is an frantic, almost desperate energy she exhibits in her protection of other people and herself; which can make her the aggressor just as often as the defender. This heralds a bewildering duality in her where she can be the kind, affectionate creature one second only to turn to a possessive, snarling beast the next. In moments like this, you can almost think there is something broken and angry about her.
Nanami was born with a healthy baby squall in the northern city of Avanthal. A bastard of sorts, her father was one of the famous Ice Watch bears who bred out of turn. So instead of her barn owl mother birthing a mountainous bear Kelvic, her daughter ended up being a mountainous dog instead. Mother and daughter lived a good life in the fridged city, working for the Frostfawn hold in exchange for food and a place to sleep, and striking the wild in the warmer winter months.
Nanami stayed with her mother for a year, at which time she was a grown adult armed with everything her mother could teach her. And so she struck out on her own, following her need for a bondmate and a family of her own. Eventually, tired of being alone and disenchanted about her chances of finding a bondmate, Nanami chose to start her family without one. So nearly a year into her adulthood she found a sire and became pregnant. It was a planned happening, and the bitch had chosen the most suitable male from the city’s Vanthas and Kelvics; an agile, aging but vital Lynx Kelvic.
Three seasons later Nanami gave birth to Seke, a healthy male Kelvic. But it became apparent early on that the boy suffered in the cold, and despite his healthy birth grew sick quickly and frequently. Because in the chaos that is Kelvic offspring, the boy animal side was a swift, willow-legged beast with pointed horns and velvet fur. Nanami worried for her child, and made plans to move south as soon as the boy was old enough.
Finally in the winter of 513 Nanami was able to pay a small caravan of adventurers and traders for passage south, with coin as well as promises to help with protection and packing. The leader, a hearty Vantha man, was sceptical about the burden the Kelvic child would be on the group. But he relented under the mothers stubborn entreaties and thinly veiled desperation.

The road was hard and rough, and within the first five weeks a handful of the group (the bright-eyed young Vantha artist, mostly) turned around and went back. Nanami, even with the added anxiety of her sickly son, stayed. Within two seasons several of the company were dead; one of exposure, the other fell victim to the Taldera beasts. The climate warmed perceptibly as they moved south and the heavy coats and furs were shed for lighter trail clothes, but Seke, no matter how far they got from their wintery home, shivered under Nanami's blue cloak.

It was almost a year into their trek when Seke got truly ill. The child was almost a man at that point, but the sickness sapped his body of his strength and bent him like an old woman. Nanami spent all of her time by his side, either supporting him as he walked or holding him as he lied. She demanded the caravan physician help him. Even attacked him when he told her one to many times that there was "Nothing I can do". Mad with worry she started stealing from the other members, slipping her son another bowl of broth or the expensive medicines the traders were going to sell. Looking back, she wonders if they knew, and let her anyway.

In the winter of 513 Seke woke in the middle of the night with weak and rattling breath. Nanami held him until he died.

She doesn't remember much of what happened the next few months after and she doesn't care. She buried her only child in the foreign black soil miles from her home, and the caravan continued on its way. There is a yawning black pit in that part of her life, and looking back at it she feels only an emptiness that pushes against her heart and mind as they shy away from it. But as time moved on she slowly pulled herself out of whatever depths she was lying in. A new need to survive stepped in through her grief and she started eating and speaking again. Her blood cooled and she forced herself to smile others, and then to laugh at stories, and finally to remember her child with something other than guilt. It was not easy, but when she could finally find humour in the memories of her smiling, willow-legged baby she was ready to come back. The new Nanami was tougher and older than the one who left Avanthal, and she was glad of it.

It the caravan the best part of a year and a half, but finally the troop made it to Karjin, where they parted ways. Tired and sick of the road as she was, Nanami still fled the city and the caravan traders who stayed there. Desperate to put as much distance as she can between herself and that year of her life. She booked passage from a Svefra trader heading south, and landed on the docks of Alvadas tired but determined. Maybe even happy. She will make a new life for herself, even if she has to do it alone.


Skill Mastery Exp. Earned
Unarmed CombatNovice2210RB, 10 SP
Wilderness SurvivalNovice 20 20 SP
TrackingNovice1110 SP
Child CareNovice1010SP
Socialization Novice 10
Observation Novive 10
Persuasion Novice4
Running Novice3
Subterfuge Novice3
Intelligence Novice3
Intimidation Novice2
Investigation Novice 2
Rhetoric Novice 1
Brawling Novice1
Interrogation Novice 1
Wrestling Novice1
Planning Novice 1
Stealth Novice 1
Larceny Novice1

  • Seasonal Gods: Morwen
    Taldera Geography
    Persuasion: Forceful Suggestion
    Nuit: Scent of Ichor
    Nuit: Poison Immunity
    Poison: Effects of Wildleash
    Poison: Scent of Wildleash
    Nuit: Don't Heal
    Nuit: Body Snatchers
    Kuvarkh: Nuit
    Viktor: Baby Stealer
    The True Nature of Seke's Death
    Persuasion: Presentation of Merits
    Philosophy: Freedom of Food
    Alvadas: Tower's Idol

Heirloom: A simple triple cross leather harness Nanami received as a parting gift from her employers at the Frostfawn hold in Avanthal.
  • Grey linen dress
    Reindeer skin leggings
    Blue wool cloak
    Leather boots
    1 Set of undergarments
    1 Waterskin
    1 Backpack which contains:
    -1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
    -Food for a week
    -1 eating knife
    -Flint & Steel


Item Cost Total
Start 600 gm 600 gm
Starting package -500 gm 100 gm
Living Expenses, Fall 514 -45gm 55gm

8/Fall/514The Cure for Blue is More BlueRuzekiel Soren Ongoing
18/Fall/514Uncommon EnemyKuvarakh Awaiting Grade
48/Fall/514And the Dish Ran Away With the SpoonPhobiusAwaiting Grade
5/Winter/510Freezing Together Koran Frostfawn Abandoned
60/Fall/514Come To Collect Kuvarakh Ongoing
26/Fall/512 Dogs and Cats Dont Mix... Or Do They? Saraphina Skyglow Ongoing

Image Kuvarakh Convenient Partner: The first Nuit Nanami has ever met. She has a deep respect for the man and sees him as intelligent and compassionate. However, his animal presence is lacking, and therefore she understands herself to be the dominant. Their partnership in pursuit of their common goal is amiable and he has earned her loyalty.
Image Phobius Friend: Though Phobius is an adult, his overt friendliness and insecurity makes her think of him as a child. She loves his liveliness, and her patient nature can easily handle his social energy. Her friendship with him is deeply maternal and has the capacity to be possessive.
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Alive and well.
Posts: 67
Words: 42043
Joined roleplay: July 27th, 2014, 4:14 pm
Race: Kelvic
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