[Verified by Siren] Tinnok

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Postby Tinnok on February 3rd, 2013, 6:07 pm

Image Courtesy of Edreina

Race: Mixed Blood (Myrian/Dhani Constrictor)
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Birthday: 40th of Winter, 487
Birthplace: Taloba
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 160 lbs

Tinnok is a strange blending of both the races that make up her genetics. She is tall, even for a Myrian, and while her skin is tanned, her hair dark, and her body shaped by the trials of the Taloban military, her face is centered by two golden yellow eyes, bissected by slitted pupils that betray her identity as something apart from her former Myrian bretheren. When one glances at her skin they will notice that it has a faint lustre to it that under close examination also reveals that her skin is actually tiny interlocked scales.

Her hair is cut short, now, long enough only to be bound in a small bun or tail at the nape of her neck, often leading to wavy locks falling around her face. Her skin is marked by many raised light colored scars. Upon her left shoulder is the tattoo of a single dagger with a drop of blood falling off the tip of the blade, her first tattoo to mark the weapon she chose when she was just an infant in her Birth Blooding.

Upon her right arm stretches her 2nd Phylonura mark reaching from the base of her wrist all the way up to her neck. Upon her forearm the image begins with a cavernous scene traveling up above ground to a reaching strangler fig surrounded by ferns and long tall blades of grass. High up in the canopy of the tree the branches slowly transform and join what becomes a large pool of water, swirling with aquatic life.

Tinnok is not good at keeping her emotions in check, and so the changes in her feelings are generally written straight upon her face, whether this be a wide smile or the knitting of brows and lips in consternation or anger. Her yellows eyes have learned to catch even the most minute details and they constantly flick to and fro, trying to assess the details of the world aorund her and the individuals that inhabit it.
Last edited by Tinnok on July 10th, 2014, 2:07 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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A Witch of the Wilds
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Postby Tinnok on February 5th, 2013, 9:45 pm


Tinnok has had to live for over two decades with the weight of her mixed bloodline's weighing heavily upon her. Most any other child in her situation would have simply been killed for what they were, and only recently did Tinnok discover the reason that she was spared was more from curiosity on the part of her elders than anything else.

She does not know how her mother Krisha came to bear her. The assumption is rape, but the proud Tempered Steel Warrioress will never speak of the situation to anyone, and Tinnok has always suspected there is more to the story, more that she now will never get a chance hear. Because of her Mother's unwillingness to abort her child while in the womb, the clan elders took the decision of Tinnok's life out of Krisha's hands upon her birth and decided to let the child live, albeit under heavy scrutiny. If she was ever to wander or show too many traits befitting a Dhani, she would be culled and Krisha's hands would be the one to do it. Tinnok, still does not know this story, but as she grew older these worries disappeared, at least in part, and Tinnok became a strange other within the Tempered Steel clan, not hated, but neither truly part of their fold. The young half blood only knew that most of her clan refused to socialize with her. She was not allowed to journey to Taloba often, to make sure others didn't know of her presence, and her child hood was a lonely one.

Despite her treatment over the years, Tinnok remembers certain parts of her younger years fondly. Her life took a turn for the better when her younger brothers Rarik and Akua were born. She largely raised and cared for both of them from child hood, and the three shared a close bond as the unwanted children beneath their mother, Rarik and Akua being boys, Tinnok being an abomination of bloodlines. Krisha was always distant to Tinnok, but her partner and the boys' father, Kohl, was a sort of father figure to Tinnok and always treated her kindly. Kohl's job in the Tskanna Training Yards provided the young half breed a place to escape from ridicule in the city, and helped her appreciate the Tskanna and Ashta of Taloba for the gentle giants they truly were. In these ways Tinnok felt blessed. She also met her closest childhood friend Ayatah, half Eypharian and half Myrian in school, and the two shared a close bond formed through their similar half breed natures.

Because of Tinnok's relative isolation in Tempered Steel lands, the child turned away from her fellow Myrians as a whole, identifying more with the wilderness around her. Myri never seemed to care for those of mixed blood, and so instead Tinnok turned to Caiyha, who she saw as a mother figure toher long before she was marked. Because of her blood, the half breed was allowed to venture into the wilds from a very early age, but despite the lack of worry, or perhaps even the hopes that something would happen to the girl, she always arrived back at the clan longhouses safely, perhaps bumped and bruised, bitten or scratched, but never truly worse for the wear.

Tinnok had always been a stubborn individual. Determined to prove all of the insults and assumptions about her wrong, and despite having never been marked by Myri, Tinnok joined the Taloban military for her required 3 years of service on the 1st of Spring 509 A.V. This is where she met Razkar of the Shorn Skulls, and found in him a close confidant and an ally when she was surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Her first year in the military was the most supreme of tortures. She was goaded and harassed by every member of her fang save their leader Ioxera, who did little to discourage such behavior. She knew they wanted to encourage her to flee, to quit, to give up on her goals of becoming well and truly Myrian, so the half breed refused to rise to their taunts and torture. She was rewarded precisely a year later when on a brief leave in the forest Caiyha came and blessed her with her 1st Gnosis mark.

From there, though her fang didn't like Tinnok any more than previously, she was suddenly of use. Her skills could aid her fang and other fangs they joined up with in numerous ways and she became a skilled tracker and scout. She had no illusions about rising higher, and instead focused on aiding Caiyha and the jungle she had been given care of while simultaneously fufilling her duties to the military. At the tail end of her military service all her fang mates including Razkar's perished in a traumatizing and horrible exeperience to which Tinnok still has nightmares about in a secluded cavern inhabited by a fanatic Dhani cult.

As the only survivor of her fang, though Razkar survived the turmoil as well, Tinnok was held captive by the military for about a week and tortured, then discharged when they realized she would give them no information of use, and found herself released from her military service once and for all.

After this the Witch started living about a day's journey from the city out in the wilds, finding peace away from her bretheren and exploring and tending to the wilds for some time, secluded and happy. That was until she began venturing further out into the wilds...and encountered her first Dhani when not under service to the Taloban Military.

The very first Dhani she met was a Rattler named Svan, who defied all tales she had ever heard and substantiated herself on the Dhani of Zinrah. He was strangely charming, taught her the basics of Morphing, and though their meeting was brief, she still holds it fondly in her memories.

Her second encounter would change her life irrevocably when she encountered another Witch in the wilds who was also a Constrictor of Zinrah. Feeling his mark Tinnok knew she couldn't try to kill him, even if there was a chance she might succeed, but when the two were stumbled upon by a Myrian fang, the half breed was faced by the ultimate choice, to choose Dhani and Caiyha, or to support the Myrians and the Goddess who had never so much as acknowledged her presence on the earth. It is not hard to determine which she chose. Helping the Dhani Witch kill an entire Myrian fang, Tinnok snuck home and cut herself off from the Tempered Steel, speaking to the elder and giving up her clan name. She said her good byes, hoping against hope she could escape into the wilds before someone started a witch hunt for the already hated half breed (even if the accusations in this case were entirely true).

It was not to be however. Just as Tinnok returned to her little hut in the woodlands to collect the last of her things, she found her Dog eviscerated, and set on display for her. She was then attacked by more Myrians and fled into the night, only to turn on her pursuers and one by one brutally murder each of them in turn, save one who was able to flee. The half breed was horrified to find how satisfying the act of taking revenge on those that had belittled her her entire life really was in that night.

Fate sealed, Tinnok meandered into the Wilds to the edges of the region, making a pilgrammage to the Grave of Behemoths, and centering herself and her life. Shortly after she sought council at a temple nestled in the twin peaks of northen mountains of Falyndar, and after an arduous task ridding a sanctuary of followers of Uldr, was granted her 2nd Phylonura mark, a charge in the form of a strange girl named Tsuya, and was even given permission by Siku herself to live within Zinrah, despite her heritage.

Now she seeks to balance the caverns of the city, raise and teach Tsuya, and figure out her next steps in being a Witch of the Wilds, and where such a journey will lead her next...
Last edited by Tinnok on February 13th, 2015, 10:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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A Witch of the Wilds
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Postby Tinnok on June 11th, 2013, 12:56 pm


Starting Gear :
1 Set of Clothing (A light brown in color with varying shades):
-Cotton Chemise
-Cotton Loincloth
-Cotton Undergarments
-Cotton Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel

Heirloom: The only object that Tinnok owns that speaks of her Dhani heritage is a large fang. Krisha gave it to her as a sort of present…if Krisha could ever be said to give anything of the kind to her mixed blood daughter. She claims it was the fang of Tinnok’s father, and she took it from his corpse, but Tinnok has never been so sure of the truth of this statement.

Housing: After receiving her 2nd Phylonura mark, Tinnok and Tsuya have taken up residency in a secluded cavern within the depths of Zinrah populated by numerous salamanders and enough moss to comfortably sleep on. Summer 515: Tsuya, and Tinnok depart into the wilderness to journey out to Kalea and leave Falyndar behind as Tinnok seeks to expand her knowledge of Caiyha's domains that lie beyond her jungle home.

SP: 33 Bikka
Snake -3 Bikka
2 Daggers -2 Bikka
Longbow -25 Bikka
60 Arrows – 1 Bikka
512 Winter Job + 153 Bikkas
512 Winter Living Expenses - 45 Bikkas
513 Spring Living Expenses - 45 Bikkas
513 Spring Wages + 151 Bikkas
513 Summer Living Expenses - 45 Bikkas
513 Fall Living Expenses - 2 Bikkas *At this point Tinnok is just lving in the wilderness
1 Lb of Mangos (Dried) 1 GM
1 Lb of Almonds: 3 GM
2 Lbs of Smoked Deer Meat: 8 GM
Hemp Rope 1 GM
20 Flight Arrows: 3 GM
20 Barbed Arrows: 10 GM
Long Spear: 10 GM
Night Armor: 75 GM [total = 37 bikka]
513 Winter Living Expenses - 2 Bikka *Is living in the wilds
514 Spring Living Expenses - 2 Bikka *Is living in the wilds
Myrian Grog (in great amount) - 1 Bikka
2 Spools of Sisal thread - 5 CM
50 Sheets of Parchment - 3 Bikka
514 Summer Living Expenses - 45 Bikka
514 Fall Living Expenses - 45 Bikka
514 Summer Wages + 153 Bikka
514 Winter Living Expenses - 45 Bikka
514 Fall Wages + 212 Bikka
515 Spring Living Expenses - 45 Bikka
515 Summer Living Expenses - 0 Bikka *Inactive this season
Supplies for the Journey to Kalea - 48 Bikka
Total: 265 Bikka, 9 SM, 5 CM



Jacket(s) *
Stockings *


1 Long Dagger *
1 Long Spear *
1 Machete *
1 Scimitar*
2 Daggers
1 Long Bow
Night Armor *

60 Arrows
20 Barbed Arrows *
20 Flight Arrows *


1 Lb of Mangoes *
1 Lb of Almonds *
2 Lbs of Smoked Deer Meat *
Traveller's Stock *
Strong Rations *
Water Additive *


Climbing Claws *
Climber's Kit *
Rucksack *
Torch (4) *
Winter Blankets (4) *
1 20 ft Hemp Rope *
Last edited by Tinnok on September 16th, 2015, 2:06 am, edited 9 times in total.

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A Witch of the Wilds
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Skills and Lores

Postby Tinnok on February 19th, 2014, 8:00 pm


Observation 100 (XP)
Acrobatics 74 (10 SP + 64 XP)
Dagger 63 (10 SP + 53 XP)
Socialization 65 (XP)
Brawling 33 (XP)
Endurance 38 (XP)
Hunting 39 (XP) *2 seasonal XP
Longbow 41 (10 SP + 31 XP)
Morphing 37 (XP)
Rhetoric 41 (XP)
Stealth 42 (10 SP + 32 XP)
Tracking 37 XP (10 RB + 27 XP)
Acting 4 (XP)
Animal Husbandry 11 (SP)
Body Building 6 (XP)
Bowing and Fletching 1 (XP)
Braiding 1 (XP)
Butchering 2 (XP)
Cleaning 1 (XP)
Climbing 20 (XP)
Cooking 12 (XP)
Deduction 3 (XP)
Diplomacy 1 (XP)
Disguise 1 (XP)
Drawing 2 (XP)
Dual Wielding 11 (XP)
Escape Artist 3 (XP)
Fishing 6 (XP)
Foraging 1 (XP)
Herbalism 4 (XP)
Intelligence 7 (XP)
Intimidation 14 (XP)
Interrogation 2 (XP)
Investigation 11 (XP)
Knot Tying 1 (XP)
Land Navigation 7 (XP)
Leadership 12 (XP)
Logic 2 (XP)
Medicine 7 (XP)
Meditation 16 (XP)
Negotiation 5 (XP)
Organization 1 (XP)
Persuasion 4 (XP)
Philosophy 12 (XP)
Planning 15 (XP)
Reading 2 (XP)
Reasoning 1 (XP)
Research 1 (XP)
Reimancy (Water) 13 (XP)
Riding 5 (XP)
Running 22 (XP)
Scimitar 9 (XP)
Seduction 7 (XP)
Sewing 3 (XP)
Shortsword 5 (XP)
Skinning 5 (XP)
Spear (Long) 13 (XP)
Spelunking 2 (XP)
Storytelling 2 (XP)
Subterfuge 5 (XP)
Swimming 10 (XP)
Tactics 16 (XP)
Tanning 3 (XP)
Teaching 13 (XP)
Torture 2 (XP)
Unarmed Combat 5 (XP)
Wilderness Survival 20 (XP)
Writing 2 (XP)


Fluent: Myrian and Nura
Basic: Myrian Animal Sounds
Poor: Common


Lore (100+) :
Religion: Caiyha (SP)
Taloba Geography (SP)

Half Breed Dhani in Training: You’re Screwed
The Look of Death
After a Fall, Get Up and Back in Position
Pros and Cons of a Short Blade
Feet, Move Your Feet!
Razkar: Eagle or Dog?
Taking an Expected Beating
Spitting: Buy Yourself a Moment
Watch the Limbs
Swords are Not For Bashing
Razkar: Respect and Strength

Insults: At Least Be Original...
Ayatah: A Fellow Outcast
Perseverance Above All
Krisha: Loving Mother, No Matter What
Bennik: A Different Story
Due To The Prey
I Have A Bad Feeling About This...
Learn To Let It Slide
Putting Together The Puzzle
"Learn And Move The Petch On"
Nightmares Of The Past
Know When To Run
Taking Stock... And A New Blade

Peace in the Wilds
Insulting One's Leader = Pain
The Mind of a Hound
Dogs Are...Tasty?
Snarling A Hound into Submission
Weapons: Don't Throw Them Away
Head On Stick: A Worthy Prize
Rigel: Faithful Hound
Recognition Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be
Razkar: Stupid Petcher
Succeeding Breeds Resentment
The Pleasantry of Soil Underfoot
Nature & Symbiosis
Fallen Comrades
Humans Can't Fight For Shyke
Hunting As A Fang
Myrian Ambush Tactics
Escape Is Unforgivable
The Frey Is Bloody
Unusual Tactics Bring Useful Results

The Reality Of Poverty
You Are Not My Daughter
Peace In The Jungle
Searching For Signs Of Prey
The Downfall Of Speed Is Silence
Yimay: Small, Cold And Merciless
The Snake Is A Sign
Marked By Caiyha: A Useful Asset
The Different Voices Of The Jungle
Hunting Is Not Tracking
Know How Your Prey Thinks
We Have A Deal, Wench?
Who Is Hunter, And Who The Hunted?
Employers, Not Allies

Yimay: A Forbidding Enigma
Nuran: The Shootist
Mint: Poisonous Of Body And Mind
Haetsi: Silent And Hateful
Lore: Uses Of Peccaries
Learning Stealth From Middle To Top
Estimating Numbers
A Bloody Mediation
Tracks Of Intruders
Sleep When You're Dead
Tables Turned
A Rabid Shell
Feeling Eyes...
Moss For Wounds
Lore: Dire Wolf
When Weapons Won't Work, Perhaps Words Will...
The Pain Of A Fevered Mind
An Understanding Formed From Fear, Blood And Caiyha
Respect For The Dead
Call Me "Wolf"

Comrades: They Aren't ALL Bad
The Arrogance of Myrians
A More Gentle Calling
Sharing Minds With a Tanager
An Earth In Pain
My 'Kin' Are Whores
The Trials of a True Myrian
A Sneaky Mind
Sometimes You Just Gotta Jump In
An Implaccable Hate For Dhani
Deny Your Heritage Makes You Stronger
The Art of Stretching Muscles
World-weary Wanderers
Jungle Clearance: Tiresome
The Jungle: It is Alive!
Food Is Fuel
Silence = Bad
Cavern Traversing
A Hiss To Chill The Blood
Tricksy Dhani Orbs
The Torturous Screams
The Madness of Panic
Sounds in the Deep
Think Like A Dhani: Walk Pissed
An Almost Cunning Plan
Buying Time: It Hurts
The Death of Two TrueFemales
The Sting of Death
What The Future Holds

Nature Conquers All
Scimitar Maintenance
Scimitar: Basket Hilt Block
Razkar: A Man Worth Many Women
Under appreciation Breeds Contempt
Knuckle-biting to Freedom
To Deserve Or Not To Deserve
Earning One's Hate
The Arena of the Ancients
Ghostly Presences
Anger Can Lead to Understanding
Time Mars Us All
A Bond Forged From Suffering
Myrians Never Change

Make 'Em Think You're Crazy
Wary Of New People
Don't Take It Easy On Anyone
Battles Are Not Just Physical
Avoiding Your Opponent's Reach
Keeping Your Head In The Game
Ayatah: Too Long For Her Own Good
The Fear Of Lies
Craving A Normal LifeThe Lonely Childhood Of Half-Breeds
Words Can Hurt More
Half-Breeds United
Sparring And Speaking Simultaneously
The Upper Hand (Or The Hand Left Standing)
Deception: Tricksy, But Very Effective...
Pain And Laughter: Myrian Bonding
Myrians: Raising Warriors Regardless
Don't Overstep Your Skills
Fight Is Hardest At The End
New Bonds

To Move As Soft And Stealthy As A Canine
A Nameless Hurt
Lore: Agouti
Eagle: A "Special" Male
A Tale Of Shame, Betrayal And Loss
No Words, Just Silence And Acceptance
Ayatah: The Dreamer
The Language Of Caiyha And Her Jungle
The Amusing Mystery Of Manhood
Friendship Means Honesty With Fear Of Judgement
The Relief Of Shared Secrets
Men: Useful Dicks, But Dicks Nonetheless...
Girl Time Among Myrians

The Jungle: In Every Corner, A Voice And Story
Lore: Tooth Ache Tree
The Mind Of An Ant
Caiyha's Mark: Not Gifting Sight, But Recovering It
A New, Massive, Orange Friend

Dhani Doesn’t Wash Off
Using Mud to Cool
Climbing Difficulty of Owehlai Falls
The Steel Heart of a Myrian Warrior
Climbing: Agility vs Strength
In Between Lovers’ Quarrels
Therapy in Battle
The Eagle Notices too Much
Communicating Human Squabbles to a Dog
Razkar and Ayatah – Like an Ancient Tale

Living in Caiyha’s Domain
Using Roots as an Early Warning System
Ayatah’s and Razkar’s Reasons for Leaving
To Stay Still while Others Move Forward
The Hard Farewell to Friends

A Hug
Everyone In Their Proper Place
Answering The Call
Give Me A Reason (Or The Bird Will)
Untangling A Tangle
Svan: A Strange (Non-Psychopathic) Dhani
A Different Dhani... But Still A Dhani
Three Breeds Of Enemy
Svan: Totally Missing The Point
Loyalty To Those Who Truly Love You
Not Quite Friends, But Not Enemies
Ending On A "Good" Note

Seeking A Teacher
A Toy For A Phantom
Baring Your Soul To A Stranger
Asheera: Cruel But Gifted
Trying To Turn The Tables
Staring Into The Eyes Of Madness
Reimancy: The Agony Of Induction
Reimancy: A Balance Of Will And Djed

Falling "Properly"
One Has To Make A Living
Proper Pelt Prep.
Kill Shots: Heart, Spine And Eye
Reimancy: Use Your Imagination
Seeing Opportunity

A Familiar Figure (If Not Face)
The Confusion of Civility
Bad Kitty!
Being A Good Host
The Strangeness of Patriarchy
A Life Besieged

To Walk The Canopy
Morphing: Focusing One's Mind And Djed
Hunting Prey Above AND Below
Kills: Not Just Food, But Trade Goods

Back from Near-Death
Bare Handed Fishing is Very Difficult
The Dhani Monster
Duty to Caiyha First
Even Monsters Deserve Pity
Flesh Eating Fish Follow Blood
Friends Don't Let Friends Maledict Alone
A Good Deed Should Never Go Unnoticed
Keeping the Company of a Crone Does Little to Improve Ones Image...or Does it?
Living is the Finest Revenge
Looking for Crone Chic? Deco with Bones!
Malediction 101
The Matriarch’s Say is Absolute
Never Have a Staring Contest with a Witch, She'll Win Every Time!
One Does Not Simply Tamper with Magic
Only Bait for So Long
The Pang of Fear
Razkar: Off Limits
Reigning in Emotions to Focus
A Simple Prick can Lead to so Much More
Surviving a Fall from Treetops
Terrible Sympathy with a Monster
There is Rest for the Weary...Sort of
Uses for a Monster Arm
When you Have a Feeling in Your Bones, Go with it!

The Little Kelvic Who Bonded the Queen
Nightly: The Leopard Kelvic
Fun? Hm... I think I might have heard of that before.

Between Me and a Tree
The Snake of the Swamps
Brawling with a Beast, Fighting Against a Fang

Ioxera's trackers, Rehkuna's brawlers, and Lidara's... People.
Dhani Past the Blockade
Alva of the Patient Shadows
Myrian Military Tactics
Dagger Mouth Village Becomes Fang Mouth Nest
The Bloodline I Follow
The Shattered Fangs
Rehkuna: The Cold Tigress

Tricking the Snake
Dishonor! Why he not fight me?
Svan: Twice the Dishonor, Infinitiely More Confusing
Criticized by a Creature
Svan: Always A Liar
Morphing: The Shifting Magic
Morphing: Abandon Ties to Your Body
That Wet Dhani Shake
A Watery Waking
Myrians: I Owe Them Nothing
Strength of Snake and Savage
Svan's Touch: Not Entirely Unwelcome

Myrian Children Need Practice Stalking
Lies are More Believeable With Truths
Kaie is of the Cutthroat Shadows
Kaie is Dedicated to Myri
Spears are Less Effective at Close Range
Teaching: Amusing Lessons can be effective
Self Inflicted Wounds Are Embarassing
Spear usage: Three Point Techqniue

Location: Kandukta Basin
Tracking: Jaguar
Tracking: Boar
Djed Storm: Chaos In The Jungle Wilds
Survival: Moss Grows On The Sunny Side

Mamoru: Dhani Acquaintance
Hunting: Curassow
Mamoru: Morpher
Flashes Of Images From Mamoru
A Dhani's Blood Tastes Cold
Dual Wielding: Two Daggers
Morphing: Claws

Hunting: Peccary
Hunting: Boar
Nightly: Insensitive Jaguar
Nightly Wants To Learn Magic
Location: Taloba, City Of Bones
Great Beast: Tskanna
History: The War Between Myrians And Dhanis
Morphing: Constrictor Scales And Claws

Phylonura: Reading A Tree
A Strange Dead Glade In The Jungle
An Underground Cave Below The Glade
Dhani: A Half-Transformed Corpse
Survival: Making A Bonfire
How A Dhani Transforms

Dhani: An interesting race and full of surprises
Soshakuakamamushi: Very childish but mature at the same time
Soshakuakamamushi: Too complicated to say, Aka is much shorter
The true power of Reimancy can cause a lot of destruction
Awkward circumstances produce a sense of camaraderie

Layout of the Dark Water cave
Tillin: A prideful but willing to accept one's mistakes and correct them
Dark Water Lands: Will heal with time
Dark Water Village: No longer the hatred but accepting

First Time: Hurts like hell at first but feels sooo good in the end
Mamoru: Always the puppet master
That Awkward Moment: After a one night stand, neither party truly knows what to do with themselves.
Mamoru: Will always have the glade

Razkar: Always More Than a Friend
Razkar: Torn Between Feelings and Honor
Feelings That Cannot Be Returned
The Ones Closest Hurt the Most
Pained Goodbyes

Razkar: Perfect distraction for Akila hounds
See, dogs and cats can be civil together!
Finding empathy with a tigress
Doing what is best for Leaf

Further Exploration of the Tropical Biome
Stumbling Upon Crumbling Ursine Ruins
Oriana, Mother of Bears
Discovering a Foreign Creature: Bears
Tale of Oriana's Forgotten Myrian Followers
Seeking Council with Oriana

Bigotry in Taloba: Nothing New
Beaten by Ioxera
Tactic: Exploiting a Male's Groin Weakness
A Death on the Battlefield is Worth More Than One in the Yard

First Rule of Spearfishing: Patience
Frogs: An Easier Catch

Capuchin: Curious and Agile
Morphing: An Art of Trial and Error
Morphing: Creating from Experience

Eagle: A Formidable Opponent
Predicting Offensive Attacks
Acrobatics: Flipping off of Pillars
Spear Technique: Forward Thrust
Headbutts: A Painful Alternative Attack
Dagger Technique: Overhead Bridging Defense
Acrobatics: Propelling off of Opponents
The Heat of Battle: Euphoric if not a Little Intimidating

Saving Aka from Drowning
Reimancy Technique: Using Cold Water to Sooth Burns
Evalin: Aka's Threatening Servant
Mud: A Calming Substance for Burns

Spear: Helpful in Acrobatics
Camouflage: Use of One's Surroundings
Rarik: A Reminder of a Sad Past
Rarik: Forever loved by a Half-Breed

Location: Tear Of The Clouds
Location: Ruins Of Old
Caiyha: My True Mother
Caiyha: Wise And Forgiving
Caiyha: Assigned Tsuya Under My Care
Caiyha's Task: Eliminate The Cult Of Returned Myrians
Tsuya: Green-Haired Girl Who Can Speak To Animals
Tsuya: Touched By Caiyha's Powers
Tsuya: The Daughter Of Penderghast
Tsuya: My Goddaughter
Penderghast: Desolate One
Penderghast: Knows Evalin
Penderghast: Mother Of Tsuya, Given Into Hatred And Warped By Uldr
Uldr: God Of Undeath
Undead: Enemy Of All Nature And Life
Fauna: Mry'uana
Fauna: Tiger
Fauna: Ethereal Jaguar
Fauna: Akila Hound
Fauna: Ta'rukahl
Fauna: Nightmare Bat
Monster: Vinumia
Siku: Alvina Of Serpents
Siku: Goddess-Queen And Mother Of All Dhani
Siku: Begrudgingly Accepts My Presence In Zinrah
Biome: Riparian
Biome: Subterranean

Stealth Technique: Making Yourself Smaller
Disemboweling a Cassowary
Cassowary 101: Plucking Feathers Before Eating
Tasting an Animal’s Stomach Contents
Kaie: An Excited and Energetic Hunting Partner

Retni: A Cold but Respected Teacher
Argouti Brains are used in Soaking
Weaponsmithing: Keeping a Blade Sharp
Smoking Leather does not Involve Fire
A Little at a Time is Better than a Lot

Debating Tsenrika's Message: Prophecy or Warning?
An Oath to Protect the Jungle from Evalin
Evalin's Great Evil: Fate
Playing to Evalin's Pride
Evalin: Out to Rid the World of Fate's Chains
Fated to Meet Evalin Again

Tracking: Discerning Track Types
Tracking: Wanolo Baboons
Running: Polynura Meditative State
Philosophy: The Strength of Trees
Morphing Model: Bark - Sappling
Research: A Step by Step Process
Longbow: Accounting for Distance
Longbow: Accounting for Height
Phylonura: Synergy With Plant Models - Morphing

Tracking: Boar Tracks
Tracking: Aging Tracks
Hunting: With a Dhani
Navigation: Leaving a Path on Trees
Slinys: Young Hunter
Teaching: Through Actions Instead of Words

Tempered Steel: Becoming One With Your Weapon
Spear: Hand Position
Tazi: Scattered Bones Clan
Scattered Bones: Myri’s War and Destruction
Tazi: Sister is a Warrior
Tazi: Father was a Healer
Tazi: Mother is a Warrior
Konti Are Pale
Konti Are All Female
Vyfox: Grow in Cool Area
Vyfox: Coagulant
Medicine: Sticks are Splints, Leaves are Bandages
Herbalism: Identifying Vyfox
Moss: Takes on Salves Properties
Firecracker Flowers: Distracting
Herbalism: Moss Collects Liquids
Herbalism: Identifying Firecracker Flowers

Stealth: Move slowly through water to avoid detection
Hunting: Fish create ripples on the water's surface
Fishing: Toes are as good a bait as any
Wash food before you eat it
Bigger fish, deeper water
Otter fur is oily
Otters have webbed paws
Morphing: Using a live model
Fishing: Nets
Kandukta Bbasin: Great for fishing and swimming
Fishing: How to kill a fish
Webbed hands and feet make swimming easy
Otters are great fishing companions
Dagger: Using a dagger under water

Tsuya: Has a lot to learn
Tsuya: A persistant girl
Caiyha: Dira's sister
Caiyha: The First Witch
People need meat to survive
Animals, Caiyha's gift
Dira: Queen of the Dead
Observation: Salamanders prefer humid conditions
Hunting: Surprise attacks
A near death experience underwater
Tsuya: The Huntress
Religion: Thanking the gods after a successful hunt

Morphing: A second skin
Morphing: Studying a morph over time to perfect it
Akila hounds are nocturnal
Meditation: Closing your eyes to help focus
Morphing: A slow morph, perfecting the basics
Morphing: Bones, skin, claws, fur
Tinnok: Your first complete body morph
Morphing: Trading two legs for four
Tinnok: One with the pack
Hunting: Taking down a tiger
Morphing: Overgiving is dangerous and can be painful
Medicine: Staying hydrated will help you overcome tiredness

Kandukta Basin: A rich food source
Kandukta Basin: A place where wildlife gathers
Stealth: Moving through vegetation with the wind
Intelligence: There are more ways than one to carry a weapon
Morphing: Webbed toes for swimming
Acrobatics: Flipping
Hunting: Remaining quiet as not to scare prey
Tinnok: Testing the limits of your morph
Stealth: Moving through water undetected
Morphing: The importance of returning to normal
Last edited by Tinnok on June 29th, 2015, 10:52 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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A Witch of the Wilds
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Postby Tinnok on July 10th, 2014, 3:46 pm


Gnosis Marks

  • 2 Phylonura

Tinnok began with a singular mark from Caiyha gained on the 1st of Spring 510 A.V. This mark sprouted as an elegant and pale strangler fig crawling up her arm to her shoulder. In its canopy were monkeys, toucans, and flowering figs. At it's base were a multitude of other plants, flowers, and ferns, some shadowed feline prowling in the background that Tinnok has now decided is an Ethereal Jaguar.

On the 30th of Summer 514 A.V. Tinnok received her 2nd Phylonura mark here. In addition to her original Tropical Forest biome, Tinnok gained the Riparian and Subterannean biomes, adding a dark and faintly glowing cavern that stretches down from her elbow to her wrist, the faint forms of the life within them shifting in the shadows. Up past the reaching branches of her Strangler fig the branches and leaves morph into the winding currents of a bright blue river, the sillouettes of fish and other wildlife sometimes visible beneath the clear water that stretches up to Tinnok's neck.

1st mark story :
Nipping it at the Bud
1st of Spring 510 A.V.

The First time she saw Caiyha Tin was Seven. She remembered the moment as if it had transpired just a tick before, and recalled it now as she sat in the crook of a tree, looking out across the shaded scope of fauna stretched out like mossy snakes before her.

It was the words that came first.“Get out of my sight, snake!” In retrospect it was very little of an insult, her mother threw them with much more venom, but it was the pangs of having your siblings see you as a freak that really tore at the young mixed blood. They tittered and giggled at her distress, dark eyes filled with the lack of feelings they had for the half breed they happened to be related to. The feeling of betrayal mixed with the unconcerned gaze of her own maternal figure, who barely deigned to throw an almost pitying glance her way that sent the girl sprinting into the forest as if a Myrian Tiger was chasing her. Her younger brother, who would grow to be her closest confidant, was still a babe in swaddling cloth, and no solace could be taken from him, so Tin took to making friends with the wildlife. Of course her mother abhorred snakes and vermin, and refused to let her daughter even show her one, let alone keep a pet in the lodge, so Tinnok of the Tempered Steel made due with beetles, spiders, moths, and butterflies, stowing them away where her older sisters would tear their wings and squash them in malice, feeding them leaves and taking them out into the woods to release them after a short time. Some of her most precious memories lay in watching long proboscises suck up nectar from flowers she had fetched, and the comforting prickle of rough insect feet over her skin as a beetle or caterpillar curiously probed about a new landscape: Pathetic really.

She recalled how full of life and light the wooded area seemed to be. The thrum of insects was nearly drowning, and toucans, jays, thrushes, wood creepers, and flycatchers seemed to create a blanket of feathers as they flew away before her. She barely noticed them, in hindsight, vision blurred by tears she knew she shouldn’t shed, which only caused her to expel more in rage. She practically ran into the massive strangler fig that blocked her way, long tendrils wrapping in neat patterns around the host tree it would slowly suffocate and consume. She liked the figs, not because of their nature, to slowly latch on and kill, but because they were one of the few trees that could be climbed with ease because of all the hand and foot holds, and climb she did. She curled into a ball in a crook between a twisting vine and the dying tree, and the sorrow of that inevitable state was mirrored in her own sadness. The tears dried rather swiftly, a Myrian, half breed or no learned to curb such actions from a young age, but the feeling in the pit of her stomach remained. She must have slept, for Syna had shifted in the sky when her head rose from its downward angle and looked up and across the branch.

And there it sat. A glorious bird that Tin would later come to know as a Quetzal. Of course this bird was not like others of its kind. For one thing it was in the entirely wrong region, though of course Tinnok did not know that at the time, for another it did not have the emerald feathers and scarlet and white stomach of its fellows, but sapphire down and lavender feathers with an almost silver sheen on its breast. Like a hummingbird every twist and turn in the light reflected a new color scheme, and when the bird’s gaze met hers she could feel the power and intent behind it. She did not cry now, but felt as if she should. It seemed as if the only correct response was to bow in supplication and reverence of this clearly celestial being that perched before her, surrounded by a harem of other birds and creatures. Tin opened her mouth to speak, but no words would leave her throat, and she could almost feel the creature smile as it observed with obsidian eyes. Then, all too soon is spread its wings and soared away. Though her brother, Rarik, one of the few people she has shared the story with believes it was only an emissary of the Goddess, Tinnok always knew the truth, that somehow Caiyha had known just the time to give her a sliver of hope to carry on, and carry on the Mixed Blood had.

It was in a copse much like that one that her hut had been constructed, and it was considerably easier to climb figs like this now that she was older and more coordinated, the perfect place to think with only the comforting sounds of the forests surrounding her. Tin spat, the globule of saliva sailing downwards toward the soil. While the trip down memory trail had been nice, she had hunting to do, and a lodge to feed. The Mixed Blood straightened a bit from her position, sitting up in preparation of the downward climb when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. It would be just like her clan to traipse about the forest with no heed for stealth and quiet. Upon closer scrutiny of the approaching individuals, however, she noted that they were not among hers…sacks were slung over their backs, and the two of them seemed to be gloating over something. She saw a flash of color and her eyes narrowed. Tinnok was a creature of observation and quiet. She enjoyed death and the treasures it brought, but liked it on her terms alone. Climbing down the tree so that it blocked her from view she carefully lowered herself to the ground, landing in a crouched position that made little to no noise on the cleared moist earth. She rose and crept behind her quarry, who were loud and stupid enough not to turn around as she took long, yet careful strides in order to gain the distance between them.

There is always a point when sneaking directly behind an individual when they are bound to see, hear, or simply feel the presence of another behind them. In order to beat her quarry to the punch as it were, she straightened, unslinging her longbow and keeping it by her side as she let out a warbling whistle of a tufted flycatcher, a rather peaceful expression. It didn’t actually mean anything in the Myrian vocalized form of communication, but it was enough to get the attention of those in front of her. The two men whirled instantly to face her, and she realized they were relatively young. Their expressions changed from shock to seriousness as Tin closed the distance between them, gesturing to the sacks. “A day’s hunting?”

There was one with elaborate tattoos on his shaven head. He grinned a sharp toothed grin and held up the dead thing in his hand. It was a scarlet macaw, it’s brilliant red feathers strained with a deep crimson of a messy shot, head lolling lifelessly to the side. “A day of hunting indeed, we found these blighters more than a few days walk from here. Thought our trip was for naught till we found…a colony?” He glanced to his partner for confirmation and the other one shrugged, a dark skull crawling up his neck. The other one, clearly the chattier of the two, still had that smile on his face, “Well, whatever it was, colony or not, it’s gone now.”

Tinnok’s eyes widened for a moment, and then returned to their normal state. Her hand dropped to her waste. “You mean to tell me that you managed to fill both of those bags with those creatures?” They were large bags, just the idea of it made her stomach feel a bit ill. The silent one gave a curt nod. Her eyes closed for a moment. “There must have been nests with young, what did you do with those?”

“We cooked up the eggs or the ugly featherless babes for dinner a couple nights ago, tasty buggers.”

“…And what exactly are you going to do with them, seeing as how I notice you didn’t keep any alive to sell as pets?”

The silent one opened his mouth. “Our sister owns a fletching shop. This was a hunting trip, but we knew she could sell her arrows for more with feathers like these.”

“And you didn’t think to just take a few?”

“There’s barely twenty, here.” Anger crept into the stoic one’s words as if that number were small, and Tinnok took a purposeful step forward, her stance tightening, her anger getting the best of her.

One thing she could appreciate, even if her mother seemed to revile her, was that her presence as a woman filled with fury still had an inherent effect on men. Both of them took an unconscious step back before holding their ground as Tinnok began to speak. “Have you ever seen this bird in Taloba outside of the stalls?” Two heads shook in unison. “Do you even know why you’ve never seen this bird in Taloba outside of captivity?” Again they shook their heads, Truth be told Tinnok herself had never seen the scarlet variety of macaws outside of the animal stalls of Taloba either, and that her first sight of free birds had to be the limp and lifeless corpse still hanging in her brethren’s hand sent another hot pulsation of rage throughout her being. “Because it has been killed for its feathers and sold as pets for our brethren, or pompous little shyke heads outside of Falyndar that think it cute to have an exotic bird as a pet. So what do you do with the first one’s you see in the wild? Kill them for their feathers? Soon there won’t be any of these petching birds in the whole of Falyndar, with puss filled louts like you murdering the first pretty thing you see!”

She was shouting, now, and the stoic one stepped forward now, his own anger clearly matching hers. “And what problem is it of yours, snake bitch? You some kind of shyke filled ninny that saves puppies and don’t eat meat?” There it was, the type of insult that it always came down to when she defended the animal kingdom, that she was some kind of pompous dandy that didn’t know shyke about anything, and whose skin was too soft to skin a beast or hack open a skull. She could barely form words. She wasn’t going to pull her Goddess into this, if it hadn’t occurred to these two imbeciles before killing these birds that maybe it wasn’t a good idea, it was clear they weren’t going to regret it now. Instead she merely stared deeply into the dark eyes of the man before her, voice almost as silent as a whisper. “Drop the bags and I’ll let you go.” Everyone knew it for a lie.

He laughed in her face, and the stench of it was not appealing. “Or else, what, bitch?”

Tinnok kneed him in the groin and bodily shoved him to the ground, drawing an arrow and notching her bow in a singular fluid movement, feeling the muscles in her arm strain against that large weapon’s tight string. “Or I kill you here and now like the animals you are.”

The bald one, who was off to the side let out a yelp of anger at his brother being thrown to the ground, and he charged forward. Tin smiled. She was still not very experienced with her bow, a trait her mother never ceased to remind her of, but it became supremely easy to hit a target that just kept coming closer, and closer.


The satisfying sound of arrow snapping from bow shot directly into the Myrian’s chest. It would have been a killing blow, but he wore a leather jerkin over a loose cotton shirt, and as such it must have barely cleared the substance, for he grunted in pain, but kept coming forward. She notched another arrow and began walking slowly backwards. This one she let fly in attempt to wing the Myrian where his flesh wasn’t protected by armor, but it flew wide of its target and the arrow disappeared into the thick undergrowth. Tin swore, the bald one laughed, and the other Myrian had begun to rise. Time was running out. Another arrow notched, and by the look of both of her opponents, it was the last she was going to get. She took in a deep breath, drawing her bow in sync with her lungs, then exhaled. The snap of the bowstring echoed across the forest, and instead of the thunk of striking leather, a more satisfying gurgle followed her shot. The bald one turned in horror to see his brother collapse to the ground, arrow sinking into the muscled flesh of his neck.

By the time he had turned back, his eyes furious and filled with rage, Tin had dropped her bow and held her dagger in a reverse grip; All this over a couple bags of birds. She closed her eyes for a moment, but knew she wouldn’t have had this play out any other way. Her own people did not see fit to defend her, but she would be the stalwart guardian of these creatures, the small and large that were mistreated by the ignorant and greedy. The natural cycle was one thing, what these men had done was quite another. He came at her like a Tskanna in heat, and she approached him like a cautious serpent, fitting really. His sickle was drawn and it swiped viciously at her midsection, she leapt nimbly backward and he came charging afterward. The reach of his weapon left her at a bit of a disadvantage, and she found herself pushed ever backwards, unable to put in barely any counters. Finally she was backed up against a tree, and her opponent’s face, though deadly serious, had a vicious joy in his gaze. Tin hissed at him, and when he swiped at her she caught the sickle in her hands. The pain was immediate, crimson leaking like small rivers down her hands, wrist, and arms. She sent a foot to his knee cap, sending him off balance and slicing up her palms even more in the process. She cried out, and so did he, both of them dropping the sickle simultaneously. Hands slicked with blood, Tin nearly dropped her second dagger as she retrieved it from its sheath, delivering another kick to the Myrian’s chest, knocking him prone onto the ground and kneeling on either arm, bloodied blade to his throat. “Caiyha will have justice today, mongrel. Those birds, will have justice.”

His eyes were wide with fear, and…was that awe? Tin had never seen such an expression given to her before, but that was when she felt the hand on her shoulder, and realized it wasn’t her the near dead Myrian was looking at.

“I can take it from here, Tinnok of the Tempered Steel.” The voice was warm and earthy, yet as melodic as the most beautiful bird call she had ever heard. Instantly the knife was dropped and Tin rose, slowly, turning to see her, for she knew her Goddess, had always known her.

Her hair was every shade of vibrant green, mossy and filled with flowers, vines, and fungus, seemingly fusing with her body which seemed veined with curling green tendrils of the life blood of the world. Her eyes danced with emotions that Tinnok could not hope to fathom, yet she seemed to see sadness and amusement in equal measure. Her gown was of the same make of her hair, and festooned with birds, insects, and rodents. Tin even saw an eyelash viper coiled around the Goddesses neck, and smiled as she backed slowly, reverently away, gaze lowered in respect, body at an angle that could have been a perpetual bow.

A long hand that seemed to have the ability to stretch like a kudzu vine, reached down and grabbed the bald man by the collar and heave him up into the air as if he was a toy. His eyes were wide with fear and expectation. The Goddess’s voice held the tone of maggots writhing in the ground and panthers ripping open their prey when she spoke. “You have poached on my grounds without even a single prayer to me as you did so. Do you have anything to say for yourself, mortal?” His mouth gaped like a fish, but Tinnok felt no sympathy for the being. Caiyha nodded. “As I suspected, do not worry, I will teach you to speak again, Myrian.” Her tone at once held the crooning of a mother to her child, yet held the undertone of an executioner. Then she watched as strange tendrils of energy crawled out of Caiyha’s grasp and encircled the poacher. There was a singular scream that sliced through Tinnok’s hearing like a supersonic knife, and then silence. In an instant the man had been replaced by a scarlet macaw that the Goddess set gingerly upon her shoulder. It looked frantically one way, then another, clearly agitated, but all it took was one finger tap from the Guardian of the natural before it had calmed. Now the two lively eyes turned to Tinnok, walking forward in unhurried steps that made the land blossom beneath her.

Tin fell to her knees, head bowed, when she felt that touch upon her shoulder. “I do not require homage as Myri does, child, rise.” Tin bolted upright, feeling like a startled deer, yet still could not make eye contact with the Goddess. Her voice seemed more tempered when she spoke again. “So you have seen fit to exact my revenge, Tinnok?”

The mixed blood’s eyes widened in horror, and her voice stammered out. “I-I, forgive me if I was presumptuous, mistress Caiyha, I only sought to uphold…”

“Go on, child, it is not you that has to fear my wrath.”

“Nature is balanced…sometimes I anger at how sentient beings destroy that balance without a second thought…”

A throaty chuckle that could have come from a jungle cat emanated from the Goddess’s throat. “Said like a true protector of the wilds. Tell me, Tinnok of the Tempered Steel, are you ready?”

Tin blinked, “Ready…for what?”

“For my gift. You know why I am here, and the ability I offer. It has taken you a long time to find your place in this world, which is why I have not visited you since that day. It is up to my potentials to choose this path for themselves. I see this as your final step, but I will not give my mark to those that do not wish it, nor those who are not prepared for the responsibility it contains. So I ask you again, are you ready?”

Tin felt her heart beating like a furious drum within her heart. This had been what she had wanted for the longest time, to connect with the beings that had been so close to her, to protect them just as they had protected her throughout her life, to maintain the jungle she felt such an innate connection with. She raised her vibrant yellow eyes to meet those of her Goddess. She would be a weakling no longer, not some simpering priest that didn’t have the stones to look his deity in the eye. She was a Myrian and a Dhani, a fierce and vicious animal that had lived her life for this moment, even if she hadn’t always known it would come. When her voice left her throat it was filled with the excitement and weight of this acceptance. “I am ready, mistress.”

Caiyha smiled, a pleasant and yet deeply unsettling expression. “Then I grant you my gift, mixed blood. Use it to nurture and protect my domain just as I would. I will be watching over you, and one day we will meet again. If you have done well then our relationship will blossom like an orchid in the jungle, and if you do not-”

“I will protect the land as a Myrian Tiger protects her cubs, My Lady, and if I fail it will only be with my death.” Her words were filled with vigor, sprinkled with a hint fear for interrupting a divine deity. Caiyha’s lips twitched, and she nodded. Her hand, nails made from bark and beetles reached out to her again, “Until next time then, my newest warrior.” Tin felt a spike of immense pain that lasted only for an instant before disappearing, and just as it faded, so too did her Goddess. The Dhani cross, suddenly exhausted and weary fell to the ground upon her knees. Fingers ran across her arm, eyes following the motion of her hand. There upon her arm was her strangler fig, roots wrapping like snakes about her skin. Within the tree were snakes, birds and plants flowering. At the base was a jungle cat shrouded in shadow and a capuchin with its infant clinging to her stomach inhabited the upper story, eating one of the figs the tree produced. Her rough fingers traced the image, watching the plants move in an invisible breeze, and the creatures shift imperceptibly. And as the weight of that moment hit her, and both hands fell to the ground, covered in saplings and a thick coat of moss after Caiyha’s departure, she heard the plants below her. Feelings of life and plentiful nutrients coursed through her mind like currents in a river. She felt the earth just as it held her weight on top of her, and for the first time in a long while, tears streamed from her eyes again, salty drops sinking into the soft moss and simply continuing the cycle of all things.

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The Clan

Postby Tinnok on July 18th, 2014, 3:40 pm


Krisha of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 55
Position: Taloban Outfitter
Skills: Blacksmithing 25, Longsword 10, Leatherworking 10, Leadership 5
Other: A fit and muscular woman, befitting a blacksmith, Krisha is the proud mother of three outstanding examples of Myrian females...then Tinnok, and her only son Rarik. Mostly she discounts the latter two, focusing in on the three that are truly the treasures of her coal black eyes. Working in the military complex as a smith and impromptu task mistress, Krisha's life is one of toil and labor, rarely leaving her time to return to the Tempered Steel longhouses, but she doesn't mind. After all, a Tempered Steel's home is as much the barracks as it is a hut in the wilds.

Reina of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 30
Position: Fang Leader, Tiger Rider
Skills: Shortbow 10, Long Spear 15, Riding (Tiger) 20, Leadership 5
Other: The eldest child of Krisha, Reina is a stunning example of Myrian prowess. A beautiful dark beauty, and all the more feral atop her male Myrian Tiger, Krole, Reina is a ruthless leader, and a ferocious hunter. Deciding to shirk the role of Tempered Steel acting as foot soldiers and crafts people, Reina aimed for the top of the ladder, and sought to bond with a Myrian Tiger. After a long stint in the jungle, and a life devoted to Myri and Navre, Reina and Vespar both returned with tigers, and though her younger sister was content with her role, Reina soon rose up to her fang leader, gaining notoriety around the complex. She holds her younger brother Rarik in some distaste, seeing him as the male that sundered their mother's womb before her darling Kinai could be bored, but sees Tinnok as an abomination that should have been culled long ago.

Vespar of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 28
Position: Tiger Rider
Skills: Wilderness Survival 10, Shortbow 15, Hunting 10, Riding (Tiger) 15
Other: Where Reina is headstrong, confident, and vicious, Vespar is the tactical, thoughtful other side. The sisters, who most take for twins, are nigh inseparable, which goes for their mounts as well, who appear to be brothers. Vespar does not hold the same disdain for her brother and half sister as the rest of her family, and perhaps even her entire clan, but it has taken a length of time for her to reveal this to anyone, least of all Tinnok.

Rarik of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 21
Position: Scout
Skills: Longbow 30, Stealth 10, Wilderness Survival 5, Hunting 5
Other: Rarik's personality is surprisingly upbeat and cheerful for the family of women in which he was raised. Due to his rather despondent upbringing, his skills, not surprisingly, deal a lot with sneaking, hunting, and scouting, tasks that could separate him from his family for extended periods of time. Unlike the rest of the Tempered Steel, Rarik actively seeks out his loner sister in the Jungle Wilds, and is one of the most apt members to survive long enough in the wilds to do it.

Kinai of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 16
Position: Student
Skills: Kama 15, Shortbow 15, Bladed Whip 10, Dagger 10
Other: Still a child by Myrian standards, Kinai already shows a great mastery of any weapons her clan chooses to throw at her, and is a dedicated and agile student, stubborn and determined in anything she tries to accomplish. Despite this her personality severely reflects the babied status (or as babied as a Myrian child can be) as the youngest of Krisha's brood, and Krisha is constantly making new weapons and armor for her young daughter to practice in, so acute is her devotion to the whirling dervish that she is.

Kohl of the Sinking Stone

Race: Myrian
Age: 47
Position: Tskanna Trainer
Skills: Animal Husbandry 20, Herbalism 10, Battleaxe 20,
Other: Kohl is Krisha's long term mate, the father of Rarik and Kinai, and the closest thing the three youngest of Krisha's, have ever had to a paternal figure. As quiet and thoughtful as Krisha is opinionated and bold, it is of no surprise to see how well Kohl trains and cares for the Tskanna of Taloba, and subsequently amazing how well he can handle the cherry red Kohl's of his mate's fury.

Trinia of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 82
Position: Clan Matriarch
Skills: Fortune Telling 15, Leadership 15, Tactics 10, Auristics 10
Other: Old and wise to the ways of her enemies and allies, Trinia always provides a level head and a clear voice when deciding issues within the Tempered Steel. It was her hand that preserved Tinnok's life, for reasons still unknown the the half breed, and Trinia is a woman of great respect to the clan, proving herself time and time again over the decades.

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Postby Tinnok on July 18th, 2014, 3:44 pm


ImageName: Tsuya
Race: Human
DoB: 58th of Fall 500 A.V
PoB: Alvadas
Title: Nature-Touched Child, Goddaughter of Tinnok
Skills: 10 Animal Husbandry, 10 Botany, 5 Foraging, 5 Wilderness Survival

Special Ability: Tsuya was nurtured and touched by Caiyha's power, she has the ability to communicate with animals and plants similar to a singular-marked Witch, but she has no authority of any biome.

Additional Info: Tsuya was an unwanted daughter of a human woman who lived in Alvadas, conceived out of forced consumation, the newborn baby was abandoned in the Wilderness by her mother. Taken in by one of Caiyha's Witches, the girl grew up under Caiyha's care in theTear of the Clouds. Touched by the Goddess' power, the color of her hair and eyes turned into a shade of leaf dark green.

The child grew up happily, with the fauna and flora and occasional Witches who visited the temple, but she was still naive of the world, Caiyha deemed it was time for her to go, the Goddess assigned Tinnok as her godmother.

Together with Tinnok, she does her best to assist the Witch with her duties and, hopefully, one day, becomes a Witch herself.

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Postby Tinnok on July 28th, 2014, 12:14 pm


Krisha of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 55
Position: Taloban Outfitter
Skills: Blacksmithing 25, Longsword 10, Leatherworking 10, Leadership 5
Other: A fit and muscular woman, befitting a blacksmith, Krisha is the proud mother of three outstanding examples of Myrian females...then Tinnok, and her only son Rarik. Mostly she discounts the latter two, focusing in on the three that are truly the treasures of her coal black eyes. Working in the military complex as a smith and impromptu task mistress, Krisha's life is one of toil and labor, rarely leaving her time to return to the Tempered Steel longhouses, but she doesn't mind. After all, a Tempered Steel's home is as much the barracks as it is a hut in the wilds.

Reina of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 30
Position: Fang Leader, Tiger Rider
Skills: Shortbow 10, Long Spear 15, Riding (Tiger) 20, Leadership 5
Other: The eldest child of Krisha, Reina is a stunning example of Myrian prowess. A beautiful dark beauty, and all the more feral atop her male Myrian Tiger, Krole, Reina is a ruthless leader, and a ferocious hunter. Deciding to shirk the role of Tempered Steel acting as foot soldiers and crafts people, Reina aimed for the top of the ladder, and sought to bond with a Myrian Tiger. After a long stint in the jungle, and a life devoted to Myri and Navre, Reina and Vespar both returned with tigers, and though her younger sister was content with her role, Reina soon rose up to her fang leader, gaining notoriety around the complex. She holds her younger brother Rarik in some distaste, seeing him as the male that sundered their mother's womb before her darling Kinai could be bored, but sees Tinnok as an abomination that should have been culled long ago.

Vespar of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 28
Position: Tiger Rider
Skills: Wilderness Survival 10, Shortbow 15, Hunting 10, Riding (Tiger) 15
Other: Where Reina is headstrong, confident, and vicious, Vespar is the tactical, thoughtful other side. The sisters, who most take for twins, are nigh inseparable, which goes for their mounts as well, who appear to be brothers. Vespar does not hold the same disdain for her brother and half sister as the rest of her family, and perhaps even her entire clan, but it has taken a length of time for her to reveal this to anyone, least of all Tinnok.

Rarik of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 21
Position: Scout
Skills: Longbow 30, Stealth 10, Wilderness Survival 5, Hunting 5
Other: Rarik's personality is surprisingly upbeat and cheerful for the family of women in which he was raised. Due to his rather despondent upbringing, his skills, not surprisingly, deal a lot with sneaking, hunting, and scouting, tasks that could separate him from his family for extended periods of time. Unlike the rest of the Tempered Steel, Rarik actively seeks out his loner sister in the Jungle Wilds, and is one of the most apt members to survive long enough in the wilds to do it.

Kinai of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 16
Position: Student
Skills: Kama 15, Shortbow 15, Bladed Whip 10, Dagger 10
Other: Still a child by Myrian standards, Kinai already shows a great mastery of any weapons her clan chooses to throw at her, and is a dedicated and agile student, stubborn and determined in anything she tries to accomplish. Despite this her personality severely reflects the babied status (or as babied as a Myrian child can be) as the youngest of Krisha's brood, and Krisha is constantly making new weapons and armor for her young daughter to practice in, so acute is her devotion to the whirling dervish that she is.

Kohl of the Sinking Stone

Race: Myrian
Age: 47
Position: Tskanna Trainer
Skills: Animal Husbandry 20, Herbalism 10, Battleaxe 20,
Other: Kohl is Krisha's long term mate, the father of Rarik and Kinai, and the closest thing the three youngest of Krisha's, have ever had to a paternal figure. As quiet and thoughtful as Krisha is opinionated and bold, it is of no surprise to see how well Kohl trains and cares for the Tskanna of Taloba, and subsequently amazing how well he can handle the cherry red Kohl's of his mate's fury.

Trinia of the Tempered Steel

Race: Myrian
Age: 82
Position: Clan Matriarch
Skills: Fortune Telling 15, Leadership 15, Tactics 10, Auristics 10
Other: Old and wise to the ways of her enemies and allies, Trinia always provides a level head and a clear voice when deciding issues within the Tempered Steel. It was her hand that preserved Tinnok's life, for reasons still unknown the the half breed, and Trinia is a woman of great respect to the clan, proving herself time and time again over the decades

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Postby Tinnok on July 28th, 2014, 12:17 pm



As children the two half breeds bonded over common strife and became fast friends. So much so that Tinnok could not even be jealous as the half Eypharian blossomed into a beautiful woman that Myrian males lusted after. She had not even contemplated the emotion until they both happened across Razkar of the Shorn Skulls and the abomination began developing feelings when Ayatah had already captured his heart, something that caused Tinnok no end of inner turmoil. She knows not where her friend is now, but is confident in Aya’s abilities to stay strong in even the most dire of circumstances.


Her brief relationship with the eager child from the Cutthroat Shadows has stuck with her in trying times. It is very rare in Tinnok’s life that anyone, especially a child has simply taken her for what she is and not for what her slitted eyes and scaled skin represents to Myrian culture. Now whenever she wields her new spear in a horrendous fashion her mind will drift back in time to her first lesson given by a smart talking young girl in the wilds.


The powerful Dhani constrictor represents a lustful and a set of base instincts that the half breed could never satisfy within Taloba. All it took was a bit of hypnotism and the focus of attention upon her for Tinnok to give into the Dhani’s seductive grasp all too willingly. Even now Tinnok cannot say she regrets brokering her shady deal with Mamuro, but she is certain he cannot be trusted.


Tinnok has never met an individual so filled with fire, brimming with emotion as if fit to explode. Something about the fiery viper, though her nature is opposite of the half breed’s resonated with her upon their first meeting, and she sincerely hopes that the Dhani will not fall victim to Mamuro’s devious mind as she did.


Svan represents the opening of herself up to the other half of her blood. Without his strange entrance into the jungle, knotted up in a tree, she may have continued living complacent among her bitter Myrian brethren for years to come. Having taught her the basics in Morphing, and having a rampant mouth Tinnok never knows whether she wants to stab the Rattler or kiss him.


Eagle was the first male outside of Tinnok’s direct family and clan to show her respect and compassion. Their first meeting was one that transformed from genuine hostility to nearly instant respect each one suffering disrespect either from race or gender within Myrian society. Though Tinnok’s feelings for Eagle did not develop until much later, it was a near inevitability of her person, and one she fought tooth and nail, knowing he was bound to Ayatah as only one truly in love could be. Thus the Wolf and Eagle teetered on the edge of something more than friendship for several years, never breaching that thin line even though the half breed’s dreams are haunted even now to know what would have happened if they did. She does not worry about Ayatah’s fate as she does Eagle’s, for the half Eypharian never got into half as much trouble.

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A Witch of the Wilds
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Postby Tinnok on July 28th, 2014, 12:22 pm


Summer 514 :

Summer 513 :

Flashbacks :
1st of Spring, 496 A.V. A, B, C, Dead Completed/ Graded *Observation 2
Intimidation 1
Dagger 2
Tactics 2
Brawling 3
Acrobatics 3

5th of Spring, 504 AV Harsher by Far *-Observation 5
-Subterfuge 2
-Acrobatics 2
-Climbing 1
-Teaching 2
-Interrogation 1
-Rhetoric 2
-Weapon: Dagger 2
-Brawling 1
-Unarmed Combat 1
-Weapon: Spear 2

3rd of Winter, 509 A.V. The Duties of a Patrol Completed/Graded *[Observation 2
Stealth 1
Hunting 1
Bow 3
Cooking 1
Tactics 1
Acrobatics 1
Endurance 1

1st of Spring, 509 A.V. Do You Even Lift?: Completed/ Graded *Stealth +1
Acrobatics +2
Body Building +1
Running +1
Weapon: Dagger +5

1st of Spring, 510 A.V. Breath of Life Completed/ Graded *Observation 4
Meditation 2
Wilderness Survival 1
Climbing 1
Running 2

35th Day of Spring, 510 A.V.
A Crimson Lesson: Completed/ Graded *Observation - 5
Socialization - 2
Philosophy - 2
Stealth - 2
Hunting - 1
Longbow - 3
Acrobatics - 2
Dagger - 4
Running - 3
Brawling - 2
Endurance - 2
Intimidation - 1
Rhetoric - 2
Tracking - 3

5th of Winter, 510 A.V. And Miles to Go Before I sleep: Completed/ Graded *Teaching +3
Brawling +1
Herbalism +3
Stealth +1
Deduction +1
Weapon: Spear +3
Acrobatics +2
Socializing +5

60th of Spring, 512
In the Deepest Darkness Completed/ Graded *Philosophy - 2
Rhetoric - 5
Observation - 5
Bodybuilding - 2
Endurance - 5
Climbing - 1
Escape Artist - 3
Subterfuge - 3
Acting - 3
Leadership - 2
Torture - 2
Acrobatics - 1
Dagger - 5
Brawling - 5
Medicine - 1

Heaven Hath No Rage Completed/ Graded *5 Points in Observation
3 Points in Stealth
3 Point in Weapon: Dagger
2 Points in Endurance
2 Points in Investigation
2 Points in Planning
2 Points in Socialization
2 Points in Tracking
1 Point in Brawling
1 Point in Diplomacy
1 Point in Fishing
1 Point in Wilderness Survival

70th Day of Spring 510
Try Your Hand Completed/ Graded *Observation - 3
Acrobatics - 3
Scimitar - 5
Interrogation - 1
Brawling - 3
Intimidation - 1
Rhetoric - 2
Philosophy - 2

86th Day of Spring 512 With a Little Help From My Friends Completed/ Graded *Tracking 1
Stealth 2
Hunting 1
Shortbow 1
Wilderness Survival 1
Observation 3
Cooking 1
Investigation 1
Rhetoric 2
Braiding 1

1st of Summer, 512 A.V. Need a Lift? Completed/ Graded *Observation +1
Climbing +2
Brawling +3
Acrobatics +1
Swimming +1
Medicine +1

55th of Summer, 512 A.V. Make it with Blood, Flesh, and Brains *Endurance: +1
Skinning: +2
Tanning: +3
Socialization: +5
Tracking: +1
Hunting: +1
Planning: +2
Sewing: +3

25th of Summer, 512 AV You and I *Observation +4 XP
Socialization +1 XP
Rhetoric +1 XP
Acrobatics +1 XP
Tracking +4 XP
Hunting +3 XP
Stealth +1 XP
Weapon: Longbow +1 XP
Running +1 XP
Socialization +1 XP
Wilderness Survival +2 XP
Leadership +1 XP
Climbing +2 XP
Brawling +1 XP
Weapon: Dagger +1 XP
Endurance +1 XP
Medicine +2 XP
Herbalism +1 XP

Until That Day Completed/ Graded *Observation +1
Cooking +2
Acting +1
Socialization +1

Of Serpents and Savages *Observation +5 XP
Socialization +3 XP
Weapon: Longbow +3 XP
Acrobatics +5XP
Weapon: Dagger +2 XP
Intimidation +2 XP

The Witch and the Serpents: Completed/Graded *Stealth +1
◾ Persuasion +1
◾ Hunting +1
◾ Spelunking +1
◾ Meditation +1
◾ Weapon (Long bow) +1

Tainted Hearts *Socialization +4
Observation +1
Running +1

Where do we go from Here? *Land Navigation (Jungle) +2
Climbing +1
Tracking +2
Rhetoric +1

Queen of Knives *Socialization +1
Observation +2
Dual Wield +5
Weapon: Dagger +5
Tactic +2
Brawling +3
Acrobatics +1
Endurance +3
Weapon: Spear +2

Testing Mettle *Observation: 2 XP
Socialization: 2 XP
Acrobatics: 4 XP
Running: 1 XP
Unarmed Combat: 2 XP
Weapon: Dagger: 2 XP
Dual Wielding: 3 XP
Endurance: 3 XP
Brawling: 2 XP
Planning: 1 XP
Weapon: Spear: 2 XP

Going the Distance Completed/ Graded *Running: 2 XP
Stealth: 2 XP
Socialisation: 5 XP
Tracking: 1 XP
Hunting: 1 XP
Deduction: 2 XP
Rhetoric: 2 XP
Leadership: 2 XP
Wilderness Survival: 3 XP
Weapon: Dagger: 2 XP
Bowing & Fletching: 1 XP

5th of Winter, 495 A.V.The Abomination and the Giant Purple Man: Completed/ Graded *Acrobatics +3
Cleaning +1
Socialization +5
Weapon: Short Sword +5

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A Witch of the Wilds
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