Closed Lost Souls (Azira)

Turrin and Azira venture deep into the Unforgiving in search of a lost hunting party

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The vast mountain range of Kalea is home of secret valleys, dead-end canyons, and passes that lead to places long forgotten or yet to be discovered.

Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Turrin on July 29th, 2014, 4:50 am


Time Stamp: 30th of Summer, 514AV
Location: The Forward Camps
Who: Azira

Turrin never liked being in the Top Notch before the food riots, but lately, this is the only place in Wind Reach where he truly belongs. Walking to the stall facing on of the circular stationary targets, Turrin reached down and picked up a fresh arrow from the bundle the deks brought him. Turrin gave the dek a backward glance at the dek as he scurried off to his next master. The endal couldn't help, but wonder if the dek raised up and fought the Avora in the Endal in the food riots last winter. The half-breed had been kind of paranoid lately since his flight, the War Hawks, played a big roll in keeping the peace during the days before the riots and putting down the rioters by force during the riots. Turrin could tell the lower castes were afraid of him because the rumors floating around about him eating a dek's heart. It was slightly true, but he wasn't going to admit to the Wind Reach that he sacrificed a dek to Myri in the heat of battle. In the end, Turrin had been feeling alone and isolated as of late, so he sought solace in the Unforgiving and stayed away from this cursed city.

Walking up to the firing line, Turrin placed the arrow on the bow string with his right hand and widened his stance. Turrin moved his right foot was behind him and his left foot was in front of him. He made sure his right foot was horizontal to the target and his right foot was pointing forward at a forty-five degrees. The endal bent his knees slightly, so he wouldn't fall over. Turrin lifted the bow till the bow lined up with the bull's-eye of target. Taking a deep breath, Turrin pulled the bow string to his ear, and he readjusted his shot. Taking a deep breath, the myrian let go of the bow string and watched the arrow soar to the target. Turrin listened the arrow whistle through the air as it streaked towards the target. The endal frowned when the arrow hit the target with a large thunk in the white part between the second and third ring from the bull's eye. It was a terrible shot.

As Turrin reached for another arrow, he overheard a pair of endal talking loudly. The first one to speak was a women, “Did you hear a Avora and his yasi apprentices went missing on the western side of the peninsula?”

Turrin set the arrow quietly down and heard a male endal laugh loudly, “It serves him right venture, so far away from from Skyinarta. It has been a week. I bet the only thing left of them will be there bones.”

The woman said sharply, “Do you know that you are a heartless bastard?”

The man said with a laugh, “I might of heard it once or twice in my life. Besides, the Avora was a arrogant prick. He kind of deserves to be eaten.”

Turrin picked up the arrow and stared at it for a moment. The avora hunter should have known better to venture to far from the volcano especially with yasi in tow. The myrian started to wonder how the children were faring, and he started to get a bad feeling in his gut. However, a part of him knew that he should at least find their bones and give them a proper funeral. Setting the arrow on the counter, Turrin grabbed his quiver and slung his bow on his shoulder and walked around to confront the two endal. Turrin gave them a nod and asked with no emotion, “Where was their last location?” The woman gave him a look over and said with a smile, “They were last seen by the far western forward camp on the coast of the Western Sea.” The endal paused a moment and said with shake of there head, “Turrin. They are more than likely shouldn't waste your time.” Ignoring her last statement, Turrin said with a nod, “Thank you for your help.”

Walking away from the two endals, Turrin made his way out of the entrance of the Top Notch archery range. The Endal knew that he would need assistance if he we was going to find the children, so he decided it was time for Azira to serve her punishment. Seeing a Dek run by him, Turrin quickly reached out and seized the middle aged deformed man by the arm and said slowly, “I want you to find the Avora Azira and have her meet me at Turrin's aeries. Tell her to bring outdoor survival gear and week worth of rations.” The dek looked at him and said with nod, “I understand Endal. You can trust me to find her.” Turrin watched him leave and made his way back to his aeries.
Last edited by Turrin on August 21st, 2015, 4:16 am, edited 9 times in total.
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Azira on July 29th, 2014, 10:58 pm


The Avora ran a hand through her hair as she leaned over the edge to regard the stairway down from the Aviary. The running through didn't take long, the hair still short although it was growing out faster than anticipated, nearly down to her chin. Her eyes travelled down the staircase, noting the absence of anyone else on it either ascending or descending before approaching the edge and turning to take a step down backwards. The huntress bent over slightly, hands placed against the marble platform for support as she took another step down. Another step down and her hands were able to grip the top tread as she started the ten chime descent.

The climb down wasn't challenging - just a simple repetition of movements - and so she had time to think. The Avora was coming to enjoy her time volunteering in the Aviary, each visit giving her something new to consider. She was gradually starting to come out of her shell in that place. It didn't matter up there that her hair was short and she wasn't mistaken for a Dek or a Chiet, or rather the mistake had never been voiced aloud. She actually found herself smiling up there. She could socialise, she could be nice. It led her on to thoughts of the past season, how she'd been driven to the birds in the first place.

When she'd decided to cut her hair, hacked it short, she hadn't considered the consequences. Just as she had mistaken Lavira for a Dek based on appearance, others had made the same assumption based on her own. At first, it had been small things that brought it to her notice. If she visited the market, people bumped into her on purpose. In the kitchens, the Chiet servers looked down on her until she asserted authority that her caste brought her and left the servers pale as they realised their insolence. She'd even been asked to leave the Enclave, a place that she had frequented for years. The shorter hair had made her the target of what she'd been trying to avoid by cutting it in the first place: the negative attention of men. If she seemed to be a Dek then she was ripe for the taking and her assertions of her true caste were laughed at. There had been too many close calls for Azira and so she had taken to going around with her shortbow and knife even when she wasn't hunting, or practising her archery.

She had no other friends to speak of except Syveris. Lavira and Alori Sai had both gone missing, presumed dead, whilst out hunting. The glassworker had become a rare sight for the huntress as with the end of confinement that winter brought, there work schedules had kept them apart. They had drifted and so the huntress had tried to find solace in what had interested the other girl; she had gone to the Aviary. She hadn't expected it to interest her really, birds had often been uneasy around her but yet she'd found herself instantly entranced by the atmosphere in the place. It was peaceful but not in the way that the Enclave was peaceful with its enforced silence. It was peaceful the way the mountainside was peaceful with the natural sounds of fluttering and calling of birds. It had become her refuge from mistaken identity and her free time was spent in the Aviary now rather than the Enclave. As she wasn't hunting today and she was finished her volunteering for the day, it meant that her next stop was Second Quiver to practise her archery.

As she finally came to the bottom of the path, she came across a Dek. She gave the man a cursory glance, taking in the lontev that he wore that marked his caste and the deformity of his arm that had put him there. How anyone could mistake her for that purely based on her hair was unfathomable to her. His eyes rose from his feet for a moment, a stutter in his steps as he took in her appearance and her bold stare before he checked himself and continued on his way, moving past her to use the route she'd just taken. The teen thought nothing more of the encounter as she made her way to the archery range. Her walk was bold, containing the confidence of one who knew they were above others. It made her noticeable, attracting the stares of those she passed but it meant that they really looked at her, taking in the strong wiry muscles, her clothing, the bow across her back. No one could mistake this bold young woman for a Dek, or even a Chiet. Not unless they were a little strange in the head.

The range was quiet when she reached it, only a few other Avora and the attendant Dek present. The huntress considered her choice of targets, settling for a position as far away from the entrance way as she could get. Azira didn't acknowledge anyone else, not even offering a nod in the direction of a people she saw regularly. Her bold demeanour continued until she found herself at the spot she'd chosen. The Avora took a chime or two to focus on her breathing and loosen her muscles, rolling her shoulders back and stretching her arms above her head until the bones cracked. Once her body was primed for training, she unslung her bow and checked the string, making sure that it was at the right level of tension before moving to withdraw an arrow from her quiver and nocking it.

Moving into a shooting stance, feet shoulders' width apart in a position perpendicular to the target. She lowered her shoulders and made her back straight, breathing slowly and deeply to relieve tension. Here she had the time to relax herself, allowing a new part of her body to relax with each new breath. Once she was ready, she exhaled and raised the bow with her right, aiming the arrow at the target as she pulled back the string with her left. As she inhaled she remembered Ainyi's advice and released the arrow then. It sailed quickly but not true, barely hitting the target at all let alone the bull's eye. She sighed, glaring at the arrow before reaching for another one.

"Avora... Azira?" The panting beside made her pause in her careful nocking. Her head turned to give the Dek at her side a contemptuous look. Her eyes rested on his deformed arm and brought a flash of recognition. If he'd gone up to the Aviary and back down and come here then he must have done so very fast. Judging by the panting, he'd ran. She favoured him with a nod. "I was told... by Endal... that you're to meet him... at Turrin's aeries with outdoor gear... and a week's rations." The message came laboriously but she got it. Turrin had finally decided to "punish" her it seemed. Apparently she was like a dog to be called, expected to be obedient without question.

Growling, she waved the Dek away and returned the arrow and her bow to its place. The girl retrieved her fired arrow from the target and stomped out of the range in the direction of her quarters. She'd need to pick up her equipment. Bed roll, tent and such things. Then she'd have to go down to the Kitchens and beg rations. It wasn't something that she was happy about doing.


The Avora trudged up to the Aeries, backpack slung over her shoulder and bow in hand. She'd had to ask which one was Turrin's but she knew where it was now and there was no avoiding going to it. Approaching the door in question, she rapped upon it, a sour expression upon her face as she waited for the Endal to explain his bidding.

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Turrin on August 1st, 2014, 4:29 am


Leaning up against the stone wall, Turrin had his arms crossed as he listened to his commander lecture him on wasting his time looking for a lost Avora and two yasi apprentices in the wilderness. Turrin had to admit that she had a point. In his commander's mind, if the party was foolish enough to go missing in the Unforgiving than they deserve their fate. Naime looked at him and said softly, “You know they are probably dead, and all the time spent looking for them will just confirm that they are dead and rotting somewhere under a bush.”

The Myrian ran a hand through his burgundy hair and said with a hint of frustration in his voice, “You are quick to write them off. They only been missing for a week, and if the avora has half a brain, he would have taught the yasi some sort of survival skills. I have faith that they are alive.”

Turrin looked at Naime, and she just stood their glaring at him, but she her face softened after a few ticks. Naime shook her head, muttered under her breath, and teased out loud, “By Ivak's flaming nipples! You are not a rusty knight from the east, Turrin! You are a Endal, so...please don't to let your honor get you killed out there.” The myrian knew that his sense of justice always bothered the his commander, but in the end, she always accepted him.

The myrian gave his commander a smirk and said with a nod, “I promise, Naime. Anyways if a warrior doesn't have a code of conduct to follow, he is just a murderer. In Taloba, my mother told me stories about the honorable and noble endal of old, so you have to forgive me if I don't act like a hedonistic egomaniac like the rest of you.”

Naime started to laugh out loud for about half a chime, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said with a laugh, “Turrin, I have been your friend for years, so I thought nothing you said would surprise me, but I always wondered the reason for your self-righteousness. You are a idealist! Aren't you?” Turrin rolled his eyes and crossed his eyes and listened to Naime's tirade. Naime stood up from her chair and said with a laugh, “I am sure your chiet mother was wonderful woman, but she should have told you the truth about the Endal's instead of filling your head with romantic stories about our NOBLE caste!”

Turrin couldn't deny that he was a idealist. Wind Reach was his home now, and he cared about the Inarta just about as much as the sons and daughters of Myri. He looked her in the eye and said with a smile, “I bet you my talon sword that if we half as noble and honorable as the stories of old. We wouldn't have had the food riots and the lower castes wouldn't wet themselves every time we entered a room. ”

Naime laughed out and said with a impish grin, “I have to admit that I do love watching the lower castes stumble over themselves whenever I enter a room.” Turrin let out a small laugh and teased, “You are such a terrible person.” His commander gave him a wink and said with a smirk, “I know!”

* * *

A bell later, Turrin watched his commander pick up her short bow and quiver and said to him as she secured them to her back, “If Aponivi and you aren't back in three days, I will come looking for you. What forward camp will you be at?”

Turrin quickly answered quickly, “My companion and I will be far western camp on the coast of the western sea.” His commander raised a questioning eyebrow and asked, “You are bringing another person on this misadventure? Who is the poor unfortunate soul?” Turrin answered, “Avora Azira. She has a a lot of potential.”

Naime listened to him and said simply, “If you are taking her, she is your responsibility Turrin. Don't let her succumb to same fate as our wayward hunters.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door, and the two Endals looked at each other for a moment. Turrin said with nod, “My companion is here, and I thank you for your concern my friend.” Naime said with a smile, “I would be a terrible commander if I didn't care about my subordinates. Good luck Turrin and happy hunting.”

She patted him on the shoulder and walked to the door. When Naime opened the door, the Endal looked at Azira and said with a nod, “Good luck on your journey. I hope this feather brained idiot doesn't get you into to much trouble.” Turrin watched Naime walk around Azira and down the stairs. The Myrian turned his attention back to Azira and noticed the sour expression on her face. He didn't understand why the woman had such a problem with him. It not like he kicked her pet bird or something! Turrin decided the best of approach was to not let her intimate her and get the job done. Turrin gave Azira and nod and said softly, “Come in Azira. Thank you for coming.” Standing by the door, Turrin held the door open for her and apologized, “Sorry for summoning you on such short noticed, but time is a luxury we don't have. A hunting party went missing on the western part of the peninsula. It has been a week since anyone had any word from them. I need you assistance in locating them or recovering their bodies.”
Last edited by Turrin on March 22nd, 2015, 3:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Azira on August 1st, 2014, 7:17 pm


The door wasn't opened fast enough for the huntress's liking. She didn't want to be kept waiting. One chime or two wasn't much of a delay if Turrin's request to bring a week's rations was anything to go by but it was the principle really. She didn't want to be kept waiting, wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible and that was that. Perhaps this was part of her "punishment"? Was she to be expected to comply with the whims of this Endal? Apparently, that was the case if the abrupt and unexpected summons was anything to go by.

The wait came to an end but instead of Turrin, another woman answered the door. Her sour expression briefly changed to one of surprise but returned quickly with the woman's comment and the sight of Turrin behind her. Great. She hoped that the woman was joking. She didn't want to die because of this man's incompetence although if he died, she'd be fine with that. Preferably before they left the mountain. That would suit her just fine and would leave a riderless Wind Eagle who might just be willing to be unusual and bond with someone of a sex opposite to it. The birds were less choosy when they were looking for a second rider.

The teen stepped into the Aeries offering an unpleasant smile to the rider, not surprising given the fact she was fantasising about his death. It was with difficulty that she kept a nasty and sarcastic greeting from her lips as she regarded the quarters that she had entered. Automatically, she compared it to Lavira and Alori's Aeries. Turrin's Aerie was nice she supposed but it wasn't as bright as the other Endal's. The stone was darker, the view out the windows was still spectacular but it seemed gloomier somehow. She supposed that some Endal had nicer rooms than others. It wasn't something that she'd thought about before but then she hadn't visited many of them. Turrin had had his choice of a free Aerie and this was the result. It made her wonder who would get the two women's former homes. Some new Endal would have their pick and it would become theirs. She wondered if an Endal that was presumed dead had ever come back to find their home occupied by another. The huntress decided it wasn't likely. If an Endal was away for that long then they probably wouldn't have an Eagle anymore. They wouldn't be much of an Eagle rider then.

She turned her attention back to Turrin as he explained his reason for calling her here. The apology didn't do much to ease the sting to her pride but she accepted it with a curt nod all the same. After that Azira couldn't be so accepting of what came out of his mouth. He wanted to mount a rescue party, or as it was more likely to be a body pick up. After this much time, they were sure to be dead. If they were Endal then it made sense to get them she supposed but if they were Endal then a search party would have gone out sooner and with more people involved. Surely he wasn't talking about Avora because they could be left where they were. She wasn't a Dek to be stuck with the dirty work of others.

"After this long, they're dead, unless they have a wilderness expert with them of course. I don't see why you need me to help you collect bodies. Why don't you bring some Dek with you? That's their sort of work if you have to collect them, not mine," the girl told him coolly in Common, making sure that he got the message clearly. She'd much rather he didn't speak Nari ever again. The last time hadn't gone very well but if he chose to speak it... well she couldn't be held accountable for her laughter. "Do I look like a Dek to you?" she challenged, a hand automatically rising to smooth her short hair down. He'd better say no. If he said yes then the bowl she'd once thrown at him would pale in comparison to what she'd do to him. Yet she couldn't lay a finger on him, especially because he was an Endal. It might almost be worth it though.

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Turrin on August 2nd, 2014, 4:29 am


Closing the door gently, Turrin listened to Azira give her opinion on the mission, and he had to admit the avora had a point. More than likely the hunting party was dead. However, regardless of her logic and feelings about the situation. She had to settle this debt between him and her if she likes it or not. She was here to do a job, and the pleasantness of the task would be up to her. Turrin isn't here to coddle her or make her life a living hell. He just wanted to get done with the job and get on with his life. Rubbing his chin, Turrin listened to her thought, but his mood started to soar when she thought this mission was a personal slight against her ego. When Azira asked him if she looked like a Dek, the endal's golden eyes just bore a hole through her head. Is she doing this on purpose? Why does she think this job is best suited for a Dek? Yes, we might have to recover bodies, but they are all Inarta. They don't deserve to rot in some petching valley with the rest of the animals.

Turrin looked her in the eyes and said with equal clarity, so she understood him, “If I thought you were a Dek, Azira. I would have you clean the piles of shyke off the floor of Aponivi's aeries...” Turrin paused to let what he said sink in and said continued, “I understand your feelings about the mission, and yes, they are probably dead. However, unlike you, I don't just see them as some rotting corpse under a brush in the wild. These corpses are children, Azira! They barely started there lives, so act human and have a little compassion for petch sake!” Turrin could tell that he lost his temper, but he needed it to sink in that a endal's life isn't just the rewards of the services. With the great rewards comes sacrifice. A code that the myrian noticed the modern endals seemed to forget on a daily basis. Turrin decided to ask his final question, “What if you were lost, hurt, or rotting in the wilderness, Azira? Wouldn't you want someone to come look for you?”

Shaking his head, Turrin tired of her whining. Turrin's father Marak never tolerated such insolence from one of his subordinates in Taloba, and he will not be a weak commander in Wind Reach either. If he showed any weakness to her, it could get them both killed in the wilds. Whirling around in disgust, Turrin said with his back to her, “If you want to complain, fine, but you will have to do it on the back of Aponivi.” Turrin started to walk towards a Aponivi's door, but he stopped suddenly said without looking at her, “Also if it makes you feel better. You want to think of this punishment as a reward. Just tell yourself that might be the last time that you would have to deal with this bothersome endal. Come on...We have a long flight ahead of us...”

Turrin walked to the door on the same wall as the master bedroom, and he opened the door to look at his only friend in Wind Reach. Aponivi was standing on his back legs as the two large misshapen Deks were strapping Aponivi's large saddle onto his black back. Suddenly, he heard a Aponivi's voice in his head, Are you OK, Turrin. I could hear you all the way in here.

Turrin decided to let Azira wonder the aeries while he made sure that he had everything and responded, I was just discussing the situation with Azira. I hope we came to a understanding...

Aponivi turned his great white head at Azira and opened his mouth slight. If Turrin wasn't in such a foul mood, he would of laughed at Aponivi's attempt to smile. Suddenly the great bird sent a joke, I am hungry. I could always eat her, and we can just do this alone.

Turrin didn't look up at him as he pulled the talon sword from his sheath to check for imperfections in the blade and responded mentally, Speaking as a myrian, you wouldn't want to do it. She might give you a foul stomach when you are finished.

The great bird let out a loud squawk, and Turrin knew it was his way of laughing. The endal sheathed the talon sword and said to Azira, “You can load your equipment on the bag to the left.” Turning his attention to the nearest Dek,Turrin to the one of the large Deks and asked, “Did you load my armor into the saddle bag?”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Azira on August 7th, 2014, 9:11 pm


Challenging the Endal perhaps hadn't been the wisest choice although he only retaliated verbally. Still, she'd managed to piss him off and his words certainly had bite to them. There was no way for her to react because he wasn't exactly offending her. She would have preferred it if he'd just hit her. At least then she would have known how to react. His words only left her dumb, left with no comeback of any sort, which was something of a first for the young woman. He was adamant about taking care of the bodies of these complete strangers. There was no getting out of this it seemed. She'd have to go along with it and little as she might like it, the man did make some good points. If it was her in that situation then it would be different. The huntress was nothing if not selfish.

The Avora closed her eyes. He'd gotten to her somewhat though. Touched a nerve that she hadn't even been fully aware existed. Apparently leaving a child's corpse rotting in the wilderness was a terrible thing to do. What sort of a person did that make her? She'd left Aleisa out there, had let her wander away in the first place, right into the clutches, or rather the jaws of wolves. Concern for self had won out then and so the girl had been left to be picked clean, her blood and flesh to corrupt the snow around her body. The memory of what she'd seen was not a pleasant one and she resented that Turrin had made it rise to the surface. She pushed it down, glaring at his back before he disappeared through a doorway.

It left the huntress with something to think over while assuming that the man would return. There were to be no more arguments from her it seemed. If she tried to resist, she could imagine being slung over the back of the Endal's eagle mount. The alternate view of the trip that he offered wasn't appealing to the Avora. While the man seemed to have a sense of honour, she didn't like the idea of being alone with him somewhere for gods' knew how long. So it couldn't be seen as a reward really. The girl wouldn't be surprised to find that the man had ulterior motives where this rescue mission was concerned. Was it not strange for him to undertake such a mission with only a young Avora woman as company? Certainly seemed fishy to her.

The Avora waited quietly with only her thoughts to occupy her. When the man didn't come back, the teen took a few steps closer to the doorway and tilted her head to listen to what was going on beyond it. Moving closer wasn't necessary as the sounds of a bird were clear to the young woman's ears. It could only be a Wind Eagle, its movements audible as it was such a large bird. She stepped through, curious to see the bird. So this was Aponivi. The eagle was beautiful as all Wind Eagles were, its head and tail white in colour while the rest of its body was covered in dark brown plumage. Its beak was curved and wicked looking, the animal opening its beak as it turned to her. She was uncertain whether or not it was an aggressive move but considering how birds normally reacted to her, it was likely to be aggressive.

The teen refused to be intimidated by the bird. She held her ground and raised her chin in a posture of defiance as she returned the eagle's gaze with a cool stare. If it was anything like its rider than perhaps her insolence would be allowed to slide or, failing that, that Turrin would prevent Aponivi from devouring her. A moment of rigidity as the Endal told her where to put her equipment (knowing that it meant approaching the bird) than a deep inhale and a confident stride forward, barely acknowledging Turrin or the Dek.

It didn't take long for her to pack her backpack with her rations and other equipment, along with her shortbow and quiver of arrows into the bag that the half-Myrian had indicated. Her hunting knife she kept upon her person, sheathed at her hip beneath her katinu. The teen allowed her weight to rest on one foot more than the other, crossing her arms across her chest and affecting an air of boredom. Azira was sure that he'd quickly get the message that she was ready to go and impatient to get this punishment over and done with.

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Turrin on August 14th, 2014, 4:25 am


Holding the compass in his hand, Turrin walked to the edge of the opening of his aeries. Flipping up the bronze lid of the compass, Turrin's golden eyes looked down at the red arrow pointing at the large N, and he saw the red arrow was pointing to his left. Looking to his left, all he could see was mountains as far as the eye can see. Turrin made a mental note that the direction of north was nothing, but mountains. Turrin looked straight ahead, and he saw the dark blue of the Sanikas River snaking it's way towards the distance blue horizon of Thunder Bay. He knew Thunder Bay was east of his aeries. Looking to his right, the opposite direction of the N the white arrow was pointing to the S or south. The endal saw nothing except more mountains.

Turrin mulled over the information for a three chimes, and he came to the conclusion that he needed to fly around the volcano to fly west. Sticking his finger in his mouth, he stuck it up in the air. Feeling the slight evaporation on his finger, he looked at his compass for another chime, but he couldn't figure out direction the wind was coming from. Looking at the sky, he could see that they would have clear flying accept for a few stray clouds. Turning around showed her the bronze box, Turrin said to Azira, “Sorry for the wait, Azira I needed to get my bearings...”

Turrin walked over to her and decided to tell her there destination, “We will be flying towards the farthest forward camp west of Wind Reach. I am not sure if the camp will be abandoned or occupied by a hunting party or a unwelcome squatter, but I want to cautious and not land Aponivi in a unknown...” Turrin always stressed caution when it came to the untamed lands of the Unforgiving because a traveler never knew what is behind the bend. Danger was everywhere, and he wanted Azira to survive the mission.

Running a hand through his hair, Turrin said with a nod, “Anyways, I am going to land Aponivi about a mile away from the forward camp, and we will hike the rest of the way to the camp to scout it out. Sometimes these camps aren't used for seasons at a time, so I always have to wonder if they are occupied by something larger than me.” Turrin remembered his father warning about Taloba that sometimes Caiyha's children loved to surprise or attack unsuspecting myrians even in the middle of their own city. As the myrian traveled and hunted the Unforgiving, he noticed the similarities between his father's homeland and his mother's homeland when it came to the behaviors of the wildlife.

The myrian continued, “Also, since we will be close to the coasts. The camp could be occupied by strangers from the sea. I really doubt we will have to deal with outsiders, but I just want you to be prepare for anything.”

When he left Azira to put away his compass, Turrin stayed silent silent as he mulled the information about the location of forward camp, I need to fly west till I hit the coast of the Western Sea and follow the coast till we come to the farthest camp on the western side of the peninsula. The endal knew there was a camp midway between Wind Reach and his destination. Walking over to Aponivi, Turrin patted Aponivi's neck, opened the lid of his saddle bag, and put his compass back into his backpack. Turrin tied the backpack and secured the straps on his saddle bags. Putting his right foot up in the stirrup of the saddle, Turrin gripped the saddle with his left hand, lifted himself up, and flung his left foot over the saddle of the great eagle. Looking down at the short haired Avora, Turrin decided to ask her, “Azira, do you have any experience riding a wind eagle?” Holding out a hand for her to take it, the endal asked with a nod, “If not, please tell me now because I can quickly show you some basic flying techniques before we leave.”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

Thank you Nyxie Nadira Draer for the posting template.
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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Azira on August 21st, 2014, 9:46 pm


The Endal seemed occupied with something else, seemingly unaware of the impatient stance of the young woman. She couldn't see what it was but he had something in his hand, something metallic that caught Syna's rays. Whatever it was it had his attention and she didn't like the unwelcome delay. He stuck a finger in his mouth and raised it in the air, apparently testing the direction of the wind. He was probably checking the flying conditions but she wondered why it took so long. Surely he'd be able to check the basic conditions in a few ticks and then allow the Wind Eagle to work out what the best route was to take. It was a bird, it could work out how to fly in the direction he wanted while making use of air currents. She didn't know why he'd bothered but there were easier ways to check the wind.

"Were you checking the wind direction? Wouldn't it have been easier to let something blow in the wind? It's strong enough after all," she said, not even bothering to acknowledge his apology. He was lucky that she even allowed him to get that much out before forcing her thoughts upon him. She lapsed into silence as Turrin explained where they would be going. As he spoke, her forehead crinkled and she looked at him with confusion.

He was talking about landing his mount outside of the camp because there might be predators. It was a Wind Eagle for Ivak's sake! It was bigger than any creature that she knew of and she was sure that it could frighten away anything that was smaller than it. Was he frightened that something would happen to Aponivi? Her eyes flitted to the giant raptor. There was nothing vulnerable about that bird and she knew the power of them as well. She'd seem them rip wolves in two, had seen them fling Inarta off the mountain with ease. The teen regarded the man between narrowed lids, wondering about his sanity.

The mention of outsiders made her wonder again why he didn't just land the eagle in the Forward Camp. Outsiders would know they were coming but they also wouldn't be stupid enough to attack them without risking the Wind Eagle's ire. The huntress couldn't keep her thoughts to herself anymore, unable to stand by silently while he said things that made no sense to her.

"Why don't you land Aponivi in the Forward Camp? Is he not capable of frightening away anything in his path? He's a Wind Eagle and nothing is stupid enough to mess with one," she told him. "Unless you'd prefer to leave him where he's no good to you and have us end up in some animal's stomach. I've been close enough to that in the past, thank you. No need to be stupid about it." The huntress added the last part so that he wouldn't think her a coward. She wasn't one, she was just being practical.

"I have experience riding Wind Eagles. Not a lot, mind you. They don't actually like me," she explained, then winced as she realised that she'd given more information away then she'd intended. "I wouldn't say no to a... brush-up on my eagle riding skills." The girl raised her chin, still proud despite her need for help. She'd attempted subtlety where her wish for help was concerned. Hopefully the Endal wouldn't torment her over it. She didn't think that he was the type to do such a thing but she might well be wrong about him. His reaction would speak volumes about him and hopefully would leave her with information about his character that she could use in future.

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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Turrin on September 7th, 2014, 6:20 pm


Turrin listened Azira suggest that they should land Aponivi in the forward camp. Normally, he would if the camp was frequently visited by other endal, but the forward camp that they will be traveling to was about one hundred miles from Wind Reach on the western side of the peninsula. He knew Aponivi could scare off most animals, but what if a large bear stayed and protected his new territory? The wind eagle could run into trouble or killed by a large beast like a bear. The thought of losing Aponivi needlessly was unacceptable to him. If the wind eagle got hurt in the process, Azira and Turrin would have a long trek back to Wind Reach through the mountains. Both were unacceptable scenarios to the him. The myrian looked at her and said with a nod, “I understand what you are saying Azira. Normally if I was closer to Wind Reach, I would be all for blindly swooping down on to the camp without a second thought, but at the moment, we have to many unknown surrounding the disappearance of these hunters, so I want to scout out the area before we bring our lifeline into harms way.”

Turrin paused to collect his thoughts and decided to use her own words, “You said lets not be stupid about it, so let me ask you this question. What if Aponivi got hurt or killed if we just dropped into the forward camp? Maybe a large bear took over the camp as it's home or the camp is occupied by poachers? This camp is hundreds of mile from Wind Reach, and it about a mile or two from the sea. It could easily be a temporary home to poachers, sailors, or raiders making camp for the night. One well placed arrow or crossbow bolt can down a wind eagle with no problem if you hit the wing right.” The myrian lived with Inarta for awhile and noticed that the ginger humans didn't lack bravery. However, their bravery was borderline stupid because the fiery humans tend to think more with their hearts and not their heads. He wasn't going to point out this racial failing to the explosive teenager, so he decided to challenger her instead, “If Aponivi got hurt or killed, we would walking back to Wind Reach.”

Looking down at the teenager, Turrin could tell that she was hesitant about the mission. He was too, but it was apart of job to look for stranded hunters in the Unforgiving. He knew Azira didn't understand it because she never had the responsibility of a endal. However, Turrin wanted to put her mind at ease about getting eaten because he needed her to be on the same page as him, so he said with confidence, “I am sure with our skill with a bow and my skill with a talon sword. I doubt there won't be much you and I can't handle together. Besides, it is my job to get you back to the city safe and sound, so I won't break my word to my flight leader and let you get killed out there. Just this once I need you to trust my judgment, Azira.”

When Turrin was finished discussing the mission with her, he caught a little tidbit of knowledge about her that she doesn't get along with wind eagles. He wasn't surprised with quick temper. Turrin learned wind eagles don't tolerate disrespect from humans, and she hasn't been respectful to him since he met her. The endal just hoped that she wasn't stupid enough to back talk to Aponivi. Turrin said with a nod and shared a little advice, “It isn't my place to comment on your relationship with wind eagles, but if you want to try to speak to Aponivi during the trip, I am sure that he wouldn't mind speaking with you.”

Immediately, Aponivi mentality contacted Turrin, You can't barely stand her, Turrin! Why in petch would I want to communicate with this miserable human...? She has no respect for anyone, but herself, so why would she have respect for me?

Turrin immediately responded back to Aponivi, When I first came to Wind Reach, I was just like her. Angry at the world, but you gave me a chance. If she does contacts you, just give her one chance. Like me.

Turrin waited for a few ticks for the wind eagle response, Fine..I will give her one chance.

Turrin looked down at Azira and said with a nod, “Alright Azira. Lets start your crash course in flying. When we start flying, You can either hold onto the sides of your saddle with your hands, or you hold onto my waist. Whatever, you feel more comfortable with is fine with me. When you are flying holding on with your legs are more important than holding on with your arms because your legs will keep you in your saddle when you're climbing or diving. Also you don't want to drive your heel into his side because it would be a uncomfortable trip for Aponivi.” Turrin paused for a tick to regain his thoughts and continued, “When we turn, dive, or climb, you should lean into the turn, and if we need to dive or climb, I want you to lean forward with me otherwise the air rushing by could throw you off the back.” Turrin paused for moment and said with nod, “In truth, I am novice flier too, so Aponivi knows not to make sudden maneuvers to complicated for me. However, he loves to dive out of his aeries and suddenly climb, so I going to warn you ahead of time.” Turrin nodded behind him on the saddle and asked, “Are your ready to go? If you are, saddle up, Azira.”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

Thank you Nyxie Nadira Draer for the posting template.
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Lost Souls (Azira)

Postby Azira on September 9th, 2014, 8:54 pm


The Endal didn't agree with her line of reasoning, which didn't surprise her. He was more likely to go with his own thoughts than anything she might suggest. He hadn't acknowledged her comments on checking wind direction either so why would he be bothered with this? At least he deigned to answer her, explaining his own reasons for turning down such a suggestion. The bear scenario she didn't agree with; it still seemed ludicrous for it to dare challenge a Wind Eagle. Grudgingly she had to admit that foreigners downing Aponivi was a definite possibility so she nodded curtly. She thought it but she didn't say it aloud that a well aimed crossbow bolt would down her as well.

She grimaced at his show of confidence in her archery skills. Had he seen her shoot? Sure, she could down a rabbit or two if she had the time to properly line up the shot but if they ended up in danger, well then... a shiver went through her as she remembered how well that had worked out during the riots. It was a hasty effort to ignore the memories of leering faces that threatened to cause her to go into hysterics. She couldn't break down in front of Turrin, not again. He'd seen how wild she'd become then more beast than human. He hadn't seen her shoot so he couldn't know, he just knew that she could stab a prone body with enough ferocity that it became an unrecognisable bloody pulp. She'd managed to push his presence on that day out of her mind somewhat. It was the Dek that visited her dreams, not her half-Myrian saviour. It had been the only way that she could reconcile herself, ignoring the fact that he knew what had almost happened to her. The girl had never thanked him and she wasn't going to do so now. Better to leave it dead and buried. Hope that there would be no danger for either of them to deal with. Animals she could do but people would freeze her she was sure.

The huntress nodded along mechanically with his words, not even noticing that he hadn't ridiculed her for the way Wind Eagles reacted to her. Turrin was in fact giving her permission to converse with his mount. And then just like that they were suddenly ready to go, the end Turrin's crash course signifying his readiness. The Avora wasn't that eager to go now. Lavira had had safety straps to ensure that she didn't fall from the saddle as did some of the other Endal but Turrin was one of those who liked the danger. There was certainly Inarta blood in him all right. Although she wasn't ready the huntress wasn't going to allow the man to think that she was too frightened.

She climbed awkwardly onto the raptor, moving herself into a position behind Turrin without succeeding in pulling out any feathers in her clambering. The teen still wasn't used to the giant birds and so her clumsiness was understandable. Hopefully what she'd said to Turrin would give him some explanation for her ineptitude. She ran over the information that the man had given her. Grip with her legs, don't drive her heels into the bird, lean into a turn, lean forward in a dive or climb. She could do all that. She wasn't holding onto his waist though, the saddle would be good enough for her.

Mindful not to drive her feet into Aponivi, she clenched her legs around the bird, fingers digging into the edge of the saddle. "Are we going, or what?" Bravado, all bravado. She wasn't going to show herself up in front of the Endal. It wasn't like she was scared anyway. They were only going to fly for goodness knew what distance high above some rocky mountainous terrain. Nothing scary about that at all.

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