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Riyk of the Blackened Claws You say you love me? Baby fall in line.
Theme Songs
Name: Riyk Race: Myrian Gender: Female Age: 20 Years old Birthday: 16th of Summer, 494 AV Birthplace: Taloba Starting place: Zeltiva Clan: The Blackened Claws Appearance: Standing at the height of 5'6 Riyk has straight dark brown hair the falls down below her shoulders. Her legs are slightly coltish other than her defined muscles on her calves and thighs. The rest of her body is curved with elegance. Her stomach shows that she eats slightly poor but has two rows of lightly defined abs. Crystal blue eyes tend to grab the attention of wandering eyes and she uses them to her advantage. A thin scar stretches from her chest down to her forearm. When she was about 12 years old she was in a tree, looking for small game to spear when as got frightened from a very colourful bird flapping in her face. Falling with the spear Aella was lucky she didn't get impaled and only received the scar.
Character Concept
Riyk is a very seductive Myrian and tries to add in any flare of intention when she gets the chance. Sometimes even in serious situations. Riyk tends to get very joyous and excited when she sees children or babys. Even though for her it is a true reality that she cannot give birth to children. Riyk feels very strongly about family life. She cared about it so much that it drove her from her homeland. When her sister was excecuted it crushed her, adding onto the fact that she watched. Her mother held her cries and her father watched. It took everything in Riyk's body to keep her from leaping onto her sister before she was slayed.
Character History
Riyk was a very active Myrian child, she ran along side her sister. Riyk always had someone to look up to and sometimes her sister Kitaot wasn't always the best mentor. Would constantly drag Aella into harmless trouble, like coming into their hut soaking wet and sitting on something, accidentally breaking a vase as they rough housed around the rooms. For some reason whenever she got into trouble Kitaot would run and leave Riyk to get the trouble. Kitaot would always blame it on Riyk whenever they got in trouble and she wasn't running fast enough. When Kitaot joined the Myrian military there was a gut feeling in Riyk that something was going to happen but she wasn't going to interfere with what Kitaot choose to do. One day when there was an ambushed on their party between the Dahni and the small party. Kitaot fought poorly but when the numbers started to dwindle and so did the hope of Kitaot she fled from battle, leaving her fellow Myrians to their death. After they figured out of her abandonment Kitaot had a trial and then was executed. The only people that came in her defence was Riyk, her parents but it was their word against witnesses. Of course, Kitaot was executed. The thing is that she was used as an example. A traitor, a coward they labled her. It took Riyk two years to muster up the emotional strength and leave her parent's on a " I want to travel and see what I can before I die. " fling, but really Riyk felt like Kitaot was a ghost, like she was haunting her. When Riyk left she to a boat from Black Rock straight to Syliras(which Black Rock, she wasn't exactly a fan of). It took her 50 days and from there, she managed to walk 40 days to Zeltiva.
The Lore of using one's eyes in Seduction The Lore of Zeltiva's Common Fauna. Seduction: A drink for a kiss? Seduction: She doesn’t have to know Ntoto: Had tail stood on Larceny: Drunk men are easy targets Ntoto: Just like a child Nickolai: Handsome What people do is none of my business Ntoto: Fed scraps University: A new concept Zeltivans: Live differently Flirting: Gets old Myrians: Don’t kiss the hand Nickolai: Is he a thief? Suvan Sea: A serene atmosphere Nickolai: Would be an interesting ally Ntoto: Eager to be reunited Nickolai: Leaves angry sailors in his wake Possessions
Ntoto was given to Riyk as a gift when she completed her Blooding ceremony from her parents. This Chevos Jungle Dog is very loyal to Riyk. Her sister mistreated the dog because of her young age and always ran to Riyk for protection. Ntoto's tail is fully black and she is able to easily tell the difference between him and other Chevos. Even though Riyk likes to play rough with him and pop him lightly on the head and call him vulgar names in Myrian she cares for her companion as if it where a family member. Riyk took the dog with her when she left Tabloa. [Heirloom]
Location: Currently, Zeltiva
Temporary Housing: The World's end Grotto
+600 Mizas
600 Mizas (No permanent housing)
Bladded Bow
-95 Mizas
505 Mizas
Long Bow Arrows(40)
-3 MIzas
502 Mizas
Relationship: Sister Status: Deceased Kitaot was always driven by something that was different from the rest of the normaly Myrians. There was a unexplainable fear she felt when she had a responsiblity or comintment. She was very unreliable and it got the best of her when Kitaot fled from battle and left her fellow soilders to their demise.
Relationship: Mother Status: Unknown Litra was always incharge of the family. While her husband did help out if there was something she had to say in an arguement she would put down her foot and shut down the discussion leaving it that she was right and everyone else was wrong. No one protested. Even though she was a stern mother, and kept her children in place when she could, didn't mean she never had time to show affection to her children.
Relationship: Father Status: Unknown There was Litra, the voice of the house and then their was Tilot, the jokester of the family. While he brought laughter to Kitaot and Riyk he would always get turned down by Litra when he would try to make a joke in front of her so he would always do it behind her back. Sure Tilot joked around but he had some room for seriousness.