My Words | Your Words | My Thoughts
Finally, he'd have the opportunity to get on the right track. Though, much to his own embarrassment, he soon found his attention turning away from the opportunity of learning to ride his dog.. and more to the strange woman and her horse. He'd only had Xarex, of course.. and he didn't know how the dogs really differed from the horses, and he suspected that he would never have the opportunity to find out past this moment. The only attitude he had to compare riding animals to, was Xarex; the Sykanis riding-mount was not a good role-model. Energetic, lively, disobedient.. except for in times of dire need, thank goodness. If the dog couldn't bring it upon himself to hop aside of passing feet when going at full sprint, the squirrel had no clue how long he'd have managed with Xarex, in all truth. One day, he'd understand the ways that the dog traveled at such speed and still managed to control itself as well as its completely incompetent rider.. but for that moment, he'd be happy as long as he met whatever standards the Order had to make him a knight of the Order and not a simple squire for the rest of his days.
"Wish I knew what it was like to have a patient and helpful companion." Even as he spoke, Xarex was lurching forwards again and the squirrel was struggling to keep a grip on the dog and stop him from just sprinting off.. again. It only got worse when he picked up a significant whiff of.. something. The squirrels olfactory senses were a little rusty, what with the clay nose and the clay organs and all that stuff, so it didn't hit him for a few ticks more.. by which point the dog was practically jumping up on his hind legs and the squirrel had lost nearly complete control of the dog, and had to pull tightly on the reins in order to try and pull him back down on his forelegs. When the squirrel finally got the piece in his paws, it was even worse.. but Arch managed to calm him down somewhat with comforting pats and rubs. "You'll get this piece if you make it to Mithryn." He kept it handy at his side, in case he needed to really entice the dog.. but for now, with the smell of meat, he was willing to comply and soon slowed down enough that the squirrel could gain control again, and return to the important part - talking.
"I think he's got more than enough encouragement as it is.." As easily demonstrated. "And unless it's made of clay.. which I doubt.. then it's not for me, I'm afraid." Clay was kind-of important for the Pycons. And everything else never really worked because they didn't have a digestive system of any kind. It was really funny, how all of the other races that the squirrel had ever met, weren't exactly comfortable with the knowledge that they were sitting next to a creature that wasn't just not human, but wasn't even organic. It was like sitting next to something that'd dropped out of a Summoning portal. "As for my people.. well, we're from everywhere. I'm from Syliras. But there are groupings of Pycons.. called Pyves. I've only been to one, called Zeltyne.. it's near Zeltiva. There are many others that have traveled all over Mizahar and found many others. But I don't know any of them." Unfortunately. But the Sylira Region was big enough for him. Perhaps, in the future, he would take to further exploration of the world and he would eventually return to his favoured areas like Syliras and Nyka, to build his own Pyve. Or, he would settle in an existing city like his father, and build a family upon it.