So, I managed to work out what the plotnotes were for and I decided jot down a few idea before I jumped in to the deep end that is Mizahar. Unfortunately I don't have a long, arcing plot with Loghan but hopefully if I can start forming one as I write him. These are vague ideas that need a few more specific before we have a scene but they have been whipped up with no other characters in mind.
RP ideas
-A job gone wrong, looking at the calendar for this Summer there is clearly a lot of violence between gangs so if a cart wheel breaks in the wrong place, if a guard took a piss at the wrong time or you simply took a job from the wrong guy then all hell could break loss.
-Trouble at the docks, this was a more specific idea I had. A merchant, importing a number of goods, has been waiting for several items to arrive for a while now but to no avail but to no avail. When the captain refuses to hand them over he decides to hire some mercenaries to persuede them otherwise.
-Exploring the mines, I'd love to delve into the mine and see what treasure could be found and what dangers as well. I think this would probably be best if a moderator oversaw it.
-Capturing the dog, there is a calendar event regarding capturing a rather vicious dog for a reward, I don't think anyone has attempted this yet so I'd love to team up with a couple of other people to try and capture it.
-Something more illegal, okay so there is no real law in Sunberth so this is sort of a moot point but I'd love to get involved with some racketeering or vandalism, maybe even some arson on behalf a rival merchant.
-Alleyway mugging, I'd certainly be up for being the victim or even the mugger in this situation while someone else could fill another role in the event.
-Flashbacks, I'd love to flesh out his past and get a few scars so if you are interested in this please let me know.