oocSorry for the long wait on this, definitely shouldn't be happening again.
I also left it open to interpret however many more you wanted to pop up at the end of the post.
The Guard stood his ground as he watched the works of real magical power unfold, he looked over to the mage with a "what the petch" look upon hearing the incantations that were spoken, only to find that an amazing reaction occurred from the very earth itself in order to damage the creatures before them. Spikes. Earthen spikes that aimed to pierce the creatures flesh, within a matter of ticks two of the Yukmen had been disposed of already while a third managed to only receive a fatal injury to the chest, and both Yukmen that were left were about to advance forth. Son o' a bitch! Dat was a powerful spell! Even so Ricky couldn't let that distract him from the incoming creatures, the one that proved to be the alpha of the group started to chant more and more as loud as he could, in turn calling forth the aid of two more Yukmen that would then charge for them.
The closer one's attention was solely focused on Clyde more or less, the bleeding wound on the knocked down Yukman a prime example of which he saw more as a threat. Ricky of course wasn't going to let such a nuisance come to harm his ally while he was there, thus with as loud of a bellow as he could he made sure to taunt the creature to get it's attention. "Oi'm de one yew want! Come and face me yew bastards!" He roared as he held his shield up before him, Ricky waited as both Yukmen were faced with the challenge he sent towards them. They weren't focused on Clyde anymore, they had a loud and large opponent to see if they could silence now. The first one attempted to run at Ricky as though he were going to tackle and overwhelm the man, but the fisherman was being a watchdog in this case and knew he had to time the strike just right. He too charged forward slightly to challenge the force of the Yukman, the clumsy and slow creature a bit of a challenge to withstand even with the proper footing Ricky held. Damn! The second one was upon him now, any closer then Ricky would be overwhelmed by an opposing force. Which meant he had to execute a swift attack to dispatch of the first one.
Hold de shyke! He thought as an idea hit him, seeing as how he was dealing with an opposing force that was practically as strong as he was, that force could be used to gain a temporary advantage! He glanced at his feet and at the space behind him, there was enough room between him and Clyde to allow this action to occur. So... all Ricky simply did was shift his weight behind him and then step aside as he would let the force of the first Yukman guide him to the ground where he would fall with a hiss, the second one was right upon the fisherman now but that didn't stop Ricky from disposing of him. In the moment of moving aside he pulled his sword into a horizontal strike to slash the creature's neck wide open, yet even with a wound that should've put a stop to it the Yukman only slowed with gurgles as he reached forth. Shocked and disgusted Ricky kicked the creature at the stomach area, only enough to send it reeling back as he retreated a few steps. He'd almost forgotten that he'd sent the first one down on the ground until a powerful hand grasped at one of his ankles. De petch?!
His gaze fell upon the Yukman on the ground as it hissed up to him, the grip tightening as Ricky tried to jerk away. No good, the only way to release himself from the clutches of the Yukman was to bring the sword from a high point and thrust its tip down into the beasts skull, a sickening crack followed as the blade pierced through the top and and down out through the chin. That stilled the beast well enough to release Ricky, as he pulled his blood soaked blade out from the ground and the Yukman's skull, only to find that the second Yukman with the slit throat still remained on the ground as it bled out. That was two successful killings, although they were by far not the greatest from Ricky. Deep down he disliked to be doing all this fighting, yet it was far to late to turn back or even think about regretting it. "Yer next spell bout ready mate?" He would inquire respectively as he stood yet again vigilant towards the other Yukmen that were still about, he didn't exactly intend to take count again as he was by far just ready to see this done and over with.

The Guard stood his ground as he watched the works of real magical power unfold, he looked over to the mage with a "what the petch" look upon hearing the incantations that were spoken, only to find that an amazing reaction occurred from the very earth itself in order to damage the creatures before them. Spikes. Earthen spikes that aimed to pierce the creatures flesh, within a matter of ticks two of the Yukmen had been disposed of already while a third managed to only receive a fatal injury to the chest, and both Yukmen that were left were about to advance forth. Son o' a bitch! Dat was a powerful spell! Even so Ricky couldn't let that distract him from the incoming creatures, the one that proved to be the alpha of the group started to chant more and more as loud as he could, in turn calling forth the aid of two more Yukmen that would then charge for them.
The closer one's attention was solely focused on Clyde more or less, the bleeding wound on the knocked down Yukman a prime example of which he saw more as a threat. Ricky of course wasn't going to let such a nuisance come to harm his ally while he was there, thus with as loud of a bellow as he could he made sure to taunt the creature to get it's attention. "Oi'm de one yew want! Come and face me yew bastards!" He roared as he held his shield up before him, Ricky waited as both Yukmen were faced with the challenge he sent towards them. They weren't focused on Clyde anymore, they had a loud and large opponent to see if they could silence now. The first one attempted to run at Ricky as though he were going to tackle and overwhelm the man, but the fisherman was being a watchdog in this case and knew he had to time the strike just right. He too charged forward slightly to challenge the force of the Yukman, the clumsy and slow creature a bit of a challenge to withstand even with the proper footing Ricky held. Damn! The second one was upon him now, any closer then Ricky would be overwhelmed by an opposing force. Which meant he had to execute a swift attack to dispatch of the first one.
Hold de shyke! He thought as an idea hit him, seeing as how he was dealing with an opposing force that was practically as strong as he was, that force could be used to gain a temporary advantage! He glanced at his feet and at the space behind him, there was enough room between him and Clyde to allow this action to occur. So... all Ricky simply did was shift his weight behind him and then step aside as he would let the force of the first Yukman guide him to the ground where he would fall with a hiss, the second one was right upon the fisherman now but that didn't stop Ricky from disposing of him. In the moment of moving aside he pulled his sword into a horizontal strike to slash the creature's neck wide open, yet even with a wound that should've put a stop to it the Yukman only slowed with gurgles as he reached forth. Shocked and disgusted Ricky kicked the creature at the stomach area, only enough to send it reeling back as he retreated a few steps. He'd almost forgotten that he'd sent the first one down on the ground until a powerful hand grasped at one of his ankles. De petch?!
His gaze fell upon the Yukman on the ground as it hissed up to him, the grip tightening as Ricky tried to jerk away. No good, the only way to release himself from the clutches of the Yukman was to bring the sword from a high point and thrust its tip down into the beasts skull, a sickening crack followed as the blade pierced through the top and and down out through the chin. That stilled the beast well enough to release Ricky, as he pulled his blood soaked blade out from the ground and the Yukman's skull, only to find that the second Yukman with the slit throat still remained on the ground as it bled out. That was two successful killings, although they were by far not the greatest from Ricky. Deep down he disliked to be doing all this fighting, yet it was far to late to turn back or even think about regretting it. "Yer next spell bout ready mate?" He would inquire respectively as he stood yet again vigilant towards the other Yukmen that were still about, he didn't exactly intend to take count again as he was by far just ready to see this done and over with.