An Apology
A lot of STs have come and gone in the time I've been on Mizahar, which compared to some veteren PCs, ST's and Founders, is not as long as some. I've heard stories and complaints of ST's in the past showing favoritism to PCs, and seen it for my own eyes as well. Giving them sweet items with almost no work involved, helping them get Gnosis marks with little to no effort, grading bias's, the list goes on. It was always this despicable thing to me, probably the lowest thing you could do as an ST, using your power to help your friends and not simply everyone in your domain equally.
An apology before the apologies kick in, I've never done this sort of thing before, I'll probably carry on for quite a while here trying to shape my thoughts correctly into this scrap post.
I was very nervous about this Fall, both for the receiving of the Iyvess plotlines and Falyndar's regional quest, both things I've never before attempted. The former, from what I can tell, has been received wonderfully and is going great. The latter, and why I'm writing this whole thing in the first place, is off the table indefinitely.
Ever since I knew the basest amount of lore of the hatred between the Dhani of Zinrah and the Myrians of Taloba I have loved the idea of a quest line involving that final purge, the eradication of Zinrah, the devastation that follows. There is such a rich and wonderful place to be explored as surviving Dhani are forced to find new homes, the death that will happen when these two forces finally clash, very much like a 300 scenario in a lot of ways, and this great idea of what happens afterward.
So to have a PC willing to devote the time and energy to get the sparks of war flying tickled my fancy. I've been plotting for I don't even know how many seasons to get this thing off the ground, but in that plotting a whole skew of things went wrong. Firstly the sheer amount of planning that took place. I usually don't like planning plots too much, in a way they're always going to go a different way, at least a bit from what you've plotted, but it seemed necessary for a regional wide quest. That wasn't really the issue, however, the issue was that a lot of this planning took place with the individual whose PC was involved. For the life of me I couldn't explain why, hindsight being 20/20 and all that it seemed necessary at the time, and now just seems pretty gosh darn stupid. The other major issue was a single, super rare, super powerful magic, that for some reason I did not double check the PC had knowledge of beforehand, and once it was called into question, they simply did not, and it was basically the loose thread that unwound this entire quest. A single thread that with a moment of checking I could have tidied up and the quest could have continued completely unscathed, and that is entirely my fault.
I realize I've written all of this, and haven't actually gotten around to apologizing in any way shape or form. Firstly I'd like to apologize to the players who signed up for the quest, I mean what a bummer to get this plot line and then right before it actually commences, just have it taken away from you. New calendars should be up in Taloba and Zinrah now (or soon), and I know they won't compare to what was going to happen, but I hope we can still have a lot of fun this season. I also want to apologize to Voodoo, who was dragged into this plot line not knowing everything that was going on, and basically just relying on me as the RS to know what I was doing, and I'm so sorry for letting you down, because I really did, and you didn't deserve that. I would also like to apologize to Gossamer, and Gillar, because we could have avoided this whole debacle if I'd just been more communicative with the founders about the quest line in the first place.
And lastly, but most importantly I wanted to apologize to the entirety of the player base and to everyone who saw what was happening and got rightfully angry, upset, or questioned it, you weren't wrong in doing so, and I can't really express in words how completely devastated I am to have to type this out, that in some way I've played a part in however big or small a way in something I have always despised.
I've let you guys down, and for that I am so sorry,
-Alex |