Nisvassa is about as shy as they come. She’s not one to say more than absolutely required of her, and what she does say is mumbled out quickly and quietly. Nis tries to make herself small as possible, her scarf hiding as much of her face as she can get. Half to appear smaller, and half to hide her overly apparent veins. On occasions she can’t use her scarf, she will use as much make-up as necessary to hide her veins. Nisvassa has next to no confidence, hating her appearance and her race. She would do anything to be human. Along with her insecurities on her appearance, she’s horribly guilty of blaming herself for any small problem she has to face, even those out of her control.
In a bit of a contradictory of herself, Nis is truly desperate to have someone care about her, in any way shape or form. Most symenestra focus heavily on giving birth, continuing their race. But having children is the last thing on Nis’ mind, she would be forever grateful just to have a friend. Her mind is a consistent battle of trying to hide herself from everyone and wanting people to get to know her.
If someone ever managed to get her to open up, they would find she has a heart big as her love of plants. Perhaps dancing on the line of clingy, she would give all she could for someone who showed any sort of affection to her. The amount of love she has stored up over the years is tightly capped. But get that cap off and Nis is an explosion of compassion. She truly would give up anything and everything for that one person.
It should also be noted she has horrible fears of public speaking and snakes, her fear of snakes in turn causing her to be terrified of Dhani.
Rak’eli: Nisvassa has always felt a slight pull towards the goddess of healing, and most of her faith lies within Rak’eli. Nis does want to devote more of herself to the goddess, in hopes of understanding and eventually being able to heal. For now she relies on herbs to aid her, but some day Nis aims to receive the goddesses gnosis. Deep down, Nis knows the only way she will ever achieve that is through gaining confidence in herself, something she’s never been good at.
Viratas: Darvor, Nisvassa’s father, has always been very adamant about Viratas and what they stand for. While he has continuously encouraged Nis to be devoted, Darvor made sure she understood that she had the freedom to place her beliefs where she wished. While Nisvassa does highly respect Viratas, she has never felt completely devoted.
Her current goal is to advanced her academics as much as possible, in hopes of becoming a Herbalist. Deep down, she does wish to be marked by Rak’eli, and be granted the gnosis of healing. However, being mark is more of a long-term goal, which she currently has little focus on. Another one of her goals is to develop a relationship, of any kind, with anyone. She has little care in regards to romantic or platonic, just someone. As a type of side goal, Nis wants to work on her fear of public speaking, though she should probably work on speaking in general first.