78th day of Summer, 514 Jad sat in the corridor of The World's End Grotto, humoring himself with the thought that he must surely be about to enjoy success. With the all-inclusive scope of how wasted the last several days had been, he figured the gods must be about to reward him for the degree to which he must have amused them. He'd spent the twelve days since his arrival searching out the list of names he'd obtained from the Sailor's Guild, checking off each location that might correspond to the home of the man who'd once owned the ring Jad now possessed. It was his only link to his family, and his primary purpose in being in Zeltiva. Rather than criss-crossing the town, in an alphabetical approach, he'd chosen a direction at random and gone in a circular pattern, taking the locations as they'd come. A massive, "clockwise" rotation, to use the gadgeteer's term, encompassing the whole town. There had only been three names where he'd gotten no response: Mallory, Maze and McCenry. And not all of the responses he'd gotten had been pleasant. This description had nothing to do with the success or failure of his mission. It was mostly that a full half of the people he'd spoken with had quickly claimed to be the man he was looking for, for no other reason than to claim the ring from him. Several of these claims had developed into resentment when Jad calmly requested that they describe the one special feature of the ring, and the men were unable to do so. Some told unlikely tales of injuries to the head, making them forgetful. It was noteworthy that not a one of them could display a scar consistent with such an injury. When Jad pointed this out, they invariably became quite cross and vulgar, something Jad was only too willing to reciprocate. A few of these confrontations nearly came to blows, but for the intervention of wives, kids or neighbors that were all too fed up with it. Some spoke of sinister afflictions of magic, designed to rob them of their memories. When Jad asked how it was that they remembered that they'd even HAD a ring then, There was an inevitable pause, which quickly developed an aura of unnecessary defensiveness. Ultimately, Jad found the ones that simply told him to "Bugger Off" to be the least offensive. ![]() After crossing off all the unsuccessful sites, he'd returned to the Sailor's Guild to see if the remaining three names were still residents of Zelitva. He was given various accounts as to why they might be temporarily unavailable. One name, however, The "Maze" entry, triggered a suggestion that there may be godfather in town, currently caring for the infant son, Martin Maze. Jad asked what the name of this godfather might be, and was dismayed to hear it was another of the unsuccessful names, "McCenry". He was assured that the man was in town, but that it may be difficult to follow his schedule. It was at this time that the whole sense of a massive joke began to play on him. This man, McCenry, lived at the World's End Grotto, same as Jad. His was the very first door he'd knocked on. Now he sat outside that same door, sweaty and exhausted, and more than a little annoyed. His ire was not directed at Mr. McCenry, just the situation as a whole. It was dark outside and the torchlight flickered drowsily. Before long, he was asleep on the stone bench in the corridor across from the door. |