Solo Let it crumble and Break

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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Let it crumble and Break

Postby Evalin on August 6th, 2014, 8:53 pm

27th of Summer, 514 AV
Time: Late Evening

A storm was growing fierce, rocking the trees to and fro as the savage might of Zulrav shook the very ground with his every roar, but it was not just the power of this God that light the sky in crackling electricity. Two figures danced in an entwining battle of power, lightning streaking from fingertips as jagged shards of ice splintered and cracked under the mages terrible might.

Evalin laughed with thrill and exhilaration this day, for she found herself now faced with a match in which she was certain she could win. Surely now, after she practiced so hard, she would best the Familiar. Surely NOW the time had come for her to put that Irylid in his place! Twisting behind a trunk Evalin gathered the res in the palm of her hand,the liquid substance becoming a sphere that slowly spun and rotated, attracting the droplets of water that fell from the sky, growing larger by the tick.

Glancing briefly around the trunk of the tree the nuit only barely avoided the barbed shard of ice that embedded itself in the rough bark where she had been moments before.

You tempt Dira to come for you. The Familiar taunted in a dry tone that would lead many to wonder if it was a taunt at all. But Evalin knew better. She knew this creatures every quirk, his personality, his likes and dislikes. They were as one, a being with two souls connected forever by a bond that would not be broken but by death itself.

Evalin did not bother to answer, but focused instead on the growing ball of water, letting it expand more and more until just a few ticks later it was as big as her chest. Straightening evalin stretched the water by expanding the res at its core, creating a column taller than she was. Then she looked back toward the Familiar, but this time she pushed the water column out instead of her head. She smiled as she saw the ice shards sink into the shifting liquid, still growing larger as it attracted more and more of the falling rain. It was a feeling of triumph that filled the cold heart of the Immortal witch as she expanded the column out, creating a sheet, a wall of water which she quickly ducked behind letting it be a barrier between the Familiar and herself.

Worry you of yourself, and leave my own worries to myself. Evalin said with a smile that was clearly shown through their bond. Dashing forward Evalin molded the water around her, creating a funnel of sorts while using some of the remaining res to freeze the other layer to ice, holding it in place with a few whispered words and just a small amount of res generated within the span of a tick. Further ice shards either were deflected away or broke through the icy coating and were lodged into the watery funnel, quickly being dissolved to reinforce the icy shield itself.

Evalin could feel it. She was growing closer and closer to the level of a Master with this art. Spells that before were nothing but a dream now easily sprang to her fingers. The amounts of res she could produce increased every day, and what she could do was now only limited by her imagination. The elements bent to her will, ice flowed through her veins to attack those who would stand against her. Power. This was power, and it was all Evalin's.

Tsenrika was not one to be so easily outdone, for even as the icy cone came hurtling toward him, hiding his master or so he sensed, he was already gathering his own power around him. Ice began to form in flakes and shards, revolving and twirling around him crafted from water that was captured and frozen even as it fell from the sky. Here, a midst the hail storms and torrents the Familiar knew he was at his most powerful. Ice was his element, and water was naturally his calling. He gathered it all, forming the ice around his left arm, extending, extending, reinforce. Reinforce. Sharpen, sharpen. These words,or rather their intentions, flitted through the Familiar's mind as his spell was crafted, and just as the cone was about to reach him the Familiar charged, jumping and sliding his hip along the ice that was created to deter him, and behind him he drew out the large blade of ice, jagged serrated edges biting deep into the thin coating of ice and cracking it wide as he slid off the edge, the blade shattering in turn and he rolled to a stand once more to face his Master from behind.

Evalin knew the shield was compromised even before it was fully shattered. She felt as Tsenrika slide over her, flowing to catch her back, and even as her spell was sliced in two her next was being summoned to the will of the Witch. The water flowed around her on all sides, passing by her face, through her hair and around limbs, pressing out in thin needles that were quickly frozen solid in a set of icy spikes that rested between Tsenrika and his master. What remained Evalin sent around to surround them both, creating a ring of ice with larger spikes pointing up, directed inward so as to prevent the Familiar's escape.

Turning slowly Evalin was already gathering more res, as she felt Tsenrika was as well. A spark of fire lit between the nuit's hands, and a shimmer of ice in the Familiar's.

"Well played."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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Let it crumble and Break

Postby Evalin on August 7th, 2014, 3:00 pm

"You would expect anything less?" Evalin asked slowly as she set one foot on the ice she had created, leaning forward over the wall of spikes she had crafted just moments before to smile at her Familiar, "You forget to whom you speak. I am Evalin, Sorceress of Flame and Shadow, yet the elements of ice and water shall also bend to my will."

Tsenrika raised an eyebrow and looked down at the spikes, "I believe you grow over confident, Master." He lifted a hand and in a dramatic flourish swept it in an arch in front of him, palm pointed toward the ice. Evalin could feel the res leaking out from his form, even if she couldn't see it. Slipping between the cracks, the flash of res changing elements as all of the ice began to crack and splinter before shattering to fall in a pile of frosty flakes upon the ground. "Your ice is quite fragile."

Evalin sucked in a breath through her teeth, her hand clenching as she thrust it forward, "Then my flames shall make up for it." Spreading her fingers a flow of res leapt from her palm, forming red hot flames the instant they touched air, hissing and steaming as they evaporated the rain that fell into it's path as it burst out toward the Familiar, spreading into a wall the closer and closer it got.

Shifting back a step Tsenrika folded one hand behind his back, the other he thrust folder fingers spread as if he were about to catch the fire as it was thrown at him, but with a wave he instead sent it circling around him, guided by the translucent res that he and Evalin shared, "As always my Master is too easily overcome with her emotions."

A crackle of electricity came in answer, and tailing the flames there was a rippling wave of energy, lightning sailing in the light of the fire nearly gone unnoticed were it not for the raised hairs and unmistakable sounds of electricity. The Familiar had just a moment to react, eyes widening even as he expelled Res from every pour of his body, transforming it in an instant into water to create a bubble of shifting liquid just as the bolt struck, sending him flying backwards due to the concussion of air and heat from the blast. His back slammed against a near tree, the bubble bursting as liquid fell to the ground in a torrent.

Evalin lowered her hand which still crackled with electricity through her fingers, setting her other hand on her hip, "And your pride makes your short sighted and easily fooled oh Heart of my Heart. Such is not good traits to have in a loyal familiar."

As the Familiar stood slowly to his feet Evalin could feel the sore and stiffness in his back, the ache that was already beginning to grow in her mind and his as their continued bout drained their reserves of res and started to take its toll. Still however such strain did not show on the Familiar's unreadable face as he looked at Evalin, dusting off the shoulders of his robes, "Your observation is duly noted."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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Let it crumble and Break

Postby Evalin on August 8th, 2014, 12:46 am

Looking up at the darkened sky Evalin reached to grasp at the falling drops overhead, "The world cries... and Zulrav grows angrier by the tick. Perhaps it would be best to return to the shelter of the nest." Just as she said this Evallin felt the stir of their collective djed and twisted her body just in time to avoid the large ice chunk that hurtled mere inches from her right shoulder.

Tsenrika patted the front of his robes, stomping his feet in the building mud as he flourished his hands out at his sides, rain beginning to collect and swirl around his fingers as he smiled, "Then this setting shall be perfect for us to continue." With two quick jabs of his half clenched fist the Familiar sent another rain of smaller spikes of ice toward Evalin.

Lifting her hands out to her sides Evlalin collected the remaining res that clung to her hair and robs, gathering them around her hands and fingers before clapping her hands together. As her arms swung she pulled upon the air around her, adding more and more res to force more and more air to flow inward to a point between her two palms. As she clapped she expelled all of the res forward, pulling on the collected air and transforming the rest of the res to wind that gusted forward in a sudden burst that threw the little needles aside and scattered the drops of rain directly in front of her in all directions.

"If that is your wish, come and learn from your Master."

Falling back Evalin spread her hands apart once more, res leaking out from her fingertips as sparks began to fly in a crackling of electricity. Tsenrika was gathering more water about him, forming it into a sphere about the size of his head. He split this, elongating it before freezing the structure in ice to form blades of ice the length of his forearms which he held out in front of him, hovering in the air by inner res just inches from his extended fingertips. Without hesitation Evalin struck as the constructs were finished, thrusting one hand forward to force a leap of electricity to flow from her fingers directly at the Familiar's chest. In a flurry of motion however the icy blades were tilted, one used to catch the lightning with its tip, res now visibly in the flashing lights as it drew the spell around it, sheathing the blade in lightning.

Even before the spell was finished Tsenrika was coming forward, the lightning clad blade still floating at his side as he grasped the other at one end, wiedling it like a sword as he neared. The blade that floated suddenly shot forward, and Evalin was forced to backpedal, falling back and gathering her res around her, making it spin and pull the air in one large gust of wind just as the ice was within an arms length away, tilting it so that it shot by here by a mere fraction of an inch. She then hand to contend with the other large ice blade sailing at her from the right side, held by the Familiar who was drawing back his other hand to prepare another spell no doubt.

There was little time to think, and so Eva simply did not. Sparks still flew from her right hand, and her left she jabbed forward to grip the Familiar's upper arm, halting it's motion as he began to bring it down upon her. Tilting her head the Immortal's eyes locked on the blade of ice as her first clenched. With all the strength she could muster she threw her hand out, lightning blossoming in full with a sudden CRACK and ZING as the ice shattered. However, from the broken remains of ice there out lept a stream of water, secretly concealed within the blade which was in fact hollow, directed by a thin layer of res on the inside. The water circled the nuit's neck, little spikes of ice spreading out with the points gently brushing against Evalin's skin.

Blinking, Evalin frowned up at Tsenrika who actually showed the smalest amount of triumph, "You think yourself clever? Simply have you repeated what I accomplished but chimes before."

"Did I not say you played your hand well? Consider it an honor and a compliment that I would follow your lead."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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Let it crumble and Break

Postby Evalin on August 14th, 2014, 6:29 pm

They were both nearing the end of their abilities. The extended combat, the blatant use of res, and the competition was very quickly draining them. Evalin could feel the quiver in their bond as the collective djed between them groaned in protest to the overuse. As Evalin shifted her head ever so slightly to look to the side the thin needles pressed further into her skin, causing a small pearl of ichor to come to the surface.

"You seem to have me in quite the position..." She whispered softly. Res was already leaking from the souls of her feet, passing over the ground as she also began to summon it to her neck where the needles were pointed. "Perhaps you would allow me a moment to regroup, and let us prepare for the journey back to the nest...?"

"Certainly we may," Tsenrika took a step back, lowering his blades though the collar still circled Evailn's neck, "After my master acknowledges her defeat."

Of course. Evalin almost rolled her eyes but she resisted, sending her res into the color to mix with the ice and water. The res at her feet she extended out in a circle around her, mingling with the mud and dirt as she began to pull upon the water around them, "I see... Thus do I know your ulterior motives. Your arrogance knows no bounds."

"Pride in one's victory is to be expected." The Familiar said simply, releasing the ice in his hands and letting them crumble to nothing.

"Indeed so, if victory was truly yours." Evalin hissed and the res within the ring of water contracted, pulling the water in and retracting the spikes. Shaking her head Evalin threw off this restrained and brought her hands together, slamming her foot on the ground. She would not be moved. She would not be defeated. This stubborn thought filled her, ruled her, grew within her to such great depths that it solidified and hardened her heart. She would do whatever it took to not acknowledge defeat of any kind.

Mud and dirt flew into the air, dividing and separating Evalin and her Familiar as the Immortal had planned. However, she noticed something odd. There were traces of stone, and more dirt than water flew in the explosion that was meant only to distract. Swiftly Evalin swept out her hand, halting Tsenrika's advance as she knelt down, "Look... Something of a curious nature has occurred."

Her fingers brushed through the dirt and mud, pushing aside the debris and made its way all the way down to the earth and stone beneath. There, a thin crack was seen. Barely noticeable, and would have been written off as a mere coincidence had it not made a complete circle around the nuit.

Evailn bit her lip, her thoughts going back to that moment when the elements were bent to her will. What had she done? What had she thought? Never before had the very earth responded to her like this. After a chime of silence Evailn swiftly stood, setting her eyes on the path back to the nest, "Come. We have further work to attend to, and a new matter to investigate."

"As my master commands." In an instant Tsenrika reassured his position at Evalin's side, once more her loyal servant. AT times the Immortal Witch would wonder at this ability to so quickly and seamlessly transition from ruthless rival to docile familiar. But then, that was what made Tsenrika the perfect companion.

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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Let it crumble and Break

Postby Voodoo on September 3rd, 2014, 5:46 pm

Your Powers Grow

Experience :
    Reimancy: +4
    Running: +1
    Observations: +4
    Socialization: +4

Lore :
    Reimancy: Drawing the Rain with Res
    Reimancy: A Wall of Water
    Reimancy: Not an Emotional Skill
    Complimented by a Mimicking Familiar
    Reimancy: A Stone Heart Commands the Earth
    Tsenrika: The Perfect Bipolar Familiar

Comments :
As always, a wonderful fighting thread between Evalin and Tsenrika. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, send me a PM.
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