Completed [Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 6:09 am

Summer 90th 514 AV
19th Bell

Una moved away from the brilliant shining Skyglass of the city and into the wilderness with as much worry as a butterfly skipping from one leaf to another. The days had proven longer and longer with the details of work stealing her from her dogs for so long that she was increasingly made to drop them off with Fai Parimba for care during the day lest she come back to a destroyed apartment.

In her ignorance she had soon found Nalj swollen with pups. At first, not understanding what horrible medical ailment the dog was suffering from she had carried her to Fai weeping and wailing, visions of Sizzles stiff body making her own stiffen and twitch. Laughing amicably and patting her on the back Fai had explained her predicament.

Staring down at the dogs she now allowed to roam off leash she shook her head. They were an odd couple indeed, the large much older form of Schism bounding at the heels of the once much faster Nalj made Una laugh aloud. Among the tall Brome grass Nalj was a moving swath of green followed by the heavy slow plod a large wide black back and head split with a sharp slice of white.

Fai moved through the heavy underbrush behind her as they climbed the well kept planks of the pathway toward Rainbow Falls. Fai had invited her along on a rarely shared day off with her own two Mountain dogs, Emma and Evai. Much younger than Schism and female they were much smaller than the extremely large and lumbering male and darted between the two with enormous delight. They had found on their last little trek outside the city, followed by one of the Male Mountain dogs that with Nalj so heavy with pups Schism was far to mean to risk near another male and since then a variety of female dogs had accompanied the common six; Fai, Una, Schism, Nalj, Emma and Evai into the hills.

The two humanoids were laden with a backpack each to carry the spoils of the trip. Una often used their trips as chances to collect various plants in her efforts to make the ink she used so commonly in both her job and daily writing. Thus far only a few common plants had yielded any intriguing colours. Meanwhile along Fai's back extended the long bending shape of a fishing reel.

The two moved out in silence through a deep gouge between two mountainous gully's. While Una focused the path before her she was almost bowled over by the broiling play of the four dogs as they bumbled up and down the path easily. Laughing behind her Fai steadied her arm with her own and they continued.

Una appreciated the silent comradery Fai provided. Spending so much of her time talking during her job the wet silence that hung between them was as steady as the swell of the waves that pounded as steadily and ceaselessly as her heartbeat.

Rounding a bend, as swollen as Naljs stomach, the left bank of the trail opened its trees upon a meandering stream. As still as a pond green leaves drifted down from disturbed trees and floated, like small boats, betraying the very faint current that traveled downstream. Large rocks lay submerged in its depths and moss crawled up from the shallow depth along their bottoms.

Una sighed relaxing into the sight even as rough deep bark of Schism split the scene. Glancing away from the scene regrettably Una spotted Nalj resting proudly atop an embankment too steep and heavily surrounded by the thorny prickles of roses for any of the three Mountain dogs to dare attempt. Her own coat was so thin and wiry she had slid through its dangerous nettles as easily as water slid between the tight fusion of rocks at her back.

Struggling not to laugh and distract the dogs from their predicament Una tapped Fai gently on the shoulder until she had turned to see and broke the scene with her own giggles. Emma turned first, quickly followed by the other two their matching pelts in a long row as each emitted its own unique bark and dashed toward them.

Reaching down Fai rubbed the pleased head of Emma who craned further into her hand for a chance of more affection while Evai and Schism play wrestled among some Brome grass forgetting about the triumphant Nalj.

"It wont be much longer now..." Fai commented as the dog came to rest at Una's side, her stomach swinging beneath her.

"You'll have to keep an eye, Schism -"

"is big and it might cause complications." Una finished, playfully rolling her eyes, "I know. I know. You've told me a thousand times." She finished, greeted by Fai's tongue.

"But it's even more dangerous than that. Dynakuva Painted Desert Dogs can have between 9 and 17 puppies at their size...they are made to produce a lot of offspring. If she has that many of puppies his size...she could die." Una let her carry on worrying and fretting. She had been told the risks many times and she had wished she had known better and gotten one or both of them fixed. But what was, was and there was little she could do about it now beyond keeping Fai around as much as possible for when Nalj gave birth.

"I've thought of some names." Una commented, trying to distract her worried friend.

"Oh?" She replied, easily distracted by the news.

"I'm going to name them all after types of coral."

"But they're dogs. Not fish." Her friend teased as they continued along the wide length of planks that kept their feed dry from the bog that began to stretch out and away from them.

Nalj brushed against her side as they walked. Though Schism was the most adoring of the two and the only one she dared bring to work when Fai was simply too busy to care for both, as he was the only one who would stay quiet all day, Nalj and Una had grown much closer with her developing pregnancy. In the last few days Schism had been chased onto the floor by the pestering female who would wiggle herself into Una's unconscious arms.

Her large ears had always wiggled, absorbing every tiny trickle of sound that graced the streets but since the pregnancy she had grown more and more anxious often forcing Una to stay awake all night at her side gently soothing and petting her as she howled that peculiar warbling call at the moon and disturbing her no longer cordial neighbors.
Last edited by Una Tanta on August 13th, 2014, 9:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 6:57 am

Una rested her hand on the familiar white patch that an along Nalj's shoulders, framed by bands of black that separated it from the varying shades of tawny cream. The hair was particularly long here and was a favoured spot for scratches.

Leaning back against a large rough rock that marked the transition from bog to pasture the three Mountain dogs took off into the deep green pastures flowers and seeds disturbed in a shadow of colour behind them. Meanwhile, Nalj curled at their feet and rested her head upon her regal paws, ears twitching as she followed Schisms deep woofs. Though she didn't show the same markers of affection as Schism, mainly incessant licking, wining and pandering Una knew the simple gesture of waiting at her side and watching her as she moved about the apartment was as expressive as the young mother would get.

"How comes Emmas training?" Una knew Fai had been struggling to train the eager but intractable female as a pulling dog and hoped she had been making some progress.

"Much better, she managed not to chew the latest gear and only damaged one new wheel," Though Fai feigned anger Una could see the laughter trickling out from her eyes.

Dropping away from the stone she bent to gather several long colourful stems and passively began braiding them in the long train that would serve as a colourful headband for the rest of their walk. Each rough stem moved more easily than rope in her fingers and split apart from the others too easily. Running her nail along its length she separated each stem into two pieces creating connected circles and tying stems along each connection until she had made a lush and colourful, if fragile piece which she delicately placed upon Fai's auburn brow.

"Exquisite," She complimented just as the pieces fell apart from one another and doused her nose in a heavy layer of pollen and petals. Laughing the two chased each other throughout the field, watched carefully by the matronly mother canine.

Moving on, the two trod along the path talking pleasantly about nothing in particular until, "So how is it. Working for Alses?"

"Pleasant enough..." Una replied carefully, "Sousa Dawn doesn't seem particularly fond of the changes she has wished to make though I'm not sure why...It's not like she's down anything enormous or drastic," she confided, "Mostly research at the moment. And paperwork, lots of paperwork."

"Sousa Dawn? What does she have to do with any of it?"

"Sousa is the one who arranged for me to get a job with Alses. To find out what she has been doing." She answered timidly, worried about what the carefully moral woman would think of her actions.

"You're playing Spy?!" She exclaimed, obviously horrified.

"Well not exactly Spy. Alses is an Aurist. If I was playing spy she would know as quickly as the tide came in. I'm just, keeping everyone...informed." She chose the last word carefully and smiled haltingly, hoping it would convince the young woman.

Fai looked less than impressed but didn't press the issue as she was distracted by a jubilant Emma disappearing to hassle some nearby mountain goats. Used to the many people that tread the long path this particular herd cared little for their presence or the dogs until Emmas loud bark was joined by the deep aggressive tones of Schism.

Rushing to his side and grasping his collar before he could take off after Emma Una finally joined Fai back on the path both leashing their dogs until they were far enough from the goats that the canines would be distracted by something less dangerous.

However, what they were to be distracted by would horrify both the young woman in tow and leave a stream of blood to brighten the Rainbow Falls.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 7:13 am

As they crossed the arching Skybridge between Sharai and Shinyama peaks Fai pointed off into the distance. Following the slender curve of her arm and finger tip Una was graced with a more beautiful and wild sight than possibly even the ocean itself.

The wilderness stretched out in ever changing altitudes around them as broad as the ocean in which she had swum and floated upon to reach here. But most significantly was the shimmer of Syna off of the largest and longest waterfalls Una had ever witnessed.

"The Amaranthine Falls," Fai whispered. They tore along a cliff wall surrounded by delicately arching trees and tumbled into a glimmering pool at their feet.

"Why didn't we go THERE?" Una wondered aloud her heart thudding so loudly she could hardly hear the reply.

"THERE, is a lot more difficult to get to. Especially for Nalj."

"Oh." Was all she could murmur through her breathlessness. Carrying on along the arching curve of the glimmering skyglass bridge Una could hardly tear her eyes from its visage in the distance.

Glancing below her Una felt her stomach lurch as the long columns that kept the bridge steady disappeared into a fog of mist beneath her. Around her the moist mist kissed her delighted arms and legs but Una couldn't help but wonder if perhaps they were too high even for her tastes.


Rainbow Falls opened up before them around another gentle bend in the path. The wooden planks made a quiet hollow thus under each dog and humans footsteps sounding very like and offbeat drum when there was so many of them.

The water was as cold and clear as it should be as glacial water but far cleaner than any Una had touched in a long time. Immediately removing the thin pink layer of clothes she had worn Una leaped into the deepest of the pools and laid back floating in the crystalline, nerve numbingly cold water.

"Uhm..." murmured Fai bashfully, "Don't cha think clothes would be a good idea?"

"I don't want to ruin them." Una said blandly by way of explanation.

Once she had inserted herself in the water the docks frolicked goodnaturedly in its depths splashing Una several times to her chagrin. Eventually, long before Una was tired of the water the three had settled down in a heap of wet dog smell and begun licking themselves and each other.

Nalj on the other hand had a look of such disdain at the ruffians Una swallowed water as she laughed and the female dog trod off to a large patch of sunlight before flopping on her side. Her large belly pressed toward Synas rays as it heaved through heavy breathes.

Slipping below the surface of the water Una moved through its cool depths spotting several small fish anxious to dart away from her much larger shadow and into the crevices of the streams edges. Popping up from the surface she sent Fai spluttering backward in surprise.

"You scared all the fish away didn't you..." She accused huffing as she packed up again and moved to march further up along the wet pathway. Placing her hands on the edge of the bank Una thrust herself out of the water and gathering her clothing in her arms quickly scampered after her friend, loathed to be left behind.

Eventually Fai had caught them a long shimmering fish and Una had watched with distaste as she scaled it. Despite her distaste she was quick as a mocking jay to gather the glimmering rainbow scales. Large ctenoid scales covered the creature and Una worked through washing each iridescent scale carefully in the water.

"What are you going to do with them?" Fai asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Well...I am going to make an ink out of some of them. The others I am going to make a necklace out of." Una replied, half distracted by the dazzle. Reflecting Syna they created a cacophony of colour across her pale cheeks that startled even Fai into stopping for a moment to admire.

"Think you could make me one too?" She asked timidly to which Una replied with much enthusiasm, "Of course! You would look beautiful in one. Though I would think it would get in the way at work, with you always bending over. Perhaps you would like them better as a clasp for your hair?" Una suggested.

She had never understood the humans vanity surrounding their hair. It was a lifeless and uncontrollable entity and while she admired the brilliant colour of Councillor Alses almost living liquid hair and had a soft spot for the Auburn of Fai and the Inartans she truly thought her own were much more charming.

"Perhaps I will even have them made into ringlets for my own hair so we can match..." She suggested timidly, "They could be friendship pieces." She knew it was childish, the wish of a teenager but she couldn't help but wish to indulge in it nonetheless. Fai was the first female friend she had met since leaving Avanthal and she wasn't about to let her go unrecognized.

Fai didn't reply but the faint blush upon her cheeks and dazzled eyes spoke more volumes than words and the two soon found themselves in their traditional easy silence once again.
Last edited by Una Tanta on August 13th, 2014, 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 8:28 am

The rest of the walk was a long tapering descent from the Rainbow Falls. They plodded along unhurried, enjoying the relaxing massage of the sun upon their shoulders until Una glanced reflexively about for the suddenly silent dogs only to find none at their sides.

Rolling her eyes, imagining they had rushed off once again after a squirrel no doubt Una whistled for their return. After several moments Emma, Evai and Schism appeared but the plodding pregnant matriarch was no where to be seen.

"Where's Nalj?" Una asked, though the question needn't be voiced as Fai and her were already tumbling back up the trail together calling out to the pregnant bitch.

Catching their anxiety the Mountain Dogs began pooling about them restlessly before Schism shot off with as much speed as his lumbering body would allow into the forest to their right. Panicked and heartsore Una followed him, his bushy tail disappearing mere seconds before she reached the same place.

No doubt it would take hours of brushing to remove all the gnarls from his long thin pelt but Una willed him on nonetheless feeling Fai's reassuring presence at her back as they descended away from the trail, too panicked to pay attention to their path.

Finally they all tumbled out into a small clearing in which a gathering of deciduous trees had created a small nest of fallen leaves as Fall descended about them. In the midst of the leaves lay Najl on her side panting and whining into the undergrowth the leaves whistling beneath her.

"Labour...She's in Labour Una." Fai explained, her voice tight with worry as she rushed to her side followed by a crowd of anxious and very large dogs.

"Tie them up!'" She demanded of the Charoda who was frozen to the spot staring at the blood that welled up between the bitches legs.

"O-oh." She stuttered quickly hauling out the varying leads and tying the dogs just out of reach of Nalj much to their discontent which they showed by howling and barking wildly.

"Calm them down!" Fai demanded as she moved about the dog effortlessly and efficiently. Hurrying to obey her will Una settled herself beside the three dogs but within reach of the slender back of Nalj. Petting as many of them as possible with her two hands Una calmed Schism easily while the other two looked about for Fai for assurance but could only find a meagre amount in the hands of a relative stranger.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 8:28 am

"But I thought you said dogs pace and whine when about to give birth. I thought you said we would know!" Una wailed somewhat distressed by her own dogs distress.

"She is a partially wild dog Una. They are more prone to be less demonstrative during such vulnerable times. They crawl away to have their young so that predators will not be attracted to them." She explained obviously not appreciating the emphatic blame laid upon her. Una hadn't meant to lay blame and regretted her words soon after, hoping Fai would understand it came purely from worry.

Sitting back near her own dogs Fai sat by Una, watching.

"Why aren't you helping her?" Una queried anxiously, wishing she could crawl to her dogs side that very instant.

"She crept away because she wanted to be alone, we should respect that. Though she is a first time mother with pups larger than her own kind would allow, so we will stay nearby....not that I have anything to help her with..." She muttered under her breath too quiet thankfully for Una to hear. Calmed by her friends certainty Una leaned back allowing Schism to drape his large hand sized paws across her lap, curiously sniffing the air near Nalj.

"So what will happen?" Una asked quietly, wishing she had taken the time to do more research. She like knowing what was coming, understanding and anticipating so she could know what to do. What was enveloping before her was a mystery, and mysteries terrified her.

Is was her lack of knowledge that had killed Cy twice over, that had allowed her to be betrayed by her mother and father and- she cut herself off before panic could breed hysteria and looked over at Fai imploringly.

"THAT, will happen first." She pointed, a broad grin blessing her face. Facing Najls' back legs Una could bee between them. Slowly expanding Una saw the edge of a small blob pressing at the surface of the air, bobbing and and out of the canal. Both Fai and Una gazed, delighted as a clear viscous bubble became visible with each panting thrust of the mother.

Running her hands along the dogs back legs Najl rose sniffing at the thing between her legs. The crouch pressed the bubble back inside her for a moment until a powerful thrust wracked her body, a wave from head to toe and a shudder as the bubble became visible again.

Water broke around the edges of of the puppy as it came tumbling out wrapping in a tight membrane that sealed off it mouth and paws. Quickly turning to sniff the black, white and brown form Nalj began licking it forcefully wiping the membrane from her mouth and body. Drying and cleaning the form the spasm seemed to halt for a moment.

"Is that it?" Una asked surprised, she had expected more puppies and was delighted. It would be much easier to find a home for one puppy over three or four.

"Not quite..." Fai chuckled with a little too much humour. She's hiding something... The puppy was pale pink beneath the patches of colour its wrinkled nose snuffling for its mother as it parted its mouth to cry. Her frail pink head bounced under Naljs tongue as it swept past her ear.

Glancing at her dog Una marveled at the adoring look of love that had blossomed in the depths of the bitches eyes. The same look had lain upon her mothers face for as long as she knew....but now- distracting herself she turned back to Nalj watching her succumb to waves once again.

Left alone Fai crawled over to the puppy parting her delicate thumb long muzzle and scooping out thick embryonic fluid. The waves died away for a moment allowing Nalj to sit up and lick at the tiny mouth that was her pup. She cried quietly, tiny naked paws pawing at her mothers side seeking a tit.
Last edited by Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 6:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 12th, 2014, 8:28 am

The coolness of mountain dusk threatened the shivering puppies and as Nalj continued to tremble and erupt tiny mewling shapes Una held several of them close to her grateful for the numerous supplies Fai had brought that she had not even considered.

Wrapping them in a soft overcoat that halted the shivering and spread it to the humans the final seventh puppy was born. Too tired to lick the puppy clean and dry Una reached out to help and was met with a cage of snarling teeth.

Nalj leaped at her, lips curled back and high showing paling gums and glittering teeth. It had been a long day for the poor mother and though Una was sympathetic she fell backwards in terror trembling as much from shock as the cold now.

"S-should I scold her?" Una asked, reminded of Spirits lessons in puppy training.

"No no, she's hormonal and it has been a long day. Some dogs are just very aggressive and protective of their pups. She might settle down once she is home and in a safe warm location. Lets get everyone home." She added and leashed the growling mother to move her far away enough for Una to draw the tiny quiet form to her body.

Rubbing down her body in the opposite direction to lift the hair and allow air to pass along the skin and hair drying it more quickly as Fai had instructed on the earlier puppies. The long shadows made the colours and shapes of the puppies indiscernible from each other and their surroundings.

Creating a small nest within her half empty bag Una placed the loudly mewling forms gently within and tied the top as tightly as possible to keep their shifting forms from wriggling out.

"Think they will be okay in there?" She fretted.

"The dark will calm them, but we should get them home as soon as possible and feed Mama here."

"And you." Una smiled appreciatively as they toddled along the long path. It took almost an hour before Lhavitian lights greeted the end of the walk and the two hurried toward the Solar Wind Apartments, mouths set in grim straight lines.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 13th, 2014, 7:33 pm

Fai's eyes widened with meek surprise as they entered Unas apartment with the squirming squealing pups and dogs. The long white stone stretched out across the apartment already muddied as Emma and Evai conducted a mad dash around its entirety searching for intriguing smells. As Una expected Fai's dogs were well trained enough to keep off of the white fabric furniture for which she was eternally grateful as she thought back to her first few days with Schism and Nalj, where her time with them had mostly consisted of running at the hells cleaning only half as past as they could dirty the place.

"Where do you think would be best for the puppies?" Una asked looking around the room with increasing worry. She had picked the suite because of the sparseness and clean lines but as such there wasn't a lot of cozy nooks and crannies for bumbling puppies nor doors to separate them from the rest of the house.

" there any room that can be closed off, or a small nook?" Fai inquired, "We should get the puppies to her tits as quickly as possible," She fretted. Una nodded only paying attention enough to know when to acknowledge Fai's speech. Perhaps I could close them off in my room? But the floor is probably too hard and cold...Perhaps...

"Oh!" She exclaimed and grinned, "We could take the doors off the cupboards in the kitchen? I never use them and they're all connected so she would have a lot of room to curl up and they are up off the floor so It probably quite a bit warmer. Plus it's the only room without a lot of windows. We could use the pillows from the couch to pad the bottom and if you don't mind sharing a bed we can use the duvet from the guest room to keep it insulated..." She rambled each idea coming as spontaneously as bubbles and popping just as quickly.

Fai glanced at the beautiful white cushions but didn't object. They'll be ruined... Una thought as they pulled the cushions off and Una showed Fai the way to the kitchen. Opening the doors they each pressed in the firm pillows about the bottom. Far wider than the cabinets were deep they hung over the edge holding the doors open much to both Unas and Fais chagrin.

"I'll stay here and get Nalj and the puppies settled, can you take the others to a different room?" Fai inquired. Closing off the dogs would likely be as difficult as trying to find a place for the puppies. However, Una had had her own days where she had needed to block the dogs off and away to give her a moment to herself.

Whistling, Schism and the two females followed her dutifully onto the balcony. Turning she dragged the heavy wooden table behind her closing it off from the dining room and blocking them out on the balcony. Fairly small the three were quite crowded among the furniture and settled down in a pouting puddling among each other.

Rushing to the Guest Bedroom Una hauled the large white duvet off its perfectly square sides and rushed it to the puppies. When she had finally returned Nalj was snuggled on top of the cushions half asleep with the puppies suckling enthusiastically at her belly. Una grinned and handed the thick powdery blanket to Fai who set it aside.

Answering the silent question Una placed upon her brow she nodded at the puppies, whispering in an attempt not to disturb them. "I don't want to disturb her, we can put it in when the puppies stop suckling and she wakes up."

It had taken some time for Una to adapt to the equally active day and night of Lhavit and she could hear the raucous partying from the balcony traveling through the dining room and kitchen. Both Una and Fai leaned back against the cabinets at her back watching the happy family and enjoying the tiny suckles which could be heard through the laughter outside.

"I'll have to get heavy drapes sometime to block out some of that noise..." Una mentioned idly as the dogs on the balcony began getting excited by the noise outside.

"So where are you going to keep Schism?" Fai asked, "He can't stay on the balcony permanently."

"Well...I suppose I'll bring that table out here and block off the kitchen and let him have the roam of the rest of the place. Maybe block him into the guest bedroom when I'm not home in case he's tempted to step over it." She added, making a quip about his size that got Fai chuckling good naturedly.

A few more bells passed in silence before the puppies finished suckling and began wriggling around each other into a large pile for sleep. Picking up the thick white duvet Una wrapped it around the pillows creating a wall between the small drop and the puppies and small pockets of warmth for them to knead into the right positions.

"I should probably be going..." Fai hinted as the Midnight rest began to descend. Taking the time to glance at her auborn haired friend Una noticed the growing bags under her eyes and acquiesced, "Yes sleep would be good. I'll show you to the bed?"

"You want me to stay here?"

"Why not?" Una grinned, "It'll be fun to have a sleepover. We can have breakfast in the morning and you can tell me more about caring for the puppies. The sun will be out and we can get a better look at them and name them. Besides, it's the last day of Summer we should enjoy it!"

Fai grinned and the two young women flounced into the bedroom shedding their light flowing clothes and leaping into the powdery white cave of warmth.

"Think the dogs will be okay outside for the night?" Una asked, suddenly realizing they had left them out there.

"Oh yah! Can't you hear them? Sounds like they're part of the party." She laughed. Attention drawn to it Una could hear the loud deep ruffing of the three dogs and imagined their matching brown and white faces pressed against the blue metal grate.

Covers drawn over their heads Unas baubles glowed faintly lighting the soft cave. "" Fai breathed surprised by the glimmering light that shone over their bodies and under shirts. Preening under the attention Una wiggled her nose and the baubles danced in a dazzle of wiggling light. They spoke quietly to each other that night, ranging further and further from the soothing chit chat that was their norm.


"Yes, but those who can deny their desires are those whose desires are weak enough to deny. We are creatures of emotion and as logical as we may will ourselves to be we are only logical when our emotions are weak enough to deny."

"That's preposterous! Emotions and Logic have equal power over anyone in balance. It is only those not in balance that prefer one over the other. Logic is as detrimental as emotion." Una retorted.

"How do you figure?"

"Logic makes us cold, calculating. It makes us evil. We cannot sympathize, or feel kindness towards those whose troubles we cannot logically associate with and that can be dangerous. One cannot build friendships or love on logic."

"All you have done there is explain why logic is evil. I never said it wasn't, I just said it was weaker than emotion." Fai scolded, remarking on the lack of sense in Unas argument.

"Just because you worship Ivak..." Una muttered annoyed that she had pointed out the Charodas mistake.

Fai's smile disappeared and she quickly turned away. Many Ivak followers no longer proclaimed their faith as loudly as others fearful of the rage of others since the Djed storm. Una knew of her faith, though it was not as devout as many Una couldn't help but use it against her in her annoyance. Cy had been killed by the very god Fai worshiped, and he had only been one of many other loved ones lost.

How could someone love a god so violent, brutal and unapologetic? Sleep descended upon them slowly and fitfully, a barrier of anger penetrating Una's dreams.
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Una Tanta on August 13th, 2014, 9:40 pm

91rst Summer 514 AV
7th Bell

Una woke before Fai. Leaning over she caught a wisp of her auburn hair and rose very carefully, easing her hands under her elbows so she didn't wake her friend as her feet touched the cold floor. Her rubbery skin made a funny squeaking noise against the floor as she waddled into the kitchen to check on the pups.

Finally dried in the warmth of the sun and their mothers body they were fluffy blind mewling balls. Their tiny bodies moved like worms over their mothers body as several sought her tits. Others wiggled away from her and needed to be nudged closer to keep from climbing the fabric walls.

"They'll spend most of their time asleep and nursing. Nalj will spend a lot more time eating so you'll need to leave food out for her all the time," a familiar voice reminded her, "Their eyes and ears will start working in about ten to sixteen days and you'll want to socialize with them much more then. Until then, despite how much you want to, its best to leave them with their mother so they can grow and rest without a lot of stress. They'll also get noisier." She pointed out in response to the tiny grunts and mews.

Turning to face Fai Una tried to smile and rid the stiffness between the two of them blooming from last night. Fai returned it with a stiff smile of her own and Una offered the human breakfast. Being a vegetarian all she managed to provide was a breakfast salad of kelp, almonds and raw noodles which Fai ate with polite dignity.

When breakfast was completed the two settled down to pick out the puppies one by one. The names came easily, planting a piece of her own world in the land dwelling creatures.

"They're quite an amusing looking bunch," Fai admitted, "Such an odd cross, it'll be interesting to see what aspects they keep. Can already see a lot of mom in all but those three," She nodded toward the three with patterning very similar to Schisms. So young it was difficult to tell anything beyond that Fai confided.

The pale blue eye of one of the largest puppies caught Unas eye and made her grin, "Hey look! The Laviku inspiration for their names took a literal take to this little guy." She gushed touching her flat nose to the dogs.

"I'm so sorry Una..." Fai murmured at the same time Una gushed forcing them to exchange confused expressions, "He's blind Una....he'll never see out of that eye." Silence followed the revelation as Una gazed at the little dog sorrowfully.

"I'll bring you a book on puppy development..." Fai responded, her plate only picked at, "I should be going." Before Una could reply she had ushered herself and her two dogs out of the apartment. Schism and Una stood in the living room watching their friends leave. Turning to grin and pant at her Una envied his easy camaraderie, while she might have just ruined her only chance at it.
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Una Tanta
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[Rainbow Falls] Journey to the Playful Water

Postby Kismet on August 26th, 2014, 8:18 pm

“I knew it like destiny, and at the same time, I knew it as choice.”

Una Tanta

Una Tanta :
Socialization +4 XP
Interrogation +1 XP
Animal Husbandry +2 XP


  • Canine births can harm the mother
  • Lhavit: Rainbow Falls
  • Fai: Bonding through homemade jewelry
  • Wild dogs creep away to have their litters in safety
  • Nalj: Giving birth
  • It’s best to give Nalj space after giving birth


  • Sharing the fact that Una gives information to Sousa Dawn about Alses with Fai may or may not have negative consequences in the future. (I suggest keeping an eye on the rumors thread!)


  • Seven puppies (Mother: Falj, Father: Schism)

Additional comments

I enjoyed the thread, the only thing I ask is that you please don't flesh out the NPCs without a Mod's approval like what gods they worship. Yay for puppies! I can't wait to see them being given to people in future threads. Please update your post in the grade request thread to show this thread as completed. :D

I will do my best to give you what grades you have earned! However, if there is something you feel I missed or anything you have questions on please don't hesitate to PM me and we can talk.
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