Rhuryc's jaw continued to ache. So did his arm. The one with the sword in it. When the petching bastard stepped onto the road he considered lopping off his head. Or his arm. Or both arms. Maybe just his legs. He wanted to flay the man alive, the constant pain that wracked the bottom of his face an-ever present reminder of his rage. The bruise to follow would be fun. Sure. Despite the anger and will to cause pain, Rhuryc managed to somehow reign himself in. He was still, silent, his eyes narrowed as he glanced to the foppish man and to the bushes around him. Was there only one? No. Rhuryc was ill convinced that this Harren was alone, not on this road, at this time of night. A sling would hardly do away with less savory inhabitants of the wilderness. Maybe piss them off.
Harren spoke and Rhuryc listened. He kept both the shield and sword out, ready, one poised beneath the other in his vigil. He ignored the quips, the insults, they were childish at best and, after all, he had been called far worse. Besides, in his limited dealings with the Konti he imagined that Callisto could not only handle herself, but that Harren was in for some kind of verbal berating Or at least a swift kick to the ass.
Still. He imagined what the man would look like without his fingers.