Syliras is, above and beyond the Knighthood, a gathering of craftsmen. The sheep and goat, even alpaca farms for wool and the silk production, thrive under the protective aura of the Syliran Knighthood. Fibers are raised, cleaned, and dyed in the Tivar Region of the city which flanks the northeastern outskirts. Those textiles are then shipped into the business districts near the center of town, where they were sold in small fabric shops and custom clothing shops that employ seamstresses and designers alike. A question here, a small inquiry there, and the friendly citizens of Syliras will immediately point to the best of those shops.
An Elegant Weave is a combination fabric store and clothing shop. It is divided into two parts on the main floor where it's built into its own three story building in the warehouse district. The top floor is dedicated to staff apartments and it's accompanying common room while the second story is a design studio. All staff apartments are simple arrangements: a small, cell like room with a bed, an armoire, a mirror, a simple chair and desk. Staff must pay for their simple room and it costs them 1 SM a day. The ground floor is their retail outlet.
One half of the ground floor houses bolts of cloth, spools of lace, and anything the enterprising home seamstress might want including several varieties of mechanized sewing machines with elegant iron foot pumps. Most people though, including those who work in Elegant Weave, have a scorn for such things and do most of their sewing by hand.
The other part of the shop houses completed garments. There is a set of fitting rooms, a small pedestal for measuring a client and doing final fittings, and rack upon rack of completed designs. The clothing runs from the simple and functional to the elegant such as formal ballroom gowns, as the Knights themselves are apt to hold dances and gatherings in all sorts of celebrations.
A long, low island separates the two sections. It contains a cutting table and an elegant counter, a folding area, and a place to house notions as well as several hundred different types of thread.
Navia Druva is the owner, and a simple inquiry of one of the staff as to her whereabouts will usually find her in yet another area - one reserved for staff only. It was a tall glass orangery that attaches onto the back of the building leading out into a nice garden and staff stables. The orangery is the official 'sewing room' of the Elegant Weave, where the lighting is perfect and the aura peaceful enough for the employees to get some serious work done. It isn't uncommon to find employees and designers gathered, sewing, telling stories and talking among themselves.
An Elegant Weave is a combination fabric store and clothing shop. It is divided into two parts on the main floor where it's built into its own three story building in the warehouse district. The top floor is dedicated to staff apartments and it's accompanying common room while the second story is a design studio. All staff apartments are simple arrangements: a small, cell like room with a bed, an armoire, a mirror, a simple chair and desk. Staff must pay for their simple room and it costs them 1 SM a day. The ground floor is their retail outlet.
One half of the ground floor houses bolts of cloth, spools of lace, and anything the enterprising home seamstress might want including several varieties of mechanized sewing machines with elegant iron foot pumps. Most people though, including those who work in Elegant Weave, have a scorn for such things and do most of their sewing by hand.
The other part of the shop houses completed garments. There is a set of fitting rooms, a small pedestal for measuring a client and doing final fittings, and rack upon rack of completed designs. The clothing runs from the simple and functional to the elegant such as formal ballroom gowns, as the Knights themselves are apt to hold dances and gatherings in all sorts of celebrations.
A long, low island separates the two sections. It contains a cutting table and an elegant counter, a folding area, and a place to house notions as well as several hundred different types of thread.
Navia Druva is the owner, and a simple inquiry of one of the staff as to her whereabouts will usually find her in yet another area - one reserved for staff only. It was a tall glass orangery that attaches onto the back of the building leading out into a nice garden and staff stables. The orangery is the official 'sewing room' of the Elegant Weave, where the lighting is perfect and the aura peaceful enough for the employees to get some serious work done. It isn't uncommon to find employees and designers gathered, sewing, telling stories and talking among themselves.
Price List and NPCs

Price List
Clothing List
- Dresses
- Cotton 5 SM
- Riding 15 GM
- Wool 5 GM
- Silk 30 GM
- Ballgown 50 GM
Underdresses - Cotton 8 SM
- Silk 5 GM
Blouses - Cotton 5 SM
- Wool 2 GM
- Silk 15 GM
Lingerie - One piece 5 SM
- Two piece 1 GM
Tunics - Cotton 5 SM
- Wool 2 GM
- Velvet 8 GM
- Silk 15 GM
Vests - Cotton 5 SM
- Wool 2 GM
- Fur 5 GM
- Leather 3 GM
Jerkin - Quilted 8 SM
- Leather 5 GM
- Suede 15 GM
Doublets - Brocade 25 GM
- Silk 35 GM
Pants - Cotton 2 SM
- Silk 3 GM
Trousers - Cotton 5 SM
- Leather 15 GM
- Wool 2 GM
- Silk 25 GM
Cloaks - Fur 65 GM
- Wool 85 GM
- Brocade 60 GM
Capes - Fur 5 GM
- Wool 5 SM
- Brocade 10 GM
• Custom clothing available upon request.
• Tanned Furs purchased here.
• Tanned Furs purchased here.
- Fabrics
- Cotton – 1 SM yrd
- Leather – 5 GM yrd
- Wool – 5 SM yrd
- Silk – 15 GM yrd
- Brocade – 13 GM yrd
- Fur – Inquire As To Availability
Miscellaneous - Sewing Machine - 85 GM
- Sewing Scissors - 12 SM
- Pinking Sheers - 10 SM
- Cutting Board - 25 SM
- Measuring Tape - 5 SM
- Fitting Maniquin - 8 GM
- Thread - 1 CM per spool
- Pins - 100 per 1 CM
- Pincushion - 5 CM
- Embroidery Thread - 5 CM per Skein
- Embroidery Hoop - 2 CM small, 5 CM medium, 7 CM large
Navia Druva
Navia Druva
Race: Human
PoB: Syliras
Title: Owner, Master Tailor
Clothing Design: 85 pts, Sewing: 83 pts, Drawing: 55 pts, Weaving: 45 pts
Gnosis Marks:
Eyris- 2
Ionu - 2
Additional Info: Born and raised in Syliras among one of the First Families, Navia is related to quiet a few Syliran Knights. She successfully built her career and business up from the ground, beginning her sewing career in her early years. While most of her family was learning to wield swords, she was wielding needles and silks. Navia is fully human, but has a very interesting style in terms of clothing design, one that is all her own.
Navia has over a dozen staff members that include seamstresses, designers, dyers, leather makers, and even furriers. She has two daughters and a husband that seems notoriously absent a great deal.
Sharn Palebecker
Name: Sharn Palebecker
Race: Human.
DoB: 473 A.V.
PoB: Syliras
Title: Tailor
Skills: 61 Sewing, 54 Teaching, 47 Cooking 44 Weaving, 31 Storytelling
Additional Info: Friendly in the most boisterous of ways and jolly in the most unnecessary situations, Sharn is one of the most lovable of the senior staff members of An Elegant Weave. Married to a knight at an early age only to be widowed on the same day her childhood friend went missing, Sharn has been hardened to life in ways that only one who had known lost could be. However, despite the tears she had shed throughout her life from the deaths and disappearances of loved ones, Sharn knew not to dwell on it even from the first one. In a world like theirs survival was only a matter of the present and the future was something only Tanroa knew.
A lover of gossip, one can usually find her from the early hours of the day to the middle of the night in the orangery, feeding the girls who worked there little snippets she heard at the market. When she isn't gossiping she would be instead teaching the other staff how to do various things, be it work related or not.
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