Flashback The Quill is Mightier than the Sword: Part I

A young Ayatah practices her skills in her latest weapon

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

The Quill is Mightier than the Sword: Part I

Postby Ayatah on August 14th, 2014, 1:18 pm


The Quill is Mightier than the Sword: Part I

|| 54th Winter, 495AV || Taloba, the Scattered Bones' clan home ||

oocIn my head whilst writing this, the Common language was basically English and so it follows the same spelling and grammatical rules. The Myrian language, however, was very different and the two languages didn't share any of the same words (so not like English and French, etc). Please let me know if this is completely inaccurate... I only really realised how much I was assuming half way through writing this!

"You have to have patience, Ayatah." Even the calm voice belonging to Quinneth of the Scattered Bones seemed strained as she watched her great-Granddaughter pout and huff.

The young half-breed glanced guiltily up to her clan matriarch. The sources of her frustration, a quill and a handful of sheet of paper, lay strewn across the dry dirt. Only ticks ago, Aya had slung both of them in a fit of fury. "It's hard, Grandmother." She mumbled, reaching down to pick them back up.

Quinneth smiled, her aged face creasing into a thousand more lines as she did so, "learning is difficult, little Aya. Especially learning a new language." She tapped the paper with a long, crooked finger. "Try again." This time, her words were spoken in Common.

Ayatah's stared in wonderment. Her grandmother's pronunciation would sound clumsy to any fluent speaker, but to Aya - who could barely string together a sentence in Common - it had been perfectly smooth. She tried to repeat the first word Quinneth had said: "Ch-y. Ch-r-ie. Tie-ee." A stern look from the ancient old woman set Ayatah back on her task.

There were two lines of handwriting on the face of the crispy paper, one in Myrian and one in Common. Both were written in the tiny scrawl that belonged to Quinneth; even a complete stranger would have easily guessed that the wobbly little words belonged to the grey-haired Myrian. Aya stared down at the lines of words.

My name is Ayatah of the Scattered Bones.

Whether or not she would ever need to write that specific sentence in Common, Ayatah did not know. But, as Quinneth had told her with ever lasting affection and patience, she needed to start somewhere. Introductions were as good as any place, and it would serve the little Myrian well if she knew at least how to say or write her clan's name in Common.

It had been Aya's idea to learn how to speak, write and read in the other language - but it was a decision she was starting to regret. Though she could speak a few patchy words in Common, it was her reading and writing that was not progressing so well. She rolled her narrow shoulders in their sockets - a habit she was beginning to develop before writing, as if to prepare for a great battle - and dipped her quill into the inkpot. Then, she began to write. Myri, how she loved that scratchy sound that accompanied her scrawls.

Her words were crooked, large and clumsy. They were by far the ugliest thing Aya had ever seen, but she tried to ignore the burning desire to have another tantrum and continued to write.

My.... name.....

"Careful. Your 'a' looks like a 'q'." Quinneth pointed to the second letter of the second word, with its dramatic downwards flick that did indeed made 'name' look more like 'nqme'. She pointed to another piece of paper, with all twenty-six letters of the Common alphabet. "Remember 'Q'? For words like 'quite' and 'quiet'."

Ayatah nodded solemnly. She tried again.

My... name.... is....

"Your 's' is backwards. It's a 'Z'."

The young half-breed sighed, puffing her cheeks out in constrained frustration. How she wanted to scream!

My... name... is... Ayatah... For her name, Aya paused, and simply wrote it in Myrian. She was not about to be scolded for misspelling her own name, for Myri's sake.

Of.... the.... Scattered.... Bones. Finished, she admired her lopsided writing.

"Our clan name looks ugly in Common."

Last edited by Ayatah on August 14th, 2014, 8:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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The Quil is Mightier than the Sword

Postby Ayatah on August 14th, 2014, 3:07 pm


Quinneth laughed, patting the young girl on her back. "Yes, it does Aya. But I think we should go back a step and relearn the Common alphabet." The young half-breed's dramatic sigh indicated that Ayatah was less keen at having to regress to her previous lesson.

Secretly, Quinneth delighted in imparting her knowledge of the Barbarian races to her inquisitive great-granddaughter. As a young woman, she too had been curious (but in a much less innocent, more savage manner). Before killing her foreign victims, Quinneth used to interrogate them; where have you come from? Why did you leave? and investigate their belongings. Maps had been a personal favourite of the youthful Quinneth's, especially how her jungle home was usually appeared as a vague mass of green labelled as 'Savage Land' or something similar. The Myrian people were in the ideal position; they could learn snippets of the outside world from those poor souls who wandered into their jungle, but nothing of their own culture left Falynder.

Myrians knew relatively little about the lands and people beyond the jungle, but the bits of information Quinneth managed to learn in her youth had satiated her casual curiosity. As she aged, and became her clan's matriarch, she had happily shared her stories with the rest of the Scattered Bones, whose attitudes to outsiders varied between completely disinterested to downright bloodthirsty.

Ayatah, however, was entirely different. The young girl had quickly gobbled up all of Quinneth's stories, asking intricate questions the old woman had not even considered in her own youth. Rather uncomfortably, Quinneth had found herself unable to answer most of Ayatah's questions. She might not be able to provide her great-Granddaughter with the answers the child so desperately sought, but she could equip Ayatah with the skills she would need to discover them herself.

So Quinneth, during her own time in the evenings when the younger clan members danced or ate, had developed a series of lessons for Ayatah. The girl had a collection of books she couldn't even read, and Quinneth's eyesight was not what it once was (had books always been written with such tiny writing?), thus she would have to teach Aya the basics of Common in order to ease the young Myrian's seemingly endless frustration.

One such lesson required Quinneth to say a word in Common, and for Ayatah to write which letter it started with.

"What is the first letter in the word 'Myrian'?"

Ayatah was already familiar the format of such lessons. "That's easy. 'M'!" She wiggled her toes in a small celebration, and then set to writing her selected letter. Each stroke of the quill was accompanied by a whispered annotation of the same instruction Quinneth had first used to teach her to write the Common letters. "'M'. Four lines. Two down..." She scratched in two parallel lines with a centimetre or so between them, "and two meeting in a point." Having drawn in the two final lines to create the letter 'M', Ayatah held the paper up to Quinneth for inspection.

The ancient woman looked down at the childish handwriting, lacking completely in finesse and skill - and couldn't hide her pride. "Well done, Aya. Right, how about... 'Cinnamon'."

Ayatah frowned. This was a new word, and Quinneth repeated it slowly a few more times before the half-breed met quill tip to paper again. There was only one letter she knew that sounded like the slithery beginning of the word 'Cinnamon'. "'S'...." the suggestion was tentative though, as though Aya already knew she had fallen for some kind of prank. Fortunately, 'S' was her favourite letter to draw - it was effectively just a wiggle.

Quinneth's faint smile indicated to Ayatah that she was not right.

Last edited by Ayatah on August 14th, 2014, 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Quil is Mightier than the Sword

Postby Ayatah on August 14th, 2014, 5:28 pm


"Common is a tricky language to master, and there are many words that sound like they begin with one letter, but in actual fact start with another. Cinnamon starts with 'C'."

Aya screwed her nose in disgust of her own error. Despite never hearing of the word cinnamon before, she was still disappointed in herself for making the mistake. "'C'." She murmured, as if betrayed by the letter's trickery. 'C' was for 'cut', 'carve', or other harsh-sounding words (it still confused Aya why 'kitten' was 'K' and not 'C'. In fact, the very existence of the letter 'K' seemed pointless in Ayatah's opinion).

Their game continued in the same arrangement.


Another new word. Quinneth repeated it again, and Ayatah stared up at her clan matriarch with a slight tilt of her head and a blank expression. "Huh?"

The old woman chuckled, entertained by the child's utter confusion. She repeated the word, this time in Myrian, and Ayatah's eyes brightened as the meaning of this mystery word shed into light. She tried the word in Common, speaking awkwardly "Dezz-rut." That first syllable in particular was played over and over again in her mind.

Desert. 'D'. One line with a half circle... The quill touched the paper again, and began scratching in the spine of the letter. Then she curved another line around to the right of the line, though her angle was off so the arc looked a little jagged.

Nevertheless, Quinneth applauded the child's poor first attempt. "Well done, Aya! Yes, 'D'. Desert."

Young and old united in a momentary celebration before their lesson continued. Quinneth threw many other words to Ayatah: 'bath', 'pond', 'town', 'sword'. For the most part, her student was able to hazard at least a guess at the first letter of the word, though her writing was never quite perfect. Soon enough though, the young scholar had learnt enough new words to put together a whole sentence.

"Hell-oh. Menay-um 's Ayatah. Hoo a-ah yo?" [

Hello, my name is Ayatah. How are you?

Quinneth repeated the sentence, her words tumbling out slowly and emphasised unnaturally to make each syllable sound out clearly.

"Hell-oh. Ma-y nam's Ayatah. Hooh a-a-re yo-o?" Aya mimicked the older woman's elongated words, feeling how the foreign sounds made her tongue roll and lips purse. The pronunciation was still off, even by Ayatah's Myrian ears. Her eyebrows knotted together in a sign of determination.

Come on. You can do this.

After the mental pep talk, she tried again. Slowly, painfully so, the sentence began to take better form, and the words started to sound more and more like Common.

"Hell-oh. M-i nay-m is Ayatah. H-ow ar-re ye-uh?"

It would still be years, and countless lessons, until Ayatah mastered the Common tongue. But this was a start.

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The Quill is Mightier than the Sword: Part I

Postby Voodoo on September 3rd, 2014, 6:25 pm

Your Powers Grow

Experience :
    Writing: +3
    Rhetoric: +2
    Observation: +3
    Socialization: +3

Lore :
    The Difficulty of Learning a New Language
    Common: Nothing Like Myrian
    Quinneth: A Patient Teacher
    Cinnamon, not Sinnamon
    Phrase: "Hello, how are you?"
    Writing: The Common Alphabet

Comments :
I absolutely loved this. It is one of the first threads I have read about learning a new language, so it was cool to see the difficulty. I look forward to see Ayatah progress. I haven't forgotten you requested a moderated thread. Just getting things together with school. Questions, comments, concerns? PM me.
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