OOC: For GraderAll the NPCs used in this thread are City NPCs that have been approved by Twister. If the grader wishes to have the write ups for them, Please check the NPC List or PM me if said list is not available yet.
73rd of Fall 511AV
Time is nearly a quarter to the fourth bell in the morningEleazar's head lolled slowly forward as he tried to find some vague form of sleep. He wasn't sure why he was bothering though, bound to what may have once been a chair, half hammered in nails biting at his exposed back as splinters caressed his arms. He wasn't even sure how long he had been here, it might have been days since he had been caught pinching that book or maybe only bells. He couldn't remember either way. Each moment blurring together in the cool darkness of whatever cellar they had dumped him in. Bruised marred his face and arms from when that blasted woman had ordered her men to 'soften' him up a bit, not that hanging around Nov and Seng hadn't earned him a few bruises.
It had been he guessed roughly a week since he met the two and already he had been pulled into more fights than could have possibly be run away from. Trust him to end up stuck in with the two people best at starting bar fights over a spilt drink or a little nudge. Even a life of thievery hadn't been that rough on him and then it had to all go wrong, running head first into these clowns down the alley way near the dry dock. They had been after him; literally targeting him, scrawny little him. He wasn't even sure why they had kidnapped him, well hadn't been sure.
Answers soon came when a tan faced lady coiled in the smoke of her pipe had started asking him question about books. Petching Remmy. Whatever she was up to, he had just been dragged kicking and screaming into, literally. So far they hadn't gotten any answers from him beyond the fact he could read a little and wasn't a member of any gang, a repetitive
'Ay 'ave no idea what yer are on aboot' followed by the normal
'so can yer please let mi go' didn't seemed to phase the woman in the slightest. The key words being 'so far', this lot didn't seem to believe a word he said. They would throw a few odd punches and only do that if he was lucky, then he would be questioned then they would leave him be for a bit then it would happen all over again. The same thing over and over with the time in between leaving him with only his thoughts and the darkness. not even Eleanor to keep him company, she had vanished after the first few punches.
A shiver coursed through his body, hovering over when their teeth and hands had wandered. Winter was still a few weeks away yet but it certainly wasn't being shy about it. Cold, beaten and abused, hah. Probably the image that got those merchants down by the seaside market to sleep at night, if only he could find such a thing now. Tugging lightly at his restraints, they proved no more liable to give way than the last time the thief had checked. Wriggling a little more caused the teen's skin burned under the friction, at least he wasn't as cold now. Why did it seem that everyone in Sunberth was amazing at tying knots but him? Was there some secret school somewhere where they learnt? Maybe it was down by the docks or something.
All these pointless musings ended when the door to his prison threw bright burning light into his eyes as three men struggled in with a table. At least two of the men did, the other danced giddily behind then swinging a large bag gently in his hand. A candle was lit and after the table was deposited the two larger males lumbered back out to the cheerful waving of the third. Oh great, what now? The bag was clunked down on the table as what looked like carving tools were taken out; the ginger haired stranger gazed fondly at each. What the hai was going on? Who was this clown? Had they given up on him?
The man hummed softly to himself before rapidly spinning to face the hostage; grinning like a child who had just been given a new play thing. A shiver went down the teen's spine. True he had never really been fully okay in the head but this guy might had been just about born not right in the head, or maybe just born with out a head. Those eyes that reflected the candle light too clearly and that hair like a mad fox curled around his face. Rocking slowly on his heels, the intruder then stepped briskly towards the door, slamming it shut with a loud bang. Now the candle on the table was the only source of light in the room. Squinting confused at what had occurred, Eleazar flinched when the ginger seemed to appear next to him, a little too close for comfort.
“Hello there, Since I'm a nice sorta fella I'm gonna ask you before you get started. Did you happen to, I don't know, steal a couple books of value from a Miss Mar Santoro's house? I know you've been saying you don't know anything but I need to ask you for business reasons.”Mar Santoro? The name wasn't familiar, was she perhaps the woman that had been questioning him earlier? Either way he had never stolen from any house before. So it hadn't been him, most likely Remmy or one of her acquaintances. Although theft didn't seem like something they would do. 'Books of value', huh? He was so asking her about them later, assuming there was a later after this. The man had asked, far too calmly in Eleazar's mind, for 'business reasons' which lead one to think that he was being paid to be here with that row of worryingly sharp tools laid out on the table.
Swallowing, he slowly shock his head 'no'. The ginger clicked his tongue expression flitting briefly to disappointment,
'Any idea who might have?' was his next question. Again, he got a shake no.
“Real shame that. Ay truly wish not knowing would mean you go free but I have a job to do so you're stuck here.”The man's regretful tone didn't match the cat like grin smeared over his face as her danced over to the table. He wasn't sorry at all, the bastard was enjoying himself here. Eleazar couldn't share the feeling when a thin tip of charcoal began to trail over the skin of his upper left arm. He was drawing on him? This wasn't what he had expected; it wasn't painful at all, honestly it was kinda ticklish. A quick flick here, a pause, a few more lines there and a slow swirl to finish up. Apparently done, the ginger laughed openly at the confusion written all over his sleepy features. Craning his neck to get a better look at what had been doodled, the thief was vaguely aware of footsteps padding back to the table.
“Oi, What ya doodle on mi? What es 'at fer?”
Turning abruptly, teeth as sharp as the flash of mental now in his hand the ginger cocked his head to the side is a mock of confusion.
“Oh I thought it was obvious. I mean you have to have guidelines when you are carving out a work of art.”-------------------
Time is now current timeAnother wisp of smoke fell from Marina's lips as the pipe left her mouth, her dark eyes sore from lack of sleep. Being woken up by tortured screams at four bells hadn't been her plan but what had she been expecting with Finny. The man worked on a completely different clock to the rest of the world, crashing out at about five in the afternoon to be up at for the first bell to toll at night. The mad ginger was still down there with their suspected thief. Funny you would have thought the kid would have confessed by now.
He didn't even look the part to be honest; too scrawny and too young. But she doubted there was anyone else in town that stole books as regularly as the merchants said he did. Heck, books were next to useless to most sunberthians. Only those with an education found value in the squiggle covered paper and the lad didn't look to be the educated type. Sighing the woman nudged the colossal mass of flesh that was her brother away from his bird watching. Swivelling his lofty head towards her the man grunted expectantly as his sister roll her shoulders out carefully, lit pipe still in hand.
“Ay'm having second thoughts on the kid. He don't seem like our man. Ay mean there's nothing to be done now Finn has him. But....”The only reply that was received was a weighty hand snatching his pipe back from her grasp and taking a blow of it himself. Pouting childishly, the elder of the two only got a shrug in return to her pondering. Sighing, she flung herself forward off the pile of rags to pace the room methodically. The tumble down house was a temporary residence provided by a friend of her fathers. The gang would probably move out in a moon or two, sooner if they found another place.
The boys were all out at the moment; the shrieks that would occasionally echo up from the old cellar had obviously gotten to them. Cowards, they should have more nerve than that. Oh well a few drinks later and they would be back giving her a migraine like normal. Maybe by that time Finnado might even have finished with the kid then they would just have to clean up the cellar and she would have to figure out who to bribe; also where next to go on her thief hunt. Speaking of cleaning up, the study was still a mess from the robbery. So much damage over some stupid books a thankful customer had given her. Still pacing Marina waited patiently for the drunken laughter of her boys to signal their return.