So, I've been scouring the Gnosis list for some goals for my character(s) to have, and I believe that I've come up with some-- these are very flexible, but I like to have goals just so I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere, haha. Makes everything more fun for me.
Currently, my goals for this particular character are: Illusionism, Eiyon, and/or Ranuri. I like the sounds of all of these Gnosi, but particularly the Illusionism and Ranuri ones(Eiyon's mostly on there because I've always had a kind of odd fascination with death in any form). I guess the main thing I'm trying to get at is, how exactly do I go about requesting a Gnosis thread? Through the Help Desk, after a significant amount of roleplay, after a significant thread...? Looking at the threads that are listed on some of the Gnosis pages, I noticed that some were gained when the players had a relatively low number of posts, so I was wondering about that.
Obviously I'm going to work on increasing skills and basically fleshing out my character(s) a bit more before I even think about going through the process of gaining a Gnosis, but as I said above, I like having a goal to work towards. Who doesn't like the sense of satisfaction?