Solo Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Una is instructed by Mercadier to conduct Svefra Research

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 13th, 2014, 11:35 pm

Una shuddered with dread when she saw the pristine silhouette of Mercadier moving toward her. She was fortunate in that he was busy enough with his own tasks that she rarely had to work directly under him but whenever he did approach, for any length of time, there was a deluge of edits and scolding elicited from his thin lips. Your desk is too messy, your dress is crooked, your dress isn't professional. his voice in her head rambled. He'd even sent her home to change once because too much of her stomach had been showing.

Newly shined shoes squeaked with each step across the newly waxed floor making Una wince. It was a coincidental countdown to his inevitable approach, Though... Una thought vindictively, It should really be deeper and faster to reflect the real danger of his approach.

"Ms. Tanta." He stated sleeking back his perfectly arranged blonde hair with manicured fingers. "Alses has requested a compilation of information on the Svefra. You will need to create a demographic report of known and unknown statistics and differentiate between information known and assumed by Lhavit and the information given by the Svefra." He explained, launching into the job without preamble.

Una didn't like him. He didn't like Una. It was simple, clean and clear. He had treated her politely when she had arrived but her lack of social grace seemed to irk him and her love of the whimsical, especially in her reports, frustrated him. Meanwhile his sharp poignant word play left Una feeling tricked and stupid, a feeling that left her ill tempered toward the man from the very beginning and breeding ill will. But nonetheless they worked together, as they must, perhaps Una herself could not even tell how begrudgingly he didn't rat out her numerous mistakes to Alses.

It simply wouldn't be proper to waste her graces time with these. Please pay more attention to the details. She mimicked internally, Pay more attention. Pay more attention. It was all he ever said. She complained bitterly. Plastering a wooden smile across her face she nodded obediently as he placed the large Manila envelope before her.

"The details are enclosed." He finished, his feet squeaking as he disembarked. It had become a common sight, him handing her written instructions as an alternative to an instructive conversation. Pulling out the thick contents Una perused the first document which contained a list of the required information.

-In Lhavit
-Pods that were once seen in Lhavit
-Pods that are now commonly seen in Lhavit
-Potential reasons for decrease in Svefra population
-In Zeltiva
-Physical Appearance
-Degree of Variation
-Defining Characteristics
-Degree of Variation
-Defining Characteristics
-Exports and Imports
-Common Trading Partners
-Magic Usage
-Most Common
-Fear or Loathed (Please include reasons)
-How and When is it used
-Reproduction and Aging
-Social Structure
-Including a list of most common offences against Lhavitian Law
-Family Life
-Range of Ages and Responsibilities
-Travelling Range
-Common Threats

This information is to be compiled from both the visiting Svefra pod an the Baharni Library. References must be included and information that conflicts between the two sources must be mentioned.

Una sighed heavily as she gazed at the inexorably extensive list. Compiling and annotating a report this extensive could take over a season she reflected wondering for a moment if it was not Alses that had given her this job but Mercadier himself in an attempt to be rid of her. However, she quickly pushed the thought away. As much as she disliked the man he had never shown an improper angle to his many, and tricking as such would most definitely be an improper angle.

Turning to the next sheaf of paper was a letter that described her duty more fully and completely than she had thought possible. She would be allowed in the library solely to work on the project and be allowed only those books which would aid her attempts. She was also to be given three scribes to aid her in the task, a command that brought her enormous relief.

The rest of the manila envelope contained imperfect paper necessary for planning and drafting a copy of the document. Information presented to the Councillor must be succinct, she had been informed by Mercadier several times when other documents had rambled, as was her tendency.

Taking a seat and drawing the wavering candle closer to the parchment Una craned over it dipping the steel headed quill into the watery black ink. She was not adept at the use of the brushes most commonly used for writing in Lhavit and had requested quills instead. Nonetheless the most common Lhavitian ink was much thinner than she was used to and was difficult to use with the quills. As such she had had to use a thickening agent each time she opened a new vial, consequently staining her hands an almost permanent black from her work.

Settling down, Una focused on the parchment before her. Each segment is going to need its own section and an easy way to differentiate between the segments. There are many ways to accomplish this task though....I could create a glossary that allows a reference to the first page of each chapter. It's the most common way I've seen it done in other texts. But while this allows for a single reference to be written and connected to several sentences in different chapters, a handy tool, it also makes for a large book that will be difficult to reference on a moments notice. Furthermore, binding will be more expensive and difficult with the several sheathes of paper it would require.

The alternative would be several books. In this case a binding could be created and hollowed out in which several small books could be placed and housed together. Each book would be titled with a separate chapter. This will allow for more easily transportable sections, though parts of a book could more easily be lost. However, it's limited to books whose order doesn't matter and a reference that permeates several chapters has to be written out several times.

Una imagined Mercadier would be mocking her for the care and creativity she was putting into the form of the file and scowled at the piece of paper. It makes sense to do the latter, she decided, the order of the book doesn't matter. I imagine she wants the information as soon as possible and this way I can give her finished documents as they arrive rather than waiting for the entire thing to be finished and bound. Though the references may take extra seems the most straight forward. Besides, if she is working with them on the docks having a light easily references text could be important.

The next is to decide on the method of differentiating information and method of reference. I could put references at the end of the book, on the opposing page of each page, the bottom of the pages. Having not read many books with references she was unsure of the most common method. At the end of the book makes sense...since knowing where the information comes from is important but not to the understanding of the text and putting it at the bottom or opposing page would disrupt the flow.

Differentiating the information would be the most difficult part. Could differentiate it spatially...placing changes in the margin of the text. As much as that appealed to her she knew it would ruin the beauty of the page. Perhaps differentiating by colour would be best...
she thought ...I could put information in common between the two sources in black and when they differ create a decorative text box around the two different pieces of information. It certainly sounded like the best plan to her, the best and easiest inks to acquire besides black was blue and red. They would work very well for the two opposing colours, she decided finally.
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 14th, 2014, 2:13 am

Desperate from some air, and moderate respite from the job that loomed before her Una decided to begin her job on the Shipyards. From a primarily oral community she thought that hearing the Svefra talk about their community would give her a better wide scope of their life style and community.

As she began the long traverse from the Radiant Tower toward the docks residing much lower on the mountainside she couldn't help but wonder at the reason for the request. Alses seemed far more focused on the Magical Politics than relations with the far away cities with which they did business. Perhaps she was beginning to change her focus? Una wondered slightly relieved at the thought as it was a focus she had much more passion and talent for.

The ocean heavy air graced her skin with enormous joy and as she spotted the numerous grey and blue skinned Charodae she couldn't help help the skip that erupted into her step. The rolling tumbling accent of Char echoed familiarly in her ears and as she stepped up to one particularly lanky Charoda coiling rope Char rolled from her tongue awkward from lack of use. The Charoda gave her a quiet look of disdain making her flush with embarrassment.

"Do you know where the Svefra pod may be sir?"

"O'wer, beyund the edge." He responded pointing toward the unwavering line of the seas were tiny triangular clouds danced. As usual they were at sea, from her time growing up in Wind Reach she had learned they only ever docked to trade or repair ships and were otherwise trolling the sea.

"Thanks," She nodded and moved to leave before realizing she had forgotten the traditional Lhavitian bow. Turning during a half step she awkwardly half bowed and tripped over herself much to the chuckling chagrin of the sailor.

Ducking behind a covered hall Una shed her clothes, stashing them in one of the many wooden crates. She hated to put her clothes in such a position to be damaged but it couldn't be helped. Back to her round typical plumpness even her usually flat chest had developed a bit of a curve as she had gained health from the stability of city living.

"Uhm...Just because the Svefra walk around naked doesn't mean everyone can." Char murmured from behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, her shoulder blades rolling under her white skin as she peered at the Charoda. Having wound up the rest of the rope he had it slung over one shoulder hap-haphazardly and was leering at her from the other side of the dock.

Swallowing uncomfortably she nodded at the water, "Need to be for swimming."

"Want some company? I can take you to the Svefra." He offered, sauntering toward her slowly his eyes traveling up her legs and over her stomach, "I've worked on their ships all season, they'll greet us like kings." The heels of her feet grazed the edge of the dock as he approached discomfort crawling like crabs along her arms.

"I-I think I'll be alright on my own."

"Alright, alright." He nodded raising his hands innocently and backing off to her surprise. Turning away he moved to leave, leaving Una with a shocking feeling of dismay.

"Wait...sure...I could use your help." She replied. She had seen men ogle, seen men be outright vicious in their desire. But she had never seen a man embrace his desire so fully and yet be so willing to acknowledge another's desire. Perhaps logic was indeed as strong as emotion. If this man was any example of it.

Allowing herself and her beliefs to change so flippantly had been a new realization, born of the wisdom of the last few years. So much she had thought impossible had been challenged, been blatantly proven wrong. Grinning he turned back, draping the coiled rope a top a crate and stepping beside her.

"Ready?" He asked his arm brushing her shoulder. Nodding they both leaped. Arching streamlined into the warm awaiting water they crashed upon it and disappeared below the surface as cleanly as a leaping fish. The bay was incredibly deep and large the reef in which the local Charoda lived several miles from the coast.

The water moved across the soft curves of her head and tickled her feet nostalgically. The man beside her was evidently built for speed as he darted several feet away from her within the first few moments. Glancing back at her he slowed letting himself drift along at her side even as she actively swam. The water stretched up deeper above their heads as they moved along the bottom of the ocean bobbing boats casting shadows above their heads.

The water carved out a constantly shivering and shifting blue pattern over both their bodies. Pointing, the nameless man drifted ahead directing her in the direction of the ships.

"So, what's your name? Why do you need to see the Svefra?"

"Una Tanta. I am doing some research for my boss." She explained briefly glancing through his searching gaze, "What about you?"

"Insler Sala, and cause I need to spend more time with you." He quipped making Una roll her eyes as she blushed at his forwardness.
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 14th, 2014, 3:49 am

The large coral structure loomed in the distance, a large mask of various colours and sea fans Una ran her body along the edge of one. She had spent such little time truly swimming since her arrival that her body didn't bend as gracefully as usual and she felt the cold sting of an anemone bite into her arm. Yelping she leaped forward bumping into Insler. Blushing, she refused to look at him instead turning her arm to inspect the sting.

Reaching out to touch her arm his cold hand sent delightful and childish shivers along her spine making her squirm.

"Hold still." He admonished, a playful lilt in his voice.

"You'll be fine. Just be sure to be more careful little cherub." He stuck his tongue out and ducked behind an outcrop of coral. Following his trail of bubbles Una chewed her lip disconcerted. She had sworn to Cy she would move on, she had lost him twice and been chased out of Avanthal for her obsession but despite the mans obvious interest and successfully titillating flirting she couldn't shake the tendency to draw a comparison between the two.

A school of guppies floated and squirmed past Una, tickling her stomach and arms. The animals here were so used to the large gentle Charoda they brushed up against her good humouredly and she was even able to catch sight of several playful dolphins dancing several meters away.

"Ho-" She was cut off from her question, wondering how long the Charoda population here had coexisted with the land dwellers, as a fairly large tower of coral interrupted her view. Having left Charbosi before she was formed within her mother she had never seen the works of several Charoda, nor had she ever seen so many in one place before. Several moved about working the living substance while other danced and chased each other in the waves.

Halting the man turned his head, his pants tied down to his ankles and his shirt to his waist keeping them attached. His face betrayed his surprise as readily as Unas betrayed her own emotions.

"Why do you look so shocked?"

"I've never many Charodae, nor such beautiful architecture."

"Don't you live here?"

"No. I live in Lhavit. In the mountains."

His black eyes gazed back at hers surprised and shook his head, "But...WHY?"

"I didn't know I had a choice."

"You should stay then!"

"I can't. I have obligations. Friends. Dogs." She responded shaking her head and back pedaling. As delightful as it sounded to once again live amongst the waves. Live amongst her people she couldn't write underwater, she couldn't have Schism or Nalj underwater. Her land possessions were to important to her."

"How can you NOT? You are a Charoda." He stated, disbelieving.

"That which one cannot have makes it all the more beautiful and appealing. I will always love the ocean. But I love it all the more when I refuse to allow myself to have it." She lied, suddenly too embarrassed to admit her love of things that couldn't exist in this realm.

Though he seemed to entertain the idea he was soon shaking his head and grinning. Swimming toward her with a flick of his toes he grinned, "Like sex?"

"Haha yes. Like Sex." She replied struggling to be as seductive and tempting as him, to use his own technique against him but only managed to sound silly and awkward. Coughing she turned her attention further at sea.

"I thought you were taking me to the Svefra."

"Alright. Alright. Follow me." He waved good-naturedly and disappeared in a sheen of bubbles. Struggling to catch up Una began to lag behind until a wall of woven coral appeared before them and her slender body, made for weaving, dashed through tiny holes and sharp turns more easily than his longer one.

"Haha! Can't catch me!" She exclaimed and shot toward the surface. Breaking the wavering ceiling she leaped and arched through the air spinning like a playful dolphin on a ships crest the man at her heels.
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 14th, 2014, 5:43 am

When he had finally caught up to Una grabbing her ankle and dragging her back towards him he had an unreadable look on his face that had Una blushing instantly. It had a degree of intense attention with an obvious barrage of emotion behind it.

"You're weird." He finally stated. What a childish remark...only a child would interpret different as weird... Una remarked internally, her thoughts manifesting themselves as a scowl.

"You look like a woman...but you act like a child who hasn't ever had a friend to play with..." He finished awkwardly. The irony of the statement made Unas cheek redden even deeper than before. While she adored children she had quickly learned her own intolerance of adults partaking in childish antics and was suddenly ashamed of her own abandon.

Brushing him aside Una continued in the direction of the ships, her blush were words enough. They were close now. The rest of their trip was conducted in silence. Running her fingers over the mossy and slimy hull of the large ship Una slipped upward searching for the surface. Her pale face breaking it, like the dawn, she called a loud "Hallo" up toward the docks.

Several pale faces peered over the edge and loud cheers erupted from the dock. Why are they so happy? Una almost asked before clamping her mouth shut just as quickly. However, he had caught the low hanging jaw that preceded a question and was gazing back at her inquisitively.

The faced above had tossed a long ladder down along the hull of the ship. Splashing against the top of the waves and splattering the two as it clattered Una reached out and clasped the dry wood. Scaling it with relative ease after the several she had climbed on her trip from Wind Reach to Lhavit she grinned down at Isler cockily, He might be faster, but I doubt he can scale it quite so gracefully. Isler on the other hand was an eel upon the ladder, snaking up it with as much speed as that which he used in the water. What?!...Humph... Una huffed, put out by his impressive display and mentally scolding herself. She had met him on the docks, of course he knew his way about a boat.

Pointedly Una turned her attention back to the Svefra as he swung his legs gracefully over the edge of the boat. Gathering about the two the Svefra embraced them heartily. Hands clapped backs and kissed cheeks as if they were long divorced friends finally reunited. While Una was used to the attention brought on by her unique appearance she was not so prepared for the level of adoration displayed.

"How come they don't ask why we're here?" Una whispered, leaning over near the concave shell of Islers ear.

"We visit the Svefra all the time, they are our brothers of the sea." He replied a constant state of surprise trickling behind his eyes at everything she said.

Una grinned at him, the sharp pearly white smile of a Charoda echoing her own. She was glad she had taken the leap to accept his invitation, having someone that obviously understood the Svefra and was amicable with them would aid in her research.

Arms wrapped around her shoulders all but dragging her into the belly of the boat. The fresh wind of the ocean and salty smell of the succulent sea disappeared as they descended. However, one could practically taste the smell of fish and salt on the very skin of the Svefra beside her.

The stench of body sweat and cheap beer soon overrode the more pleasant scents. A hand reached out among the chaos of bodies, offering Una and Isler a pint. Each sailor soon snatched up their own swallowing its depths within a swig or two. Una moved to refuse it before receiving a scolding glance from the shimmering grey Isler. It would be rude...this must be their proverbial hand shake... Una inferred from the subtle shake of his head. Swallowing her distaste she took the mug with a plastered smile and sipped at it, struggling to keep her face neutral as the bitter thick taste descended, beginning a tenacious war with her taste buds.

Taking a seat at benches drilled into the planked ground the sailors grinned at each other. "So~ fish boy! Whats bean happenin in the great black below?" leaning forward excitedly as they spoke several others leaned back kicking their filthy boots onto the table.

"We guts hur own sturies to tell him thugh!" One chattered.

"Oh hush Sully, the man hads betta' sturies than yur fishin' tales."

"They aint tales! They truths!" The grizzled face from earlier showed itself this time, voices quickly escalating. Echoing in the small confines of the room it was soon a deafening argument as the younger gentleman argued vehemently against what Una imaged was an overtold story amongst those on board.

"I would love to hear your story sir." Una interrupted politely, "but why don't we go enjoy the warmed waters while Syna still shines and return for stories beneath Leth, as is tradition?" She hedged at the end. Stories at night had always been tradition within Avanthal and her own home and so, she inferred, there was likely some universality to it, or even some practicality.

"Oh! Well bah all muns, if you plan to be here all day. I thinks I wills take a nap in the suns. You betta come back thugh. I got me some gud tales, you wont want to be missin' on." His face as serious as if his story were as important as wings to birds he nodded gruffly and ascended the short clip of the stairs to the deck. Laughing uproariously once he had vanished the blue eyes sailors grinned even more broadly at her.

"Oh wee lass, ya'll be regrettin' that kindliness soon enuff." The younger of the two chuckled as he led them up toward the deck, thankfully relieving Una of the obligation to finish her pint. Isler was forced behind her again as the narrow alley demanded only a single persona pass at a time.

"To the great black below! May the yellow-bellied of the land never taint our seas!" The last line was in deference to the known prejudice the Wind Reach Svefra had had against even the human sailors let alone the Inarta who made the mountain their home. She hoped the Svefra here were as prejudicial as those she was faintly familiar with.

A caustic glance followed a hesitantly begun raucous cheering told her no. Enveloped in the crowd Una was moved from the belly of the ship to that which extended out beneath Synas' eyes. Swigged beer arched in large half circles to their mouths; Foam spilled over ill kept beards and teeth as the blonde blue eyed partiers of the sea swallowed their beer as if it was life giving water. Cheering once again arose as the group broke onto the dock.

Pooling near the edge of the ship Una noted the near nudity of most of the men and women. Large and overly ornate jewelry hung from necks, fingers, and ears clinking to the cheap sound of tin. Are they truly that wealthy or do they decorate themselves in cheap bangles like the less wealthy Lhavitians? Una wondered as she and Isler joined the mass of people.

"Why are we going swimming? I thought you were here for work?" Isler leaned over, his brow wrinkled and eyes dancing, "Is someone misbehaving?"

"Yes. Or maybe swimming is PART of my job." She added. Tossing his limited clothes aside Isler leaped from the deck with as much exuberance as the Svefra. Struggling not to look too closely at the rippling nudity of his buttocks and legs Una threw herself in with as much abandon as she could muster. The Svefra are obviously a passionate people, perhaps as passionate, if not as ill tempered, as the Inarta. She pondered as she made mental notes of things she must include in her notebook at the end of the day, including their accessories, limited acquaintance with clothes, and relationship with the Charoda of the area.

Legs moved beneath the surface as she waited for a moment, submerged from her plunge. Suddenly, a horde of massive leatherback turtles surrounded them. It truly was suddenly, as they peeled themselves from the hull or rose from the sand bar that rested relatively close to the hull.

"Wha-What are those?" Una asked moving closer to Isler. Any creature, especially in numbers as large as these could be dangerous. Used to the animals of the north, animals not familiar with Charodae and typically with teeth as large as her forearm she immediately viewed them as a threat.
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 25th, 2014, 12:21 am

"They're leatherbacks..." Isler explained slowly, resting a calming hand across her arm his virulent skin contrasting sharply with her own pale form. He was at a loss for what to say to this Charoda who was not Charoda. She swam like one, looked like one, and spoke like one but her understanding of the sea was as limited as those land dwellers who had never licked sea salt from their lips.

"Turtles?" He explained more simply when her face showed no recognition.

"Turtles are creatures of land and sea. There are ones with legs and ones with flippers like these. They can be dangerous as their bites are quite powerful but there is no need to worry about these. They're the main Tavans of this Svefra Pod." He continued as they floated in the water, remarkably still next to the excited flipping and winding of the turtles and the Svefra. Limbs were cast about in each direction so quickly that they appeared as flexible and tenacious as the tentacles of an octopus.

"Oh." Una replied backing away slowly as a rather small member of the pod neared her.

"It's alright. You can touch her." Isler offered quietly as if he were teaching a small scared babe. Too entranced with her own fear Una didn't have the time to be embarrassed by her ignorance. Reaching out she ran a finger slowly over the rough head of the turtle. Large heavily lidded black eyes gazed back at hers as unmoving and familiar as the Charoda eyes themselves.

Her head was like that of a reptilian bird and had the same classic beak. Her body and stomach were covered with what appeared to be a large hard dome while flippers as long as her forearm spun through the ocean propelling the creature forward. It was a dark green along raised ridges with small pockets of pale green lines that mapped out small oddly shaped circles across her body.

Letting go of Isler Una wiggled her legs slightly propelling her forward slowly and rolled. Facing upward toward the belly of the creature Una watched its silhouette against the glimmering sea surface. Everything else faded from sight as the turtle descended slowly resting its smooth hard stomach against hers. Its flippers stilled as it allowed Una to take its weight, slowly and gently moving it through the water.

Unas' eyes widened in response and she glanced immediately to Isler for guidance and though she didn't understand the game his laughing eyes and easy smile told her it wasn't dangerous. Eventually she peeled away chasing the nubby tail of another small turtle and Una was able to return to Isler.

"What was she doing?"

"It's a game the Svefra play. The turtles take a ride on them." He explained, "and in turn, we get to do THIS!" He exclaimed as he latched onto the back of a much larger turtle and was sent hurtling away from her in a whizz of bubbles. Glancing around her panicked she noticed that every other Svefra was engaging in some form of this play with the dolphins. Less confident than her counterpart she wavered at the edge of the group watching the Svefra swim up for air every once in a while before dipping beneath the foamy surface once again.

"Come on!" Isler explained making Una yelp when he appeared behind her and clasped a hand. Yanking her toward a turtle he yelled, "Hang on!" and so she did. Hands clasped tightly around the edge of the shell Una was surprised by the speed of the little green water birds as they whisked her about the area. The curtain of bubbles almost stole her breath as they tore through the streams left behind by other Svefra.

Several hours of such play continued before Una returned to the surface tentacles wiggling with delight. Only the sound of a female voice remarkably cacophonous over the waves jolted her from the revelry.

"Time to come up boys! Dinner!" It yelled and the Svefra followed its call with as much enthusiasm as they had shown during the beginning of the day.

"They are tireless!" Una admired as she herself was breathless as her ascended the rope, her muscles shivering with exhaustion.

"Haha, or you just haven't gotten out in the ocean enough of late my dear." Isler replied jovially.
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 25th, 2014, 1:13 am

Dinner was conducted in the fresh air of the dock, with each individual hurrying away to their group with a wooden plate filled with the odorous soup. Thin broth with several chunks it wasn't the most appetizing meal Una had ever seen and was grateful when vegetarian dishes were revealed for her and Isler.

The largest group was formed around the mast where Una and Isler themselves sat cross legged bringing the bowl of salty seaweed soup to their lips from time to time. It's intensity and heat scorching the back of Unas throat unpleasantly as she sipped. Time for stories... She announced delighted as the group finally began to settle down enough for a single persons voice to be heard.

"So, Una. You arun't from Lhavit. We shall endeavor to entertain you as a new friend among us. Howuver, I has hopes that you have a story with which to entertain your hosts?" The elderly man from earlier suggested gently. The story Una knew and had practiced to perfection was a Vanthan ballad, with that in mind Una nodded emphatically.

"Of course. I should do you more than one good tale for the joy you have shown me today." She replied grinning more broadly than she could remember. She had buried herself in her work since the discovery of her mother betrayal and since then had hardly come up for air. Here, she finally relaxed and not a whiff of her mother entered her thoughts. An applause replied her statement as the flattered Svefra reveled in the words.

Behind her Isler had moved his legs resting on either side of her allowing her to lean slightly into his chest if she wished. Both physically and mentally exhausted, Una relaxed. Her white spine found a fit in the curve of his stomach and chest her tentacles awkwardly curling themselves up and about his chest and shoulders the little suckers on each twitching each time they brushed against his skin.

"Hey! Rinder, start with the Djed Birds! That'll impress her!" a young girl explained excitedly, looking at Una with marvel in the depths of her silvery blue eyes. She was the first one to look at Una with such marvel and it made Unas skin crawl. She had quickly grown used to the lack of staring aboard the boat and was not prepared for the same eyes that the land lovers used to visually taste her flesh.

"Why is she staring?" Una whispered over her shoulder.

"She's young. It's probably her first time in Lhavit, and her first time seeing a Charoda." Isler replied still staring at Rinder who was finishing his last swallow of beer. Upon uttering the last words he glanced down at her making her realize how truly close she was to this foreign man.

"First time in Lhavit? I thought they lived here?" She continued through a choked throat.

"Oh no. The only place the Svefra live is on these boats. They follow a trade route and show up here only for a few days in Summer." Hmm...they're birds or fish. They are more like animals than people... Una decided hoping the comparison would not be seen as inflammatory.

"We was on the crests of open ocean, nearing Sunberth as it were but several days out. They came in a horde. A flock of misshapen bodies. They descended upon our boat as ravenous as ill fed pigs and as dangerous as blades. Our lookout had spotted them in the distance but with a storm broiling the skies a deep grey they could hardly be expected to know what it was." He defends his family...despite the danger they may have put him in...Una noted too deep in the story for the loyalty to bring a pang of jealousy.

"They were albatrosses. Almost devoid of feathers if I might say. They flew straight on magic I tell you. Those knobby little wings so covered in magic I'm surprised it didn't leap off and burn us as quickly. The deck hands were struggling to bring the boat about and keep it as still in the water as possible while the others defended their vulnerable comrades. Their legs were as thick as a mast themselves and they sliced many a throat with hardly a nick."

"But that didn't stop us. Oh no!" He exclaimed rising and slicing the air, his feet moving as they must have in the battle though with far more grace, deserving of a reenactment, "we fought back to back, leg to leg and soon every creature had dropped into the sea."

"Yah! Except for the dozen or more that escaped," Someone heckled in the back of the group and was quickly on the receiving end of a curled lip.

"That's incredibly brave." Una gushed emphatically as entranced with the story as a two year old would be of a small toy.

Leth had become visible in the warm night air and a kaleidoscope of lights were soon seen shivering in the dome of blue black ink. Shadows pooled, as enigmatic as living creatures across legs, heads and arms. Synas warmth would remain for a few bells more before it would saunter away until dawn.

Silence descended upon the group quickly as a shooting star flashed over the sky as silently as time and as miraculously as love. A large intake of breath was held aboard the ship that night as Una leaned into the arms of the first Charoda male she had met beyond her father, closed her eyes, and prayed upon a star.

Dira, the guider of souls and keeper of balance. I have lost my way and allowed my soul to die even as my body lives. I feel as a husk with my insides bone weary. I disrespect you in this, as death should not and can not be chosen by any other but you. Please...forgive my disrespect and darken those paths that will separate my soul and heart. Alight will glow that path which I must take to reunite myself with myself and so, to truly live again.
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Una Tanta
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Sailing on a High Ink Tide

Postby Una Tanta on August 25th, 2014, 1:34 am


Morning lifted the dew from her eyes as Una awoke. At first, the rocking of the boat and dankness of the den was beyond her comprehension and she wondered at where she could be.

Skin rustling across sheets, the rough texture of it against her leg as it coiled its way along her body.

Hm? She wondered, groaning as memory game teetering back.

His teeth biting the edge of her lip and nail dragging themselves across her back leaving dark pink rivers that moved quickly and with intent to her lower back and along the rise of her butt.

Eyes widened as she whirled around frantically. She was alone. It had been a dream. A dream of who? She wondered breathing heavily from the memory alone.

Him... She realized as a familiar face poked around the edge of an opened door.

"Rise and Shine little pearl. Syna has long since risen." He admonished playfully before disappearing. Isler. His blue and green body was as real in her memory as it had been before her mere moments ago. Shaking her head forcefully Una shed the rough fabric and gathered the light dress and belt that had been laid out for her upon the chair. Donning it slowly it shivered over her head and down over her stomach, reminiscent of his dream fingers travels.

Fastening the belt about her waist Una ordered her mind to stop its rampant play and stepped out of the bed they had so graciously provided her when she had fallen asleep in Islers arms the previous night.

Syna had already warmed the wood of the deck as Una emerged squinting in surprise from the shift of the gloomy belly to the radiant skin of the boat. She was still struggling to catch her sight when Isler spoke.

"Shall I take you back to Lhavit now little pearl?...I must return myself." He admitted into the pause Una had created. Turning away from the Sun and shielding its strength from her sensitive eyes as she shook her head.

"If they shall have me, I shall stay. I still have much to ask for my work." She reminded him, not having the tenacity to meet his eyes after her dream. Evidently hurt by her interpreted cold regard he responded with a quick nod before moving toward the ladder.

"Perhaps..." Una offered, stalling him a moment, "perhaps I could see you again soon?" A grin replied this time, accompanied by a delighted nod.

"Absolutely. Tomorrow, I will come here. We shall go for a swim?" He offered his cheeks as sore as hers from grinning.

"Sounds delightful," She replied not noticing the winking of the Svefra over hearing their conversation. Hurriedly he moved away and over the side of the boat, descending into the awaiting waves.

Meanwhile, Una turned her attention to the Lia who now approached head cocked. Her black hair hung loose about her narrow sharp face her traditional blue eyes far darker than many of her kins. She had the same loose fabric as her fellow sailors but a long sword rested at each hip and far more layers adorned her much older form.

"You do not leave with your friend?" She inquired, her voice deceptively quiet and sincere.

"No. If it is alright, I would like to stay a while. Your family is marvelous and since you leave so soon I would love to spend the time I have with fellow lovers of the sea." She replied careful to mention her love of the sea and to compliment her family, things of obvious import to them after last night.

"Of course..." She eventually stated though had Una not been so tremendously excited and distracted by her dream and exchange with Isler she may have caught the note of disapproval and disbelief in the Lia's voice.
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Una Tanta
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