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History An orphan since she was just a young girl, Aurelia can’t remember her father at all, and can only just remember her mother. She was an unwanted child, the product of an entirely too young mother, and selfish father. She and her mother had lived in a small room, with just the two of them in the middle of the Wind Reach. Though her mother would often go out to forage for food, Aurelia did not see much of the outside world. This did not bother her, as she was unaware of the comforts and dangers the world outside would bring. However, eventually the inevitable struck. Aurelia got her first taste of the light when her mother left on another one of her ‘trips.’ Upon peering out of the window, she discovered a whole new world. It was like a constant craving then. She had to find out more about the world. After days of painstakingly deliberating how to ask her overprotective mother, she finally opted in saying it outright. She couldn’t predict the terrible mood and the anger that followed. Aurelia did not ask of it again. However, just a few weeks later, her mother disappeared, gone one day and never to return. Even then, the young girl wished her parents were dead. Anything would beat the rejected feeling that they had left her, with her own devices, clearly not able to take care of herself.
However, because of the way her mother would often leave for lengthy periods of time, Aurelia was able to keep herself alive for few weeks later. In her tiny room, she had no idea of the commotion, and confusion happening in the outside world. She would have continued to do so, not knowing, until several confused men broke into where she resided. The men truly had no idea that she was in there, and thought it another abandoned place. The men were of the ‘Dak’ class and were struggling to find food to survive, and thus had resorted to looting others homes. When they saw her and her golden eyes, they immediately tried to coax her to come with them. The men had thought that if they could return her to her parents, they would be heavily rewarded and perhaps be presented with a way to improve their lifestyle. However, Aurelia ran away from all their advances. Scared and dejected, Aurelia was faced with her first time, being forced in the outside world. On the streets Aurelia, learnt the rules of the society around her. She was plucked off the streets and forced into the schooling system that Wind Reach had in place.
However, since she did not understand most of the culture that she was now inadvertently a part of, she often spent time alone, trying to reconcile with herself. Because the bold spirit that is often found in Inarta Males was also in her, she decided to try Hunting. This was her first time, and because she had no prior knowledge, she didn't know that a wolf would be a fierce opponent. She almost lost the battle to the wolf, but by some random chance, an Endal Flightleader stumbled across the fight and was able to save her. His eagle immediately recognised the potential within her, and soon after the Endal followed. However, he did not stay for long, and she had hardly even known him before he disappeared. However, throughout her education, she idolised the Flightleader, always aspiring to be like him.
She wanted to be an Endal, to feel the wind rushing through her face and the freedom she had been missing throughout all of her younger years. The need was infectious, and so she strived to become physically fitter and suitable to become Endal. Then, at last, she received an apprenticeship. Wanting to give a hand at hunting again, she decided to give it another go. Instead, this time, she was the saviour. She came across a young girl being attacked by a wolf. However, though she fought bravely, she was not able to win. Luckily, her (soon to be) Wind Eagle came to the rescue. In the time after, they became bonded, and she was able to become an Endal.
She was a student who was willing to learn, and her enthusiasm clearly showed. Soon, she became a full-fledged Endal and became a Swift Flacon. Though her skill is nowhere near Flightleader, she is still proud of all she has accomplished.