As he watched Cryptly close the door behind him, almost able to see his rotten teeth-grin from the back of his head, Yato cursed and turned to face his next hurdle to overcome on the road he chose. The man's eyes were drifting all over the place as he mumbled to himself, his head barely sustained by the neck as it swayed from up to down & left to right. Trying to calm himself and see the silver lining in this twistedly black scenario, he thought it was best to be confronted by the demented man before the actual Judgment. At least this way he had time to come up with a battleplan.
Mulling over the best possible way to approach this issue, he took a seat and stared at the broken man. At first he tried, foolishly, to approach the man like any other and strike up a conversation but of course the insane man had no ears to Yato's feeble attempts. Either completely ignoring Yato, suddenly bursting out in a gigglefit or starting a conversation with this 'Mrs Larthy' that seemed to be everpresent in his mind.
"Why do you say that, Mrs Larthy?! I don't agree at all, hell is not a bad place! Warm, bright and colourful people all around, does it get any better than that? No no, you can ship me to hell any time, y'zurry! Now, where did I leave my matchsticks? That orphanage over there looks so cold, I'm sure the children would love some warm fire...Here or in hell...Hihihihihihi!"
With a sigh, Yato turned to Hypnotism to try and get through to the man. But again he made the mistake to believe he could use 'normal means' to try and influence the psychotic man's psyche. Gloriously unsuccesful, except for the resulting desire to start torturing this lunatic to cinders. It wasn't until a good hour into the session that Yato noticed something. As Yato had stood up and walked around from one end of the room to the other, glaring at the crazed man, he started to notice a small pattern in the way the man's eyes as they drifted and swirled from one point to the next, but always following the same route.
'So that's the key...'
He wanted to make sure this was the right path to place his hopes on, before losing any more time with this fool. Turning, Yato moved to the cabinet and started to move the candles to the corners of the furniture before taking one of them and placing it directly between them on the table. And as it turned out, the man's eyes started to swirl from one candle to the other, even after being moved, the man did not lose sight of them. With a wicked grin, Yato proceeded on this path as he took in all that he could from the man's behaviour regarding the flickering flames.
At one point, Yato dipped his fingers in the jug's water and just as the man looked at the candle, he made it sizzle out with his fingers. The man's face almost instantly contorted into a deep state of fear and sorrow, much to Yato's satisfaction as now he had gained leverage over this loon. Yato gathered all the candles and placed them on the table between them, before moving the torch in the man's sight to a place behind him. Again the man's face turned to his normal selfwhen he's all alone, in the darkness, holed up in his cell...With nobody but Mrs Larthy...
Now, with 4 remaining candles left, the man cheerfully continued to stare at them. But Yato saw, when he moved his hand to the jug with water, the man followed his hand, not with his normal deranged amusement but with mindwarping fear in his eyes. Yato, sadistic and manipulative as he was, stared right in the man's fearful eyes that were locked on Yato's wet hand, with gleeful content. Slowly he moved his hand to the candles, pauzing midway for just a second, before forcing another candle out.
"S....Stop....Tell him to stop, Mrs Larthy, tell the nice man to stop! Please, Mrs Larthy, tell the man to stop!"
And, surprisingly enough, Mrs Larthy appeared...
"Why hello there, kind sir, could I ask you to stop putting out these candles?"
Mrs Larthy's part of the man's psyche had taken over and spoke directly to Yato, looking at him directly and without the slightest oddity in 'her' manner of speech or attitude. Yato smiled wide, he was getting there, he was going to get there!
"Well, Mrs Larthy, is it? I could stop putting out these candles, without a doubt. But in a few moments they will come to take you both away and seal you back away into the darkness...Without any candles, flames or light to ever come back to either of you...I can help you see the light again, if you help me.."
"Oh my, that sounds like a delightful deal. What is it you want, mister? In exchange for me and my son to see this beautiful shine again.."
"Nothing difficult, I will come back for you two in the near future. When I do, I want to talk to you again and I want you to let me hypnotize you nice and easy....Allow me this, and I will shine endless light upon you and your son!"
"...Hypnotism, must say, never tried it but I don't see the harm in it. You have got yourself a deal kind sir...."
"Yato, please call me Yato, dear Mrs Larthy. Now, unfortunately our time together for today is all up, but I'm sure the darkness will be more bearable from now on, with the knowledge soon you will both see light again!"
"I understand and it is indeed so, Mr Yato, we are looking forward to it, ta ta!"
A few moments of silence and the 'normal' attitude of the man reappeared and started to converse with Mrs Larthy as his eyes moved from one candle to the other. Yato waited until his 'conversation' finished with both of his personas agreeing on the deal struck with Yato, before ringing the bell.
Once Cryptly had taken the man back into the darkness, oblivious to what just happened in this room, Yato paid the Dungeonkeeper's fee with delight and walked out from the Catacombs, licking his lips as he was more than content with the final result of his visit.