Character Name: Pulren Marsh aka Palaren Marshall
Race/Age/Gender: 22 year old Human Male
Time in Sunberth: Arrived 55th of Summer, no foreseen departure
Desired Job: Guard/Mercenary
Start of Employment: Fall 514
Suggested Wage: Guard 5 GM, Mercenary basic is 1-3. 5 GM is a reasonable wage, but I believe by season end, I will be performing advanced mercenary missions, which could lead to a final count of 6 to 7 GM.
Relevant Skills: Observation, Weapon:Shield and Trident, Tactics, Brawling, Intimidation, Intelligence, Law
Employer: I intend for Pulren to live in the new version of the Gated Community and work as a Guard there. Specifics will be mapped out by Twister.
Location of Employment: The new Gated Community, Scars work otherwise, infiltration into Sun's Birth in the future as developed.