Closed Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Drusilla is assigned a yasi to teach for the day

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on December 2nd, 2013, 3:35 pm

"Maps, eh? I would suspect they would be hard to come by here in Wind Reach, seeing as there's little in the way of paper... I'm not too competent with directions. When I first came here to Wind Reach, I got lost daily." Drusilla smiled and gave a small laugh remembering all the odd places she ended up. "My instructor would get so mad at me! 'How do you get lost day after day?! It's not like the gallery gets up and moves to a new place!' Gosh, that woman was unpleasant to put it lightly..." Drusilla shook her head, "I once found myself in the Shrine and the next day The Dreaming Lady! Everyone swore I was doing it on purpose, wandering off and claiming I was lost." She laughed which among her peers was an unusual thing for her to do and some looked her way.

"Well, I hope you continue to do your best with your maps. As you seem passionate about them. Always chase your dreams, Bitta. If I come across anything I feel would be of use to you, I'll let you know... But if you ever need to clear your head or hide out," the last part was whispered,"feel free to come to my quarters I can lend you my loom and you can sit and weave as long as you like." She was growing to thoroughly enjoy this youth and her dreams. The other teachers were wary of the girl, none of them seemed to be in her corner to help her out. That would change. Drusilla would be there.

"Perhaps.." Drusilla said putting a finger to her lips thinking," That a feisty enough eagle has not been born for you to bond with yet. The key word is 'yet.' She'll be born one day though, so you must be patient wait for her. It might be hard for you to wait, but it will pay off in the end. Be true to who you are, if you hide yourself from the world she'll never find you. If you were born a fireball, be that fireball."

"Who knows you may be right and be something greater! Maybe you'll fly on the back of a large turtle through the sky! Or have an Eagle that swims! The possibilities are endless!"

Drusilla returned to her more serious side, "Do you need more yarn, Bitta? Any certain color? You did much better with this area when you changed yarn. I honestly wish I had more students like you." She stood up putting the pair of pants she had be working on away and put her sewing box back in it's original spot returning with a loom of her own, "It just looked like too much fun to pass up weaving along with you." She said and was off to collect more yarn for the two.


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on December 20th, 2013, 5:34 am


Erade was surprised how understanding Drusilla was about everything and didn't find her secret passion about maps funny. The yasi continued to weave the coarse yarn through the loom occasionally pokng herself with the needle. The Chiet was correct about it not being sharp but it still hurt to jab your fingers with it. The scarf was starting to come along nicely or at least in her head even if it looked slightly silly with all the random purple color changing.

The teen giggled at the seamstress' retelling of her days first in Wind Reach and constantly getting lost. She could see how an outsider could easily get lost in the maze that was the Warrens. Even Drusilla had to laugh at her lack of direction. "I hope your sense of direction has gotten better. I would be angry with myself if I had to get up extra early just to account for time spent lost." Erade was only kidding of course but she was starting to like the Symenstra.

In, over, and under.. the student had to keep reminding herself otherwise Erade would lose the little groove she had started and probably miss a stich or something. Keep it tight she thought to herself as she finished up a row and pulled the yarn completely through the loom. It was almost time to switch to a new purple.

"Really, you mean it? I dont want to bother you or anything." Erade really hoped Drusilla meant what she said about weaving anything she wanted to or just needed to talk to someone. "Maybe your right about the Eagle, never thought of it that way." She paused but continued but this time in a whisper, "But I really hope he or she would hurry though." Erade gave the Chiet a smile to let her know in her own way, Thanks for the words of encouragement.

The yasi would never admit but she apparently needed to hear those words because it help lift her spirits some even if for little bit. However Drusilla continued talking about flying turtles and swimming Eagles. The seamstress was definitely an interesting person and had a knack for quite the imagination. Yep the yasi could definitely come to like her.

Erade stopped pulling the yarn through her loom to watch Drusilla get up and pick out a loom for herself. She waited until she sat back down to answer her question. "No I think I will stick with the purples but am I changing to the next colors right? I'm just tying the two together in a small knot and trying to hide them amongst the yarn in the next row or two."

Holding up her scarf in the making, she held it out some to see if she could see the knot or not. To her novice eye she couldn't but the seamstress probably could.

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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on December 29th, 2013, 9:27 pm

Drusilla nodded as she watched Erade work, her own fingers moving on the loom in front of her with a mind of their own. The gradient of purples made her smile, it looked like an item a teenage girl would find fashionable. Maybe she'd start a trend. She chuckled to herself with a smile. That would be interesting to watch, youths with colorful scarves wandering Wind Reach... At least they'd be warm.

She smiled at the kick Erade got out of her own unorthodox youth. "Yes, I've learned my way around here. I only get lost ONCE a week now!" She laughed, "I'm kidding! I've been here around eleven years. There's been plenty of time for me to learn the layout of the mountain." Drusilla paused with a nostalgic look on her face,"You know...Getting lost one day like that.. Is how I met my best friend, Turrin. He's an Endal now... But back then..." She laughed and shook her head. "So I'm glad I got lost when I was younger. It was worth it."

"It would be no bother as I rarely do have company and as I'm always working on something in there. I tend to take my work home with me you see. It's not much to look at but it's mine and you are more than welcome to make it yours from time to time. Everyone needs a safe haven. The only oddities in my room are an empty cage, an old dress, and some Symenos etchings on the walls. Oh, and me. But, they all have a purpose for me own in them. Next summer when I visit Kalinor again, I plan on bringing home a Ranekissra moth. They make the silk Kalinor is know for... But if you don't breed them.. They make nice little pets and for that one needs a cage. I had one as a girl and they're very pretty. As of the dress, it's the dress I came to Wind Reach in, it's all tattered and much too small to wear. But the memories it holds.

"I'm certain of your eagle, give her time. Give yourself time. You're young yet, there's plenty of time for her to be found."

"Jeez do I yammer sometimes! So sorry for rambling Erade!" Drusilla's cheeks redden with embarrassment. She shifted the subject, "Let's see your work." She studied the girl's loom, Dru could see the ties but Erade had hidden them well. "Are you sure you haven't done this before? If I made Avora ever, I might have to take you as an assistant... Until you find your eagle, that is. She smiled, "I may have forgotten to say this but feel free to call me 'Dru'. It's what most of my friends call me and it's easier to remember."


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Caela Dorin on September 7th, 2014, 9:47 am

Grade Awarded


Skill XP Earned
Deduction 1
Observation 2
Sewing 1
Socialisation 1
Teaching 2

Lore Earned
Erade: A Yasi Willing to Let Me Teach
Explaining the Uses of Different Looms
Explaining How to Use a Loom
Explaining the Parts of a Loom
Fireball: Nickname for Erade
Sewing a Seam
Deducing That Boredom is What Makes Erade a Troublemaker
Erade: Dreams of Being a Wild Harrier
Erade: Has an Interest in Cartography
Giving Life Advice
Explaining the Value of Things in My Room


If you become active again, PM me and I'll add your grade.

Additional Comments

A nice little training thread but I couldn't give you much in the way of weaving and sewing XP, Drusilla. Just because you said that you did something doesn't mean that you can get the XP in that skill. If you explain exactly what you did and how you did it then you'd have gotten more. Explaining the basics in weaving is information suitable for a novice and something that Dru already knows, hence you can't earn anything for that. Bear that in mind in future.

Please edit or delete your grade request and PM me if you have any questions or concerns about your grade.

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