8th of Fall, 514
The Nuit sighed and looked around his bare, boring apartment. "I can't stay here forever. I need to get out." He said to himself sadly. "This. This needs to change. I need something to do here." He sighed again and began to apply his makeup, now unable to leave the house without it. He carefully spread the paste around his eyes, covering the dark spots of a telltale Nuit. Without a mirror, he had to apply the paste by feel alone. He's gotten fairly decent at it, but is always nervous that he missed a spot, and will be called out. Not that anyone would do anything horrible. He just couldn't stand the stares of mistrust, and misunderstanding. They bore into him, stabbing at his heart, so to speak. He shook his head and moved on to brushing his hair. "No need to think of that now. It's been a while since anyone noticed. You're okay." He reassured himself. "Hey, maybe you can get a mirror today!" He ran his hand over his hair, trying to feel for any more major knots or tangles. "Alright, everything seems okay now.." He grabbed what he'd need for the short talk to the Bazaar, which was mainly just some extra paste, in case of an emergency. He couldn't be caught without it.
Satisfied, but nervous, the Nuit finally gathered the resolve to exit his apartment. He made his way through the torch-lit hallways of Stormhold Citadel, towards the Great Bazaar. The Nuit typically kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with most everyone, still nervous of being discovered. While heading through one of the more dimly lit through ways, he accidentally bumped into a young woman. He instinctively looked up, and was met with a smile. "I-I'm so very sorry." Stammered the Nuit, trusting the dark-ish tunnel would hide his tongue.
"Oh, it's no problem, sir. Please, excuse me." The woman said in a soft, gentle voice. And with that, she was on her way.
Despite the woman being more the friendly, considering the situation, the Nuit couldn't help but feel sad. How would she have reacted if she had known he was a Nuit? Help! Help! This creature is trying to steal me away to take my body! Bakar shook his head. "There's no point in thinking that. It all turned out well." Despite his reassurance, he still couldn't help but feel disheartened at his situation.
He often wonders which would be worse. The actual treatment he'd get for being a Nuit, or the treatment he gives himself every time he has an interaction with near anyone. Always imagining the worst. The what could have been. He stayed there for a while, staring where the woman had stood. He took a seat, leaning against the wall. His human emotions took over and he wiped his eye, as if to clear a tear. There was none. All he had accomplished in doing was smear and distort his makeup, but he was too focused and deep in thought to notice.
He sighed and continued through, towards the Bazaar. "Maybe the shopping will help calm my nerves. I think I will get that mirror." He said with a slight smile.