by Bakar on September 13th, 2014, 7:25 am
Bakar smiled sadly. "The Knights... I cannot lie, I've thought about it. They are a well respected group. But I could never get past my experiences. It would be where I feel I need the masks the most, within the Knights." He sighed, "I did always want a job that helped people though. For now though, that is not the Knights. Maybe in the Winter. I gladdens me that you think I'd be a good fit there though."
Who were you when you were alive? Is this like your first body?
Bakar visually recoiled at this inquiry, pausing for a minute where he was. In the busy Bazaar though, no one noticed. He took a moment to compose himself. Who was I before? What a strange question.. He grimaced and took a deep 'breath' to calm himself. I, was a no body. I lived with my parents, in Sunbearth actually. Nothing excited really happened to us."
"My life honestly feels like it began after my... transformation. I was 22 at the time. I, uh.. don't know quite how to tell my age now... I'm either 50, or 72. I believe 50. Like I said, my life feels to have begun after I became a Nuit. Thinking about it, it sounds so old. But it doesn't feel old. I guess being undead can distort your sense of time.." He cleared his throat and slowly continued.
"My parents... They were, uh, nice people.. nice people in a hard town. Too stubborn to leave. That stubbornness cost them their lives. And mine. One night a group of men broke into our home. Murdered my parents, knocked me out, took me away somewhere. When I awoke, I was in some kind of dungeon. Apparently there was some Animator somewhere who had learned of the process of creating a Nuit. I don't know it myself, honestly, despite being present at one. I don't know how much you know about Nuit, but our bodies, they degrade over time, and will never heal. We need to transfer our souls to new bodies before we degrade completely, otherwise it's death. The better shape the body was in, the longer it will last us."
"I'm not sure if the Animator knew this, or if he just didn't care, but the body he used for me was long dead. Not quite rotting yet, but was in no way a good vessel. I remember being chained to a table. Chanting, then stabbing. Right into the heart. Then, I felt a tug, my soul being drawn to the other body. It's hard to describe.. The tug was from within me, but it wasn't any physical material. It was just kinda there, never feeling it, until it was pulled. When my soul was transferred into the new body, it was horrid."
"I was weak, in pain, and couldn't think straight. I simply lay there for a long time. I assume the Animator got impatient, because he soon disposed of me and my body. When I finally gathered the strength to move, it was slow. my proportions were all different. I was shorter, but had longer arms. It was a strange feeling. I searched my original body. I took the clothes. They were a little large on me, but I couldn't walk around naked." Bakar reached into a pocket and took out a pair of glasses. "These are the only other thing I bothered to recover from my body. My family wasn't very wealthy, and these can be quite expensive.. I haven't needed to use them since, but I always carry them with me."
He tucked them away and continued his tale. "I couldn't return to my home in Sunbearth, it had basically become a clubhouse for those who killed my family. But it was the only town I knew. So I stayed. Now, recall that the body I was given wasn't of the highest quality. It actually began degrading within days. I gradually grew weaker and weaker, until eventually I just collapsed. I must have layed there for over a day. No one bothering to check on the 'person' laying there in the alley."
"Now, one night, in that same alley, a young man was getting mugged. He was murdered, the culprit not even looking my way. I always assumed that he thought I was already dead and picked clean, because he walked right past me. When he was gone, I used the last of my strength to stand, and walk to the man. His throat had been cut, he was bleeding out." Bakar paused for a while, a forlorn look in his eyes. "This man.. I didn't know him. He was younger than me, but he looked we had looked so alike.. I tried to comfort him. But when he saw me, now basically a rotting corpse, he tried to cry out. The sound was terrible. The blood just flowed from his wound as he tried to fend me off. Here I was, trying to comfort this dying man, and all I accomplished was making his last moments probably the most frightening in his life.." The Nuit shuddered and closed his eyes.
"He died there. Alone and afraid. And in all honesty, I took advantage of that. I dragged his body to a more secluded area. I don't know how, but I knew exactly what to do to transfer my soul again. It just came to me. I won't go into detail about it. I was there most of the night during the process. When it was finished, I was terribly weak again. It wasn't quite as bad though. After a little rest, I was able to stand, and walk. I couldn't however walk around with a slashed throat without drawing suspicion. I tore some of the fabric from his, or rather, my shirt, and wrapped it around my neck. I couldn't stay anymore though. Someone was sure to recognize who the body used to belong to. I feel horrible, thinking about it now though. I stole this young man's body from his family, who never saw him again, just for my own purposes. But what's done is done."
"That was 50 years ago now. That's when I made my way here. The first few years, nothing really happened. It was around when I was 5, at that point I was already in my third body, that the abuse from a small group of squires started. At first it wasn't so bad, but they grew bolder. The beatings started. And as I've stated, my body does not heal. Any physical damage is permanent. I dealt with the damage for a while. Unable to find a suitable replacement. And I refused to kill for a body." He started to shift nervously. "I'm.. not going to tell you where I got most of my bodies, if you don't mind.. it's just.. it's a necessary thing for me.. Now, there is a service which provides bodies for Nuit, but I didn't know much about anything, and I was scared. Once again, that was a while ago. I'm not proud of it, but it happened."
"The squires though. They could tell who I was, even with the body change. The beatings continued. More permanent damage. Another body I had to acquire. It was at this point that I actually started with the makeup. I thought if I could hide the eyes, the black rings, and stay quiet, due to the black tongue, I would be harder to recognize. It actually worked fairly well. The squires eventually stopped coming around. I never saw them again. I kept up with the makeup though. And the fear of the Knights never went away though, and I've been avoiding them ever since."
He suddenly stopped talking as his eyes widened. "O-oh, I'm so sorry. I really do tend to ramble. I-it's u-uh.. been a while since I had a proper conversation with someone..."
"M-my original body was actually shorter than this, with shorter, lighter hair. I was stronger, too. But the weak frame comes with being a Nuit, so I think I'll always have been stronger."
"I-I don't get around town very often.. fighter's pit.. what exactly happens there? O-oh.. I've talked so much about myself. Please, tell me about you. I'm quite curious."
Bakar was finally silent, after realizing he had rambled far too long about far too personal topics with the poor squire. [i] Closest thing you have to a friend, and you're boring him to death with your life story. I already said, he doesn't want to hear that. [\i] What was it about this man that made him so open about his past? He believed it was his smile, how authentic he was with his words, how he carried himself. But most of all, he believed it was the fact he had not had someone to talk to properly for years.
As of Summer, 63, 515, Bakar has a different body! If never met you before, then this doesn't really matter to you, but people I've met should take this into account, as you're really unlikely to recognize me.