Closed In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

In the dead of night, citizens of Kalinor hear faint shrieks and strange echoes coming from the bottom of the caves. Aranta and Snaeha investigate

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Aranta on September 16th, 2014, 9:07 pm


It took Aranta a moment to realize what Snaeha was getting at, and then he huffed in amusement-- he had almost forgotten, once again, that the spider-people were much more modest than Zith were. Still, it took Aranta a moment to think of a place to suggest. "I live at Opsum House," he said, letting the pads of his thumbs run over Snaeha's skin lightly. "Perhaps we could go there?"
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Snaeha Datura on September 17th, 2014, 7:59 am

The suggestion was met with eager excitement from the redhead. "Yes. Let's go!" She turned briskly, almost tugging the male in the direction that the Kalinor's only housing suitable for Zith. Moths fluttered within her stomach; sign tiny of nerves mixed with exhilaration. Her past experiences of spending the night with males had always been dictated by the fertility cycle of Symenestra men, so it was a strange concept for Snaeha to not have the fear of a murderous pregnancy in the back of her mind.

It was actually quite pleasant, not having to worry about such mood-killers.

The journey to Opsum House went quick, hurried by Snaeha's brisk walk. By the time they were inside, she was fevered, desperate, to be close to him again. Snaeha pounced as soon as she could, her lips trailing onto his and down his neck. Her hands wandered, confidently into intimate places they had never journeyed before.

This is finally heppening.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Aranta on September 17th, 2014, 12:11 pm


Aranta could not suppress a light chuckle at Snaeha's eagerness-- not that he could blame her, though. He was just as eager as she was. Still, he gently grasped her wrists, holding them still. "Let us get to my room, yes?" he chuckled, tugging her gently down the stairs and leading the way.

Once they were inside of his room, though, the Zith paused. "I need you to know-- Zith are rough. If I hurt you, you must let me know. I don't want to cause you pain." That was still Aranta's greatest fear-- that he would hurt Snaeha during this.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Snaeha Datura on September 19th, 2014, 5:53 pm

The mention of pain made Snaeha hesitate. But she had not gone into this... relationship without knowing the associated risks. Still, it was altogether harder to ignore them when they hung in the air, a stale comment that refused to leave the room. "I know." She said softly. She was in a vulnerable position, and though that did add to her sexual excitement, it made her nervous. Exposed.

"But I know you'd never hurt me on purpose." A bony hand reached out, brushing his furry forearms, to reassure herself as much as he.

When Snaeha moved next, she was slow and steady. Her earlier eagerness had not disappeared as such, but she had reigned herself in. Symenestra had urges, as did any race, but if her partner would not embrace his greatest desires, neither would she.

It was her silken shirt that came off first; shrugged off her narrow shoulders until it slipper down and revealed the redhead's pale, lithe body underneath. Now there were no layers separated her skin and his, Snaeha stepped close, chest pressed against his, and kissed him deeply.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Aranta on September 20th, 2014, 1:06 pm


Aranta watched Snaeha take off of her dress, a heretofore unfelt emotion swelling inside of him-- he didn't have a name for it, but it was not a bad feeling. On the contrary, it was happy-- elated, even-- at the fact that Snaeha, even knowing that Aranta could hurt her, chose to be with the Zith. It was not the same proud feeling he'd felt before leaving his colony, when Zith females would tell him that they would not be opposed to him fighting for the privilege of mating with them; this was bigger, more.

When Snaeha kissed him, Aranta returned the gesture just as passionately, letting his hands drift from the sides of the Symenestra's face down over her shoulders and sides to cup the undersides of her thighs, lifting the smaller figure so that he could carry her to the bed a few steps away. Aranta laid himself down on the bottom, mindful of his wings, with Snaeha on top of him. "LIke this," he murmured, cupping Snaeha's face in his hands before kissing her again. "You'll have more control." Something in Aranta squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of not being in control, but it was a small feeling, and the Zith squashed it ruthlessly-- he did not trust himself to be fully in control of this situation; he did not trust his control over his instincts when it came to mating. Until he did, he was going to do all in his power to keep his partner safe.

OOCFade to black now?
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Snaeha Datura on September 20th, 2014, 5:40 pm

oocSounds good to me!
He picked her up so easily that Snaeha felt little more than a doll held by a child. She liked the feeling; someone so much larger and stronger than she was going to join his body with hers. Snaeha felt safe, protected, despite the ever-looming risk of danger. When he was lying on the bed, and she on top, Snaeha allowed herself to sigh head tilted back and eyes closed. Pure pleasure washed over her.


The joining of the Zith and Symenestra luckily carried none of the risk either of them had feared. Although both had been somewhat restrained, their conscientiousness had not impinged on their passion, and Snaeha was really quite fulfilled.

Her skin was flushed (for a Symenestra at least), and her hair was delightfully tussled. She seemed exhausted, but content. "At last!" She murmured happily, trailing kisses down her partner's chest. All the tension previously carried on her small body had been relieved in the most glorious way, and Snaeha did not bother to hide her satisfaction. "Worth the wait, though."

With a coquettish little giggle, Snaeha jumped off the bed and dressed quickly. Though she was warm now, she quickly chilled and nighttime in Kalinor was far from the warmest place in the world. She attempted to neaten up her hair, but in a moment very much un-Snaeha, she gave up. Some things are more important that hair.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Aranta on September 23rd, 2014, 1:28 pm


Aranta grinned as Snaeha kissed her way down his chest, running his fingers through her hair; that had really been quite satisfactory, and Aranta was rather proud of the fact that he'd been able to rein in his instincts, the ones telling him to mark and mate the woman above him. There were some small scratches-- Aranta's nails were rather sharp, but then again, so were Snaeha's-- but there were no lasting injuries.

The Zith watched Snaeha dress, and when she had left the bed, he'd sat up straight. When Snaeha had finished with her clothing, Aranta reached out to pull her closer to him, nuzzling into her neck tenderly. "It was," he agreed in response to her earlier comment about what had just transpired being worth the wait. "I would like to do it again-- but perhaps not tonight; your family?" Aranta got the feeling that Snaeha had snuck out, and her family didn't even know that she was gone, much less where she'd been and who with-- never mind what she'd been doing with that person.

OOCI just got this image of Aranta and Snaeha being confronted by the Datura web when they go back-- because Aranta's not about to let Snaeha go back by herself, haha.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Snaeha Datura on September 23rd, 2014, 8:32 pm

The Symenestra's eyebrows shot up at the Zith's words. My family!

Her mother hung slack for a brief tick, then she slowly clamped her jaw shut. Then, she began to panic. "My web!" She exclaimed, in Symenos. She had completely, utterly, forgotten about what time of night it was. If one of her brothers woke and saw that she was not home, they were alert her parents.

And those screams would not help matters.

"I should go back." These words were spoken sadly. She did not want to leave, not now their relationship had changed to a degree so different and so good. It would be feel unreal if she returned to her Web home, lying in her bed as if it had never happened. Would her web know? They were definitely aware of her friendship with the Zith, but whether her or not any of the other Daturas had the intuition to know more, Snaeha did not know. She guessed that her mother at least had suspicions, but her brothers and fathers were more oblivious to the subtelties of romance, like usual men.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Aranta on September 23rd, 2014, 8:57 pm


Aranta let go of Snaeha long enough to get himself to his feet. "I'll walk you back," he said-- it was the least he could do, and he wasn't about to take the chance that whatever had been making those screams would come closer to Kalinor, closer to his mate.

The Zith pulled on the harness that carried his weapon and money pouch and also tugged on his only pair of pants as well before turning to Snaeha. "Ready?" He didn't want to end the night so soon, but from the way the Symenestra had reacted, her family had little to no clue about just how close their daughter had grown to the Zith before tonight. He didn't want to risk making them mad at either Snaeha or him.
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In the Dead of the Night[Snaeha]

Postby Snaeha Datura on October 10th, 2014, 3:29 pm

She appreciated his offer, and smiled warmly in response. "I would appreciate it that." Those screams were beginning to edge their way into her conscious, sending fiery little chills down her spine each time one ripped through the quiet. How were people sleeping through this?

Her bright eyes observed the Zith keenly as he dressed, finally able to drink in each detail about his tall form. Though she had admired his physicality for some time, it was only now that Snaeha was truly able to check him out. And she had to admit; scars were sexy.

As they left, she considered how to explain to her family why she had left so randomly in the night. The truth, of course, was simply that she could not sleep because of the screams. But that did not explain her lengthy absence, or why she suddenly couldn't stop smiling to herself despite the continuation of the harrowing shrieks. How would they react to her news?

To focus her mind on something else, she asked Aranta a question entirely separate: "What do you think the screams are from?" It was something that genuinely popped into her head; perhaps the mind of a native outsider to Kalinor would be able to shed some light on the most mysterious part of the city, and that night.

oocOnce again, really sorry about the crappy delay.Image
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