Despite her soft words, the sadness didn't lift from the Akvatari's eyes. Maybe it was an Akvatari thing for surely melancholy could serve as an excellent inspiration for grand art. At the end of the day, however, Estrellir didn't know a thing about art. She merely thought it interesting to learn more about that exotic and (to her) elusive race. "You're welcome, Eivl." The name almost got stuck at between her teeth, a sound as exotic as its owner.
The introduction marked some progression in their budding relationship, however small. As they continued the conversation, Estrellir led the way down West Bank, passing the stables to the right, modest casino and gazette to the left. She didn't mind revealing the purpose of her business, on the contrary, as she'd mentioned it in the first place. "I work as an investigator. If you wish to find something, be it an item, a person or information, I'll do my best to assist you." She shrugged and laughed a little. "Of course, it cannot be compared to a profession such as yours. Kenash houses many businesses offering a variety of goods and services. However, some are renovated as we speak, following a suggestion by the Magistrate." Suggestion was quite the understatement, but Estrellir trusted Eivl not to know about the rotating Magistrate and seasonal rules yet.
In fact she only tried to stir the conversation back to the Akvatari and her trade. "I wonder if an etcher such as you could craft a nice plaque to hang over the front of my shop. That'd improve its look greatly." As she spoke, a large manor of white stone and proud columns came up to the right. It really served Estrellir's purpose of placing a vague suggestion before changing the topic. Thus Eivl wouldn't have much time to think and doubt. "This is the Magistrate's Office."