Seems a lot of people have gnosis questions. At least I'm not the only one!
Basically... I'm wishing now that I had known about Phylonura when I was eligible to post for starting gnosis (<50 posts being one of the requirements). Unfortunately, I didn't. I only came across the lore about a week or so ago, when I was at the 54-post mark. That's all my fault, of course, for not being vigilant (or whatever). But honestly I didn't even know I wanted Kyo to have a gnosis until I came across Caiyha's lore on the subject, and then I thought... wow, that really fits him!
However, the way my character's mind works makes it unlikely that he would actively pursue a gnosis mark for himself, or any sort of religious faith for that matter. He likely doesn't know about the gods. If he does know about them, he probably wouldn't really understand what they are or how they're special. That makes earning a gnosis quite difficult. Not impossible, just unpleasant for me. I don't want to have to 'bend' his character to fit my own aims.
It would make a lot more sense for Kyo to have gained the mark when he was younger, perhaps even before birth. Caiyha commonly marks children, so this also makes sense from the lore's perspective.
So, my questions:
1.) Can I earn a gnosis in flashbacks? I understand I would still need to have the thread modded.
2a.) Is it possible to use Kyo's mother's faith to earn him a gnosis? I know this method is permissible in starting gnosis-- i.e. the parents are pretty awesome and are rewarded by having their children marked. But I'm uncertain whether I could even post flashbacks from someone else's point of view. More clearly put, what I'm wondering is if I could post flashbacks from Kyo's mother's perspective in order to earn him a gnosis. These would take place either immediately before he was born or immediately after.
Hopefully that makes sense. Sometimes I get a little wordy.
Finally, 2b.) If the answer to 2a is yes, then would I need to create an NPC for his mother (to be approved at the HD) explicitly for this purpose? I wouldn't likely ever make another thread using her. Kyo doesn't even really know/remember her, and I doubt he will ever see her again.
Thanks a ton for any help! ^_^