My Words | Your Words | My Thoughts
If the man was going to drop his sword for his shield, then so be it. He wants to be defensive.. I can be offensive. Ser Iros was just about to give Sera Catherine the time.. when the squirrel turned on his heels, dropped down to all-fours and stashed the Py-String against his thigh - the clay of which molded to its shape to hold it in place as a makeshift weapons harness. He wasn't a slow runner for a Pycon - unfortunately his smaller body meant that no matter how fast he ran, it would likely still be slower than a human running at sprint. Still, he could cover the ground between himself and Garland pretty quickly, and with his tail dropped down low and holding a counterbalance he could switch directions fast enough to prepare for any off-chances of a kick or an arrow being launched in his direction. His aim was at the legs - although really he just needed something to climb onto, something to grapple. Even the shield would do just perfect if the thing came down low enough.
His plan was mapped out, and now he had the boy cornered because.. well, all he had to use was the shield and the squirrel had already proved to him that a successful hit just wasn't going to happen. Anything at all to grab, and he'd be able to climb swiftly up to the boys neck and wrap the damn Py-String around his throat to end this spar.. which should have ended a long time ago, if not for all of this damn inconsistency. The squirrel was as guilty on that trial as the boy was, but that didn't mean that Arch couldn't turn around and blame it all on the boy when push came to shove. He couldn't hear Sera Catherine from inside the audience, but if he could, he'd likely agree with her. It's all over now. Especially with the squirrel rushing straight for his ankles like a little clay creature possessed.
It was quite funny, really.. to consider that it wasn't that long ago at all that most, if not all of the knights watching his spars and the occasional fights would put their money - if they did bet, which most if not all didn't - on Arch's opponent. He was a squirrel, after all.. a five-inch-tall squirrel with about three different weapons to his name and not an ounce of armour. The idea that he could cause any serious damage was laughable when faced with a knight covered in plate-mail, with a shield and a sword.. after all, it'd be a near-impossible trial for a regular human squire. Now, though.. now it'd all changed. They knew what was happening - heck, apparently some of them had even heard about Archailist before seeing him. What a long way he'd come, from the squirrel that had started out in the Order. The real question would be, however.. just how far he'd go. There'd have to come a point in time, sooner or later, that the squirrel would reach the peak of his career and the peak of his talents...