Completed A night at the inn

After applying at the job center, Saede decides to visit The Herald's Arms

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

A night at the inn

Postby Saede Lare on September 24th, 2014, 1:09 am

"Well if it's a story you're looking for. There's a story you'll get."

Saede looked uncomfortably around her, as if to make sure someone wasn't going to call her out for telling the story. I may as well tell the truth. But.. Maybe not all of it.

Saede took a breath. "Well, I used to live in Sunberth, as I said. I don't know if you've ever been to Sunberth, but it's not a great place." She took a quick sip of her wine and continued with her story. "In Sunberth there are really no laws. Nobody enforces them, and things that may be terribly illegal such as slavery or drug sale, are all free game in Sunberth. Anyways, when I was younger, I ran in a gang of thieves. We did some drugs, muggings and hired work for the greater powers in the area. I didn't get much out of it besides spear training and a bit of makeup skills. I was more backup, y'know? I was handy with a spear, and made sure nobody ever got close to me."

Not waiting for a response, she continued. "Anyways. This one time when we we were mugging some guy on the street, I realized just how wrong and terrible everything was, and I changed. As I stopped while my gang beat him, I saw how wrong it was to put others down to have to live, so I decided I wanted to leave. I pooled all my money together, and took some of the gang funds to buy supplies, and made my way out here. To a good city. Now I'm seeking to redeem myself for all the terrible crimes I've done, and to one day go back and bring some justice with me."

Saede looked up from her food, her plate now almost empty, and turned to view that a few more people than just Maia were listening. Damn! I bet they'll kick me out now as some kind of thug. She stiffened, and awaited what kind of reaction her story would have on the crowd around her. She shifted in her seat, ready to bolt if need be.
"It doesn't matter who you were. I'm sure anyone here could change, if they wanted to."
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Alternate Characters: Isda Plorall
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Saede Lare
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A night at the inn

Postby Maia Stonesoul on September 24th, 2014, 1:23 am

Maia was satisfied by the story and the part of him that lived in the back of his mind envied her old life style, but he pushed this part of him farther back to avoid it arising. He noticed her looking around nervously at the crowd around them and prepared himself for any consequences of the story.
"Very strong of you to realize your wrongs and strive to fix them... Not many people are able to do that these days"
He noticed his drink had arrived and took a small sip.
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A night at the inn

Postby Bakar on September 24th, 2014, 1:29 am

"Well if it's a story you're looking for. There's a story you'll get." Said the woman, who then looked around, seeing who was paying attention. A couple more patrons were now.

"Not words to say out loud if you're wanting a private conversation in an inn." Bakar whispered to himself, quietly so no one around would hear. Most around him were focused on the young woman though. As Bakar listened, he thought to himself. So, Sunberth hasn't changed much. That's a shame. He stiffened as she said she ran in a gang, but relaxed slightly when he heard they were small time. Muggings, beating, theft. No murders to hear of. Well, it seems this gang recruited the wrong girl. They should make sure their member's don't have consciences. Good on 'ya, Saede.

He kept his eyes down, facing the bar. He knew that she had drawn some attention though. A story like that probably wouldn't get her in too much trouble around here, as long as there were no knights around. It was a common thing in Sunberth to hear of gangs and thieves. It's not often you hear of one betraying the gang. Something like that might even redeem her in the eyes of some of the more righteous patrons. The young man complimented her on her drive to realize her wrongdoings. Bakar smiled to himself. They seemed to think at least partially alike. He waited for the conversation to continue, as most of the patrons returned to their own things, a few often shot the poor girl a glare now and then, but Bakar didn't believe they would do anything.
As of Summer, 63, 515, Bakar has a different body! If never met you before, then this doesn't really matter to you, but people I've met should take this into account, as you're really unlikely to recognize me. :P
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A night at the inn

Postby Saede Lare on September 24th, 2014, 1:36 am

Noticing that nobody was about to run her out of the inn, she relaxed her body. Truthfully, she still slightly feared the law enforcement, as if they would recognize her and bring her into custody for what she had done in an area with no laws.

She thought about this frequently, really. If she broke laws they had here in a place with no laws, did she really break any laws? What if she did something illegal here by accident, used to having no laws to abide by? Maia seemed comfortable enough, and so did most of the people here..

Then she noticed the pale man nearby, listening in to what they were saying. What if he was here to bring her to justice? Could he be a spy for the king? Most seemed to be avoiding him. She started to panic. She quickly downed her drink and payed for her room. (One night. 6gm total)

"Thanks for you time Maia, I think I'm.." She got up, but stopped herself. She was overreacting. "I'm sorry," She started. "So much attention makes me uncomfortable. I really don't need to leave yet. I have nothing to do." Saede realized that if the spy wanted to arrest her, he already had all the proof he needed. The thought kind of scared her, but she tried to recover the conversation the best she could. "So, uh, does anyone else got any stories to share? I can't be the only one that had a past."
Last edited by Saede Lare on September 24th, 2014, 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
"It doesn't matter who you were. I'm sure anyone here could change, if they wanted to."
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Alternate Characters: Isda Plorall
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Saede Lare
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A night at the inn

Postby Garland on September 24th, 2014, 1:44 am

Garland had finally finished his first day as a squire. He should be back at the dorm and finish moving in, but he needed to relax a bit. He wasn't wearing the trademark squire armor, so no one could tell that he's a squire.

He walked into the inn, the music buzzed through the air. He have a contented sigh. He had not noticed the Nuit sitting at the back, but he did notice the guy with the scythe. He was officially a squire now, so he decided to watch him and the person he was taking to. He took a seat near the end of the building.

He was about to order a drink, but he remembered that he's a squire now. So no more nights out or pranks or even a bit of recreational vandalism. He was gonna kick the habit... Eventually.
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A night at the inn

Postby Maia Stonesoul on September 24th, 2014, 1:50 am

Maia saw how uncomfortable the story had causes Saede and felt horrible for pushing her to tell it so he offered her his drink hoping that would somehow make both put her at ease and put his own conscious at ease.
"You can have my drink if you want... I'm not thirsty anyway"
He also thought over her question, trying to find a way to answer it without answering it....
"I can't past was taken from me...."
He looked down at the table hoping for no further questioning of his past.
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A night at the inn

Postby Saede Lare on September 24th, 2014, 1:58 am

Maia offers his drink to Saede.

"Oh, for me? Thanks." Saede accepted the cup as it was passed to her, an apologetic smile across her face. "I haven't told anyone that yet. Mostly because nobody asked, I was just worried I'd get arrested or something."

"I can't past was taken from me...."

Saede studied his phrase for a moment, and decided it may be best not to ask. Still studying the 'spy' not so far from them, she decided to ask about the present and maybe avoid the past.

"It's fine. The past is, well. The past after all. Say, I don't suppose either of us are from around here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what're you planning to do here?"

By now, Saede was used to looking at Maia and didn't really examine him any further, but was still kind of interested in his scythe, as it is an odd weapon to carry around. Because she didn't want to discuss the past any further with him, she let it go for now.
"It doesn't matter who you were. I'm sure anyone here could change, if they wanted to."
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Alternate Characters: Isda Plorall
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A night at the inn

Postby Bakar on September 24th, 2014, 2:03 am

OOCDon't mean to sound like an ass, but my character does hide his undeath fairly well with makeup. Most assume he's just a pale man, unless they know what to look for, or know him personally. Which is actually no one at this point. ^//^
Also, Garland, it seems we had a run-in before we officially met. :P

The woman seemed to get nervous. Bakar assumed that she wasn't a big fan of the attention she drew to herself. Something he could relate to. He smiled to himself. These were his favourite kind of people to watch and listen to. People he could relate to. She quickly drank her drink and paid for a room. She called the young man Maia. She rose to leave, which started to disappoint Bakar, but she stopped herself. She apologized and confirmed Bakar's theory that she wasn't comfortable with attention. She asked if anyone else had a story, clearly trying to get the attention off her. He smiled. He was liking these people more and more. He sat and waited for someone else to speak up, hopefully the new young man. He had heard almost everyone else's stories time and time again, often them getting bolder and bolder with each telling. He shook his head. Some people.

The young man indeed did speak up. He offered the girl his drink, then said something that made Bakar himself uncomfortable. "My past was taken from me.." He shifted nervously and almost got up to return to his corner seat, but eventually decided against it. It would just draw attention to himself. Maia seemed to be leaving his story at that. Bakar was glad. He didn't want to hear it. Now I think we're too much alike.. He thought to himself sadly.

Saede spook up. The past is, well. The past after all. Bakar couldn't help but be upset by this. The past was more than just the past. It's what made people. He believed the young man would understand this as well. Saede shifted the conversation to the present, asking what Maia was doing in Syliras. "Hopefully something happy.." Bakar whispered to himself. The bartender gave him a sideways glance, but kept away and said nothing.
As of Summer, 63, 515, Bakar has a different body! If never met you before, then this doesn't really matter to you, but people I've met should take this into account, as you're really unlikely to recognize me. :P
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A night at the inn

Postby Maia Stonesoul on September 24th, 2014, 2:29 am

Maia paused for a moment.
"Sorry to leave you at a blank again.... But I don't really know myself..." Maia hated how secretive he sounded even though he didn't know the answer himself
"I wouldn't be the one to ask..." He mumbled to himself, barely audible. He noticed the other man sitting at the bar and examined him for a while.
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A night at the inn

Postby Garland on September 24th, 2014, 2:36 am

Garland couldn't hear what the two were talking about. He noticed the Nuit walking towards the bar, but he brushed it off as another patron getting another drink. He sat a few paces away from them. "One drink wouldn't hurt... Probably." Though he was underaged, nobody ever really noticed with his slightly muscled build.

He ordered a flagon of ale and placed the mizas on the table. He had listened to the story. Sunberth huh? That's where my parents lived. Might she know of them? Nah, she's too young to know them. He thought. He took the drink and took a small sip, nursing it instead of chugging it down like always.

He didn't pay much to the 'past was taken from me' comment from the man, because he could simply be avoiding the subject or have forgotten. He looked over to the girl, she did seem rather strong, maybe she would join the knights, but she could be lying and putting a thug into the knights would be really bad. Before he knew it, he had already drunk his ale, right to the very last drop. "... Huh..."

oocSorry for short posts but in class xD any how. I forgot to mention that fall 2 is when the attack on Syliras happened so the day is sorta unavailable.
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