The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Keres on October 7th, 2010, 1:11 pm

The little man-thing's words were clear, but exaggerated in a way that was almost as irritating as his normal rapid speech. However, despite its intrusive ways, there was something rather perplexing about this little man-thing. The people Keres had seen so far in this town did what they could to keep from standing out or drawing attention to themselves, yet this little seemingly defenseless thing showed no fear. Is it immune to the things others may inflict upon it?

Letting this thought pass through his mind, Keres responded as well as he could in the common tongue, “What is you want?”
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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Verduth on October 7th, 2010, 1:26 pm

He understood! Oh the little clay man was quite pleased.

“Ah yes my good sir! I only wish to provide some entertainment or possibly be of some assistance, since you quite obviously aren't from around here! We have that in common I suppose! So please allow... oh my those are awfully long!” The Pycon had just noticed that this man had strangely long nails on his fingers and toes to go with his strangely bare feet. He also noticed that this man had some fuzzy patches on his body that didn't seem typical of the ones around here, who called themselves 'humans'. Didn't make much difference to him since he generally preferred to simply refer to all the larger races as the larger creatures. The little man had hopped off the crate and was now tottering around the larger fellow, examining him.

“You, sir, are quite fascinating! Perhaps we could work out some mutual arrangement. I've always wanted to start this thing that my father called a 'circus' and you look oddly enough that surely others would find you as interesting as I. I mean your hair is so red and would you look at that!” The clay man was peeking up Keres pants, “you've got some grey kind of fuzziness growing on you!”
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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Keres on October 7th, 2010, 2:01 pm

Well, at least it was speaking more slowly, but not quite slowly enough. Keres caught enough of what was said to put together that this man-thing wanted to please him, and, by its' sudden reaction, had just noticed that he wasn't Human.

Keres did his best to tolerate the inspection, but expected turnabout. Once the man-thing began to lift the leg of his pants, Keres bent and picked it up again. He turned it over and made a little show of examining in thoroughly while actually being rather uninterested in its form, that is until one of his claws pressed against it and it was shown to be pliable. Despite this, Keres was more interested in its reasoning, if it had any, than its body, so he sat the thing back on top of the crate.

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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Verduth on October 7th, 2010, 2:54 pm

Suddenly the Pycon found himself to be upside down.

“I do say, this is a bit out of the ordinary, my good fellow. Aye!” The furry man poked him with one of his long nails, “Do you mind sir!” It didn't actually hurt, but that's what people seemed to expect. Fortunately, he was back on the crate before the experience could turn too uncomfortable.

“Yes, an arraaaangement. You understood that word, yes? Well if you need a guide around the city then I'm your man!” He held out his arms and bowed. Honestly he didn't know the city that well. He couldn't exactly get far in a day but he was sure he could wing it for this gentleman.

“What do you say my dear man?”
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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Keres on October 7th, 2010, 7:39 pm

“I am not dear-man. I am Zith-Inarta”

Keres was indeed in need of some sort of assistance. The inhabitants of this city were not likely to understand Nari or Zithanese and these people acted dangerous. Best let the brave little thing take the risks, he thought.

“Need guide. Need th' home.”

He wasn't confident that these were the correct words or that his pronunciation was at all correct as he had rarely had to say anything in Common.

“What arran-g-ent?”
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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Verduth on October 7th, 2010, 11:59 pm

“Ah yes? Zitharta? I've never heard of that one before! You need a guide? Well I'm your man!” He gave a deep bow, “no worries my good friend. I can certainly lead you around and if you need somewhere to stay them I'm sure I can find you something.” He didn't have the first clue where these larger creatures might look for find their version of a Pyve, but what an exciting challenge it would be!

He hopped down off his crate. “Don't worry about that arrangement, I'm sure we can work some details out later my dear Zitharta. Just follow me!” And with that the little clay man started to trudge back to the street at what looked to be a good pace for someone his size.
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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Keres on October 8th, 2010, 12:26 am

Keres was becoming more and more perplexed over this Common word 'Dear.' Where he thought it had been what this man-thing assumed was Keres' name or title of some sort, he was now coming to the conclusion that it meant something entirely different from the rather tasty animal he knew to be a deer.

As the man-thing hopped down from the crate, Keres listened and felt that he understood. This little man-thing that seemed like a toy of some sort was acting as if it were going to help, which Keres did not understand, but he followed anyway. The little thing walked down the street babbling constantly with some strange pride and confidence that Keres had never known. Keres' instincts told him to trust this thing, but it was difficult, especially when the thing seemed to hesitate at a crossroads as if it was guessing which way to go.

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The Strangest Little Meeting [Private]

Postby Sabazios on November 21st, 2010, 9:30 pm

Are You Still Here?

It seems as if both of you are inactive. However if either of you come back and want a reward, feel free to PM me or a local storyteller for xp.

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